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CTLS Report Data Breakdown
CTLS Report Data Breakdown
Andrew Day avatar
Written by Andrew Day
Updated over a year ago

Below is a breakdown of data pulled to populate the CTLS monthly report. Some columns on the report are outside the scope of the seed-to-sale software's function, so the report does not populate in full. However, work is underway to expand the coverage of the CTLS report to include new product types introduced by the Cannabis Act in October 2019.

For each report, columns that auto-populate each month are highlighted in light teal. The Logic column describes how the seed-to-sale software collects this data. Additionally, some tables include a Stock Report Validation column, which provides an alternative method to collect a column's ldata.

Please note that the CTLS report generates all values in weight and volume fields to an accuracy of four decimal places. As these reports can be submitted with values to a maximum of three decimal places, users will have to manually review the report each month and adjust the values before submitting the report.

Note: Generating a report with a large date range may take several minutes while data is collected. Try downloading reports periodically or wait until off hours for report generation.

Click one of the links below to jump to a section of the report:

Reporting Period Tab


Cell Name


Field formatting requirements



Reporting period year


The four-digit year of the reporting period

Based on the reporting year for which the report is generated.


Reporting period month


The two-digit month of the reporting period

Based on the month for which the report is generated.


Licence ID


The unique alpha-numeric identifier generated through the licensing process

This value is pulled from the corresponding field on the Facility Information tab in the Settings module.

Unpackaged Tab

Unpackaged – Seeds

Validate this section with the Unpackaged – Seeds Audit Report.


Cell Name


Field formatting requirements


Stock Report Validation


Unpackaged - Seeds - Opening inventory (kg)


Number from 0 to 1000000, Maximum precision of 3 decimal places.

The sum weight of seeds in Seed Lots on the first day of the reporting month.

Pull the Historical Seed Inventory report, with the start date set to the first day of the reporting month


Unpackaged - Seeds - Additions - Produced (kg)


Number from 0 to 1000000, Maximum precision of 3 decimal places.

The sum weight of seeds in Seed Lots created during the reporting month where the source is "Produced".

Pull the Historical Seed Inventory report and filter by Created At and Source.


Unpackaged - Seeds - Additions - Received - domestic (kg)


Number from 0 to 1000000, Maximum precision of 3 decimal places.

The sum weight of seeds in Seed Lots created during the reporting month where the source is "Received - Domestic".

Pull the Historical Seed Inventory report and filter by Created At and Source.


Unpackaged - Seeds - Additions - Received - imported (kg)


Number from 0 to 1000000, Maximum precision of 3 decimal places.

The sum weight of seeds in Seed Lots created during the reporting month where the source is "Received - Imported".

Pull the Historical Seed Inventory report and filter by Created At and Source.


Unpackaged - Seeds - Additions - Received - returned (kg)


Number from 0 to 1000000, Maximum precision of 3 decimal places.


Unpackaged - Seeds - Additions - Other (kg)


Number from 0 to 1000000, Maximum precision of 3 decimal places.


Unpackaged - Seeds - Reductions - Processed (kg)


Number from 0 to 1000000, Maximum precision of 3 decimal places.

The sum of seed weight converted into living cannabis plants during the reporting period.

Pull the Plant Creation report and filter by Created Via.


Unpackaged - Seeds - Reductions - Packaged and labeled (kg)


Number from 0 to 1000000, Maximum precision of 3 decimal places.

The sum weight of seeds sold to medical clients within the reporting month.

Consult the Unpackaged - Seeds audit report


Unpackaged - Seeds - Reductions - Shipped - domestic - to analytical testers (kg)


Number from 0 to 1000000, Maximum precision of 3 decimal places.


Unpackaged - Seeds - Reductions - Shipped - domestic - to researchers (kg)


Number from 0 to 1000000, Maximum precision of 3 decimal places.


Unpackaged - Seeds - Reductions - Shipped - domestic - To cultivators and processors (kg)


Number from 0 to 1000000, Maximum precision of 3 decimal places.


Unpackaged - Seeds - Reductions - Shipped - exported (kg)


Number from 0 to 1000000, Maximum precision of 3 decimal places.


Unpackaged - Seeds - Reductions - Shipped - exported value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000, Maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Unpackaged - Seeds - Reductions - Shipped - returned (kg)


Number from 0 to 1000000, Maximum precision of 3 decimal places.


Unpackaged - Seeds - Reductions - Destroyed (kg)


Number from 0 to 1000000, Maximum precision of 3 decimal places.

The sum weight of seeds destroyed during the reporting month. This refers to seeds in destruction sublots that were closed during the reporting month. This column calculates the total weight based on the targeted weight, as seeds do not experience drying loss.

Pull the Destruction Weight Events Report, and filter by Source.


Unpackaged - Seeds - Reductions - Lost/stolen (kg)


Number from 0 to 1000000, Maximum precision of 3 decimal places.


Unpackaged - Seeds - Reductions - Other (kg)


Number from 0 to 1000000, Maximum precision of 3 decimal places.


Unpackaged - Seeds - Closing inventory (kg)


Number from 0 to 1000000, Maximum precision of 3 decimal places.

The sum weight of seeds in Seed Lots on the last day of the reporting month.

Pull the Historical Seed Inventory report and set the Start Date to the last day of the reporting month.


Unpackaged - Seeds - Closing inventory value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000, Maximum precision of 2 decimal places.

Unpackaged – Vegetative Plants

Validate this section with the Unpackaged – Vegetative Plants Audit Report.


Cell Name


Field formatting Requirements


Stock Report Validation


Unpackaged - Vegetative cannabis plants - Opening inventory (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.

The sum of non-flowering plants in the inventory on the first day of the reporting month. This refers to plants in the Propagation and Vegetation stages, both in living batches and open destruction lots.

Run the Historical Plant Inventory report to look at the first day of the reporting month.


Unpackaged - Vegetative cannabis plants - Additions - Produced (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.

The sum of non-flowering plants created from seeds or cuttings during the reporting month.

Run the Plant Creation report with the date set to the reporting month. Filter by Created Via and Phase.


Unpackaged - Vegetative cannabis plants - Additions - Received - domestic (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.

The total quantity of non-flowering plants created within the reporting month where the source is set to "Received - Domestic".

Run the Plant Creation report with the date set to the reporting month. Filter by Created Via and Phase.


Unpackaged - Vegetative cannabis plants - Additions - Received - imported (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.

The total quantity of non-flowering plants created within the reporting month where the source is set to "Received - Imported".

Run the Plant Creation report with the date set to the reporting month. Filter by Created Via and Phase.


Unpackaged - Vegetative cannabis plants - Additions - Received - returned (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Unpackaged - Vegetative cannabis plants - Additions - Other (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Unpackaged - Vegetative cannabis plants - Reductions - Processed (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.

The sum of plants moved from the vegetation stage to the flowering stage during the reporting month.


Unpackaged - Vegetative cannabis plants - Reductions - Packaged and labeled (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.

The sum quantity of plants sold to clients in the medical market within the reporting period.

Consult the Unpackaged - Vegetative Cannabis Plants audit report


Unpackaged - Vegetative cannabis plants - Reductions - Shipped - domestic - to analytical testers (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Unpackaged - Vegetative cannabis plants - Reductions - Shipped - domestic - to researchers (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Unpackaged - Vegetative cannabis plants - Reductions - Shipped - domestic - To cultivators and processors (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Unpackaged - Vegetative cannabis plants - Reductions - Shipped - exported (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Unpackaged - Vegetative cannabis plants - Reductions - Shipped - exported value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Unpackaged - Vegetative cannabis plants - Reductions - Shipped - returned (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Unpackaged - Vegetative cannabis plants - Reductions - Adjustment for drying / processing loss (kg)


Number from 0 to 10000000, maximum precision of 3 decimal places.

Run the Destruction Weight Events report, and filter by Source.


Unpackaged - Vegetative cannabis plants - Reductions - Destroyed (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.

The total quantity of non-flowering plants destroyed within the reporting month. This does not count non-flowering plants in Destruction Lots that have not yet been Closed.

Run the Plant Destruction report, and set the date range to the reporting month. Filter by phase to look at totals for plants in the Propagation and Vegetation stages.


Unpackaged - Vegetative cannabis plants - Reductions - Lost/stolen (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Unpackaged - Vegetative cannabis plants - Reductions - Other (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Unpackaged - Vegetative cannabis plants - Closing inventory (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.

The sum of non-flowering plants–plants in the Propagation and Vegetation stages–in the inventory on the last day of the reporting month, both in living batches and open destruction lots.

Run the Historical Plant Inventory report, and look at the first day of the month after the reporting month.


Unpackaged - Vegetative cannabis plants - Closing inventory value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.

Unpackaged – Whole Plants


Cell Name


Field formatting Requirements


Stock Report Validation


Unpackaged - Whole cannabis plants - Opening inventory (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.

The sum of flowering plants in the inventory on the first day of the reporting month. This includes all plants in the flowering stage, both in living batches and open destruction lots.

Run the Historical Plant Inventory report to look at the first day of the reporting month.


Unpackaged - Whole cannabis plants - Additions - Produced (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.

The sum of plants that entered the flowering stage during the reporting month. This excludes any plants created via wholesale that were received in the flowering stage.


Unpackaged - Whole cannabis plants - Additions - Received - domestic (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.

The total quantity of flowering plants created via wholesale during the reporting month.

Run the Plant Creation report with the date set to the reporting month. Filter by Created Via and Phase.


Unpackaged - Whole cannabis plants - Additions - Received - imported (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Unpackaged - Whole cannabis plants - Additions - Received - returned (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Unpackaged - Whole cannabis plants - Additions - Other (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Unpackaged - Whole cannabis plants - Reductions - Processed (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.

The sum of flowering plants harvested during the reporting period.

Run the Harvest report, and set the date range as the reporting month.


Unpackaged - Whole cannabis plants - Reductions - Packaged and labeled (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Unpackaged - Whole cannabis plants - Reductions - Shipped - domestic - to analytical testers (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Unpackaged - Whole cannabis plants - Reductions - Shipped - domestic - to researchers (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Unpackaged - Whole cannabis plants - Reductions - Shipped - domestic - To cultivators and processors (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Unpackaged - Whole cannabis plants - Reductions - Shipped - exported (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Unpackaged - Whole cannabis plants - Reductions - Shipped - exported value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Unpackaged - Whole cannabis plants - Reductions - Shipped - returned (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Unpackaged - Whole cannabis plants - Reductions - Adjustment for drying / processing loss (kg)


Number from 0 to 10000000, maximum precision of 3 decimal places.


Unpackaged - Whole cannabis plants - Reductions - Destroyed (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.

The total quantity of flowering plants destroyed within the reporting month. This does not count flowering plants in Destruction Lots that have not yet been Closed.

Run the Plant Destruction report, and set the date range to the reporting month. Filter by phase to isolate plants in the Flowering stage.


Unpackaged - Whole cannabis plants - Reductions - Lost/stolen (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Unpackaged - Whole cannabis plants - Reductions - Other (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Unpackaged - Whole cannabis plants - Closing inventory (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.

The sum of flowering plants in the inventory on the last day of the reporting month. This includes all plants in the flowering stage, both in living batches and open destruction lots.

Run the Historical Plant Inventory report to look at the first day of the month after the reporting month.


Unpackaged - Whole cannabis plants - Closing inventory value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.

Unpackaged – Fresh

Validate this section with the Unpackaged – Fresh Cannabis Audit Report.


