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Release Notes: OG Kush (4.0.0)
Release Notes: OG Kush (4.0.0)
Andrew Day avatar
Written by Andrew Day
Updated over a year ago

This page contains release notes for OG Kush, Ample Organics' second major release of 2019. Follow the links below to access notes on specific features:

Retail Regulatory Updates

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Release Notes

End Point


Additional field required for Verbal Orders Received By on Order Receipts

The order confirmation receipt now includes the "Verbal Order Placed By" and "Verbal Order Received By" fields. This means that if a client calls to place an order with an LP CSR, the receipt records both the name of the client who placed the order and the CSR who received the order.



Report on Patient Refusals in CTLS Report

The CTLS report now tracks the number of patient refusals, and the reasons for refusals, within the given reporting period.



Report on Transferred Patients in CTLS report

The CTLS report now tracks the number of an LP's registrations that were transferred to another LP or returned from another LP within the given reporting period.



Update "Consumer Information – Cannabis link" on client registration document PDFs

Updated the link at the bottom of client registration PDFs to link to Health Canada's "Consumer Information – Cannabis" webpage.



Track new statuses in the CTLS report

The CTLS report now populates columns PC, PF, PI, PL, PO, PR, PU, PX, QA, QD, QG, QJ, and QM based on the number of clients with an active registration status of "Transferred" or "Returned" in each province. Additionally, the CTLS report now populates columns QR, QS, QT, and QU based on the number of clients with an active registration of "Refused" for each reason for refusal.



New "Transferred" and "Returned" statuses

Added a new "Transferred" client registration status, to track medical client registrations transferred to another licensed seller.



Add "Transferred" to the status filter for Reports

Added "Transferred" to the registration status drop-down menu in the Reports module. This allows a user to filter select Clients reports to only include clients in the "Transferred" registration status. However, this drop-down does not include the "Returned" status. "Returned" status counts are determined and added to the CTLS report whenever a "Transferred" patient creates a new registration.



Make Destructions Report line items country agnostic

The Destructions Report no longer references Canadian regulations. Lines that refer to Canadian regulations have been rephrased with country-agnostic wordings.


Retail Updates & Bug Fixes

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Release Notes

End Point


Physician Tracker Report "Number of Active Patients" column always reads zero

Bug Fix: Logic has been adjusted on the Physician Tracker Report so that the "Number of Active Patients" column now pulls the total number of active, verified prescriptions signed by each practitioner as of the day the report is pulled. Additionally, the "Start Date" field is now mandatory.



Registration renewal update doesn't update patient information

Bug Fix: When a client submits renewal information through the Client Portal, it also updates the client's cloned registration object in the Clients module.



Patients unable to place their first order on the prescription end date

Bug Fix: Patients are now able to place their first order on the final date of their prescription.



HC Quarterly Report Data Error

Bug Fix: The HC Quarterly By Province Report now only pulls information on clients who were "active" during the selected date range. This means a client must have a complete registration in the "Approved" status and an active prescription that doesn't expire within the time range provided to be included in the report.



Prescription Tab Disappearing

Bug Fix: When a patient's prescription expires, the Prescription section on the Client's Overview tab no longer disappears. Instead, the prescription section heading is highlighted in red and reads "Prescription Expired."



Veteran’s Discount Policy not being applied as expected

Bug Fix: Veteran's Affairs policy discounts now apply properly to checkout totals.



The "Show Archived" checkbox is unchecked when the prescription tab is reloaded, but still shows archived prescriptions in the list

Bug Fix: Upon opening the Prescriptions tab in a Client Profile, the "Show Archived" button is now unchecked by default, and archived prescriptions are hidden. This applies even if a user applies filters in the Prescriptions tab and then navigates out and back in; the filters do not persist through the tab change.



Registration Document does not accurately indicate what it is based on

Bug Fix: If the “Production for Own Purposes” information under the client’s registration is completed, the statement on the registration document now indicates that “Registration is based on a registration certificate”; If the "Production for Own Purposes" section is not filled out, this text defaults to “Registration is based on a medical document”



DOB not updating on Registration Amendment

Bug Fix: A client can now successfully update their date of birth during a registration amendment.



Ensure patients pending renewal with active scripts can still order

Bug Fix: Adjusted registration logic so that clients with a pending registration renewal can still place orders if their current registration is still active and approved.



Discounts are not deducting correctly

Bug Fix: When a user applies a shipping discount to an order, the discount now calculates based on the shipping fee rather than the order's subtotal.



Fix capsule potency inaccuracy on Portal

Bug Fix: THC/CBD potencies for cannabis oil capsule products are now measured in mg/capsule in the product listing on the Client Portal.



CBD Potency below the threshold

Bug Fix: If a cannabinoid's reporting threshold and potency result are both 0% on a lab report, any associated product should display that potency as 0%, rather than retrieving the cannabinoid's default threshold value.



Order.add_to_order Doesn't Respect THC Limits

Bug Fix: Fixed THC/CBD limit logic so that patients using an eCommerce integration cannot filter for products with higher THC limits than their prescriptions allow.



Add Pending Amendment as a Registration Status

Added the ability to manually switch clients to the "Pending Amendment" status. Before this release, a registration would only update to this status in response to an amendment request.



After-Tax Discounts

Created an option to allow a user to decide if a particular discount should have taxes applied to it or not, specifically if a discount is before-tax or after-tax.



Add "Approved" to Client Overview page

Added the "Approved" dashboard metric to the Client module overview page to track the number of clients with an approved, active registration in the Ample Organics environment. The "Active Scripts" dashboard metric will only track clients that have active prescriptions in the system.



Allowing for different PST/QST number by province

Each licensed producer can now have multiple PST/QST registration numbers, for each respective province. If the config is turned on for the LP to display their tax registration number on their invoices, it will display the correct tax registration number based on the tax type and the destination province.



Reason selection for "Refused" status

When placing a client in the "Refused" status, a user must now select one of four options from a "Reason for Refusal" modal The options are:
• Incomplete Information
• Suspicion of False or Misleading Information
• Invalid Medical Document
• Other (provide more information)



Move Shipping Customization into Configs

Shipping customization is now controlled by a Config. This allows Ample CSRs to quickly and independently update a licensed producer's shipping options without a redeploy.



Enable tables in markdown

Bug Fix: Tables written in markdown in a Product or SKU Profile now render properly on the product's page in the Client Portal.



Remove Shipping Settings page

Removed the Settings tab from the Shipping module, as clients are unable to manage their shipping settings.



OG Kush - Seed to Sale - Product Image not Displayed on Product Overview Page

Bug Fix: A product image uploaded to the product's Edit tab will now show up successfully in the sidebar on the product's Overview tab as intended, rather than appearing a a thumbnail placeholder.


User Admin Report

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Release Notes

End Point


Ensure password_reset_at exists for all clients

Added a column on the user table called "password_reset_at" to record the date and time at which a user last changed their password.



Add "user_enabled_at" to the user table

Added a column on the user table called "user_enabled_at" to record the date and time at which a user is enabled.



Add "user_disabled_at" to the user table

Added a column on the user table called "user_disabled_at" to record the date and time at which a user is disabled.



User Admin Report (report and columns)

Added rows and columns to the User Admin Report to allow LP managers to track changes to their user's accounts. The report tracks each user's name, username, email, security roles, and the time/date at which the user's account was last disabled or enabled. The report also tracks the last time each user's password was changed.



