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Release Guide: OG Kush (4.0.0)
Release Guide: OG Kush (4.0.0)
Andrew Day avatar
Written by Andrew Day
Updated over 12 months ago

The purpose of OG Kush–Ample Organics' second major release of 2019–is to introduce new initiatives to bridge gaps in Cannabis Act compliance and reporting, as well as implement improvements to customer support and the user experience. This release guide summarizes the changes introduced by OG Kush, which fall into several categories:

For an in-depth, itemized list of updates, visit the OG Kush Release Notes.

Retail Updates

OG Kush introduces changes to several retail-related features, including client registration, discounts, and shipping settings.

Client Registration

Ample Organics has added a new registration status: Transferred. This registration status tracks medical client registrations transferred to another licensed cannabis producer.


Ample Organics has also updated the functionality of client refusals. To place a client in the Refused registration status, a Customer Service Representative must select the reason for refusal from one of four options:

  • Incomplete Information

  • Suspicion of False or Misleading Information

  • Invalid Medical Document

  • Other (provide more information)


Learn more about How to Refuse a Client.

Additionally, the Clients index now includes an "Approved" dashboard metric to track the number of clients with an approved, active registration in a licensed producer's Ample Organics environment. The "Active Scripts" dashboard metric has been adjusted to only track clients that have active prescriptions in the system.



When Creating a Manual Discount, a user can now indicate whether to apply the discount before or after taxes.

Shipping Settings

Ample Organics has removed the Settings tab from the Shipping module. Instead, shipping customization is now controlled by a menu of configuration options. This allows Ample Organics' customer support team to quickly and independently update a licensed producer's shipping options.

To configure shipping options, contact customer support.

Products & Processing Updates

OG Kush also introduces small updates to product & processing-related features, including product strains, Bulk Lot harvests, and select reports. These updates mostly pertain to an improved user experience and convenient navigation between modules.

Product Strains

The Products index includes a new Product Strains column. This allows users to sort the index by product strain.


Bulk Lot Harvests

The Harvests tab in the Bulk Lot Profile now includes links to each harvest associated with the Bulk Lot. This allows users to quickly navigate between the Productions and Grow modules for improved traceability.


Grow Updates

The Overview tab on the Batch Profile now includes the batch's strain.


Wholesale Case IDs

When Creating or Editing a Shipment through the Wholesale Application, a user can now pick specific Case IDs to fulfill the sales order. Previously, creating a shipment would automatically select Case ID numbers sequentially. This allows a licensed producer more control over which Case IDs are shipped out to vendors.


Additionally, Ample Organics has added functionality to prevent shipment errors:

  • A user can no longer create a shipment for a sales order that already has a shipment in a non-shipped status. The previous shipment must ship before a user can create another shipment for the sales order.

  • A user can no longer ship an empty shipment. Each shipment must contain at least one unit of inventory.

Bulk Lot Forensics

The Forensics tab in the Bulk Lot Profile has been adjusted to have a two-tab structure: Packaging Runs: EA Units and Packaging Runs: CS Units.

  • The Packaging Runs: EA Units tab tracks EA Packaging Runs, which package units into Base SKUs. From this tab, a user can Generate a Bottling Record.

  • The Packaging Runs: CS Units sub-tab tracks CS Mass Packaging Runs, which package units into Case SKUs. From this tab, a user can Generate a Casing Record.



OG Kush introduces updates to the monthly reporting templates, along with a handful of new reports.

Monthly Reports Tab

Ample Organics has added a new Monthly Reports tab in the Reports module to house all monthly reporting templates, including the CTLS Report, Healthcare Practitioners Report, CRA Report, and legacy Health Canada reports–the ACMPR Report and MMPR Report. Previously, the Reports module had a distinct tab for each monthly reporting template.


Weight Events Report

Along with the new Monthly Reports tab comes the addition of a new monthly report: The Weight Events Report. The Weight Events Report allows the user to verify all weight events across all Bulk Lots within a month, which allows them to reconcile inventory and verify other monthly reporting templates.


To Generate a Monthly Weight Events Report, select a reporting month and click Download.