Cell Name


Field formatting Requirements


Stock Report Validation


Unpackaged - Fresh cannabis - Opening inventory (kg)


Number from 0 to 10000000, maximum precision of 3 decimal places.

The weight of unpackaged fresh cannabis–both discrete and non-discrete–in the inventory on the first day of the reporting month. This includes fresh Bulk Lots, tote weight from fresh lots, retained samples from fresh lots, fresh work order input weight from work orders that are not closed, and fresh weight in destruction sublots that are not closed.

Run the Historical Bulk Inventory report to look at the first day of the reporting month.


Unpackaged - Fresh cannabis - Additions - Produced (kg)


Number from 0 to 10000000, maximum precision of 3 decimal places.

The sum of weight output to fresh Bulk Lots from harvests within the reporting month. This includes harvests that are not closed.

Run the Harvest report to look at Harvested Weight (taking into account the differences in harvesting methods, e.g. total weight vs. weigh individual plants).


Unpackaged - Fresh cannabis - Additions - Received - domestic (kg)


Number from 0 to 10000000, maximum precision of 3 decimal places.

The sum weight of Fresh Cannabis received through the Bulk Received Inventory feature with the source set to "Domestic" within the reporting month.


Unpackaged - Fresh cannabis - Additions - Received - imported (kg)


Number from 0 to 10000000, maximum precision of 3 decimal places.


Unpackaged - Fresh cannabis - Additions - Received - returned (kg)


Number from 0 to 10000000, maximum precision of 3 decimal places.

The sum weight of Fresh Cannabis received through the Bulk Received Inventory feature with the source set to "Returned" within the reporting month.


Unpackaged - Fresh cannabis - Additions - Other (kg)


Number from 0 to 10000000, maximum precision of 3 decimal places.

The sum weight of Fresh Cannabis received through the Bulk Received Inventory feature with the source set to "Other" within the reporting month.


Unpackaged - Fresh cannabis - Reductions - Processed (kg)


Number from 0 to 10000000, maximum precision of 3 decimal places.

The sum weight from fresh Bulk Lots input to Work Orders where the Work Order was closed during the reporting month and the output Bulk Lot type was not fresh.

Run the Work Order Inventory report, setting the date range as the reporting month. Find work orders where the input lot type is Fresh and the output lot type is any other class of cannabis (most likely Dried), and look at the input weight.


Unpackaged - Fresh cannabis - Reductions - Packaged and labeled (kg)


Number from 0 to 10000000, maximum precision of 3 decimal places.


Unpackaged - Fresh cannabis - Reductions - Shipped - domestic - to analytical testers (kg)


Number from 0 to 10000000, maximum precision of 3 decimal places.

The sum weight of fresh cannabis shipped in:

• Lab report samples where the lab report's "Sample Sent" setting is set to "Yes" and the "Date Sent" is within the reporting month.
• Unpackaged Sales Order shipments where the vendor's shipping address country is Canada and the order's purpose is "Analytical Testing."


Unpackaged - Fresh cannabis - Reductions - Shipped - domestic - to researchers (kg)


Number from 0 to 10000000, maximum precision of 3 decimal places.

The sum weight of fresh cannabis in unpackaged Sales Order shipments where the vendor's shipping address is in Canada and the order's purpose is "Research."

Run the Sales by Line Item report and set the date range as the reporting month. Find Sales Order shipments where the vendor's shipping address country is Canada and the order purpose is "Research."


Unpackaged - Fresh cannabis - Reductions - Shipped - domestic - To cultivators and processors (kg)


Number from 0 to 10000000, maximum precision of 3 decimal places.

The sum weight of fresh cannabis in unpackaged Sales Order shipments where the vendor's shipping address is in Canada and the order's purpose is "Cultivation & Processing."

Run the Sales by Line Item report and set the date range as the reporting month. Find Sales Order shipments where the vendor's shipping address country is Canada and the order purpose is "Cultivation & Processing."


Unpackaged - Fresh cannabis - Reductions - Shipped - exported (kg)


Number from 0 to 10000000, maximum precision of 3 decimal places.

The sum weight of fresh cannabis in unpackaged Sales Order shipments where the vendor's shipping address is not in Canada.

Run the Sales by Line Item report and set the date range as the reporting month. Find Sales Order shipments where the vendor's shipping address country is NOT in Canada.


Unpackaged - Fresh cannabis - Reductions - Shipped - exported value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Unpackaged - Fresh cannabis - Reductions - Shipped - returned (kg)


Number from 0 to 10000000, maximum precision of 3 decimal places.

The sum weight of Fresh Cannabis initially received through the Bulk Received Inventory feature but later returned to the sender within the reporting month.


Unpackaged - Fresh cannabis - Reductions - Adjustment for drying / processing loss (kg)


Number from 0 to 10000000, maximum precision of 3 decimal places.


Unpackaged - Fresh cannabis - Reductions - Destroyed (kg)


Number from 0 to 10000000, maximum precision of 3 decimal places.


Unpackaged - Fresh cannabis - Reductions - Lost/stolen (kg)


Number from 0 to 10000000, maximum precision of 3 decimal places.


Unpackaged - Fresh cannabis - Reductions - Other (kg)


Number from 0 to 10000000, maximum precision of 3 decimal places.

The sum weight of fresh cannabis sold in unpackaged Sales Order shipments where the vendor's shipping address is in Canada and the order's purpose is "Other."

Run the Sales by Line Item report and set the date range as the reporting month. Find Sales Order shipments where the vendor's shipping address country is Canada and the order purpose is "Other."


Unpackaged - Fresh cannabis - Closing inventory (kg)


Number from 0 to 10000000, maximum precision of 3 decimal places.

The sum of unpackaged fresh cannabis–both discrete and non-discrete–in the inventory on the last day of the reporting month. This includes fresh Bulk Lots, tote weight from fresh lots, retained samples from fresh lots, fresh work order input weight from work orders that are not closed, and fresh weight in destruction sublots that are not closed.

Run the Historical Bulk Inventory report to look at the first day of the month after the reporting month.


Unpackaged - Fresh cannabis - Closing inventory value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.

Unpackaged – Dried


Cell Name


Field formatting Requirements


Stock Report Validation


Unpackaged - Dried cannabis - Opening inventory (kg)


Number from 0 to 10000000, maximum precision of 3 decimal places.

The sum weight of unpackaged dried cannabis–both discrete and non-discrete–in the inventory on the first day of the reporting month. This includes dried Bulk Lots, tote weight from dried lots, retained samples from dried lots, dried work order input weight from work orders that are not closed, and dried weight in destruction sublots that are not closed. This also includes weight reserved in unpackaged wholesale shipments.

Run the Historical Bulk Inventory report to look at the first day of the reporting month.


Unpackaged - Dried cannabis - Additions - Produced (kg)


Number from 0 to 10000000, maximum precision of 3 decimal places.

The sum of dried weight output from work orders where the "convert fresh to dried" function was used, where those work orders were closed during the reporting month.

Run the Work Order Inventory report, setting the date range as the reporting month. Find work orders where the input lot type is Fresh and the output lot type is Dried, and look at the output weight.


Unpackaged - Dried cannabis - Additions - Received - domestic (kg)


Number from 0 to 10000000, maximum precision of 3 decimal places.

The sum weight of Dried Cannabis received through the Bulk Received Inventory feature with the source set to "Domestic" within the reporting month.


Unpackaged - Dried cannabis - Additions - Received - imported (kg)


Number from 0 to 10000000, maximum precision of 3 decimal places.


Unpackaged - Dried cannabis - Additions - Received - returned (kg)


Number from 0 to 10000000, maximum precision of 3 decimal places.

The sum weight of Dried Cannabis received through the Bulk Received Inventory feature with the source set to "Returned" within the reporting month.


Unpackaged - Dried cannabis - Additions - Other (kg)


Number from 0 to 10000000, maximum precision of 3 decimal places.

The sum weight of Dried Cannabis received through the Bulk Received Inventory feature with the source set to "Other" within the reporting month.


Unpackaged - Dried cannabis - Reductions - Processed (kg)


Number from 0 to 10000000, maximum precision of 3 decimal places.

The sum weight from dried Bulk Lots input to Work Orders where the Work Order was closed during the reporting month and the output Bulk Lot type was Pure Intermediates.

Run the Work Order Inventory report, setting the date range as the reporting month, to find work orders where the input lot type is dried and the output lot type is pure intermediates, looking at the input weight.


Unpackaged - Dried cannabis - Reductions - Packaged and labeled (kg)


Number from 0 to 10000000, maximum precision of 3 decimal places.

The sum of weight packaged from dried Bulk Lots into EA SKUs, considering all packaging methods, during the reporting month.

Run the Bottles Created report, and set the date range as the reporting month. Add up values in the Total Weight column from Dried Bulk Lots.


Unpackaged - Dried cannabis - Reductions - Shipped - domestic - to analytical testers (kg)


Number from 0 to 10000000, maximum precision of 3 decimal places.

The sum weight of dried cannabis shipped in:

• Lab report samples where the lab report's "Sample Sent" setting is set to "Yes" and the "Date Sent" is within the reporting month.
• Unpackaged Sales Order shipments where the vendor's shipping address country is Canada and the order's purpose is "Analytical Testing."


Unpackaged - Dried cannabis - Reductions - Shipped - domestic - to researchers (kg)


Number from 0 to 10000000, maximum precision of 3 decimal places.

The sum weight of dried cannabis in unpackaged Sales Order shipments where the vendor's shipping address is in Canada and the order's purpose is "Research."

Run the Sales by Line Item report and set the date range as the reporting month. Find Sales Order shipments where the vendor's shipping address country is Canada and the order purpose is "Research."


Unpackaged - Dried cannabis - Reductions - Shipped - domestic - To cultivators and processors (kg)


Number from 0 to 10000000, maximum precision of 3 decimal places.

The sum weight of dried cannabis in unpackaged Sales Order shipments where the vendor's shipping address is in Canada and the order's purpose is "Cultivation & Processing."

Run the Sales by Line Item report and set the date range as the reporting month. Find Sales Order shipments where the vendor's shipping address country is Canada and the order purpose is "Cultivation & Processing."


Unpackaged - Dried cannabis - Reductions - Shipped - exported (kg)


Number from 0 to 10000000, maximum precision of 3 decimal places.

The sum weight of dried cannabis in unpackaged Sales Order shipments where the vendor's shipping address is not in Canada.

Run the Sales by Line Item report and set the date range as the reporting month. Find Sales Order shipments where the vendor's shipping address country is NOT in Canada.


Unpackaged - Dried cannabis - Reductions - Shipped - exported value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Unpackaged - Dried cannabis - Reductions - Shipped - returned (kg)


Number from 0 to 10000000, maximum precision of 3 decimal places.

The sum weight of Dried Cannabis initially received through the Bulk Received Inventory feature but later returned to the sender within the reporting month.


Unpackaged - Dried cannabis - Reductions - Adjustment for drying / processing loss (kg)


Number from 0 to 10000000, maximum precision of 3 decimal places.


Unpackaged - Dried cannabis - Reductions - Destroyed (kg)


Number from 0 to 10000000, maximum precision of 3 decimal places.


Unpackaged - Dried cannabis - Reductions - Lost/stolen (kg)


Number from 0 to 10000000, maximum precision of 3 decimal places.


Unpackaged - Dried cannabis - Reductions - Other (kg)


Number from 0 to 10000000, maximum precision of 3 decimal places.