Add User Admin Report download button to Settings > User Management

Added a button to the User Management tab in the Settings module for users to download the User Admin Report, in CSV format.



Ability to download "User Admin Report"

Added the ability to download a new User Admin Report, in CSV format, from the User Management tab in the Settings module. Added a new report_user_admin_read permission to control access to this function.


Wholesale Updates & Bug Fixes

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Release Notes

End Point


Localization for common elements

Common wholesale elements have been localized.



Price fix between sales order and invoices

Bug Fix: Prices now display correctly on the Sales Order Invoice and Shipment Invoice documents, and match the prices displayed on the sales order itself.



Unable to save sales orders if client name abbreviation doesn't exist

Bug Fix: Sales Order validation logic adjusted. The client abbreviation is no longer limited to three characters; instead, the abbreviation must be three or more characters. Additionally, when creating a new sales order, the validation no longer checks for a client abbreviation if the user manually enters a sales order ID. This validation only occurs if the user leaves the sales order ID field blank.



Deleting a case packaging run isn't working

Bug Fix: A user can delete a Case SKU packaging run if no cases in the run have been shipped or reserved. A successful response returns the packaged weight to the source Bulk Lot, and the error response reads "Can not delete. A case in this packaging run has been reserved or shipped."



Archived sales orders appearing in list

Bug Fix: Archived sales orders no longer appear in the Sales Orders index, unless a user checks the "include archived' checkbox.



"Reserved" case inventory count not depleting when cases shipped

Bug Fix: The "reserved" case total on a Case SKU's Overview and in the Inventory Balance Report no longer counts shipped cases.



Nothing appearing on "Sales by Line Item" report

Bug Fix: Fixed several bugs in the Sales Order Line Item Report that were preventing the report from populating with accurate data.



Packing slip should be using bulk lot name, not bulk lot ID

Bug Fix: The shipment packing slip document now lists the associated Bulk Lot's name in the "Lot" column, rather than the Bulk Lot's ID number.



"Include archived" checkbox missing from sales order list

Bug Fix: The Sales Orders index now includes an "include archived" checkbox, to allow the user to view and access archived sales orders.



Weight/volume packaged into cases not appearing on productions table

Bug Fix: The Productions table now includes the weight and volume of cannabis packaged into cases from each production.



Fin-good SOs - don't show archived or "not avail for purchase" SKUs in add line item modal

Bug Fix: When adding line items to a Sales Order in the Wholesale application, the Line Items modal no longer includes SKUs that are archived or unavailable for purchase.



Bottle inventory should not increase when cases are created or depleted

Bug Fix: A SKU's bottle inventory count no longer considers bottles packaged into cases. Adding or depleting cases no longer affects the number of bottles in a SKU's 'on-hand' or 'available inventory' columns.



Weight/volume packaged into cases not appearing on bulk inventory report

Bug Fix: The Bulk Inventory Report now includes the weight and volume of cannabis packaged into cases.



Reports - add excise tax columns to Sales Report by Line Item

The Wholesale Sales by Line Item report now includes additional columns to calculate the excise tax per SKU sold in each order.


Wholesale Case IDs

Ref. Key


Release Notes

End Point


Prevent shipping of empty shipments

A user can no longer mark an empty shipment–a shipment with a quantity of 0 across all line items–as 'Shipped."



Prevent shipment creation when "remaining order qty." is 0

A user can no longer create a shipment for a sales order that has been fulfilled, as there is nothing left to ship.



BE: Prevent New Shipments From Created for a SalesOrder That Already Has Non-Shipped Shipments

A user can no longer create a shipment for a sales order that already has a shipment in a non-shipped status.



BE- Add SkuId & BaseSkuQuantity to Shipment GET for each LineItem

Each shipment line_item now includes the sku_id and base_sku_quantity parameters to identify the case SKU's ID number and the number of bottles in the shipment.



BE- Handle empty case_ids param

A user can successfully create a new shipment with an empty or non-existent list of case_ids in a line_item object. This indicates that no cases are to be associated with the line_item upon the shipment's creation.



BE- Update the Shipment Edit Endpoint to Accept a List of Cases for each Shipped Line Item

Updated the endpoint for updating shipments to accept a list of case_ids for each shipped_line_item and associated the cases to each shipped_line_item_id. Added validation to the endpoint to ensure case_ids are not archived or reserved, and accommodates situations in which case_ids are removed and added, even if the quantity remains the same.



BE: Update Shipment GET endpoint

When retrieving a specific shipment, the shipment's data now lists nested case_ids for each line_item in the shipment. This allows a user to view a shipment with its line items and associated cases.



BE: Update Shipment Create endpoint

Updated the endpoint for creating shipments to accept a list of case_ids for each shipped_line_item and associated the cases to each shipped_line_item_id. Added validation to the endpoint to ensure case_ids are not archived or reserved, and removed logic to automatically add case_ids sequentially.



BE: New Cases Index endpoint

Added an endpoint to retrieve all available cases for a given case_sku_id.



Shipment edit update

A user can now edit a shipment, including the case_ids picked for the shipment, before shipping. However, once the shipment is 'Shipped' or 'Delivered' the option to edit the shipment disappears.



Shipment create - Select case ID when creating a shipment

When creating a shipment through the wholesale application, a user can now select specific Case IDs to fulfill the sales order.


Mass Packaging Runs Updates

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Release Notes

End Point


Casing Record Bottom Margin of the headers are incorrect

Bug Fixed: Removed the bottom margins from the section tables on the Casing Record PDF.



Select All on Forensics page to toggle Download Forensics CSV enabled state

Bug Fix: Fixed error on the Forensics tab in the Bulk Lot Profile that was preventing users from downloading the Forensics CSV if they used the Select All button to select all Packaging Runs listed. The button now works as intended.



BE: Adjust seeds for Cases to include net weight and net volume

Case seeds adjusted to include net_weight and net_volume.



Create Data Migration for existing cases

Created a job to set the 'net_weight' and 'net_volume' parameters for existing cases to a default value. This default value is nil.



BE: Include Product Name and Sku Name to Bulk Lot show response json

When a user retrieves a specific Bulk Lot's data, each Packaging Run returned in the packaging_run_ids array now two new parameters: product_name and sku_name. This allows a user to easily ascertain the names of the product and SKU associated with each Packaging Run.



FE: Hide Unit Tare Weight Field when showing Case Form on MPR

When a Packaging Associate creating a Mass Packaging Run selects a Case SKU, the Tare Weight field is now hidden from view, and the backend tare_weight value is nullified. The Tare Weight field only appears if the user is packaging into a Base–or EA Unit–SKU.



FE: Adjust Forensics page to have tabbed tables for packaging runs

The Forensics tab in the Bulk Lot Profile has been adjusted to have a two-tab structure: One tab to track EA Packaging Run, from which the user can download a Bottle Trace report; and one tab to track CS Packaging Runs, from which the user can download a Case Trace report.



BE: Remove Case related logic from Forensics report and Create Lot Forensics Wholesale Report

Removed queries related to cases from the Bottle Trace report, and created a new Case Trace report specifically to pull forensic information for Case Packaging Runs.



FE: Adjust Mass Packaging Page for Total Weight/Total Volume for Cases

Adjusted the workflow and fields on the Mass Packaging Runs tab to accommodate the new Total Weight and Total Volume fields relevant to packaging Case SKUs. Additionally, added validation and help text to ensure values entered in the Total Weight and Total Volume fields fall within an acceptable range.



