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Grow Reports
Andrew Day avatar
Written by Andrew Day
Updated over a week ago

Enter the Reports module, and open the Grow tab in the Report Types section to access Grow reports. Grow reports track all activities surrounding plant propagation, inventory and destruction. Hover over a report heading to view the report's mandatory and optional filter fields, and click on the report heading to generate the report, in CSV format.

Data in the reports is refreshed once daily. Historical reports display information on the day's opening inventory at 8:00 am local time, while standard reports display information based on snapshots taken at midnight.

Note: Generating a report with a large date range may take several minutes while data is collected. Try downloading reports periodically or wait until off hours for report generation.


The Seed-to-Sale software currently offers 14 distinct Grow reports:

Historical Plant Inventory

A historical snapshot of plant inventory on a specified date.

  • Required Filter Fields: A Start date for the report must be selected.

  • Optional Filter Fields: Include Archived is selected by default; deselect this checkbox to exclude archived plant inventory.

  • Order: By default, the report lists plants in ascending order by the Plant Database ID column.

  • Data Points Pulled:

    • Unique plant ID

    • Source batch name

    • Source batch type

    • Prior name or ID for a plant that has migrated from another system

    • Plant's location

    • Plant's strain

    • Growth phase of the plant

    • Current pot size containing the plant

    • Change from prior pot size of the pot that contained the plant

    • Whether or not the plant is a Mother

    • Plant's creation date

    • Plant ID of the plant's Mother, as applicable

    • Seed Lot ID of the plant's source seed lot, if applicable

    • Plant's method of creation (Cutting/Seed/Wholesale)

    • Whether or not the plant is targeted for destruction


Historical Mother Inventory

A historical snapshot of Mother plant Inventory on a specified date.

  • Required Filter Fields: None

  • Optional Filter Fields: A user can include archived plants

  • Order: By default, the report lists mother plants in ascending order by the Plant Database ID column.

  • Data Points Pulled:

    • Unique plant ID

    • Source batch's name

    • Source batch's type

    • Prior name or ID for a plant that has migrated from another system

    • Plant's location

    • Plant's strain

    • The plant's current growth phase

    • Current pot size

    • Prior pot size

    • Whether or not the plant is a Mother. This should be "Yes" by default.

    • Plant's creation date

    • Plant ID of the plant's Mother, as applicable

    • Seed Lot ID of plant's source Seed Lot, if applicable

    • Plant's method of creation (Cutting/Seed/Wholesale)

    • Whether or not the plant is targeted for destruction


Historical Batch Inventory

A historical snapshot of batch inventory on a specified date.

  • Required Filter Fields: A Start date for the report must be selected.

  • Optional Filter Fields: Include Archived is selected by default; deselect this checkbox to exclude archived Batches.

  • Order: By default, the report lists Batches in ascending order by the Batch Database ID column.

  • Data Points Pulled:

    • Batch ID

    • Batch name

    • Batch type

    • Cutting date

    • Report date

    • Number of plants in the batch on the report date

    • Batch locations

    • Batch's strain

    • Stage of growth of the plants in the batch

    • Pot size for plants in the batch

    • Whether or not the batch is archived

    • Batch's date of creation

    • Name of the user who created the batch

    • Batch's harvest ID, if applicable

    • The batch's method of creation (Cutting/Seed/Wholesale)


Historical Seed Inventory

A historical snapshot of Seed Lot inventory on a specified date.

  • Required Filter Fields: A Start date for the report must be selected.

  • Optional Filter Fields: Include Archived is selected by default; deselect this checkbox to exclude archived Seed Lots.

  • Order: By default, the report lists Seed Lots in ascending order by the Seed Lot Database ID column.

  • Data Points Pulled:

    • Unique Seed Lot Database ID

    • Unique Seed Lot Name

    • Seed Lot's Strain

    • Seed Lot's Location

    • Quantity of seeds in the Seed Lot

    • Weight of the Seed Lot

    • Name of the user who created the Seed Lot

    • The date the Seed Lot was created

    • Number of batches containing seeds from the Seed Lot

    • Number of plants grown from the Seed Lot's seeds

    • The Seed Lot's source (Produced, Received-Domestic, or Received-Imported)


Batch Destruction

A record of all Batch-level destruction events within a specified date range.

