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Inventory Tab – SKU Profile
Inventory Tab – SKU Profile
Andrew Day avatar
Written by Andrew Day
Updated over a year ago

The Inventory tab tracks all inventory sources associated with the SKU. A license holder can create EA unit inventory through two methods: Packaging Runs and Received Inventory. In a Packaging Run, employees Package Bulk Cannabis from a Bulk Lot into bottles or units, which are then labeled and made available for sale. To add units through Received Inventory, the license holder purchases packaged EA units from another cannabis producer and Adds the Units to the inventory through the Wholesale application. The Inventory tab splits into two sub-tabs–Packaging Runs and Received Inventory–to track inventory created through each method.

Packaging Runs

[img sku-packaging-runs]

The Packaging Runs tab tracks each Packaging Run that has contributed EA units to the SKU's inventory. The table displays high-level information about each Packaging Run, including:

  • ID: The Packaging Run's unique ID number.

  • Bulk Lot: The Bulk Lot from which the EA units were packaged. Click the provided link to visit the Bulk Lot's Profile.

  • Original Count: The total number of EA units packaged in the run.

  • Available: The total number of EA units still available for sale. This count does not include EA units in the run that have been sold, picked for an order, or cased through a Casing Run.

  • Picked: The total number of EA units that have been picked to fulfill orders.

  • Cased: The number of EA units packaged into cases. Cases are sold to vendors through Sales Orders in the Wholesale application.

  • Reclaimed: The number of EA units in the run that have been reclaimed. Reclaiming a bottle returns the weight/volume/units to the source Bulk Lot to be repackaged. This may be necessary if bottles are packaged in error or mislabelled.

  • Destroyed: The number of EA units in the run that have been destroyed. Destroying a bottle may be necessary if packaged cannabis becomes contaminated. To destroy bottles that have not been sold, visit the Destruction tab in a Bulk Lot Profile. To destroy bottles that have been sold, visit the Destruction tab in the Order Profile.

  • QA Status: A Packaging Run may have one of three statuses:

    • Open: Indicates the Packaging Run is still in progress.

    • Unreleased: Indicates the Packaging Run is complete, but the EA units are not available for sale.

    • Released: Indicates the EA units packaged in the run are available for sale. For traceability, the date on which the units were released will appear beside the Released status marker.

  • Packaged On: The date on which the EA units were packaged. This date may be different from the date on which the Packaging Run was created in the Seed-to-Sale software.

  • Created On: The Packaging Run's creation date.

If a Packaging Associate creates a Packaging Run in error, click the


icon to Delete the Packaging Run. Deleting a Packaging Run returns the packaged weight to the source Bulk Lot and allows the Packaging Associate to create a new Packaging Run.

Packaging Run Menu

[img packaging-run-menu]

Select a Packaging Run, and click the


icon in the rightmost column to open a menu of options:

  • Release Inventory/Unrelease Inventory: Releasing a Packaging Run adds all EA units in the run to the SKU's available inventory. If the run has already been released, click Unrelease to remove the EA units from the inventory. This may be necessary in the event of a Product Recall.

  • Edit Packaged On Date: Edit the Packaged On Date–the date on which the EA units were packaged. When creating a Packaging Run, the Packaged On date defaults to the time at which the Packaging Run was created, which may be inaccurate.

  • Download Reclaimed Bottle List: Download a List of Reclaimed Bottles. This option will only appear if bottles have been reclaimed from the Packaging Run.

  • Print Labels for all EA units in the Packaging Run.

  • Print Master Label: Print a master label for the Packaging Run.

  • Move to SKU: Move the Packaging Run to another SKU. This may be necessary if a Packaging Associate selects the wrong SKU during packaging. To use this feature, a license holder cannot have sold, cased, reclaimed, or destroyed any bottles in the run. The license holder must also have another SKU in their environment that:

    • Matches the source SKU's product subclass and discrete unit settings

    • Matches the source SKU's Net Weight, Net Volume, and Discrete Units per EA.

