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Process Guide: Setting Up a New Seed-to-Sale Environment
Process Guide: Setting Up a New Seed-to-Sale Environment
Andrew Day avatar
Written by Andrew Day
Updated over a year ago

Every licence holder has different needs, offers different products, and employs different processes, and Ample Organics accommodates these unique workflows by allowing each licence holder to customize options throughout the Seed-to-Sale software the meet the needs of their facility. When a licence holder initially signs up with Ample Organics, their first course of action should be to customize settings in their Seed-to-Sale environment according to their specific needs. This article lists the most essential tasks a licence holder must complete when setting up a new Seed-to-Sale environment.

Please note that these settings and options can be changed or modified at any time.


  • A Grow Room is any room dedicated to growing and caring for cannabis plants. A Grow Room breaks down further into Child Locations–a row, table, or shelf within the room. Adding Child Locations allows Grow Technicians to be specific about a plant's exact location in a Grow Room. Each Grow Room or location saved to the Grow module should correspond with a real-life room or location at the licence holder's Grow facility.

    A new Seed-to-Sale environment does not come with any Grow Rooms pre-configured. However, based on experience with licence holders of all sizes, Ample Organics has prepared some General Guidelines for Necessary Grow Rooms for any facility.

  • Create Cannabis Strains

    When entering information on a new Seed Lot or batch, a Grow Technician selects from a menu of cannabis strains. A new environment does not come with cannabis strains pre-configured; it is up to the licence holder to add the cannabis strains grown at their facility.

  • Create Batch Types

    When creating a new batch, a Grow Technician selects a Batch Type to indicate the batch's purpose. For example, some batches are specifically for production, while other batches are test batches for research and development.

    A new Seed-to-Sale environment comes with a Production Batch Type pre-configured. Depending on the needs of the facility, a licence holder might add Batch Types for Mother Plants, Phenotype Selection, Research & Development, Tissue Culture, Wholesale or more.


  • Configure Vault Locations & Picking Bins

    A Vault or Picking Bin is any location that houses inventory, such as Seed Lots, retained samples, packaged products, or bulk cannabis. When creating a new Bulk Lot, a Processing Technician selects a Vault or Picking Bin to house the lot.

    A new Seed-to-Sale environment comes with the following Vaults & Picking Bins pre-configured: Bulk, QA Bulk, Shake, QA Packaged, QA Quarantine, Irradiation, Fresh, Drying, Extraction Room and Trim. The licence holder should rename these default locations to suit the needs of their facility, and if necessary, add additional locations.

  • Create Cannabis Forms

    A cannabis form is the specific form of cannabis in a Bulk Lot. For each stage of production, Processing Technicians create Work Orders to convert the Bulk Lot from one form to another–for instance, from Oil Extract to Capsules.

    A new Seed-to-Sale environment comes with the following cannabis forms pre-configured: Large Flower, Small Flower, Trim, and Shake. Depending on the facility's processing practices, a licence holder might add cannabis for Fresh, Dried, Milled, Extract, Oil, Capsules, and more.

    Cannabis forms fall into one of three categories: Flowering, Non-flowering, and Untracked. When creating a new cannabis form, ensure the appropriate category is selected.

Work Orders

  • Create Work Order Types

    A Work Order Type is a specific process that converts cannabis from one form to another as it is processed into a saleable product. Between harvest and sale, cannabis may be processed through several Work Order Types.

    A new environment comes with the following Work Order Types pre-configured: Drying, Extraction, Dilution, and Milling. Depending on the specific processing techniques used at the facility, a licence holder might add Work Order Types for CO2 Extraction, Curing, Decarb, Trimming, Encapsulation, Pre-Rolling, Baking, or more.


  • Create Product Types

    Product types help the Seed-to-Sale software recognize the nature and needs of a product. When creating a new product, the product's type determines the fields available in the SKU’s Profile and how the SKU's Cannabinoid Potencies will be displayed in the Client Portal. Product types also dictate whether or not a product is measured in discrete units, which means the product is in a form that can be counted at the unit level, like pre-rolls, capsules, and cookies.