Adjust Mass Packaging Run service and core code base scout

Adjusted cases service to use cases.net_weight and cases.net_volume instead. Additionally, added validation to prevent cases from begin created with a null value for net_weight.



BE: Add net_weight and net_volume column to cases table

Added 'net_weight' and 'net_volume' parameters to the cases table.



Updates to "Casing Record"

Casing Record PDF updated to include:
• Total Cases Created
• Base SKU Quantity
• Total EA Added to Cases
• Total Weight Packaged
• Total Volume Packaged
• Packaged On (date)



Bulk lot forensics for CS mass packaging runs

Removed columns to do with cases from the current Bulk Lot forensics report, and added a new Bulk Lot forensics report to specifically track Case SKU packaging runs. Additionally, the Forensics tab in the Bulk Lot Profile has been split to include two sub-tabs: "Packaging Runs: EA Units" and "Packaging Runs: CS Units. This separates packaging runs for EA and CS units into two separate tables.



Case Mass Packaging Runs - custom total weight/volume

When packaging cases through a mass packaging run, a Packaging Associate is now able to enter a "Custom Total Weight" and "Custom Total Volume" to accurately reflect the total quantities packaged. The previous method of automatically calculating the total weight and volume packaged based on the Base SKU's net weight and quantity has been removed; Packaging Associates must use the "Custom Total Weight" and "Custom Total Volume" fields going forward.


Products & Packaging Updates & Bug Fixes

Ref. Key


Release Notes

End Point


Adjustment to NS/PEI master case label

The "SKU Size" field on the NS/PEI master case label now retrieves the net weight of the EA unit for dried SKUs, and net volume of the EA unit for oil SKUs, rather than the unit_grams value.



Adjustments to Alberta master case label

The "SKU Size" field on the Alberta master case label now retrieves the net weight of the EA unit for dried SKUs, and net volume of the EA unit for oil SKUs, rather than the unit_grams value. Additionally, the text "QA released" has been changed to "Packaged on".



Adjustments to "Product Inventory Breakdown v2"

The Product Inventory Breakdown v2 report has been adjusted to cover all product inventory, including inventory that is not bottled and inventory intended for recreational sales.



CTLS - PD - Number of Shipments: data discrepancy with "Shipped Orders" report

Bug Fix: The shipped orders per province on the CTLS report and the Shipped Orders report now run the same order query. The shipped order data on the two reports now matches.



Case SKUs selectable on gun packaging runs

Bug Fix: Case SKUs no longer appear as selectable options when creating a packaging run through the Gun App.



Add "Strain" column to products table

Added a "Strain" column to the Products table. The column lists each product's product strain, and allows users to sort the table by product strain.



Additions to retained inventory report

Added "Created At" and "Updated At" columns to the Retained Inventory Report; the report now tracks when each retained sample was created and last updated.



Gun - Packaging runs using prescription deduction instead of net weight

Bug Fix: Dried cannabis packaging runs through the Gun App now determine the intended weight of a bottle using the net_weight value, rather than the unit_grams (prescription deduction) value.



Bulk lot destruction associating with work order unintentionally

Bug Fix: Creating a "General Bulk Lot Waste" destruction event no longer saves the destroyed weight as "output to work orders." Removed unintentional association between Bulk Lot waste destructions and work orders.



Bottling record - page space not consumed by table

Bug Fix: When a user prints a bottling record or casing record, the table of bottle or case entries now takes up the full page, rather than leaving a huge block of space at the bottom of each page.



Weight packaged into cases missing in multiple "weight packaged" instances

Bug Fix: Cases packaged through mass packaging runs now count towards a Bulk Lot's packaged weight and volume total. Additionally, case weight is considered in the Packaged Inventory Report and Bulk Inventory Report.



Legacy - Mass packaging runs creating dried bottles with volume

Bug Fix: When a user creates a mass packaging run of dried cannabis, the volume field now defaults to nil rather than 0.0 mL. This fixes a common label printing and reporting error.



Regional Pricing - S2S - Product SKU - Client Sales Setup - User unable to save Retail/ Sale price for SKU after an attempt is made to save a '0'

Bug Fix: Adjusted regional pricing validation to disallow users to save any Retail/Sale Price field with a value of 0. However, attempting to save a value of 0 in either field no longer prevents the user from saving valid values in the future.



Allow null GTIN and UPC fields

Bug Fix: When creating or updating a SKU, the validation that checks for GTIN or UPC uniqueness no longer applies if either value is null.



Packaging tolerance for SKUs +/- 2g

Bug Fix: Packaging runs of dried cannabis SKUs with a net weight of > 2g now allow a packaging tolerance of 5%, as is the case elsewhere in Ample Organics.



Remove the StatsCan report from S2S entirely

The StatCan Report has been removed from Ample Organics.



Adjust packaging run inventory counts

Adjusted the inventory counts that appear on a SKU's packaging runs table: Removed the "Available Bottles" column, and renamed the "Unpicked" column to "Available/Unpicked," to represent all bottles in the packaging run that have not been sold or destroyed.



SKUs - Make GTIN and UPC unique

Added validation when creating or updating a SKU to ensure that GTIN and UPC values are unique.



Product Inventory Breakdown v2

Created a new Product Inventory Breakdown V2 report, which will pull the following data for each SKU: SKU name, Quantity On-hand, Quantity Reserved, Net Difference, Product ID, Unit Grams, SKU Retail Name, and Bulk Lot ID.



Add columns to case packaging runs

On the case SKU packaging runs table, added a new "Available/Unpicked" column to track cases that have not been added to a shipment. Similarly, adjusted the Print Labels modal so that printing "All EA Units" will only print labels for bottles in available/unpicked cases. Selecting "Custom" still allows a user to print labels for any EA unit in the packaging run.



Remove mention of ACMPR from destruction report

The Destruction Report no longer mentions the ACMPR. The report no longer refers to specific regulations.



Signature needed only on last page of bottling record

Adjusted the bottling record and casing record PDFs so that, if the record spans multiple pages, the signature and date fields only appear on the last page, rather than on every page.



Create bottle sales by sku and province report

Added a new report: Bottle Sales by SKU and Province. This new report is accessible through the Order Report Types sub-tab in the Reports module.



Ability to use all characters in SKU name

Removed validation limiting SKU names to alphanumeric characters; a licensed producer can now use any character when naming a SKU.



Legacy - Harvest ID quick link

Added links to the harvest ID numbers listed in a Bulk Lot's Harvests tab, to allow a user to quickly navigate from the Bulk Lot to a specific harvest profile.



Text adjustment to AB case label template

The AB case label template has been adjusted to accommodate the text change from "QA released" to "Packaged on". The "Packaged on" text will have its data within a key called packaging_date for hardware to access. This is to replace qa_release_date



Show archived bulk lots with no weight/volume on Bulk Inventory Report when Include Archived is selected

Bug Fix: If a user selects "Include Archived" when generating the Bulk Inventory Report, the report will now include Bulk Lots that are archived and/or have zero weight/volume.


CRA Reporting

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Release Notes

End Point


CRA - adjust a 3-decimal place cells to 4

The CRA report will generate all values in weight and volume fields to an accuracy of four decimal places. As these reports can be submitted with values to a maximum of three decimal places, users will have to manually review the report each month and adjust the values before submitting the report.