The sum weight of dried cannabis sold in unpackaged Sales Order shipments where the vendor's shipping address is in Canada and the order's purpose is "Other."

Run the Sales by Line Item report and set the date range as the reporting month. Find Sales Order shipments where the vendor's shipping address country is Canada and the order purpose is "Other."


Unpackaged - Dried cannabis - Closing inventory (kg)


Number from 0 to 10000000, maximum precision of 3 decimal places.

The sum weight of unpackaged dried cannabis–both discrete and non-discrete–in the inventory on the last day of the reporting month. This includes dried Bulk Lots, tote weight from dried lots, retained samples from dried lots, dried work order input weight from work orders that are not closed, and dried weight in destruction sublots that are not closed.

Run the Historical Bulk Inventory report to look at the first day of the month after the reporting month.


Unpackaged - Dried cannabis - Closing inventory value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.

Unpackaged – Purchased hemp

Ample Organics does not currently collect data to populate this section.

Unpackaged – Pure intermediates


Cell Name


Field formatting Requirements



Unpackaged - Pure Intermediates - Opening inventory (kg)


Number from 0 to 10000000, maximum precision of 3 decimal places.

The sum of unpackaged pure intermediates cannabis in the inventory on the first day of the reporting month. This includes pure intermediates Bulk Lots, tote weight from pure intermediates lots, retained samples from pure intermediates lots, pure intermediates work order input weight from work orders that are not closed, and pure intermediates weight in destruction sublots that are not closed. This also includes weight reserved in unpackaged wholesale shipments.


Unpackaged - Pure Intermediates - Additions - Produced (kg)


Number from 0 to 10000000, maximum precision of 3 decimal places.

The sum of pure intermediates weight output from work orders, where those work orders were closed during the reporting month and the input Bulk Lot's type was not pure intermediates.


Unpackaged - Pure Intermediates - Additions - Received - domestic (kg)


Number from 0 to 10000000, maximum precision of 3 decimal places.

The sum weight of Pure Intermediates received through the Bulk Received Inventory feature with the source set to "Domestic" within the reporting month.


Unpackaged - Pure Intermediates - Additions - Received - imported (kg)


Number from 0 to 10000000, maximum precision of 3 decimal places.


Unpackaged - Pure Intermediates - Additions - Received - returned (kg)


Number from 0 to 10000000, maximum precision of 3 decimal places.

The sum weight of Pure Intermediates received through the Bulk Received Inventory feature with the source set to "Returned" within the reporting month.


Unpackaged - Pure Intermediates - Additions - Other (kg)


Number from 0 to 10000000, maximum precision of 3 decimal places.

The sum weight of Pure Intermediates received through the Bulk Received Inventory feature with the source set to "Other" within the reporting month.


Unpackaged - Pure Intermediates - Reductions - Processed - Edibles - Solids (kg)


Number from 0 to 10000000, maximum precision of 3 decimal places.

The sum of pure intermediates weight input to work orders, where those work orders were closed during the reporting month and the output Bulk Lot's type was Edibles-Solids (discrete or non-discrete).


Unpackaged - Pure Intermediates - Reductions - Processed - Edibles - Non-solids (kg)


Number from 0 to 10000000, maximum precision of 3 decimal places.

The sum of pure intermediates weight input to work orders, where those work orders were closed during the reporting month and the output Bulk Lot's type was Edibles-Non-Solids (discrete or non-discrete).


Unpackaged - Pure Intermediates - Reductions - Processed - Extracts - Ingested (kg)


Number from 0 to 10000000, maximum precision of 3 decimal places.

The sum of pure intermediates weight input to work orders, where those work orders were closed during the reporting month and the output Bulk Lot's type was Extracts-Ingested (discrete or non-discrete).


Unpackaged - Pure Intermediates - Reductions - Processed - Extracts - Inhaled (kg)


Number from 0 to 10000000, maximum precision of 3 decimal places.

The sum of pure intermediates weight input to work orders, where those work orders were closed during the reporting month and the output Bulk Lot's type was Extracts-Inhaled (discrete or non-discrete).


Unpackaged - Pure Intermediates - Reductions - Processed - Extracts - Other (kg)


Number from 0 to 10000000, maximum precision of 3 decimal places.

The sum of pure intermediates weight input to work orders, where those work orders were closed during the reporting month and the output Bulk Lot's type was Extracts-Other (discrete or non-discrete).


Unpackaged - Pure Intermediates - Reductions - Processed - Topicals (kg)


Number from 0 to 10000000, maximum precision of 3 decimal places.

The sum of pure intermediates weight input to work orders, where the work orders were closed during the reporting month and the output Bulk Lot type was Topicals (discrete or non-discrete).


Unpackaged - Pure Intermediates - Reductions - Packaged and labeled (kg)


Number from 0 to 10000000, maximum precision of 3 decimal places.


Unpackaged - Pure Intermediates - Reductions - Shipped - domestic - to analytical testers (kg)


Number from 0 to 10000000, maximum precision of 3 decimal places.

The sum weight of Pure Intermediates shipped in:

• Lab report samples where the lab report's "Sample Sent" setting is set to "Yes" and the "Date Sent" is within the reporting month.
• Unpackaged Sales Order shipments where the vendor's shipping address country is Canada and the order's purpose is "Analytical Testing."


Unpackaged - Pure Intermediates - Reductions - Shipped - domestic - to researchers (kg)


Number from 0 to 10000000, maximum precision of 3 decimal places.

The sum weight of Pure Intermediates in unpackaged Sales Order shipments where the vendor's shipping address is in Canada and the order's purpose is "Research."


Unpackaged - Pure Intermediates - Reductions - Shipped - domestic - To cultivators and processors (kg)


Number from 0 to 10000000, maximum precision of 3 decimal places.

The sum weight of Pure Intermediates in unpackaged Sales Order shipments where the vendor's shipping address is in Canada and the order's purpose is "Cultivation & Processing."


Unpackaged - Pure Intermediates - Reductions - Shipped - exported (kg)


Number from 0 to 10000000, maximum precision of 3 decimal places.

The sum weight of Pure Intermediates in unpackaged Sales Order shipments where the vendor's shipping address is not in Canada.


Unpackaged - Pure Intermediates - Reductions - Shipped - exported value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Unpackaged - Pure Intermediates - Reductions - Shipped - returned (kg)


Number from 0 to 10000000, maximum precision of 3 decimal places.

The sum weight of Pure Intermediates initially received through the Bulk Received Inventory feature but later returned to the sender within the reporting month.


Unpackaged - Pure Intermediates - Reductions - Adjustment for drying / processing loss (kg)


Number from 0 to 10000000, maximum precision of 3 decimal places.


Unpackaged - Pure Intermediates - Reductions - Destroyed (kg)


Number from 0 to 10000000, maximum precision of 3 decimal places.


Unpackaged - Pure Intermediates - Reductions - Lost/stolen (kg)


Number from 0 to 10000000, maximum precision of 3 decimal places.


Unpackaged - Pure Intermediates - Reductions - Other (kg)


Number from 0 to 10000000, maximum precision of 3 decimal places.

The sum weight of Pure Intermediates sold in unpackaged Sales Order shipments where the vendor's shipping address is in Canada and the order's purpose is "Other."


Unpackaged - Pure Intermediates - Closing inventory (kg)


Number from 0 to 10000000, maximum precision of 3 decimal places.

The sum of unpackaged pure intermediates cannabis in the inventory on the last day of the reporting month. This includes pure intermediates Bulk Lots, tote weight from pure intermediates lots, retained samples from pure intermediates lots, pure intermediates work order input weight from work orders that are not closed, and pure intermediates weight in destruction sublots that are not closed.


Unpackaged - Pure Intermediates - Closing inventory value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.

Unpackaged – Edibles – Solids


Cell Name


Field formatting Requirements



Unpackaged - Edibles - Solids - Opening inventory (kg)


Number from 0 to 10000000, maximum precision of 3 decimal places.

The sum weight of unpackaged Edibles-Solids cannabis–in both discrete and non-discrete forms–in the inventory on the first day of the reporting month. This includes Edibles-Solids Bulk Lots, tote weight from Edibles-Solids lots, retained samples from Edibles-Solids lots, Edibles-Solids work order input weight from work orders that are not closed, and Edibles-Solids weight in destruction sublots that are not closed. This also includes weight reserved in unpackaged wholesale shipments.


Unpackaged - Edibles - Solids - Additions - Produced (kg)


Number from 0 to 10000000, maximum precision of 3 decimal places.

The sum of Edibles-Solids weight output from work orders, where those work orders were closed during the reporting month and the input Bulk Lot type was pure intermediates.


Unpackaged - Edibles - Solids - Additions - Received - domestic (kg)


Number from 0 to 10000000, maximum precision of 3 decimal places.

The sum weight of Edibles-Solids received through the Bulk Received Inventory feature with the source set to "Domestic" within the reporting month.


Unpackaged - Edibles - Solids - Additions - Received - imported (kg)


Number from 0 to 10000000, maximum precision of 3 decimal places.


Unpackaged - Edibles - Solids - Additions - Received - returned (kg)


Number from 0 to 10000000, maximum precision of 3 decimal places.

The sum weight of Edibles-Solids received through the Bulk Received Inventory feature with the source set to "Returned" within the reporting month.


Unpackaged - Edibles - Solids - Additions - Other (kg)


Number from 0 to 10000000, maximum precision of 3 decimal places.

The sum weight of Edibles-Solids received through the Bulk Received Inventory feature with the source set to "Other" within the reporting month.


Unpackaged - Edibles - Solids - Reductions - Packaged and labeled (kg)


Number from 0 to 10000000, maximum precision of 3 decimal places.

The sum of weight packaged from Edibles-Solids Bulk Lots into EA SKUs, considering all packaging methods, during the reporting month.


Unpackaged - Edibles - Solids - Reductions - Shipped - domestic - to analytical testers (kg)


Number from 0 to 10000000, maximum precision of 3 decimal places.

The sum weight of Edibles-Solids shipped in:

• Lab report samples where the lab report's "Sample Sent" setting is set to "Yes" and the "Date Sent" is within the reporting month.
• Unpackaged Sales Order shipments where the vendor's shipping address country is Canada and the order's purpose is "Analytical Testing."


Unpackaged - Edibles - Solids - Reductions - Shipped - domestic - to researchers (kg)


Number from 0 to 10000000, maximum precision of 3 decimal places.

The sum weight of Edibles-Solids in unpackaged Sales Order shipments where the vendor's shipping address is in Canada and the order's purpose is "Research."


Unpackaged - Edibles - Solids - Reductions - Shipped - domestic - To cultivators and processors (kg)


Number from 0 to 10000000, maximum precision of 3 decimal places.

The sum weight of Edibles-Solids in unpackaged Sales Order shipments where the vendor's shipping address is in Canada and the order's purpose is "Cultivation & Processing."


Unpackaged - Edibles - Solids - Reductions - Shipped - exported (kg)


Number from 0 to 10000000, maximum precision of 3 decimal places.

The sum weight of Edibles-Solids in unpackaged Sales Order shipments where the vendor's shipping address is not in Canada.


Unpackaged - Edibles - Solids - Reductions - Shipped - exported value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Unpackaged - Edibles - Solids - Reductions - Shipped - returned (kg)


Number from 0 to 10000000, maximum precision of 3 decimal places.

