The Reports module houses data exports necessary for business reporting and regulatory compliance. Data in the reports is refreshed once daily. Historical reports display data based on snapshots taken at 8:00am local time, while standard reports display data based on snapshots taken at 12:00am local time. Monthly reports display data based on a snapshot taken at the end of each reporting month.
The Reports module splits into five tabs: Reports, Weekly Shipping, Client Order Counts, Monthly Reports, and Settings. Opening the Reports module brings you to the Reports tab by default.
On the Reports tab, you can generate and download a diverse menu of custom reports in CSV format. Here, reports are categorized by Report Type: Clients, Physicians, Orders, Products, Complaints, Inventory, Health Canada, Grow Reports, Destruction, and Wholesale.
Select a Report Type and hover over a specific report to view filtering options for the report. Required fields for the report will be highlighted in red, while optional fields will be highlighted in green. Filter fields that are not highlighted are not applicable to the report and will not affect report filtering. Select a report to Generate a Custom Report.
Note: Generating a report with a large date range may take several minutes while data is collected. Try downloading reports periodically or wait until off hours for report generation.
Weekly Shipping
The Weekly Shipping tab enables quick configuration of shipping reports and displays tracking information, carrier, and shipping date. Select a date range and shipping provider for full report control.
Fill out the fields provided to Generate a Weekly Shipping Report.
Client Order Counts
The Client Order Counts tab provides lists of patients who have placed 0 to 5 orders. Open the drop-down menu to filter clients by order count.
For more reporting options, visit the Monthly Reports tab.