User Admin Report

Ample Organics has added a new User Admin report, which allows Ample Organics administrators and managers to track changes to their users' accounts. The report tracks each user's name, username, email, security roles, and the time/date at which the user's account was last updated, disabled, or enabled. The report also tracks the last time each user's password was changed. This report is only accessible to users with the new report_user_admin_read permission.


Administrators and managers can Generate a User Admin Report from the User Management tab in the Settings module.

Additional New Reports

Ample Organics has also added two new custom reports:

  • Product Inventory V2 Report: This report pulls the following data points for each SKU: SKU name, Quantity On-hand, Quantity Reserved, Net Difference, Product ID, Unit Grams, SKU Retail Name, and Bulk Lot ID. Access this report from the Product Reports sub-tab.

  • Bottle Sales by SKU & Province Report: This report pulls data on bottle sales, sorted by SKU and province of sale. Access this report from the Order Reports sub-tab.


Statistics Canada Report

Ample Organics has removed the Statistics Canada report. As Ample Organics does not track the pricing of unfinished goods, we determined that this report is outside of the scope of the software's purpose. However, Ample Organics has expanded the functionality of both the CRA and CTLS reports.

CRA Reporting

Ample Organics has expanded the functionality of the CRA Report so that the report now pulls a wider net of data to auto-populate more cells each reporting period. Visit the CRA Report Data Breakdown for a complete list of cells that currently auto-populate. The report has also been adjusted to generate all values in weight and volume fields to an accuracy of four decimal places. As these reports can be submitted with values to a maximum of three decimal places, users will have to manually review the report each month and adjust the values before submitting the report. This allows for maximum accuracy.

Furthermore, Ample Organics has updated the functionality of lab reports, cannabis forms, and destruction substance types to support CRA reporting requirements.

Lab Reports

When Creating a Lab Report, a user must now indicate whether or not the sample has been sent for testing, and the date on which the sample was sent. This contributes to accurate monthly reporting to the CRA, which tracks the total weight and volume of cannabis sent for lab testing.


Note: When a licensed producer receives the update that includes these new lab report fields, all existing lab reports in their Ample Organics environment will have their Sample Sent field set to blank. If a user updates this field to "Yes", the lab report will remove the weight a second time, which may result in inaccurate reporting.

Users should ignore the Sample Sent field for existing lab reports and only use this function for new lab reports as they're created. If a user accidentally updates the Sample Sent field for an existing lab report, they can reconcile the weight change in the Bulk Lot's Weight Events tab.

Cannabis Forms

When Creating a New Cannabis Form, a user must now select a category to classify the cannabis form as Flowering, Non-Flowering, or Untracked. This contributes to accurate monthly reporting to the CRA, which delineates between Flowering and Non-Flowering material.

Note: When OG Kush goes live in the production environment any existing cannabis forms will be categorized as Untracked by default, so visit the Cannabis Forms sub-tab to reclassify each cannabis form as necessary.


Additionally, the term "Cannabis Form" is now consistent across Ample Organics. Until recently, the terms "Cannabis Form" and "Bulk Lot Form" were used interchangeably. As part of this update, the Bulk Lot Forms sub-tab in the Production Settings tab is now called the Cannabis Forms sub-tab.

Destruction Substance Types

When Creating a New Destruction Substance Type, a user must now select a category to classify the destroyed substance as Flowering, Non-Flowering, or Untracked. This contributes to accurate monthly reporting to the CRA, which delineates between Flowering and Non-Flowering material.

Note: When Any existing destruction substance types will be categorized as Untracked by default, so visit the Destruction Substance Types sub-tab in the Destruction Settings tab to reclassify each substance type as necessary.


CTLS Reporting

Ample Organics has expanded the functionality of the CTLS Report so that the report now pulls a wider net of data to auto-populate more columns each reporting period. Visit our article on the CTLS Report Data Breakdown for a complete list of columns that currently auto-populate. The report has also been adjusted to generate all values in weight and volume fields to an accuracy of four decimal places. As these reports can be submitted with values to a maximum of three decimal places, users will have to manually review the report each month and adjust the values before submitting the report. This allows for maximum accuracy.

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