The sum weight of Edibles-Solids initially received through the Bulk Received Inventory feature but later returned to the sender within the reporting month.


Unpackaged - Edibles - Solids - Reductions - Adjustment for drying / processing loss (kg)


Number from 0 to 10000000, maximum precision of 3 decimal places.


Unpackaged - Edibles - Solids - Reductions - Destroyed (kg)


Number from 0 to 10000000, maximum precision of 3 decimal places.


Unpackaged - Edibles - Solids - Reductions - Lost/stolen (kg)


Number from 0 to 10000000, maximum precision of 3 decimal places.


Unpackaged - Edibles - Solids - Reductions - Other (kg)


Number from 0 to 10000000, maximum precision of 3 decimal places.

The sum weight of Edibles-Solids sold in unpackaged Sales Order shipments where the vendor's shipping address is in Canada and the order's purpose is "Other."


Unpackaged - Edibles - Solids - Closing inventory (kg)


Number from 0 to 10000000, maximum precision of 3 decimal places.

The sum weight of unpackaged Edibles-Solids cannabis–in both discrete and non-discrete forms–in the inventory on the last day of the reporting month. This includes Edibles-Solids Bulk Lots, tote weight from Edibles-Solids lots, retained samples from Edibles-Solids lots, Edibles-Solids work order input weight from work orders that are not closed, and Edibles-Solids weight in destruction sublots that are not closed.


Unpackaged - Edibles - Solids - Closing inventory value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.

Unpackaged – Edibles – Non Solid


Cell Name


Field formatting Requirements



Unpackaged - Edibles - Non-solids - Opening inventory (kg)


Number from 0 to 10000000, maximum precision of 3 decimal places.

The sum weight of unpackaged Edibles-Non-Solids cannabis–in both discrete and non-discrete forms–in the inventory on the first day of the reporting month. This includes Edibles-Non-Solids Bulk Lots, tote weight from Edibles-Non-Solids lots, retained samples from Edibles-Non-Solids lots, Edibles-Non-Solids work order input weight from work orders that are not closed, and Edibles-Non-Solids weight in destruction sublots that are not closed. This also includes weight reserved in unpackaged wholesale shipments.


Unpackaged - Edibles - Non-solids - Additions - Produced (kg)


Number from 0 to 10000000, maximum precision of 3 decimal places.

The sum of Edibles-Non-Solids weight output from work orders, where those work orders were closed during the reporting month and the input Bulk Lot type was pure intermediates.


Unpackaged - Edibles - Non-solids - Additions - Received - domestic (kg)


Number from 0 to 10000000, maximum precision of 3 decimal places.

The sum weight of Edibles-Non Solids received through the Bulk Received Inventory feature with the source set to "Domestic" within the reporting month.


Unpackaged - Edibles - Non-solids - Additions - Received - imported (kg)


Number from 0 to 10000000, maximum precision of 3 decimal places.


Unpackaged - Edibles - Non-solids - Additions - Received - returned (kg)


Number from 0 to 10000000, maximum precision of 3 decimal places.

The sum weight of Edibles-Non Solids received through the Bulk Received Inventory feature with the source set to "Returned" within the reporting month.


Unpackaged - Edibles - Non-solids - Additions - Other (kg)


Number from 0 to 10000000, maximum precision of 3 decimal places.

The sum weight of Edibles-Non Solids received through the Bulk Received Inventory feature with the source set to "Other" within the reporting month.


Unpackaged - Edibles - Non-solids - Reductions - Packaged and labeled (kg)


Number from 0 to 10000000, maximum precision of 3 decimal places.

The sum of weight packaged from Edibles-Non-Solids Bulk Lots into EA SKUs, considering all packaging methods, during the reporting month.


Unpackaged - Edibles - Non-solids - Reductions - Shipped - domestic - to analytical testers (kg)


Number from 0 to 10000000, maximum precision of 3 decimal places.

The sum weight of fresh cannabis Edibles-Non Solids shipped in:

• Lab report samples where the lab report's "Sample Sent" setting is set to "Yes" and the "Date Sent" is within the reporting month.
• Unpackaged Sales Order shipments where the vendor's shipping address country is Canada and the order's purpose is "Analytical Testing."


Unpackaged - Edibles - Non-solids - Reductions - Shipped - domestic - to researchers (kg)


Number from 0 to 10000000, maximum precision of 3 decimal places.

The sum weight of Edibles-Non Solids in unpackaged Sales Order shipments where the vendor's shipping address is in Canada and the order's purpose is "Research."


Unpackaged - Edibles - Non-solids - Reductions - Shipped - domestic - To cultivators and processors (kg)


Number from 0 to 10000000, maximum precision of 3 decimal places.

The sum weight of Edibles-Non Solids in unpackaged Sales Order shipments where the vendor's shipping address is in Canada and the order's purpose is "Cultivation & Processing."


Unpackaged - Edibles - Non-solids - Reductions - Shipped - exported (kg)


Number from 0 to 10000000, maximum precision of 3 decimal places.

The sum weight of Edibles-Non Solids in unpackaged Sales Order shipments where the vendor's shipping address is not in Canada.


Unpackaged - Edibles - Non-solids - Reductions - Shipped - exported value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Unpackaged - Edibles - Non-solids - Reductions - Shipped - returned (kg)


Number from 0 to 10000000, maximum precision of 3 decimal places.

The sum weight of Edibles-Non Solids initially received through the Bulk Received Inventory feature but later returned to the sender within the reporting month.


Unpackaged - Edibles - Non-solids - Reductions - Adjustment for drying / processing loss (kg)


Number from 0 to 10000000, maximum precision of 3 decimal places.


Unpackaged - Edibles - Non-solids - Reductions - Destroyed (kg)


Number from 0 to 10000000, maximum precision of 3 decimal places.


Unpackaged - Edibles - Non-solids - Reductions - Lost/stolen (kg)


Number from 0 to 10000000, maximum precision of 3 decimal places.


Unpackaged - Edibles - Non-solids - Reductions - Other (kg)


Number from 0 to 10000000, maximum precision of 3 decimal places.

The sum weight of Edibles-Non Solids sold in unpackaged Sales Order shipments where the vendor's shipping address is in Canada and the order's purpose is "Other."


Unpackaged - Edibles - Non-solids - Closing inventory (kg)


Number from 0 to 10000000, maximum precision of 3 decimal places.

The sum weight of unpackaged Edibles-Non-Solids cannabis–in both discrete and non-discrete forms–in the inventory on the last day of the reporting month. This includes Edibles-Non-Solids Bulk Lots, tote weight from Edibles-Non-Solids lots, retained samples from Edibles-Non-Solids lots, Edibles-Non-Solids work order input weight from work orders that are not closed, and Edibles-Non-Solids weight in destruction sublots that are not closed.


Unpackaged - Edibles - Non-solids - Closing inventory value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.

Unpackaged – Extracts – Inhaled


Cell Name


Field formatting Requirements



Unpackaged - Extracts - Inhaled - Opening inventory (kg)


Number from 0 to 10000000, maximum precision of 3 decimal places.

The sum weight of unpackaged Extracts-Inhaled cannabis–in both discrete and non-discrete forms–in the inventory on the first day of the reporting month. This includes Extracts-Inhaled Bulk Lots, tote weight from Extracts-Inhaled lots, retained samples from Extracts-Inhaled lots, Extracts-Inhaled work order input weight from work orders that are not closed, and Extracts-Inhaled weight in destruction sublots that are not closed. This also includes weight reserved in unpackaged wholesale shipments.


Unpackaged - Extracts - Inhaled - Additions - Produced (kg)


Number from 0 to 10000000, maximum precision of 3 decimal places.

The sum of Extracts-Inhaled weight output from work orders, where those work orders were closed during the reporting month and the input Bulk Lot type was pure intermediates.


Unpackaged - Extracts - Inhaled - Additions - Received - domestic (kg)


Number from 0 to 10000000, maximum precision of 3 decimal places.

The sum weight of Extracts-Inhaled received through the Bulk Received Inventory feature with the source set to "Domestic" within the reporting month.


Unpackaged - Extracts - Inhaled - Additions - Received - imported (kg)


Number from 0 to 10000000, maximum precision of 3 decimal places.


Unpackaged - Extracts - Inhaled - Additions - Received - returned (kg)


Number from 0 to 10000000, maximum precision of 3 decimal places.

The sum weight of Extracts-Inhaled received through the Bulk Received Inventory feature with the source set to "Returned" within the reporting month.


Unpackaged - Extracts - Inhaled - Additions - Other (kg)


Number from 0 to 10000000, maximum precision of 3 decimal places.

The sum weight of Extracts-Inhaled received through the Bulk Received Inventory feature with the source set to "Other" within the reporting month.


Unpackaged - Extracts - Inhaled - Reductions - Packaged and labeled (kg)


Number from 0 to 10000000, maximum precision of 3 decimal places.

The sum of weight packaged from Extracts-Inhaled Bulk Lots into EA SKUs, considering all packaging methods, during the reporting month.


Unpackaged - Extracts - Inhaled - Reductions - Shipped - domestic - to analytical testers (kg)


Number from 0 to 10000000, maximum precision of 3 decimal places.

The sum weight of Extracts-Inhaled shipped in:

• Lab report samples where the lab report's "Sample Sent" setting is set to "Yes" and the "Date Sent" is within the reporting month.
• Unpackaged Sales Order shipments where the vendor's shipping address country is Canada and the order's purpose is "Analytical Testing."


Unpackaged - Extracts - Inhaled - Reductions - Shipped - domestic - to researchers (kg)


Number from 0 to 10000000, maximum precision of 3 decimal places.

The sum weight of Extracts-Inhaled in unpackaged Sales Order shipments where the vendor's shipping address is in Canada and the order's purpose is "Research."


Unpackaged - Extracts - Inhaled - Reductions - Shipped - domestic - To cultivators and processors (kg)


Number from 0 to 10000000, maximum precision of 3 decimal places.

The sum weight of Extracts-Inhaled in unpackaged Sales Order shipments where the vendor's shipping address is in Canada and the order's purpose is "Cultivation & Processing."


Unpackaged - Extracts - Inhaled - Reductions - Shipped - exported (kg)


Number from 0 to 10000000, maximum precision of 3 decimal places.

The sum weight of Extracts-Inhaled in unpackaged Sales Order shipments where the vendor's shipping address is not in Canada.


Unpackaged - Extracts - Inhaled - Reductions - Shipped - exported value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Unpackaged - Extracts - Inhaled - Reductions - Shipped - returned (kg)


Number from 0 to 10000000, maximum precision of 3 decimal places.

The sum weight of Extracts-Inhaled initially received through the Bulk Received Inventory feature but later returned to the sender within the reporting month.


Unpackaged - Extracts - Inhaled - Reductions - Adjustment for drying / processing loss (kg)


Number from 0 to 10000000, maximum precision of 3 decimal places.


Unpackaged - Extracts - Inhaled - Reductions - Destroyed (kg)


Number from 0 to 10000000, maximum precision of 3 decimal places.


Unpackaged - Extracts - Inhaled - Reductions - Lost/stolen (kg)


Number from 0 to 10000000, maximum precision of 3 decimal places.


Unpackaged - Extracts - Inhaled - Reductions - Other (kg)


Number from 0 to 10000000, maximum precision of 3 decimal places.

The sum weight of Extracts-Inhaled sold in unpackaged Sales Order shipments where the vendor's shipping address is in Canada and the order's purpose is "Other."