    A new environment does not come with any product types pre-configured; it is up to a licence holder to determine the product types necessary for their facility.


  • Manage Destruction Vessels

    While some licence holders use single-use containers like paper clipping bags to house plant waste, others use reusable vessels like plastic garbage bins. Each reusable vessel configured in Ample Organics should correspond with a real-life destruction vessel.

    A new environment does not come with any destruction vessels pre-configured; it is up to a licensed producer to input the reusable destruction vessels used at their facility.

  • Set Up Destruction Reason Codes

    When you perform a destruction event anywhere throughout the Seed-to-Sale process, you must select a destruction reason code to indicate why the destruction took place.

    A new Seed-to-Sale environment comes with the following destruction reason codes pre-configured: Mold, Trimming, Spillage, and Non-viable. The licence holder should determine the acceptable reasons for destruction at their facility, and customize this list as necessary. Additional reasons might include Defoliation, Harvest to Branch Level, Over-processed, or Plant is Male.

  • Set Up Destruction Substance Types

    When you perform a destruction event anywhere throughout the Seed-to-Sale process, you must select a destruction substance type to indicate the specific substance being destroyed.

    A new environment comes with the following destruction substance types pre-configured: Cannabis Oil, Dried Cannabis, Root Ball, and Seedling. Depending on the facility, a licence holder might add destruction substance types for Seeds, Resin, Extract, Vegetating Plant, Flowering Plant, Trim, and more.

    Destruction substance types fall into one of three categories: Flowering, Non-flowering, and Untracked. When creating a new substance type, ensure the appropriate category is selected.

  • Create Destruction Lots

    Health Canada regulations require licence holders to track and report every gram of cannabis that passes through their facility, including any material sent for destruction. In the Seed-to-Sale software, waste is recorded and destroyed through Destruction Lots. Destruction Lots break down further into Sublots/Child Lots, which are the physical vessels that house waste until the waste is physically destroyed. Depending on the licence holder, a sublot/child lot may be a single-use container or a reusable vessel.

    A new environment does not come with any Destruction Lots or sublots pre-configured; it is up to the licence holder to create Destruction Lots and sublots before cannabis production begins. Additionally, to keep Destruction Lots consistent and organized, a licence holder should come up with a naming convention for the lots.


  • Create Sales Channels

    Sales Channels match clients with products; for a client to purchase a product, the client and product must be part of the same sales channel. This allows the licence holder to enable a client to purchase some products, but not others, depending on the conditions of the client's prescription.

    A new Seed-to-Sale environment does not come with any sales channels pre-configured; it is up to a licence holder to determine appropriate sales channels for their facility. Suggestions for sales channels include All Products, Accessories, Oil Products, Flower Products, Capsule Products, and Plants & Seeds.

  • Create or Adjust Security Roles

    Security roles determine the modules and functions users can access depending on their position and rank. For example, a Grow Technician should have the Grow security role, which allows the technician to view and edit content in the Grow module and the Grow Room module in the Gun App but prevents them from accessing data in other modules.

    A new Seed-to-Sale environment comes with several Seeded Security Roles. Administrators can customize these roles, or create new roles altogether, to better suit the needs of their facility. However, Ample Organics recommends the licence holder adhere as closely as possible to the default security roles.

  • Create Users

    Administrators must add each employee who requires access to the Seed-to-Sale software as a user with a distinct username and password. When creating a new user, the administrator should select a security role that best suits the employee's role.

    Ample Organics' support team will create at least one user with admin privileges for each new Seed-to-Sale environment. From there, it is up to the administrator(s) to create users and assign security roles and permissions.

After customizing the Seed-to-Sale environment to fit the needs of their facility and processes, a licence holder can begin the Seed-to-Sale Process.

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