CRA - Unpackaged - Oil - Additions - Total Production

Additions - Total Production The CRA report now calculates the total weight, in kilograms, of oil output from work orders where the inputs are dried and/or fresh cannabis. The report uses this data to populate the "Unpackaged–Oil–Additions–Total Production" cell.



CRA Report - Unpackaged - Non-flowering material - Reductions - Drying loss - 1

The CRA report now calculates the total weight lost to drying, in kg, during "fresh-to-dried" work orders, where the fresh input lot's cannabis form category is 'non-flowering', over the course of a given month. This figure does not include destroyed weight. The report uses this data to populate the "Unpackaged – Non-flowering material – Drying loss" cell.



CRA Report - Unpackaged - Flowering material - Drying loss - 2

The CRA report now calculates the total weight lost to drying, in kg, during "fresh-to-dried" work orders, where the fresh input lot's cannabis form category is 'flowering', over the course of a given month. This figure does not include destroyed weight. The report uses this data to populate the "Unpackaged – Flowering material – Drying loss" cell.



Clean up row names and ordering in CRA Report

Many columns in the CRA report have been renamed or reordered for an improved user experience.



CRA - Unpackaged - Non-flowering Material - Additions - Total production

The CRA report now calculates the total weight, in kilograms, of unpackaged non-flowering material destroyed during harvests or output from "fresh-to-dry" work orders over the course of a given month. This is limited to destruction events where the substance type category is "non-flowering", and "fresh-to-dry" work orders where the output lot's cannabis form category is "non-flowering." The report uses this data to populate the "Unpackaged – Non-flowering Material – Additions – Total production" cell.



CRA - Unpackaged - Non-flowering Material - Reductions - Quantity refined, produced or planted

The CRA report now calculates the total weight, in kilograms, of all unpackaged non-flowering cannabis–cannabis from Bulk Lots with the 'non-flowering' cannabis form category–output to work orders that produce oil over the course of a given month. The report uses this data to populate the "Unpackaged – Non-flowering material – Reductions – Quantity refined, produced or planted" cell.



CRA - Unpackaged - Flowering Material - Additions - Total production

The CRA report now calculates the total weight, in kilograms, of unpackaged flowering material destroyed during harvests or output from "fresh-to-dry" work orders over the course of a given month. This is limited to destruction events where the substance type category is "flowering", and "fresh-to-dry" work orders where the output lot's cannabis form category is "flowering." The report uses this data to populate the "Unpackaged – Flowering Material – Additions – Total production" cell.



CRA - Unpackaged - Non-flowering Material - Opening Inventory

The CRA report now calculates the total weight, in kilograms, of all unpackaged non-flowering cannabis in the inventory on the first day of a given month. This includes the weight of all fresh and dried bulk lots within the "non-flowering" cannabis form category, all retention samples from fresh or dried bulk lots within the "non-flowering" cannabis from category, and any fresh or dry cannabis waste within the "non-flowering" destruction substance type category waiting for destruction in open destruction lots. The report uses this data to populate the "Unpackaged – Non-flowering material – Opening Inventory" cell.



CRA - Unpackaged - Non-flowering material - Reductions - Quantity destroyed

The CRA report now calculates the total weight, in kilograms, of harvested fresh or dried cannabis destroyed with a destruction substance type category of 'non-flowering' over the course of a given month. The report uses this data to populate the "Unpackaged – Non-flowering material – Reductions – Quantity destroyed" cell.



CRA - Unpackaged - Flowering Material - Reductions - Quantity destroyed

The CRA report now calculates the total weight, in kilograms, of harvested fresh or dried cannabis destroyed with a destruction substance type category of 'flowering' over the course of a given month. The report uses this data to populate the "Unpackaged – Flowering material – Reductions – Quantity destroyed" cell.



CRA - Unpackaged - Flowering Material - Reductions - Quantity refined, produced or planted

The CRA report now calculates the total weight, in kilograms, of all unpackaged flowering cannabis–cannabis from Bulk Lots with the 'flowering' cannabis form category–output to work orders that produce oil over the course of a given month. The report uses this data to populate the "Unpackaged – Flowering material – Reductions – Quantity refined, produced or planted" cell.



Update ListItem to use 'cannabis_form' tag in place of 'bulk_lot_form'

Changed the name of the 'bulk_lot_form' ListItem tag to 'cannabis_form', to promote consistency in nomenclature between the front and back ends.



CRA - Unpackaged - Flowering Material - Opening Inventory

The CRA report now calculates the total weight, in kilograms, of all unpackaged flowering cannabis in the inventory on the first day of a given month. This includes the weight of all fresh and dried bulk lots within the "flowering" cannabis form category, all retention samples from fresh or dried bulk lots within the "flowering" cannabis from category, and any fresh or dry cannabis waste within the "flowering" destruction substance type category waiting for destruction in open destruction lots. The report uses this data to populate the "Unpackaged – Flowering material – Opening Inventory" cell.



Add category attribute to ListItem

Added the 'category' attribute to ListItems to accommodate the new destruction substance type and cannabis form categories. This attribute defaults to "untracked."

Note: After receiving the OG Kush release, an LP should immediately update all destruction substance types and cannabis forms to the appropriate category.



Fix logic to get bottles from med sales

Bug Fix: Fixed the logic of the CRA report to properly pull bottles sold in medical sales.



Fix CRA report query logic for wholesale shipment

Bug Fix: Fixed report query breakage that caused the CRA report to generate incorrect wholesale shipment data.



Rearrange columns on CRA report to be grouped together better

Rearranged columns on the CRA Report to increase readability.



Including Category for Reason Codes and Substance Types

The modals for creating Destruction Reason Codes and Destruction Substance Types now include categories as a user-editable field.



Refactor Bulk Lot Forms on Webapp to be Cannabis Forms

"Bulk Lot Forms" renamed to "Cannabis Forms" to be consistent across Ample Organics. This includes changes to front-end website text and back-end data strings.



CRA Report - Packaged - Oil - Opening inventory

On the first day of each month, the CRA report now calculates the total weight, in kilograms, of all packaged cannabis oil SKUs in the inventory, and uses this data to populate the "Packaged – Oil – Opening inventory" cell.



CRA Report - Packaged - Flowering material - Opening inventory

On the first day of each month, the CRA report now calculates the total weight, in kilograms, of all packaged dried cannabis SKUs in the inventory, and uses this data to populate the "Packaged – Flowering material – Opening inventory" cell.



Adjust CRA report cell names

CRA report cells renamed to be as sortable and digestible as possible.



Refactor Reusable List Item Modal to be in Vue

The generic list item modal has been rewritten in Vue.js to allow for easier code maintenance and advanced features. This change is essential to accommodate the new Categories field in several list item modals.



CRA - Sales (kg) - Oil - for all provinces

Each month, the CRA report now calculates the total amount, in kilograms, of cannabis oil sold in the medical market and through sales order line items in each Canadian province. This populates a "Sales – Oil – *Province* (kg)" cell for each province.



CRA - Sales ($) - Oil - for all provinces

Each month, the CRA report now calculates the total amount, in dollars, of all oil product sales in both the medical market and through sales order line items in each Canadian province. This populates a "Sales – Oil – *Province* ($)" cell for each province.



CRA Report - Unpackaged - Seed - Quantity refined, produced or planted

The CRA report now calculates the total number of seeds planted to propagate plants over the course of a given month, and uses this data to populate the "Unpackaged – Seed – Quantity refined, produced or planted" cell.