Unpackaged - Extracts - Inhaled - Closing inventory (kg)


Number from 0 to 10000000, maximum precision of 3 decimal places.

The sum weight of unpackaged Extracts-Inhaled cannabis–in both discrete and non-discrete forms–in the inventory on the last day of the reporting month. This includes Extracts-Inhaled Bulk Lots, tote weight from Extracts-Inhaled lots, retained samples from Extracts-Inhaled lots, Extracts-Inhaled work order input weight from work orders that are not closed, and Extracts-Inhaled weight in destruction sublots that are not closed.


Unpackaged - Extracts - Inhaled - Closing inventory value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.

Unpackaged – Extracts – Ingested


Cell Name


Field formatting Requirements


Stock Report Validation


Unpackaged - Extracts - Ingested - Opening inventory (kg)


Number from 0 to 10000000, maximum precision of 3 decimal places.

The weight (in kg) of unpackaged Extracts-Ingested cannabis–both discrete and non-discrete–in the inventory on the first day of the reporting month. This includes Extracts-Ingested Bulk Lots, tote weight from Extracts-Ingested lots, retained samples from Extracts-Ingested lots, Extracts-Ingested work order input weight from work orders that are not closed, and Extracts-Ingested weight in destruction sublots that are not closed. This also includes weight reserved in unpackaged wholesale shipments.

Run the Historical Bulk Inventory report to look at the first day of the reporting month.


Unpackaged - Extracts - Ingested - Additions - Produced (kg)


Number from 0 to 10000000, maximum precision of 3 decimal places.

The sum of Extracts-Ingested weight output from work orders, where those work orders were closed during the reporting month and the input Bulk Lot's type was Pure Intermediates.

Run the Work Order Inventory report, setting the date range as the reporting month. Find work orders where the input lot type is Pure Intermediates and the output lot type is Extracts-Ingested (discrete or non-discrete), and look at the output weight.


Unpackaged - Extracts - Ingested - Additions - Received - domestic (kg)


Number from 0 to 10000000, maximum precision of 3 decimal places.

The sum weight of Extracts-Ingested received through the Bulk Received Inventory feature with the source set to "Domestic" within the reporting month.


Unpackaged - Extracts - Ingested - Additions - Received - imported (kg)


Number from 0 to 10000000, maximum precision of 3 decimal places.


Unpackaged - Extracts - Ingested - Additions - Received - returned (kg)


Number from 0 to 10000000, maximum precision of 3 decimal places.

The sum weight of Extracts-Ingested received through the Bulk Received Inventory feature with the source set to "Returned" within the reporting month.


Unpackaged - Extracts - Ingested - Additions - Other (kg)


Number from 0 to 10000000, maximum precision of 3 decimal places.

The sum weight of Extracts-Ingested received through the Bulk Received Inventory feature with the source set to "Other" within the reporting month.


Unpackaged - Extracts - Ingested - Reductions - Packaged and labeled (kg)


Number from 0 to 10000000, maximum precision of 3 decimal places.

The sum of weight packaged from Extracts-Ingested Bulk Lots into EA SKUs, considering all packaging methods, during the reporting month.

Run the Bottles Created report, setting the date range as the reporting month, and look at Total Weight columns for Extracts-Ingested Bulk Lots.


Unpackaged - Extracts - Ingested - Reductions - Shipped - domestic - to analytical testers (kg)


Number from 0 to 10000000, maximum precision of 3 decimal places.

The sum weight of Extracts-Ingested shipped in:

• Lab report samples where the lab report's "Sample Sent" setting is set to "Yes" and the "Date Sent" is within the reporting month.
• Unpackaged Sales Order shipments where the vendor's shipping address country is Canada and the order's purpose is "Analytical Testing."


Unpackaged - Extracts - Ingested - Reductions - Shipped - domestic - to researchers (kg)


Number from 0 to 10000000, maximum precision of 3 decimal places.

The sum weight of Extracts-Ingested in unpackaged Sales Order shipments where the vendor's shipping address is in Canada and the order's purpose is "Research."

Run the Sales by Line Item report and set the date range as the reporting month. Find Sales Order shipments where the vendor's shipping address country is Canada and the order purpose is "Research."


Unpackaged - Extracts - Ingested - Reductions - Shipped - domestic - To cultivators and processors (kg)


Number from 0 to 10000000, maximum precision of 3 decimal places.

The sum weight of Extracts-Ingested in unpackaged Sales Order shipments where the vendor's shipping address is in Canada and the order's purpose is "Cultivation & Processing."

Run the Sales by Line Item report and set the date range as the reporting month. Find Sales Order shipments where the vendor's shipping address country is Canada and the order purpose is "Cultivation & Processing."


Unpackaged - Extracts - Ingested - Reductions - Shipped - exported (kg)


Number from 0 to 10000000, maximum precision of 3 decimal places.

The sum weight of Extracts-Ingested in unpackaged Sales Order shipments where the vendor's shipping address is not in Canada.

Run the Sales by Line Item report and set the date range as the reporting month. Find Sales Order shipments where the vendor's shipping address country is NOT in Canada.


Unpackaged - Extracts - Ingested - Reductions - Shipped - exported value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Unpackaged - Extracts - Ingested - Reductions - Shipped - returned (kg)


Number from 0 to 10000000, maximum precision of 3 decimal places.

The sum weight of Extracts-Ingested initially received through the Bulk Received Inventory feature but later returned to the sender within the reporting month.


Unpackaged - Extracts - Ingested - Reductions - Adjustment for drying / processing loss (kg)


Number from 0 to 10000000, maximum precision of 3 decimal places.


Unpackaged - Extracts - Ingested - Reductions - Destroyed (kg)


Number from 0 to 10000000, maximum precision of 3 decimal places.


Unpackaged - Extracts - Ingested - Reductions - Lost/stolen (kg)


Number from 0 to 10000000, maximum precision of 3 decimal places.


Unpackaged - Extracts - Ingested - Reductions - Other (kg)


Number from 0 to 10000000, maximum precision of 3 decimal places.

The sum weight of Extracts-Ingested sold in unpackaged Sales Order shipments where the vendor's shipping address is in Canada and the order's purpose is "Other."

Run the Sales by Line Item report and set the date range as the reporting month. Find Sales Order shipments where the vendor's shipping address country is Canada and the order purpose is "Other."


Unpackaged - Extracts - Ingested - Closing inventory (kg)


Number from 0 to 10000000, maximum precision of 3 decimal places.

The weight (in kg) of unpackaged Extracts-Ingested cannabis–both discrete and non-discrete–in the inventory on the last day of the reporting month. This includes Extracts-Ingested Bulk Lots, tote weight from Extracts-Ingested lots, retained samples from Extracts-Ingested lots, Extracts-Ingested work order input weight from work orders that are not closed, and Extracts-Ingested weight in destruction sublots that are not closed.

Run the Historical Bulk Inventory report to look at the first day of the month after the reporting month.


Unpackaged - Extracts - Ingested - Closing inventory value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.

Unpackaged – Extracts – Other


Cell Name


Field formatting Requirements



Unpackaged - Extracts - Other - Opening inventory (kg)


Number from 0 to 10000000, maximum precision of 3 decimal places.

The sum weight of unpackaged Extracts-Other cannabis–in both discrete and non-discrete forms–in the inventory on the first day of the reporting month. This includes Extracts-Other Bulk Lots, tote weight from Extracts-Other lots, retained samples from Extracts-Other lots, Extracts-Other work order input weight from work orders that are not closed, and Extracts-Other weight in destruction sublots that are not closed. This also includes weight reserved in unpackaged wholesale shipments.


Unpackaged - Extracts - Other - Additions - Produced (kg)


Number from 0 to 10000000, maximum precision of 3 decimal places.

The sum of Extracts-Other weight output from work orders, where those work orders were closed during the reporting month and the input Bulk Lot type was pure intermediates.


Unpackaged - Extracts - Other - Additions - Received - domestic (kg)


Number from 0 to 10000000, maximum precision of 3 decimal places.

The sum weight of Extracts-Other received through the Bulk Received Inventory feature with the source set to "Domestic" within the reporting month.


Unpackaged - Extracts - Other - Additions - Received - imported (kg)


Number from 0 to 10000000, maximum precision of 3 decimal places.


Unpackaged - Extracts - Other - Additions - Received - returned (kg)


Number from 0 to 10000000, maximum precision of 3 decimal places.

The sum weight of Extracts-Other received through the Bulk Received Inventory feature with the source set to "Returned" within the reporting month.


Unpackaged - Extracts - Other - Additions - Other (kg)


Number from 0 to 10000000, maximum precision of 3 decimal places.

The sum weight of Extracts-Other received through the Bulk Received Inventory feature with the source set to "Other" within the reporting month.


Unpackaged - Extracts - Other - Reductions - Packaged and labeled (kg)


Number from 0 to 10000000, maximum precision of 3 decimal places.

The sum of weight packaged from Extracts-Other Bulk Lots into EA SKUs, considering all packaging methods, during the reporting month.


Unpackaged - Extracts - Other - Reductions - Shipped - domestic - to analytical testers (kg)


Number from 0 to 10000000, maximum precision of 3 decimal places.

The sum weight of Extracts-Other shipped in:

• Lab report samples where the lab report's "Sample Sent" setting is set to "Yes" and the "Date Sent" is within the reporting month.
• Unpackaged Sales Order shipments where the vendor's shipping address country is Canada and the order's purpose is "Analytical Testing."


Unpackaged - Extracts - Other - Reductions - Shipped - domestic - to researchers (kg)


Number from 0 to 10000000, maximum precision of 3 decimal places.

The sum weight of Extracts-Other in unpackaged Sales Order shipments where the vendor's shipping address is in Canada and the order's purpose is "Research."


Unpackaged - Extracts - Other - Reductions - Shipped - domestic - To cultivators and processors (kg)


Number from 0 to 10000000, maximum precision of 3 decimal places.

The sum weight of Extracts-Other in unpackaged Sales Order shipments where the vendor's shipping address is in Canada and the order's purpose is "Cultivation & Processing."


Unpackaged - Extracts - Other - Reductions - Shipped - exported (kg)


Number from 0 to 10000000, maximum precision of 3 decimal places.

The sum weight of Extracts-Other in unpackaged Sales Order shipments where the vendor's shipping address is not in Canada.


Unpackaged - Extracts - Other - Reductions - Shipped - exported value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Unpackaged - Extracts - Other - Reductions - Shipped - returned (kg)


Number from 0 to 10000000, maximum precision of 3 decimal places.

The sum weight of Extracts-Other initially received through the Bulk Received Inventory feature but later returned to the sender within the reporting month.


Unpackaged - Extracts - Other - Reductions - Adjustment for drying / processing loss (kg)


Number from 0 to 10000000, maximum precision of 3 decimal places.


Unpackaged - Extracts - Other - Reductions - Destroyed (kg)


Number from 0 to 10000000, maximum precision of 3 decimal places.


Unpackaged - Extracts - Other - Reductions - Lost/stolen (kg)


Number from 0 to 10000000, maximum precision of 3 decimal places.


Unpackaged - Extracts - Other - Reductions - Other (kg)


Number from 0 to 10000000, maximum precision of 3 decimal places.

The sum weight of Extracts-Other sold in unpackaged Sales Order shipments where the vendor's shipping address is in Canada and the order's purpose is "Other."


Unpackaged - Extracts - Other - Closing inventory (kg)


Number from 0 to 10000000, maximum precision of 3 decimal places.

