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Inventory Reports
Inventory Reports
Andrew Day avatar
Written by Andrew Day
Updated over a week ago

Enter the Reports module, and open the Inventory tab in the Report Types section to access Inventory reports. Inventory reports track all activities surrounding bulk inventory, including Bulk Lots, Work Orders and bottling. Hover over a report heading to view the report's mandatory and optional filter fields, and click on the report heading to generate the report in CSV format.

Data in the reports is refreshed once daily. Historical reports display information on the day's opening inventory at 8:00 am local time, while standard reports display information based on snapshots taken at midnight.

Note: Generating a report with a large date range may take several minutes while data is collected. Try downloading reports periodically or wait until off hours for report generation.


Ample Organics currently offers eleven distinct Inventory reports:

Bulk Inventory

The current inventory of each Bulk Lot, including the associated packaged and retained inventory.

  • Required Filter Fields: None

  • Optional Filter Fields: Select the Include Archived checkbox to generate a bulk inventory report, including archived product.

  • Order: By default, the report lists Bulk Lots in ascending order by the Lot ID column.

  • Data Points Pulled:

    • Bulk Lot's unique name

    • Bulk Lot ID

    • The Bulk Lot's type

    • The Bulk Lot's cannabis form

    • The lot's migrated ID

    • Total weight of cannabis in the Bulk Lot, in grams

    • Total volume of cannabis in the Bulk Lot, in millilitres

    • Total discrete units in the Bulk Lot

    • Total weight packaged from the Bulk Lot, in grams

    • Total volume packaged from the Bulk Lot, in millilitres

    • Total discrete units packaged from the Bulk Lot

    • The Bulk Lot's QA status

    • The Bulk Lot's location

    • Total grams retained from the Bulk Lot

    • Whether or not the Bulk Lot underwent a sterilization treatment

    • The Bulk Lot's archived status

    • The date and time at which lab report was created.

    • The date and time at which the lab report was marked as "released".

    • The Bulk Lot's THC potency result, in % or mg/ml

    • The Bulk Lot's THCA potency result, in % or mg/ml

    • The Bulk Lot's Total THC potency result, in % or mg/ml

    • The Bulk Lot's CBD potency result, in % or mg/ml

    • The Bulk Lot's CBDA potency result, in % or mg/ml

    • The Bulk Lot's Total CBD potency result, in % or mg/ml

    • The Bulk Lot's dried gram equivalency, in grams

    • The Bulk Lot's oil equivalency factor, in ml


Historical Bulk Inventory

A snapshot of Bulk Lot inventory and associated packaged and retained inventory on a specified date.

  • Required Filter Fields: Start date for the report must be selected.

  • Optional Filter Fields: None

  • Order:

  • Data Points Pulled:

    • The Bulk Lot's unique name

    • The Bulk Lot ID

    • The Bulk Lot's type

    • The Bulk Lot's cannabis form

    • The Bulk Lot's migrated ID

    • Total cannabis weight in the Bulk Lot, in grams

    • Total cannabis volume in the Bulk Lot, in millilitres

    • Total discrete units in the Bulk Lot

    • Total EA units (bottles) packaged from the Bulk Lot

    • Total weight packaged from the Bulk Lot, in grams

    • Total volume packaged from the Bulk Lot, in millilitres

    • Total discrete units packaged from the Bulk Lot

    • The Bulk Lot's QA status

    • The Bulk Lot's location

    • The total weight taken from the Bulk Lot for retention, in grams

    • Whether or not the Bulk Lot underwent a sterilization treatment

    • Whether or not the Bulk Lot is archived


Bottles Created

A record of all bottles created through Packaging Runs within a specified date range.

  • Required Filter Fields: Start and End dates for the report must be selected,

  • Optional Filter Fields: None

  • Data Points Pulled:

    • The source Bulk Lot's unique name

    • The Bulk Lot's type

    • Whether or not the Bulk Lot measures cannabis in discrete units

    • The Bulk Lot's cannabis form

    • The destination product's subclass

    • The destination SKU's ID number

    • The destination SKU's unique name

    • The source Packaging Run's ID number

    • The total bottles created in the Packaging Run

      • This total will not include reclaimed bottles that have been deleted.

    • The total bottles reclaimed from the Packaging Run

    • The SKU's net weight, in grams

    • The SKU's net volume, in millilitres

    • The SKU's quantity of discrete units per EA unit, if applicable

    • Total declared cannabis weight packaged into bottles, in grams

    • Total actual cannabis weight packaged into bottles, in grams

      • This accounts for minor discrepancies between the expected weight based on each bottle's net weight and the actual amount packaged.

