Enter the Reports module, and open the Orders tab in the Report Types section to access Order reports. Order reports allow you to track order and sales data for a given time period. Hover over a report heading to view the report's mandatory and optional filter fields, and click on the report heading to generate the report, in CSV format.
Data in the reports is refreshed once daily. Historical reports display information on the day's opening inventory at 8:00 am local time, while standard reports display information based on snapshots taken at midnight.
Note: Generating a report with a large date range may take several minutes while data is collected. Try downloading reports periodically or wait until off hours for report generation.
The Seed-to-Sale software currently offers 12 distinct Order reports:
A record detailing every refunded order.
Required Filter Fields: Start and End dates must be specified.
Data Points Pulled:
Sales Report
An analysis of sales performance by SKU.
Required Filter Fields: Start and End dates must be specified.
Optional Filter Fields: This report can be generated for a selected Referral Code and/or for orders covered by the Veteran Affairs Canada–or VAC–policy.
Order: By default, the report lists sales in ascending order by Order Number.
Data Points Pulled:
The patient's full name
The patient's client ID
The patient's referral code, if applicable
The order number
The date and time the order was placed
The product and SKU ordered
The grams of cannabis ordered
The approximate cost per gram
The order's subtotal
The tax on the subtotal
The total tax applied to order
The order's shipping costs
The percentage discounted
The total value of any discounts
The order's total
The date the payment was received
The client's first name
The client's middle name
The client's surname
The prescribing physician's full name
The product's type
Source of order. This refers to whether the order was placed through the Client Portal or by a CSR.
Sales Report 2
An analysis of sales performance by SKU, plus additional order information including the order type–new or recurring–and payment method.
Required Filter Fields: Start and End dates must be specified.
Optional Filter Fields: This report can be generated for a selected Province.
Order: By default, the report lists patient orders in ascending order by
Order ID.Data Points Pulled:
The patient's full name
The patient's client ID
Client's province
The client's registration referral code, if applicable
The client's prescription referral code, if applicable
The order number
The product ordered
The SKU ordered
The associated Bulk Lot's number
Grams of cannabis ordered
Gross sales amount
Discount applied to the order item
Net sales total
Approximate cost per gram
Tax total
Discounts applied to the order
Discounts applied to the order after tax
Revenue from shipping
Cost for shipping
The product's type
The client's K #
Type of order: First or Repeat
Method of payment
Source of order. This refers to whether the order was placed through the Client Portal or with the help of a CSR.
The date and time of the shipment
Date of purchase
Date and time of purchase
Purchaser's full name
Shipping province
SKU's retail price
SKU's wholesale price
SKU's Manufacturer Suggested Retail Price (MSRP)
Quantity of units sold
Delivery date
Total THC sold, in mg
Sales Export
A record of the licence holder's sales data.
Optional Filter Fields: Specify Start and End dates to generate this report for a date range. This report may also be filtered by Referral Code and/or Province.
Order: By default, the report lists patient orders in ascending order by Order Number.
Data Points Pulled:
The order's unique ID number
The date and time the order was placed
Client's full name
Client's ID
Client's province
Referral code, if applicable
Number of grams ordered
Cart total
Shipping cost
Discounts, in $
Discounts percentage
Order subtotal
HST total
GST total
PST total
Order total
Amount covered by policies
Final order cost
Amount refunded
Method of payment
The date the payment was received
The date the order was delivered
The user who authorized purchase
The order's source. This refers to whether the order was placed through the Client Portal or with the help of a CSR.
The name of the client or CSR who placed order
Shipped Orders
A brief overview of each shipped order’s total grams, sales totals, and shipping information.
Optional Filter Fields: Specify Start and End dates to generate this report for a date range. This report may also be filtered by Province.
Order: By default, the report lists shipments in ascending order by Shipped on date and time.
Data Points Pulled:
The order's unique ID number
Order's status
Client's full name
Client's province
Amount deducted from prescription per orde
Number of grams of cannabis sold per order
Volume of cannabis sold per order, in millilitres
Discounts, in $, per order
Subtotal per order
Shipping cost per order
Policy usage, in $, per order
Final cost per order
Date and time the order shipped
The shipping carrier
Shipment tracking number
Package dried weight, in grams
Packaged oil weight, in grams
Packaged oil volume, in millilitres
Unshipped Orders
A brief overview of each unshipped order’s total grams, sales totals, and shipping selection. This report collects data on orders in the Placed status that have not yet shipped.
Order: By default, the report lists orders in ascending order by Order ID and date and time of purchase.
Data Points Pulled:
VAC Orders
An overview of each unique order placed under the Veteran Affairs Canada–or VAC–policy type.
Optional Filter Fields: Specify Start and End dates to generate this report for a date range. This report may also be filtered by Referral Code.
Data Points Pulled:
The client's full name
The client's unique ID
Referral code, if applicable
Client's K #
Unique order ID
Quantity ordered per order, with total quantity for all VAC orders
Order total in $, with $ total for all VAC orders
Date of purchase
Date shipped
Date of first BlueCross order
The anticipated delivery date
Order Distribution
An overview of each unique order that tracks each order's contents, shipping information, and order dates.
Optional Filter Fields: Specify Start and End dates to generate this report for a date range. This report may also be filtered by Referral Code and/or Province.
Order: By default, the report lists orders in ascending order by Order Number and Order Date.
Data Points Pulled:
The patient's full name
The patient's unique client ID
The patient's referral code, if applicable
Order number
Patient's date of birth
Shipping address
Order quantity in grams
Product's brand name
The source Bulk Lot's unique ID
Shipping carrier
Shipping number
Order date
Shipping date
The date the order was received
Discount Report
An itemized record of all discounts applied to orders.
Optional Filter Fields: Specify Start and End dates to generate this report for a date range.
Order: By default, the report lists discounted orders in ascending order by Order ID and Order Date.
Data Points Pulled:
The discount's unique ID number
Date of order
The associated order's ID
The total amount discounted, in dollars
A note about the discount
Patient's full name
The discounted product's name, if applicable
The discounted SKU's name, if applicable
The discount's type
Discount code ID, if applicable
Discount code name, if applicable
Whether the discount was applied before or after tax
Strain Analysis
An analysis of sales data organized by strain. This allows you to assess the most popular strains.
Required Filter Fields: Start and End dates must be specified.
Order: By default, the report lists products in ascending order by Product.
Data Points Pulled:
The product's name
The number of orders of the product placed within the timeframe
The product's base cost per SKU
The total amount of discount coverage across all orders that include the product
Total tax across all orders that include the product
Net sales total
Number of grams shipped
Number of bottles sold
SKU Gram Analysis
Determines the popular method of sales of any particular product or SKU.
Required Filter Fields: Start and End dates must be specified.
Data Points Pulled:
Bottle Sales by SKU & Province
An overview of bottle sales in the medical market, organized by SKU and destination province, within a given date range.
Required Filter Fields: Start and End dates must be specified.
Order: By default, the report lists products in ascending order by the Product—>SKU name.
Click through the other tabs in the Report Types section to access Client Reports, Physician Reports, Product Reports, Complaints Reports, Inventory Reports, Health Canada Reports, Grow Reports, Destruction Reports, and Wholesale Reports.