CRA Report - Packaged - Oil - Additions to inventory

The CRA report now calculates the monthly sum of all oil SKUs created from packaging to populate the "Packaged – Oil – Additions to inventory" cell. The report measures this value in kilograms.



CRA Report - Packaged - Flowering material - Additions to inventory

The CRA report now calculate the total weight, in kilograms, of dried cannabis packaged into bottles and cases over the course of a given month, and uses this data to populate the "Packaged – Flowering material – Additions to inventory" cell.



CRA Report - Packaged - Flowering material - Quantity sold in Canada

The CRA report now calculates the total weight, in kilograms, of dried cannabis sold within Canada over the course of a given month, including medical dried bottle sales and case sales. The report uses this data to populate the "Packaged – Flowering material – Quantity sold in Canada" cell.



CRA Report - Packaged - Oil - Quantity sold in Canada

The CRA report now calculates the monthly medical oil bottle and oil case sales in Canada to populate the "Packaged – Oil – Quantity sold in Canada" cell. The report measures this value in kilograms.



CRA - Sales (kg) - Flowering material - Northwest Territories

The CRA report now calculates the monthly total, in kg, of flowering material–also known as dried cannabis–sold and shipped to Northwest Territories, both through medical purchases and sales order line items. The report uses this data to populate the "Sales (kg) – Flowering Materials – Northwest Territories" cell.



CRA - Packaged - Oil - Reductions - Quantity sold outside Canada

The CRA report now calculates the monthly sum of cannabis oil sold through sales orders outside of Canada to populate the "Packaged – Oil – Reductions – Quantity sold outside Canada" cell. The report measures this value in kilograms.



CRA - Sales (kg) - Flowering material - Newfoundland and Labrador

The CRA report now calculates the monthly total, in kg, of flowering material–also known as dried cannabis–sold and shipped to Newfoundland & Labrador, both through medical purchases and sales order line items. The report uses this data to populate the "Sales (kg) – Flowering Materials – Newfoundland & Labrador" cell.



CRA - Packaged - Flowering Material - Reductions - Quantity sold outside Canada

The CRA report now calculates the monthly sum of dried flower cannabis sold through sales orders outside of Canada to populate the "Packaged – Flowering Material – Reductions – Quantity sold outside Canada" cell. The report measures this value in kilograms.



CRA - Sales (kg) - Flowering material - New Brunswick

The CRA report now calculates the monthly total, in kg, of flowering material–also known as dried cannabis–sold and shipped to New Brunswick, both through medical purchases and sales order line items. The report uses this data to populate the "Sales (kg) – Flowering Materials – New Brunswick" cell.



CRA - Sales (kg) - Flowering material - Manitoba

The CRA report now calculates the monthly total, in kg, of flowering material–also known as dried cannabis–sold and shipped to Manitoba, both through medical purchases and sales order line items. The report uses this data to populate the "Sales (kg) – Flowering Materials – Manitoba" cell.



CRA - Sales (kg) - Flowering material - British Columbia

The CRA report now calculates the monthly total, in kg, of flowering material–also known as dried cannabis–sold and shipped to British Columbia, both through medical purchases and sales order line items. The report uses this data to populate the "Sales (kg) – Flowering Materials – British Columbia" cell.



CRA - Sales (kg) - Flowering material - Alberta

The CRA report now calculates the monthly total, in kg, of flowering material–also known as dried cannabis–sold and shipped to Alberta, both through medical purchases and sales order line items. The report uses this data to populate the "Sales (kg) – Flowering Materials – Alberta" cell.



CRA - Sales ($) - Flowering material - Yukon

The CRA report now calculates the monthly sales total, in $, of flowering material–also known as dried cannabis–sold and shipped to the Yukon, both through medical purchases and sales order line items. The report uses this data to populate the "Sales ($) – Flowering Materials – Yukon" cell.



CRA - Unpackaged - Oil - Quantity sent for analysis

The CRA report now calculates the total weight, in kilograms, of all oil Bulk Lot samples sent for testing over the course of a given month The report uses this data to populate the "Unpackaged – Oil – Quantity sent for analysis" cell.



CRA - Unpackaged - Flowering material - Quantity sent for analysis

The CRA report now calculates the total weight, in kilograms, of all dried Bulk Lot samples sent for testing over the course of a given month The report uses this data to populate the "Unpackaged – Flowering material – Quantity sent for analysis" cell.



CRA - Unpackaged - Vegetative Cannabis Plant - Opening Inventory

Adjusted the CRA report to calculate the number of cannabis plants in the propagation and vegetation stage on the first day of each month. This ensures accurate data in the "Unpackaged - Vegetative Cannabis Plants - Opening Inventory" cell.



CRA - Sales (kg) - Flowering material - Ontario

The CRA report now calculates the monthly total, in kg, of flowering material–also known as dried cannabis–sold and shipped to Ontario, both through medical purchases and sales order line items. The report uses this data to populate the "Sales (kg) – Flowering Materials – Ontario" cell.



CRA - Sales (kg) - Flowering material - Nunavut

The CRA report now calculates the monthly total, in kg, of flowering material–also known as dried cannabis–sold and shipped to Nunavut, both through medical purchases and sales order line items. The report uses this data to populate the "Sales (kg) – Flowering Materials – Nunavut" cell.



CRA - Sales (kg) - Flowering material - Nova Scotia

The CRA report now calculates the monthly total, in kg, of flowering material–also known as dried cannabis–sold and shipped to Nova Scotia, both through medical purchases and sales order line items. The report uses this data to populate the "Sales (kg) – Flowering Materials – Nova Scotia" cell.



Adjust CRA tickets to look at grams, not mL

The CRA report now measures oil values in grams and kilograms, rather than in millilitres.



CRA - Sales (kg) - Flowering material - Yukon

The CRA report now calculates the monthly total, in kilograms, of flowering material–also known as dried cannabis–sold to the Yukon, both through medical purchases and sales order line items. This populates the "Sales – Flowering Material – Yukon (kg)" cell, and rounds to three decimal places.



CRA - Sales (kg) - Flowering material - Saskatchewan

The CRA report now calculates the monthly total, in kg, of flowering material–also known as dried cannabis–sold and shipped to Saskatchewan, both through medical purchases and sales order line items. The report uses this data to populate the "Sales (kg) – Flowering Materials – Saskatchewan" cell.



CRA - Sales (kg) - Flowering material - Quebec

The CRA report now calculates the monthly total, in kg, of flowering material–also known as dried cannabis–sold and shipped to Quebec, both through medical purchases and sales order line items. The report uses this data to populate the "Sales (kg) – Flowering Materials – Quebec" cell.



CRA - Unpackaged - Oil - Reductions - Quantity packaged

The CRA report now calculates the monthly sum of cannabis oil packaged into bottles and cases to populate the "Unpackaged – Oil – Reductions – Quantity packaged" cell. The report measures this value in kilograms.



CRA - Sales (kg) - Flowering material - Prince Edward Island

The CRA report now calculates the monthly total, in kg, of flowering material–also known as dried cannabis–sold and shipped to Prince Edward Island, both through medical purchases and sales order line items. The report uses this data to populate the "Sales (kg) – Flowering Materials – Prince Edward Island" cell.



CRA - Sales ($) - Flowering material - Manitoba

The CRA report now calculates the monthly sales total, in $, of flowering material–also known as dried cannabis–sold and shipped to Manitoba, both through medical purchases and sales order line items. The report uses this data to populate the "Sales ($) – Flowering Materials – Manitoba" cell.