  • Required Filter Fields: Start and End dates for the report must be selected.

  • Optional Filter Fields: Include Archived is selected by default; deselect this checkbox to exclude archived Batches.

  • Order: By default, the report lists Batches in ascending order by the Batch Name column.

  • Data Points Pulled:

    • Unique batch database ID

    • Unique batch name

    • Batch's type

    • Batch's strain

    • Reason for sestruction

    • Substance destroyed

    • Destruction Lot ID

    • Destruction Lot name

    • Destruction sublot ID

    • Destruction sublot name

    • Total number of plants destroyed


Plant Destruction

A record of all individual plants destroyed within a specified date range.

  • Required Filter Fields: Start and End dates for the report must be selected.

  • Optional Filter Fields: Include Archived is selected by default; deselect this checkbox to exclude archived Plants.

  • Order:

  • Data Points Pulled:

    • Unique batch database ID

    • Unique batch name

    • Batch's type

    • Unique plant ID

    • Prior name or ID for a plant that has migrated from another system

    • Plant's strain

    • Plant's location

    • Growth phase of the plant

    • Whether or not the plant is a Mother

    • Date of the plant's destruction

    • Amount of batch weight destroyed

    • Amount of plant weight destroyed

    • Reason for destruction

    • Substance destroyed

    • Destruction Lot ID

    • Destruction Lot name

    • Destruction sublot ID

    • Destruction sublot name

    • Name of the user who destroyed the plant

    • Plant's date and time of creation

    • Plant's Mother ID, if applicable

    • Source Seed Lot's ID, if applicable

    • Plant's creation method (Cutting/Seed/Wholesale)


Batch Inventory

The current batch inventory.

  • Required Filter Fields: None

  • Optional Filter Fields: None

  • Order: By default, the report lists Batches in ascending order by the Batch Database ID column.

  • Data Points Pulled:

    • The batch's ID number

    • The batch's name

    • Batch's type

    • Cutting date, if the batch was created via cuttings

    • Report date, if the batch was created via cuttings

    • Number of plants in the batch

    • Batch locations

    • Batch's strain

    • Stage of plants in the batch

    • Pot size(s) used

    • Whether or not the batch is archived

    • The batch's time and date of creation

    • Name of the user who created the batch

    • The batch's harvest ID, if applicable

    • The batch's method of creation (Cutting/Seed/Wholesale


Plant Inventory

The current plant inventory.

  • Required Filter Fields: None

  • Optional Filter Fields: Select the Mother Plants Only checkbox to exclude all plants that are not mothers from the report. Inventory may also be filtered by Batch, Strain, Location, and Created Via field selections.

  • Order: By default, the report lists Plants in ascending order by the Plant Database ID column.

  • Data Points Pulled:

    • The plant's ID n umber

    • The source batch's name

    • The source batch's type

    • Prior name or ID for a Plant that has migrated from another system

    • Plant's location

    • Plant's strain

    • Plant's stage of development

    • Plant's current pot size

    • Plant's prior pot size

    • Whether or not the plant is a mother

    • Plant's creation date

    • ID of the plant's Mother, if the plant was grown from a cutting

    • ID of the source Seed Lot, if the plant was grown from a seed

    • The plant's method of creation (Cutting/Seed/Wholesale)


End of Phase

A record of all destruction events involving plants of a specific stage.

  • Required Filter Fields: Plant Phase must be selected.

  • Optional Filter Fields: Destruction events may also be filtered by selecting a specific Batch.

  • Order: By default, the report lists Destruction Events in ascending order by the Batch Database ID column.