The sum weight of unpackaged Extracts-Other cannabis–in both discrete and non-discrete forms–in the inventory on the last day of the reporting month. This includes Extracts-Other Bulk Lots, tote weight from Extracts-Other lots, retained samples from Extracts-Other lots, Extracts-Other work order input weight from work orders that are not closed, and Extracts-Other weight in destruction sublots that are not closed.


Unpackaged - Extracts - Other - Closing inventory value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.

Unpackaged – Topicals


Column Name


Field formatting Requirements



Unpackaged - Topicals - Opening inventory (kg)


Number from 0 to 10000000, maximum precision of 3 decimal places.

The sum weight of unpackaged Topicals cannabis–in both discrete and non-discrete forms–in the inventory on the first day of the reporting month. This includes Topicals Bulk Lots, tote weight from Topicals lots, retained samples from Topicals lots, Topicals work order input weight from work orders that are not closed, and Topicals weight in destruction sublots that are not closed. This also includes weight reserved in unpackaged wholesale shipments.


Unpackaged - Topicals - Additions - Produced (kg)


Number from 0 to 10000000, maximum precision of 3 decimal places.

The sum of Topicals weight output from work orders, where those work orders were closed during the reporting month and the input Bulk Lot type was pure intermediates.


Unpackaged - Topicals - Additions - Received - domestic (kg)


Nufmber from 0 to 10000000, maximum precision of 3 decimal places.

The sum weight of Topicals received through the Bulk Received Inventory feature with the source set to "Domestic" within the reporting month.


Unpackaged - Topicals - Additions - Received - imported (kg)


Number from 0 to 10000000, maximum precision of 3 decimal places.


Unpackaged - Topicals - Additions - Received - returned (kg)


Number from 0 to 10000000, maximum precision of 3 decimal places.

The sum weight of Topicals received through the Bulk Received Inventory feature with the source set to "Returned" within the reporting month.


Unpackaged - Topicals - Additions - Other (kg)


Number from 0 to 10000000, maximum precision of 3 decimal places.

The sum weight of Topicals received through the Bulk Received Inventory feature with the source set to "Other" within the reporting month.


Unpackaged - Topicals - Reductions - Packaged and labeled (kg)


Number from 0 to 10000000, maximum precision of 3 decimal places.

The sum of weight packaged from Topicals Bulk Lots into EA SKUs, considering all packaging methods, during the reporting month.


Unpackaged - Topicals - Reductions - Shipped - domestic - to analytical testers (kg)


Number from 0 to 10000000, maximum precision of 3 decimal places.

The sum weight of Topicals shipped in:

• Lab report samples where the lab report's "Sample Sent" setting is set to "Yes" and the "Date Sent" is within the reporting month.
• Unpackaged Sales Order shipments where the vendor's shipping address country is Canada and the order's purpose is "Analytical Testing."


Unpackaged - Topicals - Reductions - Shipped - domestic - to researchers (kg)


Number from 0 to 10000000, maximum precision of 3 decimal places.

The sum weight of Topicals in unpackaged Sales Order shipments where the vendor's shipping address is in Canada and the order's purpose is "Research."


Unpackaged - Topicals - Reductions - Shipped - domestic - To cultivators and processors (kg)


Number from 0 to 10000000, maximum precision of 3 decimal places.

The sum weight of Topicals in unpackaged Sales Order shipments where the vendor's shipping address is in Canada and the order's purpose is "Cultivation & Processing."


Unpackaged - Topicals - Reductions - Shipped - exported (kg)


Number from 0 to 10000000, maximum precision of 3 decimal places.

The sum weight of Topicals in unpackaged Sales Order shipments where the vendor's shipping address is not in Canada.


Unpackaged - Topicals - Reductions - Shipped - exported value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Unpackaged - Topicals - Reductions - Shipped - returned (kg)


Number from 0 to 10000000, maximum precision of 3 decimal places.

The sum weight of Topicals initially received through the Bulk Received Inventory feature but later returned to the sender within the reporting month.


Unpackaged - Topicals - Reductions - Adjustment for drying / processing loss (kg)


Number from 0 to 10000000, maximum precision of 3 decimal places.


Unpackaged - Topicals - Reductions - Destroyed (kg)


Number from 0 to 10000000, maximum precision of 3 decimal places.


Unpackaged - Topicals - Reductions - Lost/stolen (kg)


Number from 0 to 10000000, maximum precision of 3 decimal places.


Unpackaged - Topicals - Reductions - Other (kg)


Number from 0 to 10000000, maximum precision of 3 decimal places.

The sum weight of Topicals sold in unpackaged Sales Order shipments where the vendor's shipping address is in Canada and the order's purpose is "Other."


Unpackaged - Topicals - Closing inventory (kg)


Number from 0 to 10000000, maximum precision of 3 decimal places.

The sum weight of unpackaged Topicals cannabis–in both discrete and non-discrete forms–in the inventory on the last day of the reporting month. This includes Topicals Bulk Lots, tote weight from Topicals lots, retained samples from Topicals lots, Topicals work order input weight from work orders that are not closed, and Topicals weight in destruction sublots that are not closed.


Unpackaged - Topicals - Closing inventory value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.

Unpackaged – Other

Ample Organics does not support this section of the release.

Packaged Tab

Packaged – Seeds

Ample Organics does not currently collect data to populate columns in this section.

Packaged – Vegetative cannabis plants

Ample Organics does not currently collect data to populate columns in this section,

Packaged – Fresh cannabis

Ample Organics does not support this section of the report.

Packaged – Dried


Cell Name


Field formatting Requirements


Stock Report Validation


Packaged - Dried cannabis - Opening inventory (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.

The sum of dried bottles–both discrete and non-discrete–in the inventory on the first day of the reporting month. This includes bottles in the inventory that are not sold, reclaimed, or destroyed; bottles reserved on medical orders that are not fulfilled; and bottles in cases that are not sold, including reserved cases. This also includes weight reserved in unpackaged wholesale shipments.


Packaged - Dried cannabis - Additions - Quantity packaged (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.

The sum of dried bottles–both discrete and non-discrete–created through packaging runs during the reporting month.

Run the Bottles Created report, setting the date range as the reporting month, and look at Total Bottles created from Dried Bulk Lots.


Packaged - Dried cannabis - Additions - Received - domestic (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.

The sum of dried bottles–both discrete and non-discrete–received via the Received Inventory workflow, where "Source" was set to "Domestic", within the reporting month.

Run the Received Inventory report, setting the date range as the reporting month. Filter by Source, and look at the Total EA units received into Dried SKUs.


Packaged - Dried cannabis - Additions - Received - returned (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.

The sum of dried bottles–both discrete and non-discrete–received via the Received Inventory workflow, where "Source" was set to "Return", within the reporting month.

Run the Received Inventory report, setting the date range as the reporting month. Filter by Source, and look at the Total EA units received into Dried SKUs.


Packaged - Dried cannabis - Additions - Other (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.

The sum of dried bottles–both discrete and non-discrete–received via the Received Inventory workflow, where "Source" was set to "Other", within the reporting month.

Run the Received Inventory report, setting the date range as the reporting month. Filter by Source, and look at the Total EA units received into Dried SKUs.


Packaged - Dried cannabis - Reductions - Shipped - domestic (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.

The sum of dried bottles–both discrete and non-discrete–sold through medical and wholesale orders within the reporting month.

For medical orders, use Sales Report 2, setting the date range as the reporting month. Look at Qty of Units Sold for each Dried SKU listed.


Packaged - Dried cannabis - Reductions - Shipped - returned (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.

The sum of dried bottles–both discrete and non-discrete–in received inventories that were returned within the reporting month.


Packaged - Dried cannabis - Reductions - Destroyed (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.

Sum of dried bottles destroyed during the reporting month.


Packaged - Dried cannabis - Reductions - Lost/stolen (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Packaged - Dried cannabis - Reductions - Other (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Packaged - Dried cannabis - Closing inventory (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.

The sum of dried bottles–both discrete and non-discrete–in the inventory on the last day of the reporting month. This includes bottles in the inventory that are not sold, reclaimed, or destroyed; bottles reserved on medical orders that are not fulfilled; and bottles in cases that are not sold, including reserved cases.


Packaged - Dried cannabis - Closing inventory value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.

The total value (according to the SKU's Wholesale Price) of dried bottles–both discrete and non-discrete–in the inventory on the last day of the reporting month. This includes bottles in the inventory that are not sold, reclaimed, or destroyed; bottles reserved on medical orders that are not fulfilled; and bottles in cases that are not sold, including reserved cases.


Packaged - Dried cannabis - Closing inventory weight (kg)


Number from 0 to 10000000, maximum precision of 3 decimal places.

The total weight of dried bottles–both discrete and non-discrete–in the inventory on the last day of the reporting month. This includes bottles in the inventory that are not sold, reclaimed, or destroyed; bottles reserved on medical orders that are not fulfilled; and bottles in cases that are not sold, including reserved cases. This column pulls data based on the amount packaged, not the net weight of each unique SKU.

Packaged – Edibles – Solids


Cell Name


Field formatting Requirements



Packaged - Edibles - Solids - Opening inventory (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.

The sum of Edibles-Solids EA units–both discrete and non-discrete–in the licence holder's inventory on the first day of the reporting month. This includes bottles reserved on medical orders that are not yet fulfilled, and bottles in cases that have not been sold.


Packaged - Edibles - Solids - Additions - Quantity packaged (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.

The sum of Edibles-Solids EA units–both discrete and non-discrete–created through packaging runs during the reporting month.


Packaged - Edibles - Solids - Additions - Received - domestic (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.

The sum of Edibles-Solids EA units–both discrete and non-discrete–received via the Received Inventory workflow, where "Source" was set to "Domestic", within the reporting month.


Packaged - Edibles - Solids - Additions - Received - returned (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.

The sum of Edibles-Solids EA units–both discrete and non-discrete–received via the Received Inventory workflow, where "Source" was set to "Return", within the reporting month.


Packaged - Edibles - Solids - Additions - Other (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.

The sum of Edibles-Solids EA units–both discrete and non-discrete–received via the Received Inventory workflow, where "Source" was set to "Other", within the reporting month.


Packaged - Edibles - Solids - Reductions - Shipped - domestic (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.

The sum of Edibles-Solids EA units–both discrete and non-discrete–sold through medical and wholesale orders within the reporting month.


Packaged - Edibles - Solids - Reductions - Shipped - returned (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.

The sum of Edibles-Solids EA units–both discrete and non-discrete–in received inventories that were returned within the reporting month.


Packaged - Edibles - Solids - Reductions - Destroyed (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.

Sum of Edibles-Solids EA units–both discrete and non-discrete–destroyed during the reporting month.


Packaged - Edibles - Solids - Reductions - Lost/stolen (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Packaged - Edibles - Solids - Reductions - Other (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Packaged - Edibles - Solids - Closing inventory (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.

The sum of Edibles-Solids EA units–both discrete and non-discrete–in the inventory on the last day of the reporting month. This includes bottles in the inventory that are not sold, reclaimed, or destroyed; bottles reserved on medical orders that are not fulfilled; and bottles in cases that are not sold, including reserved cases.


Packaged - Edibles - Solids - Closing inventory value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.

The total value (according to the SKU's Wholesale Price) of Edibles-Solids EA units–both discrete and non-discrete–in the inventory on the last day of the reporting month. This includes bottles in the inventory that are not sold, reclaimed, or destroyed; bottles reserved on medical orders that are not fulfilled; and bottles in cases that are not sold, including reserved cases.