    • Total declared volume of cannabis packaged into bottles, in millilitres

    • Total actual volume of cannabis packaged into bottles, in millilitres

      • This accounts for minor discrepancies between the expected weight based on each bottle's net weight and the actual amount packaged.

    • The user who created the Packaging Run

    • The date and time at which the run was created

    • The date and time at which the bottles were packaged


Historical Work Order Inventory

A snapshot of all Work Orders, including input and output weights/volumes, on a specified date.

  • Required Filter Fields: Start date must be selected as the report's specified date.

  • Optional Filter Fields: None

  • Data Points Pulled:

    • The Work Order's Database ID number

    • The Work Order's name

    • The Work Order's type

    • The Work Order's location

    • The date the Work Order was opened/created

    • The user who opened/created the Work Order

    • ID(s) of input Bulk Lot(s)

    • Type(s) of input Bulk Lot(s)

    • The input Bulk Lot's cannabis form

    • The input Production

    • The Work Order's input weight per Bulk Lot, in grams

    • The Work Order's input volume per Bulk Lot, in millilitres

    • The Work Order's input discrete units per Bulk Lot

    • The Work Order's total input weight, in grams

    • The Work Order's total input volume, in millilitres

    • The Work Order's total input discrete units

    • Whether or not the Work Order was finalized on the specified date

    • The Work Order's total finalized weight, in grams

    • The Work Order's total finalized volume, in millilitres

    • The Work Order's total finalized discrete units

    • The ID(s) of the output Bulk Lot(s)

    • The output Bulk Lot type(s)

    • The output Bulk Lot's cannabis form

    • The output production

    • The output weight per Bulk Lot, in grams

    • The output volume per Bulk Lot, in millilitres

    • The output discrete units per Bulk Lot

    • The total output weight, in grams

    • The total output volume, in millilitres

    • The total output discrete units

    • The date the Work Order was closed

    • The user who closed the Work Order

    • The input Bulk Lot's name

    • The output Bulk Lot's name


Work Order Inventory

Current Work Order inventory, including inputs and outputs.

  • Required Filter Fields: None

  • Optional Filter Fields: None

  • Data Points Pulled:

    • The Work Order's Database ID number

    • The Work Order's name

    • The Work Order's type

    • The Work Order's location

    • The date the Work Order was opened/created

    • The user who opened/created the Work Order

    • ID(s) of input Bulk Lot(s)

    • Type(s) of input Bulk Lot(s)

    • The input Bulk Lot's cannabis form

    • The input Production

    • The Work Order's input weight per Bulk Lot, in grams

    • The Work Order's input volume per Bulk Lot, in millilitres

    • The Work Order's input discrete units per Bulk Lot

    • The Work Order's total input weight, in grams

    • The Work Order's total input volume, in millilitres

    • The Work Order's total input discrete units

    • Whether or not the Work Order has been finalized

    • The Work Order's total finalized weight, in grams

    • The Work Order's total finalized volume, in millilitres

    • The Work Order's total finalized discrete units

    • The ID(s) of the output Bulk Lot(s)

    • The output Bulk Lot type(s)

    • The output Bulk Lot's cannabis form

    • The output production

    • The output weight per Bulk Lot, in grams

    • The output volume per Bulk Lot, in millilitres

    • The output discrete units per Bulk Lot

    • The total output weight, in grams

    • The total output volume, in millilitres

    • The total output discrete units

    • The variance weight (%)

    • The variance volume (%)

    • The variance discrete units (%)

    • The date on which the Work Order was closed

    • The user who closed the Work Order


Inventory Balance (current)

A record of all inventory currently available for sale, at the time of the report's generation.

  • Required Filter Fields: None

  • Optional Filter Fields: None

  • Data Points Pulled:

    • The product's name

    • The SKU's unique name

    • The SKU's unit of measure–EA (each) or CS (case)

    • The product's subclass

    • The Base SKU's ID number

      • This only applies if the SKU is a Case (CS) SKU.

    • The quantity of base units in a case

      • This only applies if the SKU is a Case (CS) SKU.

    • The quantity of units on hand

    • The quantity of units reserved

    • Net difference between on hand and reserved quantities

    • The quantity of units available for purchase

    • The quantity of units packaged into cases

    • The product's unique ID number

    • The SKU's prescription deduction

      • This refers to the quantity of grams a single unit will deduct from a client's prescription.