CRA - Sales ($) - Flowering material - British Columbia

The CRA report now calculates the monthly sales total, in $, of flowering material–also known as dried cannabis–sold and shipped to British Columbia, both through medical purchases and sales order line items. The report uses this data to populate the "Sales ($) – Flowering Materials – British Columbia" cell.



CRA - Sales ($) - Flowering material - Alberta

The CRA report now calculates the monthly total, in dollars, of flowering material–also known as dried cannabis–sold to Alberta, both through medical purchases and sales order line items. This populates the "Sales – Flowering Material – Alberta ($)" cell, and rounds to two decimal places.



CRA - Unpackaged - Whole Cannabis Plant - Additions - Quantity transported from vegetative cannabis plant

The CRA report now calculates the total number of plants advanced from the vegetation stage to the flowering stage over the course of a given month, an uses this data to populate the "Unpackaged – Whole Cannabis Plant – Additions – Quantity transferred from vegetative cannabis plant" cell.



CRA - Sales ($) - Flowering material - Nunavut

The CRA report now calculates the monthly sales total, in $, of flowering material–also known as dried cannabis–sold and shipped to Nunavut, both through medical purchases and sales order line items. The report uses this data to populate the "Sales ($) – Flowering Materials – Nunavut" cell.



CRA - Sales ($) - Flowering material - Nova Scotia

The CRA report now calculates the monthly sales total, in $, of flowering material–also known as dried cannabis–sold and shipped to Nova Scotia, both through medical purchases and sales order line items. The report uses this data to populate the "Sales ($) – Flowering Materials – Nova Scotia" cell.



CRA - Sales ($) - Flowering material - Northwest Territories

The CRA report now calculates the monthly sales total, in $, of flowering material–also known as dried cannabis–sold and shipped to Northwest Territories, both through medical purchases and sales order line items. The report uses this data to populate the "Sales ($) – Flowering Materials – Northwest Territories" cell.



CRA - Sales ($) - Flowering material - Newfoundland and Labrador

The CRA report now calculates the monthly sales total, in $, of flowering material–also known as dried cannabis–sold and shipped to Newfoundland & Labrador, both through medical purchases and sales order line items. The report uses this data to populate the "Sales ($) – Flowering Materials – Newfoundland & Labrador" cell.



CRA - Sales ($) - Flowering material - New Brunswick

The CRA report now calculates the monthly sales total, in $, of flowering material–also known as dried cannabis–sold and shipped to New Brunswick, both through medical purchases and sales order line items. The report uses this data to populate the "Sales ($) – Flowering Materials – New Brunswick" cell.



CRA - Unpackaged - Vegetative Cannabis Plant - Additions - Total Production

The CRA report now calculates the total number of cannabis plants created over the course of a given month, and uses this data to populate the "Unpackaged – Vegetative Cannabis Plant – Additions – Total Production" cell.



CRA - Sales ($) - Flowering material - Saskatchewan

The CRA report now calculates the monthly sales total, in $, of flowering material–also known as dried cannabis–sold and shipped to Saskatchewan, both through medical purchases and sales order line items. The report uses this data to populate the "Sales ($) – Flowering Materials – Saskatchewan" cell.



CRA - Sales ($) - Flowering material - Quebec

The CRA report now calculates the monthly sales total, in $, of flowering material–also known as dried cannabis–sold and shipped to Quebec, both through medical purchases and sales order line items. The report uses this data to populate the "Sales ($) – Flowering Materials – Quebec" cell.



CRA - Sales ($) - Flowering material - Prince Edward Island

The CRA report now calculates the monthly sales total, in $, of flowering material–also known as dried cannabis–sold and shipped to Prince Edward Island, both through medical purchases and sales order line items. The report uses this data to populate the "Sales ($) – Flowering Materials – Prince Edward Island" cell.



CRA - Sales ($) - Flowering material - Ontario

The CRA report now calculates the monthly sales total, in $, of flowering material–also known as dried cannabis–sold and shipped to Ontario, both through medical purchases and sales order line items. The report uses this data to populate the "Sales ($) – Flowering Materials – Ontario" cell.



CRA - Unpackaged - Vegetative Cannabis Plant - Reductions - Quantity transferred to whole cannabis plant

The CRA report now calculates the total number of plants advanced from the vegetation stage to the flowering stage over the course of a given month, an uses this data to populate the "Unpackaged – Vegetative Cannabis Plant – Reductions – Quantity transferred to whole cannabis plant" cell.



CRA - Unpackaged - Vegetative Cannabis Plant - Reductions - Quantity destroyed

The CRA report now calculates the total number of plants in the propagation or vegetation stage discarded into a destruction lot over the course of a given month, an uses this data to populate the "Unpackaged – Vegetative Cannabis Plant – Reductions – Quantity destroyed" cell. The report only counts the plants in closed destruction lots; vegetative plants in open destruction lots do not count toward this total.



Add categories to cannabis forms

When creating or editing a cannabis form, users must now set the cannabis form's category as either Flowering, Non-flowering, or Untracked. This allows for accurate monthly reporting to the CRA, which delineates between flowering and non-flowering material.

Note: Existing cannabis forms will default to the Untracked category. The LP should update all cannabis forms to the appropriate category immediately after receiving the new release.



Add categories to destruction substance types

When creating or editing a destruction substance type, users must now set the substance type's category as either Flowering, Non-flowering, or Untracked. This allows for accurate monthly reporting to the CRA, which delineates between flowering and non-flowering material.

Note: Existing destruction substance types will default to the Untracked category. The LP should update all cannabis forms to the appropriate category immediately after receiving the new release.



Add "Category" column to destruction substance types list

Added a "Category" column to the Destruction Substance Types table in the Destruction module, to display the category to which each substance type belongs.



Add "Category" column to cannabis form list

Added a "Category" column to the Cannabis Forms table in the Productions module, to display the category to which each cannabis form belongs.



Improve the management of samples for lab reports in order to support the monthly reporting requirements without compromising existing lab report data.

When an LP client receives the new deployment that includes the new Lab Report fields, all existing lab reports in their Ample Organics environment will have their Sample Sent field set to blank. If a user updates this field to "Yes", the lab report will remove the weight a second time, which may result in inaccurate reporting.

Users should ignore the Sample Sent field for existing lab reports, and only use this function for new lab reports as they're created. If a user accidentally updates the Sample Sent field for an existing lab report, they can reconcile the weight change in the Bulk Lot's Weight Events tab.


CTLS Reporting

Ref. Key


Release Notes

End Point


CTLS - adjust a 3-decimal place cells to 4

The CTLS report will generate all values in weight and volume fields to an accuracy of four decimal places. As these reports can be submitted with values to a maximum of three decimal places, users will have to manually review the report each month and adjust the values before submitting the report.



Move monthly reports into their own tab

Added a new Monthly Reports tab in the Reports module to group all monthly reporting templates–CTLS, Healthcare Practitioners, CRA, Weight Events, ACMPR, and MMPR. The individual tabs for each report have been removed. The module title has also been changed from "Select a Report Category" to "Reports."



Finished and Packaged Reductions Destroyed mismatch weight event owner type

Bug Fix: Created a relationship between bottle weight events and destruction weight events to allow the CRA and CTLS reports to accurately retrieve information about total bottle destruction weight and volume.