Packaged - Edibles - Solids - Closing inventory weight (kg)


Number from 0 to 10000000, maximum precision of 3 decimal places.

The total weight of Edibles-Solids EA units–both discrete and non-discrete–in the inventory on the last day of the reporting month. This includes bottles in the inventory that are not sold, reclaimed, or destroyed; bottles reserved on medical orders that are not fulfilled; and bottles in cases that are not sold, including reserved cases. This column pulls data based on the amount packaged, not the net weight of each unique SKU.

Packaged – Edibles – Non Solids


Cell Name


Field formatting Requirements



Packaged - Edibles - Non-solids - Opening inventory (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.

The sum of Edibles-Non-Solids EA units–both discrete and non-discrete–in the licence holder's inventory on the first day of the reporting month. This includes bottles reserved on medical orders that are not yet fulfilled, and bottles in cases that have not been sold.


Packaged - Edibles - Non-solids - Additions - Quantity packaged (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.

The sum of Edibles-Non-Solids EA units–both discrete and non-discrete–created through packaging runs during the reporting month.


Packaged - Edibles - Non-solids - Additions - Received - domestic (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.

The sum of Edibles-Non-Solids EA units–both discrete and non-discrete–received via the Received Inventory workflow, where "Source" was set to "Domestic", within the reporting month.


Packaged - Edibles - Non-solids - Additions - Received - returned (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.

The sum of Edibles-Non-Solids EA units–both discrete and non-discrete–received via the Received Inventory workflow, where "Source" was set to "Return", within the reporting month.


Packaged - Edibles - Non-solids - Additions - Other (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.

The sum of Edibles-Non-Solids EA units–both discrete and non-discrete–received via the Received Inventory workflow, where "Source" was set to "Other", within the reporting month.


Packaged - Edibles - Non-solids - Reductions - Shipped - domestic (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.

The sum of Edibles-Non-Solids EA units–both discrete and non-discrete–sold through medical and wholesale orders within the reporting month.


Packaged - Edibles - Non-solids - Reductions - Shipped - returned (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.

The sum of Edibles-Non-Solids EA units–both discrete and non-discrete–in received inventories that were returned within the reporting month.


Packaged - Edibles - Non-solids - Reductions - Destroyed (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.

Sum of Edibles-Non-Solids EA units–both discrete and non-discrete–destroyed during the reporting month.


Packaged - Edibles - Non-solids - Reductions - Lost/stolen (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Packaged - Edibles - Non-solids - Reductions - Other (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Packaged - Edibles - Non-solids - Closing inventory (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.

The sum of Edibles-Non-Solids EA units–both discrete and non-discrete–in the inventory on the last day of the reporting month. This includes bottles in the inventory that are not sold, reclaimed, or destroyed; bottles reserved on medical orders that are not fulfilled; and bottles in cases that are not sold, including reserved cases.


Packaged - Edibles - Non-solids - Closing inventory value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.

The total value (according to the SKU's Wholesale Price) of Edibles-Non-Solids EA units–both discrete and non-discrete–in the inventory on the last day of the reporting month. This includes bottles in the inventory that are not sold, reclaimed, or destroyed; bottles reserved on medical orders that are not fulfilled; and bottles in cases that are not sold, including reserved cases.


Packaged - Edibles - Non-solids - Closing inventory weight (kg)


Number from 0 to 10000000, maximum precision of 3 decimal places.

The total weight of Edibles-Non-Solids EA units–both discrete and non-discrete–in the inventory on the last day of the reporting month. This includes bottles in the inventory that are not sold, reclaimed, or destroyed; bottles reserved on medical orders that are not fulfilled; and bottles in cases that are not sold, including reserved cases. This column pulls data based on the amount packaged, not the net weight of each unique SKU.

Packaged – Extracts – Inhaled


Cell Name


Field formatting Requirements



Packaged - Extracts - Inhaled - Opening inventory (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.

The sum of Extracts-Inhaled EA units–both discrete and non-discrete–in the licence holder's inventory on the first day of the reporting month. This includes bottles reserved on medical orders that are not yet fulfilled, and bottles in cases that have not been sold.


Packaged - Extracts - Inhaled - Additions - Quantity packaged (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.

The sum of Extracts-Inhaled EA units–both discrete and non-discrete–created through packaging runs during the reporting month.


Packaged - Extracts - Inhaled - Additions - Received - domestic (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.

The sum of Extracts-Inhaled EA units–both discrete and non-discrete–received via the Received Inventory workflow, where "Source" was set to "Domestic", within the reporting month.


Packaged - Extracts - Inhaled - Additions - Received - returned (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.

The sum of Extracts-Inhaled EA units–both discrete and non-discrete–received via the Received Inventory workflow, where "Source" was set to "Return", within the reporting month.


Packaged - Extracts - Inhaled - Additions - Other (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.

The sum of Extracts-Inhaled EA units–both discrete and non-discrete–received via the Received Inventory workflow, where "Source" was set to "Other", within the reporting month.


Packaged - Extracts - Inhaled - Reductions - Shipped - domestic (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.

The sum of Extracts-Inhaled EA units–both discrete and non-discrete–sold through medical and wholesale orders within the reporting month.


Packaged - Extracts - Inhaled - Reductions - Shipped - returned (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.

The sum of Extracts-Inhaled EA units–both discrete and non-discrete–in received inventories that were returned within the reporting month.


Packaged - Extracts - Inhaled - Reductions - Destroyed (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.

Sum of Extracts-Inhaled EA units–both discrete and non-discrete–destroyed during the reporting month.


Packaged - Extracts - Inhaled - Reductions - Lost/stolen (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Packaged - Extracts - Inhaled - Reductions - Other (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Packaged - Extracts - Inhaled - Closing inventory (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.

The sum of Extracts-Inhaled EA units–both discrete and non-discrete–in the inventory on the last day of the reporting month. This includes bottles in the inventory that are not sold, reclaimed, or destroyed; bottles reserved on medical orders that are not fulfilled; and bottles in cases that are not sold, including reserved cases.


Packaged - Extracts - Inhaled - Closing inventory value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.

The total value (according to the SKU's Wholesale Price) of Extracts-Inhaled EA units–both discrete and non-discrete–in the inventory on the last day of the reporting month. This includes bottles in the inventory that are not sold, reclaimed, or destroyed; bottles reserved on medical orders that are not fulfilled; and bottles in cases that are not sold, including reserved cases.


Packaged - Extracts - Inhaled - Closing inventory weight (kg)


Number from 0 to 10000000, maximum precision of 3 decimal places.

The total weight of Extracts-Inhaled EA units–both discrete and non-discrete–in the inventory on the last day of the reporting month. This includes bottles in the inventory that are not sold, reclaimed, or destroyed; bottles reserved on medical orders that are not fulfilled; and bottles in cases that are not sold, including reserved cases. This column pulls data based on the amount packaged, not the net weight of each unique SKU.

Packaged – Extracts – Ingested


Cell Name


Field formatting Requirements



Packaged - Extracts - Ingested - Opening inventory (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.

The sum of Extracts-Ingested bottles–both discrete and non-discrete–in the inventory on the first day of the reporting month. This includes bottles in the inventory that are not sold, reclaimed, or destroyed; bottles reserved on medical orders that are not fulfilled; and bottles in cases that are not sold, including reserved cases.


Packaged - Extracts - Ingested - Additions - Quantity packaged (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.

The sum of Extracts-Ingested bottles–both discrete and non-discrete–created through packaging runs within the reporting month.


Packaged - Extracts - Ingested - Additions - Received - domestic (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.

The sum of Extracts-Ingested bottles–both discrete and non-discrete–received via the Received Inventory workflow, where "Source" was set to "Domestic", within the reporting month.


Packaged - Extracts - Ingested - Additions - Received - returned (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.

The sum of Extracts-Ingested bottles–both discrete and non-discrete–received via the Received Inventory workflow, where "Source" was set to "Return", within the reporting month.


Packaged - Extracts - Ingested - Additions - Other (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.

The sum of Extracts-Ingested bottles–both discrete and non-discrete–received via the Received Inventory workflow, where "Source" was set to "Other", within the reporting month.


Packaged - Extracts - Ingested - Reductions - Shipped - domestic (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.

The sum of Extracts-Ingested bottles–both discrete and non-discrete–sold through medical and wholesale orders within the reporting month.


Packaged - Extracts - Ingested - Reductions - Shipped - returned (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.

The sum of Extracts-Ingested bottles–both discrete and non-discrete–in received inventories that were returned within the reporting month.


Packaged - Extracts - Ingested - Reductions - Destroyed (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.

Sum of Extracts - Inhaled bottles destroyed during the reporting month.


Packaged - Extracts - Ingested - Reductions - Lost/stolen (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Packaged - Extracts - Ingested - Reductions - Other (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Packaged - Extracts - Ingested - Closing inventory (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.

The sum of Extracts-Ingested bottles–both discrete and non-discrete–in the inventory on the last day of the reporting month. This includes bottles in the inventory that are not sold, reclaimed, or destroyed; bottles reserved on medical orders that are not fulfilled; and bottles in cases that are not sold, including reserved cases.


Packaged - Extracts - Ingested - Closing inventory value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.

The total value (according to the SKU's Wholesale Price) of Extracts-Ingested bottles–both discrete and non-discrete–in the inventory on the last day of the reporting month. This includes bottles in the inventory that are not sold, reclaimed, or destroyed; bottles reserved on medical orders that are not fulfilled; and bottles in cases that are not sold, including reserved cases.


Packaged - Extracts - Ingested - Closing inventory weight (kg)


Number from 0 to 10000000, maximum precision of 3 decimal places.

The total weight of Extracts-Ingested bottles–both discrete and non-discrete–in the inventory on the last day of the reporting month. This includes bottles in the inventory that are not sold, reclaimed, or destroyed; bottles reserved on medical orders that are not fulfilled; and bottles in cases that are not sold, including reserved cases. This column pulls data based on the amount packaged, not the net weight of each unique SKU.

Packaged – Extracts – Other


Cell Name


Field formatting Requirements



Packaged - Extracts - Other - Opening inventory (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.

The sum of Extracts-Other EA units–both discrete and non-discrete–in the licence holder's inventory on the first day of the reporting month. This includes bottles reserved on medical orders that are not yet fulfilled, and bottles in cases that have not been sold.


Packaged - Extracts - Other - Additions - Quantity packaged (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.

The sum of Extracts-Other EA units–both discrete and non-discrete–created through packaging runs during the reporting month.


Packaged - Extracts - Other - Additions - Received - domestic (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.

The sum of Extracts-Other EA units–both discrete and non-discrete–received via the Received Inventory workflow, where "Source" was set to "Domestic", within the reporting month.


Packaged - Extracts - Other - Additions - Received - returned (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.

The sum of Extracts-Other EA units–both discrete and non-discrete–received via the Received Inventory workflow, where "Source" was set to "Return", within the reporting month.


Packaged - Extracts - Other - Additions - Other (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.

The sum of Extracts-Other EA units–both discrete and non-discrete–received via the Received Inventory workflow, where "Source" was set to "Other", within the reporting month.


Packaged - Extracts - Other - Reductions - Shipped - domestic (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.

The sum of Extracts-Other EA units–both discrete and non-discrete–sold through medical and wholesale orders within the reporting month.