    • The SKU's Dried Gram Equivalent

    • The SKU's wholesale price

    • The SKU's inventory value

      • This total is based on the quantity of units on hand multiplied by the wholesale price.

    • The SKU's net weight, in grams

    • The SKU's net volume, in millilitres

    • The SKU's quantity of discrete units per EA unit, if applicable

    • The SKU's unique retail name

      • This may be different from the SKU's internal name

    • The SKU's UPC number

    • The SKU's GTIN


Inventory Balance (historical)

A record of all inventory currently available for sale on a specified date. This allows a licence holder to reconcile inventory values over time.

  • Required Filter Fields: Start Date

  • Optional Filter Fields: None

  • Data Points Pulled:

    • The product's name

    • The SKU's unique name

    • The SKU's unit of measure–EA (each) or CS (case)

    • The product's subclass

    • The Base SKU's ID number

      • This only applies if the SKU is a Case (CS) SKU.

    • The quantity of base units in a case

      • This only applies if the SKU is a Case (CS) SKU.

    • The quantity of units on hand

    • The quantity of units reserved

    • Net difference between on hand and reserved quantities

    • The quantity of units available for purchase

    • The quantity of units packaged into cases

    • The product's unique ID number

    • The SKU's prescription deduction

      • This refers to the quantity of grams a single unit will deduct from a client's prescription.

    • The SKU's Dried Gram Equivalent

    • The SKU's wholesale price

    • The SKU's inventory value

      • This total is based on the quantity of units on hand multiplied by the wholesale price.

    • The SKU's net weight, in grams

    • The SKU's net volume, in millilitres

    • The SKU's quantity of discrete units per EA unit, if applicable

    • The SKU's unique retail name

      • This may be different from the SKU's internal name

    • The SKU's UPC number

    • The SKU's GTIN


Last Date of Sale

A record of all released Bulk Lots, including the last date of sale where applicable. This report determines how long a licence holder should keep retained samples. This is usually one year after the last date of sale or provision.

  • Required Filter Fields: None

  • Optional Filter Fields: None

  • Order:

  • Data Points Pulled:

    • The Bulk Lot's unique name

    • The Bulk Lot's migrated ID

    • The source production's name

    • The Bulk Lot's release date

    • The user who released the Bulk Lot

    • The Bulk Lot's last date of sale, if applicable

    • The final order's unique ID number


Retained Inventory Report

A record of all retained Bulk Lot samples.

  • Required Filter Fields: None

  • Optional Filter Fields: None

  • Order:

  • Data Points Pulled:

    • The parent production's name

    • The retained sample's ID string

    • The Bulk Lot's unique name

    • The Bulk Lot's migrated ID

    • The sample's weight, in grams

    • The sample's volume, in millilitres

    • The sample's total discrete units

    • The sample's location

    • The date and time at which the retained sample was created

    • The date and time at which the retained sample was last updated


Lab Samples Sent

A record of all lab samples sent for testing within a specified time frame.

  • Required Filter Fields: Start Date, End Date

  • Optional Filter Fields: None

  • Data Points Pulled:

    • The lab report's unique ID number

    • The date and time at which the lab report was created

    • The date and time at which the lab report was last updated

    • Whether or not the lab report is the Bulk Lot's active report

    • The lab report's status

    • The Bulk Lot's unique ID number

    • The Bulk Lot's migrated ID

    • The Bulk Lot's type

    • The Bulk Lot's cannabis form

    • Whether or not the sample has been sent

    • The date on which the sample was sent for testing

    • The sample's weight, in grams

    • The sample's volume, in millilitres

    • The sample's discrete units

    • Whether or not the sample underwent sterilization

    • Whether the test was external or internal

    • The method by which the sample was delivered to the lab

    • The sample's tracking number

    • The date on which the lab received the sample


Reclaimed Bottles Report

A record of all bottles or EA units reclaimed during a given time period.

  • Required Filter Fields: Start Date, End Date

  • Optional Filter Fields: None

  • Data Points Pulled (per bottle):

    • The date and time at which the bottle was reclaimed

    • The bottle's unique ID number

    • The bottle's source Packaging Run/Received Inventory ID

    • The user ho reclaimed the bottle

    • The bottle's source production

    • The bottle's source Bulk Lot

    • The product

    • The SKU

    • The SKU's net weight

    • The SKU's net volume

    • The SKU's net discrete units


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