Finished Dried and Oil for CTLS should filter against destruction lot closed at to be more consistent

"Finished Dried" and "Finished Oil" columns in the CTLS report now filter against destruction lot closed_at dates. This promotes consistency between the CRA and CTLS reports.



CTLS - FN - Finished – Cannabis Oil - Reductions - Destroyed

The CTLS report now calculates the total volume, in litres, of packaged cannabis oil destroyed (aka: cannabis oil bottle destructions) over the course of a given month. The report uses this data to populate column FN: "Finished – Cannabis Oil – Reductions – Destroyed."



CTLS - ET - Finished –Dried Cannabis - Reductions - Destroyed

The CTLS report now calculates the total weight, in kilograms, of packaged dried cannabis destroyed (aka: dried cannabis bottle destructions) over the course of a given month. The report uses this data to populate column ET: "Finished – Dried Cannabis – Reductions – Destroyed."



CTLS - CG - Unfinished - Cannabis oil - Additions - Total Production

The CTLS report now calculates the total volume, in litres, of cannabis oil output from work orders, where the inputs are dried or fresh cannabis, over the course of a given month. The report uses this data to populate column CG: "Unfinished – Cannabis oil –Additions – Total Production."



Adjust monthly reporting logic for shipments by province

The monthly reporting logic for medical sales by province in the CTLS report and sales by province in the CRA report now uses each order's shipping address, rather than each client's registration address.



CTLS - AZ - Unfinished -Dried Cannabis - Reductions – Processed

The CTLS report now calculates the total weight, in kilograms, of cannabis from dried bulk lots processed into oil through work orders. The report uses this data to populate column AZ: "Unfinished – Dried Cannabis – Reductions – Processed."



CTLS - Finished - Oil - Non-medical - To distributor/retailer

The CTLS report now calculates the total volume, in litres, of oil case SKUs shipped in wholesale purchases to each Canadian province over the course of a given month. The report uses this data to populate columns for "Finished – Cannabis oil – *province* – Non-medical – To distrubutor/retailer" relevant to each province. These columns are: MC (Alberta), MF (British Columbia), MI (Manitoba), ML (New Brunswick), MO (Newfoundland & Labrador), MR (Nova Scotia), MU (Northwest Territories), MX (Nunavut), NA (Ontario), ND (Prince Edward Island), NG (Quebec), NJ (Saskatchewan), and NM (Yukon).



CTLS - Finished - Dried - Non-medical - To distributor/retailer

The CTLS report now calculates the total weight, in kilograms, of dried cannabis case SKUs shipped in wholesale purchases to each Canadian province over the course of a given month. The report uses this data to populate columns for "Finished – Dried – *province* – Non-medical – To distrubutor/retailer" relevant to each province. These columns are: JC (Alberta), JF (British Columbia), JI (Manitoba), JL (New Brunswick), JO (Newfoundland & Labrador), JR (Nova Scotia), JU (Northwest Territories), JX (Nunavut), KA (Ontario), KD (Prince Edward Island), KG (Quebec), KJ (Saskatchewan), and KM (Yukon).



Monthly Reports - incorrect file names

Bug Fix: Adjusted the monthly report file names to follow the naming convention below:
•CRA Report: cra_report_YYYY-MM.csv
• CTLS Report: ctls_reporting_template_yyyy-mm.csv
•Healthcare Practitioners Report: hcp_report_yyyy-mm.csv
•StatsCan Report: STC_FL_REPORT_yyyy-mm.csv



LegacyCTS - adjust data captured for finished dried and oil

The CTLS report now captures data for the "Finished – Dried Cannabis" columns using the grams_in_bottle value, rather than the net_weight value, of packaged dried cannabis SKUs. Similarly, the CTLS Report now captures data for the "Finished – Oil" columns using the volume value, rather than the net_volume value, of packaged cannabis oil SKUs.



Legacy - CTS Report - FH - Finished Cannabis Oil - Opening Inventory

The CTLS report now calculates the total volume, in litres, of packaged cannabis oil available in the licensed producer's inventory on the first day of a given month. The report uses this data to populate column FH: "Finished – Cannabis Oil – Opening Inventory."



Legacy - CTS Report - FI - Finished Cannabis Oil - Additions - Packaged

The CTLS report now calculates the total volume, in litres, of bulk cannabis oil packaged into saleable units, including cases, over the course of a given month. The report uses this data to populate column FI: "Finished – Cannabis Oil – Additions – Packaged."



Legacy - CTS Report - FM - Finished Cannabis Oil - Reductions - Sold / Transferred

The CTLS report now calculates the total volume, in litres, of packaged cannabis oil sold over the course of a given month, and uses this data to populate column FM: "Finished – Cannabis Oil – Reductions – Sold/Transferred."



Legacy - CTS Report - CA - Unfinished Fresh cannabis - Reductions - Drying Loss

The CTLS report now calculates the total weight lost to drying, in kg, during work orders that convert fresh bulk cannabis to dry bulk cannabis over the course of a given month. The report uses this data to populate column CA: "Unfinished – Fresh cannabis – Reductions – Drying loss."



Legacy - CTS Report - L - Unfinished Seeds - Reductions - Processed

The CTLS Report now calculates the total weight, in kilograms, of seeds planted to produce cannabis plants over the course of a given month, and uses this data to populate column L: "Unfinished – Seeds – Reductions – Processed."



Legacy - CTS Report - BE - Unfinished Dried Cannabis - Reductions - To Analytical Testers or Researchers

The CTLS report now calculates the total weight, in kilograms, of dried cannabis samples sent for testing over the course of a given month. The report uses this data to populate column BE: "Unfinished – Dried Cannabis – Reductions – To Analytical Testers or Researchers."



Legacy - CTS Report - CS - Unfinished - Cannabis oil - Reductions – To Analytical Testers or Researchers

The CTLS report now calculates the total volume, in litres, of cannabis oil samples sent for testing over the course of a given month. The report uses this data to populate column CS: "Unfinished – Cannabis oil – Reductions – Top Analytical Testers or Researchers."



Legacy - CTS Report - EN - Finished Dried Cannabis - Opening Inventory

The CTLS report now calculates the total weight, in kilograms, of packaged dried cannabis available in the licensed producer's inventory on the first day of a given month. The report uses this data to populate column EN: "Finished – Dried Cannabis – Opening Inventory."



Legacy - CTS Report - EO - Finished Dried Cannabis - Additions - Packaged

The CTLS report now calculates the total weight, in kilograms, of bulk dried cannabis packaged into saleable units, including cases, over the course of a given month. The report uses this data to populate column EO: "Finished – Dried Cannabis – Additions – Packaged."



Legacy - CTS Report - ES - Finished Dried Cannabis - Reductions - Sold / Transferred

The CTLS report now calculates the total weight, in kilograms, of packaged dried cannabis sold through client purchases and sales orders over the course of a given month. The report uses this data to populate column ES: "Finished – Dried Cannabis – Reductions – Sold/Transferred."



Legacy - CTS Report - BT - Unfinished - Fresh cannabis - Reductions – Processed

The CTLS report now calculates the total weight, in kilograms, of fresh cannabis processed through work orders into dried cannabis over the course of a given month, and uses this data to populate column BT: "Unfinished – Fresh cannabis – Reductions – Processed."



Legacy - CTS Report - AS - Unfinished - Dried Cannabis - Additions - Total Production

The CTLS report now calculates the total weight, in kilograms, of dried cannabis produced from fresh cannabis through work orders over the course of a given month. The report uses this data to populate column AS: "Unfinished – Dried Cannabis – Additions – Total Production."