  • Close Run/Reopen Run: Closing a Packaging Run indicates that the run is complete, and prevents Packaging Associates from adding more units to the run. If the run is Closed, click Reopen Run to package more units into the Packaging Run.

  • Reclaim Bottles: Select bottles from the Packaging Run to Reclaim. Reclaiming bottles returns the packaged weight to the source Bulk Lot to be repackaged. This button will deactivate if the Packaging Run has no available units.

  • View Bottling Record: Generate and download a PDF Record of all EA units created in the Packaging Run. The record includes each unit's unique ID number and the weight, volume, and discrete units packaged into the bottle or container.

  • View Bulk Lot Forensics: Visit the associated Bulk Lot's Forensics tab.

Received Inventory

[img sku-received-inventory]

The Received Inventory tab tracks each Received Inventory record that has contributed EA units to the SKU's inventory. The table displays high-level information about each Received Inventory record, including:

  • ID: The Received Inventory's unique ID number.

  • External Order ID: The external order's unique ID number.

  • Bulk Lot: The Bulk Lot associated with the Received Inventory. Click the provided link to visit the Bulk Lot's Profile.

  • Original Count: The total number of EA units received.

  • Available: The total number of EA units still available for sale. This count does not include EA units in the run that have been sold, picked for an order, or cased through a Casing Run.

  • Picked: The total number of EA units that have been picked to fulfill orders.

  • Cased: The number of EA units packaged into cases. Cases are sold to vendors through Sales Orders in the Wholesale application.

  • Reclaimed: The number of EA units in the run that have been reclaimed. Reclaiming a bottle returns the weight/volume/units to the source Bulk Lot to be repackaged. This may be necessary if bottles are packaged in error or mislabelled.

  • Destroyed: The number of EA units in the run that have been destroyed. Destroying a bottle may be necessary if packaged cannabis becomes contaminated. To destroy bottles that have not been sold, visit the Destruction tab in a Bulk Lot Profile. To destroy bottles that have been sold, visit the Destruction tab in the Order Profile.

  • QA Status: A Received Inventory record will have one of two statuses:

    • Unreleased: Indicates the received EA units are not yet available for sale.

    • Released: Indicates the received EA units in the run are available for sale. For traceability, the date on which the units were released will appear beside the Released status marker.

  • Packaged On: The date on which the EA units were packaged.

  • Received On: The date on which the EA units were received.

Received Inventory Menu

[img received-inventory-menu]

Select a Received Inventory record, and click the


icon in the rightmost column to open a menu of options:

  • Release/Unrelease Inventory: Releasing Inventory adds the received EA units to the SKU's available inventory. If the inventory has already been released, click Unrelease Inventory to remove the EA units from the inventory. This may be necessary in the event of a Product Recall.

  • Edit Packaged On Date: Edit the Received Inventory's Packaged On Date. This is only possible if all EA Units in the inventory are available.

  • Download Reclaimed Bottle List: Download a List of Reclaimed Bottles. This option will only appear if bottles have been reclaimed from the Received Inventory.

  • Print Labels: Print Labels for the received EA units.

  • Print Master Label: Print a master label for the Received Inventory.

  • Reclaim Bottles: Select bottles from the Received Inventory to Reclaim. Reclaiming bottles returns the packaged weight to the source Bulk Lot to be repackaged. This button will deactivate if the inventory has no available units.

  • View Bulk Lot Forensics: Visit the associated Bulk Lot's Forensics tab.

To Create a New Packaging Run, visit the Packaging Runs module on the Gun App. Alternatively, Create a Mass Packaging Run in the Bulk Lot Profile.

To Add Received Inventory, visit the Wholesale application.

For more information on other SKU Profile tabs, visit the articles on Client Sales Setup, Cases, and Combo SKUs.

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