  • Data Points Pulled:

    • The batch's ID number

    • The batch's name

    • Batch type

    • The plant's ID number

    • Prior name or ID for a plant that has migrated from another system

    • Plant's strain

    • Plant's stage

    • Whether or not the plant is a Mother

    • Date of destruction

    • Destruction weight for the batch

    • Destruction weight for the plant

    • Reason for destruction

    • Substance destroyed

    • Destruction Lot ID

    • Destruction Lot name

    • Destruction sublot ID

    • Destruction sublot name

    • User who performed the destruction

    • Plant's creation date and time

    • Plant ID of the plant's Mother, if applicable

    • Seed Lot ID of the Plant's seed, if applicable

    • Plant's creation method (Cutting/Seed/Wholesale)


Seed Inventory

The current seed inventory

  • Required Filter Fields: None

  • Optional Filter Fields: The seed inventory may be filtered by selecting a Strain for the report.

  • Order: By default, the report lists Seed Lots in ascending order by the Seed Lot Database ID column.

  • Data Points Pulled:

    • Seed Lot's ID number

    • Seed Lot name

    • The Seed Lot's strain

    • The Seed Lot's location

    • Quantity of seeds in the Seed Lot

    • Weight of the seeds in the Seed Lot

    • Name of the user who created the Seed Lot

    • The date and time of the Seed Lot's creation

    • Number of batches containing seeds from the Seed Lot

    • Number of plants grown from the Seed Lot

    • The Seed Lot's source (Produced, Received-Domestic, or Received-Imported)


Harvest Report

A record of all plants harvested within a specified date range.

  • Required Filter Fields: Start and End dates for the report must be selected.

  • Optional Filter Fields: Harvests may also be filtered by Batch, Strain, and Location field selections.

  • Data Points Pulled:

    • Plant ID

    • Batch name

    • Batch type

    • Prior name or ID for a Plant that has migrated from another system

    • Plant's location

    • Plant's strain

    • Plant's current stage

    • Whether or not the plant is a Mother

    • The plant's date of creation

    • ID of the plant's Mother, if the plant was grown from a cutting

    • ID of the plant's source Seed Lot, if the plant was grown from a seed

    • The plant's method of creation (Cutting/Seed/Wholesale)

    • Harvest ID

    • Date of harvest

    • Destination Bulk Lot's name

    • Plant's harvest weight

    • Name of the user who harvested the plant


Plant Creation

A record of all plants created within a specified date range.

  • Required Filter Fields: Start and End dates for the report must be selected.

  • Optional Filter Fields: Plants may also be filtered by Batch, Strain, and Created Via field selections.

  • Order:

  • Data Points Pulled:

    • Plant ID

    • Batch name

    • Batch type

    • Prior name or ID for a plant that has migrated from another system

    • Plant location

    • Plant strain

    • Plant's current stage

    • Plant's current pot size

    • Plant's prior pot size

    • Whether or not the plant is a Mother

    • The plant's birthday

    • ID of the plant's Mother, if the plant was grown from a cutting

    • ID of the plant's source Seed Lot, if the plant was grown from a seed

    • The plant's method of creation (Cutting/Seed/Wholesale)

    • The plant's source (Produced, Received-Domestic, or Received-Imported)


Plant Movement

A record of all plant movement within a specified time range.

  • Required Filter Fields: Start Date and End Date

  • Optional Filter Fields: None

  • Data Points Pulled:

    • Plant ID

    • From Location

    • To Location


Marked for Wholesale

A record of all plants removed from the inventory through the Mark for Wholesale feature.

  • Required Filter Fields: Start Date and End Date

  • Optional Filter Fields: None

  • Data Points Pulled:

    • The plant's unique ID number

    • The batch's unique ID number

    • The batch's name

    • The cannabis strain

    • The plant's stage–Propagation, Vegetation, or Flowering–when it was claimed for wholesale

    • The plant's age when it was claimed for wholesale, in days

    • The plant's location

    • The date the plant was marked for wholesale

    • The user who marked the plant for wholesale

    • The plant's date of creation

    • The plant's mother ID number, if the plant was created through cuttings

    • The plant's Seed Lot ID number, if the plant was grown from a seed

    • The method by which the plant was created


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