Legacy - CTS Report - DP - Unfinished - Other - Reductions – Destroyed

The CTLS report now calculates the total weight, in kilograms, of pre-harvest cannabis plant waste, not including whole plants, destroyed over the course of a given month. Waste is considered "destroyed" if it is in a destruction lot that has been closed or destroyed. The report uses this data to populate column DP: "Unfinished – Other – Reductions – Destroyed."



Legacy - CTS Report - CZ - Unfinished - Other - Opening Inventory

The CTLS report now calculates the total weight, in kilograms, of pre-harvest cannabis plant waste, not including whole plants, waiting for destruction in open destruction lots on the first day of a given month. The report uses this data to populate column CZ: "Unfinished – Other – Opening Inventory."



Legacy - CTS Report - DA - Unfinished - Other - Additions - Total Production

The CTLS now calculates the total weight, in kilograms, of pre-harvest cannabis plant waste, not including whole plants, discarded into destruction lots over the course of a given month. The report uses this data to populate column DA: "Unfinished – Other – Additions – Total Production."



Legacy - CTS Report - BM - Unfinished - Fresh cannabis - Additions - Total Production

The CTLS report now calculates the total weight, in kilograms, of fresh cannabis harvested over the course of a given month, and uses this data to populate column BM: "Unfinished – Fresh cannabis – Additions – Total Production."


Grow Updates

Ref. Key


Release Notes

End Point


OG Kush - Destruction Lot - Weight Events - HTML characters displayed

Bug Fix: The Weight Events tab in a Destruction Lot Profile no longer displays HTML characters. The characters are interpreted properly.



OG Kush - Combining batches causing destroyed plants to move

Bug Fixed: When a user combines two batches, the source batch's history event no longer includes previously destroyed plants in the number of plants that moved to the new batch.



OG Kush - GUN Application - Aggregate Harvest Mode - Weigh Plants label outside of button

Bug Fix: When a user harvests plants using the "Weigh Plants in Aggregate" mode on the Gun App, the 'Weigh Plants' label is now contained within the button; the text does not extend outside of the confines of the button.



OG Kush - AO Gun - Batches - Harvest Plants Process - Destruction Lots marked as 'Destroyed' in S2S are displayed in the 'Record Destruction' section

Bug Fix: When a user records waste during the harvest workflow on the Gun App, the menu of available Destruction Lots no longer includes Destruction Lots that are 'Closed' or 'Destroyed.'



OG Kush - Seed to Sale - Grow - Seed Lots - Events - History event description - Seed Lot ID numbers discrepancy when moving seed lots

Bug Fix: When moving seeds between Seed Lots, the history event record now correctly identifies the destination Seed Lot's ID number, rather than referencing the source Seed Lot.



OG KUSH - Unable to access Seeding Report if plants have been transferred out of batch

Bug Fix: A user is now always able to access a Seeding Report for a batch created from seeds, even if all plants in the batch have been destroyed or transferred to another batch. The Seeding Report includes information about the batch's creation, so it is unaffected by anything that happens in the batch's lifecycle.



Batch Events Plant Total

Bug Fix: When a user performs an action that affects a subset of plants in a single batch, the history event that tracks the number of affected plants no longer includes plants that were archived prior to the action. The plant count should only include the living plants.



Plant Label Range to check Batch id

Logic has been added to check the batch ID of each plant when printing a range of plant labels at the batch level. This prevents labels from being printed for plants within the label range that have been transferred out of the batch.



OG Kush - Seed to Sale - Grow - Cutting Report - PDF Report - Inconsistent date formatting displayed on cutting report PDF file

Bug Fix: Adjusted the cutting report PDF so that all dates display with consistent formatting (YYYY-MM-DD).



OG Kush - Seed to Sale - Cutting Reports - 'Strain' column value disappears in the 'Mother Plants' section of an existing cutting report

Bug Fix: The values in the "Strain" column in the Mother Plants table in a cutting report no longer disappears if a user closes and reopens the cutting report.



OG Kush - Seed to Sale - Grow - Propagation - Mother Plants - Search functionality only filters for Location

Bug Fix: Added a tool-tip to the search bar on the Mothers sub-tab in the Grow module, to inform the user that they can search by plant ID, migrated ID, location, or strain.



OG Kush - Grow - Seed to Sale - Propagation > Cutting Reports - Search functionality does not work (404 ERROR)

Bug Fix: A user is now able to use the search bar in the Cutting Reports tab successfully, without eliciting an error.



OG Kush - Seed to Sale - Grow - Propagation - Plant Search - Search functionality only searches for Location

Bug Fix: Added a tool-tip to the search bar on the Plant Search sub-tab in the Grow module, to inform the user that they can search by plant ID, migrated ID, location, or strain.



OG Kush - Seed to Sale - GROW - Improvement/Suggestion - Field validations for 'Expected THC' and 'Expected CBD' fields (3 + 3 decimals)

Added validation to the "Expected THC" and "Expected CBD" fields on the Create Strain modal to limit the input to three numeric values and three decimal places. For example: 111.111.



Add strain information to Batch Overview Page

Each batch's strain is now listed in the Batch Overview section in the Batch's Profile.



Location and Created By columns are not populating on the Destruction Lots page

Removed the Location column from the Destruction Lot index, as parent destruction lots are abstract grouping that do not require a location. Additionally, The Created By column in this index now lists the user who created each Destruction Lot.



Added By Not Displayed on Batch Notes

Bug Fix: When a user adds a new note to a batch, the user's name now saves to the 'Added By' field.



Erroneous history events created when performing actions on a location

Bug Fix: Performing grow room actions through the Gun App–such as advancing all plants in a location or recording waste from a location–no longer creates false history events for archived batches that were formerly housed in the location. Archived batches are now unaffected by these actions.



GUN - Harvests logged using Batch Subset mode have incorrect dates

Bug Fix: When harvesting plants using the "Batch Subset (No Scanning)" harvest mode, the harvest_date attribute now saves current date and time data, rather than just the current date data, for increased accuracy.



Re-activate plants after user restores plants from archived batch - Back End

Bug Fix: If a user restores destroyed plants, and the batch that those plants belong to is archived, the batch will be unarchived. This allows the user to access the restored plants.



Splitting a batch resets the batch birth date

Bug Fix: A batch record now includes a 'birthday' field to track when the plants in the batch were born. This field is distinct from the 'created_on' field, which is the timestamp at which the batch was created. When splitting a batch, the newly created batch inherits the original batch's 'birthday.'



Legacy CuttingsJob needs performance optimization

Reduced the time it takes to run the CuttingsJob when creating a batch with a large number of cuttings.

/v1/plants/:plant_id/ take_cuttings


Plant label range

When printing a range of plant labels through the Print Plant Labels modal in a Batch Profile, the plant count total had been adjusted to not include any plants in the range that have been archived.



"Mother Plants" count is blank when creating a new cutting report

Bug Fix: When creating a batch from cuttings through the WebApp, the strains index on the Select Mothers modal now includes a count of all mother plants associated with each strain.



Strain removed if plants are transferred out of batch

Bug Fix: When all plants are transferred out of a batch through a batch merge, the associated cutting event no longer loses its strain designation; a user can generate a cutting report PDF that displays the proper strain, even if the associated batch has no plants in it.


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