Packaged - Extracts - Other - Reductions - Shipped - returned (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.

The sum of Extracts-Other EA units–both discrete and non-discrete–in received inventories that were returned within the reporting month.


Packaged - Extracts - Other - Reductions - Destroyed (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.

Sum of Extracts-Other EA units–both discrete and non-discrete–destroyed during the reporting month.


Packaged - Extracts - Other - Reductions - Lost/stolen (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Packaged - Extracts - Other - Reductions - Other (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Packaged - Extracts - Other - Closing inventory (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.

The sum of Extracts-Other EA units–both discrete and non-discrete–in the inventory on the last day of the reporting month. This includes bottles in the inventory that are not sold, reclaimed, or destroyed; bottles reserved on medical orders that are not fulfilled; and bottles in cases that are not sold, including reserved cases.


Packaged - Extracts - Other - Closing inventory value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.

The total value (according to the SKU's Wholesale Price) of Extracts-Other EA units–both discrete and non-discrete–in the inventory on the last day of the reporting month. This includes bottles in the inventory that are not sold, reclaimed, or destroyed; bottles reserved on medical orders that are not fulfilled; and bottles in cases that are not sold, including reserved cases.


Packaged - Extracts - Other - Closing inventory weight (kg)


Number from 0 to 10000000, maximum precision of 3 decimal places.

The total weight of Extracts-Other EA units–both discrete and non-discrete–in the inventory on the last day of the reporting month. This includes bottles in the inventory that are not sold, reclaimed, or destroyed; bottles reserved on medical orders that are not fulfilled; and bottles in cases that are not sold, including reserved cases. This column pulls data based on the amount packaged, not the net weight of each unique SKU.

Packaged – Topicals


Cell Name


Field formatting Requirements



Packaged - Topicals - Opening inventory (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.

The sum of Topicals EA units–both discrete and non-discrete–in the licence holder's inventory on the first day of the reporting month. This includes bottles reserved on medical orders that are not yet fulfilled, and bottles in cases that have not been sold.


Packaged - Topicals - Additions - Quantity packaged (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.

The sum of Topicals EA units–both discrete and non-discrete–created through packaging runs during the reporting month.


Packaged - Topicals - Additions - Received - domestic (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.

The sum of Topicals EA units–both discrete and non-discrete–received via the Received Inventory workflow, where "Source" was set to "Domestic", within the reporting month.


Packaged - Topicals - Additions - Received - returned (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.

The sum of Topicals EA units–both discrete and non-discrete–received via the Received Inventory workflow, where "Source" was set to "Return", within the reporting month.


Packaged - Topicals - Additions - Other (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.

The sum of Topicals EA units–both discrete and non-discrete–received via the Received Inventory workflow, where "Source" was set to "Other", within the reporting month.


Packaged - Topicals - Reductions - Shipped - domestic (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.

The sum of Topicals EA units–both discrete and non-discrete–sold through medical and wholesale orders within the reporting month.


Packaged - Topicals - Reductions - Shipped - returned (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.

The sum of Topicals EA units–both discrete and non-discrete–in received inventories that were returned within the reporting month.


Packaged - Topicals - Reductions - Destroyed (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.

Sum of Topicals EA units–both discrete and non-discrete–destroyed during the reporting month.


Packaged - Topicals - Reductions - Lost/stolen (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Packaged - Topicals - Reductions - Other (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Packaged - Topicals - Closing inventory (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.

The sum of Topicals EA units–both discrete and non-discrete–in the inventory on the last day of the reporting month. This includes bottles in the inventory that are not sold, reclaimed, or destroyed; bottles reserved on medical orders that are not fulfilled; and bottles in cases that are not sold, including reserved cases.


Packaged - Topicals - Closing inventory value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.

The total value (according to the SKU's Wholesale Price) of Topicals EA units–both discrete and non-discrete–in the inventory on the last day of the reporting month. This includes bottles in the inventory that are not sold, reclaimed, or destroyed; bottles reserved on medical orders that are not fulfilled; and bottles in cases that are not sold, including reserved cases.


Packaged - Topicals - Closing inventory weight (kg)


Number from 0 to 10000000, maximum precision of 3 decimal places.

The total weight of Topicals EA units–both discrete and non-discrete–in the inventory on the last day of the reporting month. This includes bottles in the inventory that are not sold, reclaimed, or destroyed; bottles reserved on medical orders that are not fulfilled; and bottles in cases that are not sold, including reserved cases. This column pulls data based on the amount packaged, not the net weight of each unique SKU.

Packaged – Other

Ample Organics does not support this section of the report.

Sales Tab

Sales – Seeds


Cell Name


Field formatting Requirements


Stock Report Validation


Sales - AB - Seeds - Medical - Direct to consumer (online) (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.

Sum of seeds sold to clients with a registration address in Alberta through medical orders within the reporting month. The report looks at the date on which each order is shipped.

Pull Sales Report V2 for the whole reporting month. Sort by by Province and Seed Product Subclass. Tally the Qty of Units Sold column.


Sales - AB - Seeds - Medical - Direct to consumer (online) value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.

Total value (based on retail price) of seeds sold to clients with a registration address in Alberta through medical orders within the reporting month. This considers item discounts. Order discounts are spread across all items in the order, before shipping and after tax.

Pull Sales Report V2 for the whole reporting month. Sort by by Province and Seed Product Subclass. Tally the Net Sales After Discounts column.


Sales - AB - Seeds - Non-medical - Direct to consumer (online) (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - AB - Seeds - Non-medical - Direct to consumer (online) value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - AB - Seeds - Non-medical - To distributor (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - AB - Seeds - Non-medical - To distributor value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - AB - Seeds - Non-medical - To retailer (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - AB - Seeds - Non-medical - To retailer value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - AB - Seeds - Intra-industry trade - Unpackaged (kg)


Number from 0 to 1000000, maximum precision of 3 decimal places.


Sales - AB - Seeds - Intra-industry trade - Unpackaged value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - AB - Seeds - Intra-industry trade - Packaged (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - AB - Seeds - Intra-industry trade - Packaged value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - BC - Seeds - Medical - Direct to consumer (online) (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.

Sum of seeds sold to clients with a registration address in British Columbia through medical orders within the reporting month. The report looks at the date on which the orders were shipped.

Pull Sales Report V2 for the whole reporting month. Sort by by Province and Seed Product Subclass. Tally the Qty of Units Sold column.


Sales - BC - Seeds - Medical - Direct to consumer (online) value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.

Total value (based on retail price) of seeds sold to clients with a registration address in British Columbia through medical orders within the reporting month. This considers item discounts. Order discounts are spread across all items in the order, before shipping and after tax.

Pull Sales Report V2 for the whole reporting month. Sort by by Province and Seed Product Subclass. Tally the Net Sales After Discounts column.


Sales - BC - Seeds - Non-medical - Direct to consumer (online) (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - BC - Seeds - Non-medical - Direct to consumer (online) value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - BC - Seeds - Non-medical - To distributor (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - BC - Seeds - Non-medical - To distributor value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - BC - Seeds - Non-medical - To retailer (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - BC - Seeds - Non-medical - To retailer value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - BC - Seeds - Intra-industry trade - Unpackaged (kg)


Number from 0 to 1000000, maximum precision of 3 decimal places.


Sales - BC - Seeds - Intra-industry trade - Unpackaged value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - BC - Seeds - Intra-industry trade - Packaged (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - BC - Seeds - Intra-industry trade - Packaged value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - MB - Seeds - Medical - Direct to consumer (online) (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.

Sum of seeds sold to clients with a registration address in Manitoba through medical orders within the reporting month. The report looks at the date on which the orders shipped.

Pull Sales Report V2 for the whole reporting month. Sort by by Province and Seed Product Subclass. Tally the Qty of Units Sold column.


Sales - MB - Seeds - Medical - Direct to consumer (online) value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.

Total value (based on retail price) of seeds sold to clients with a registration address in Manitoba through medical orders within the reporting month. This considers item discounts. Order discounts are spread across all items in the order, before shipping and after tax.

Pull Sales Report V2 for the whole reporting month. Sort by by Province and Seed Product Subclass. Tally the Net Sales After Discounts column.


Sales - MB - Seeds - Non-medical - Direct to consumer (online) (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - MB - Seeds - Non-medical - Direct to consumer (online) value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - MB - Seeds - Non-medical - To distributor (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - MB - Seeds - Non-medical - To distributor value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - MB - Seeds - Non-medical - To retailer (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - MB - Seeds - Non-medical - To retailer value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - MB - Seeds - Intra-industry trade - Unpackaged (kg)


Number from 0 to 1000000, maximum precision of 3 decimal places.


Sales - MB - Seeds - Intra-industry trade - Unpackaged value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - MB - Seeds - Intra-industry trade - Packaged (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - MB - Seeds - Intra-industry trade - Packaged value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - NB - Seeds - Medical - Direct to consumer (online) (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.

Sum of seeds sold to clients with a registration address in New Brunswick through medical orders within the reporting month. The report looks at the date on which each order shipped.

Pull Sales Report V2 for the whole reporting month. Sort by by Province and Seed Product Subclass. Tally the Net Sales After Discounts column.


Sales - NB - Seeds - Medical - Direct to consumer (online) value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.

Total value (based on retail price) of seeds sold to clients with a registration address in New Brunswick through medical orders within the reporting month. This considers item discounts. Order discounts are spread across all items in the order, before shipping and after tax.

Pull Sales Report V2 for the whole reporting month. Sort by by Province and Seed Product Subclass. Tally the Net Sales After Discounts column.


Sales - NB - Seeds - Non-medical - Direct to consumer (online) (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - NB - Seeds - Non-medical - Direct to consumer (online) value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - NB - Seeds - Non-medical - To distributor (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - NB - Seeds - Non-medical - To distributor value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - NB - Seeds - Non-medical - To retailer (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - NB - Seeds - Non-medical - To retailer value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - NB - Seeds - Intra-industry trade - Unpackaged (kg)


Number from 0 to 1000000, maximum precision of 3 decimal places.


Sales - NB - Seeds - Intra-industry trade - Unpackaged value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - NB - Seeds - Intra-industry trade - Packaged (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - NB - Seeds - Intra-industry trade - Packaged value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - NL - Seeds - Medical - Direct to consumer (online) (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.

Sum of seeds sold to clients with a registration address in Newfoundland & Labrador through medical orders within the reporting month. The report looks at the date on each order shipped.

Pull Sales Report V2 for the whole reporting month. Sort by by Province and Seed Product Subclass. Tally the Qty of Units Sold column.


Sales - NL - Seeds - Medical - Direct to consumer (online) value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.

Total value (based on retail price) of seeds sold to clients with a registration address in Newfoundland & Labrador through medical orders within the reporting month. This considers item discounts. Order discounts are spread across all items in the order, before shipping and after tax.

Pull Sales Report V2 for the whole reporting month. Sort by by Province and Seed Product Subclass. Tally the Net Sales After Discounts column.


Sales - NL - Seeds - Non-medical - Direct to consumer (online) (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - NL - Seeds - Non-medical - Direct to consumer (online) value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - NL - Seeds - Non-medical - To distributor (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - NL - Seeds - Non-medical - To distributor value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - NL - Seeds - Non-medical - To retailer (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - NL - Seeds - Non-medical - To retailer value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - NL - Seeds - Intra-industry trade - Unpackaged (kg)


Number from 0 to 1000000, maximum precision of 3 decimal places.


Sales - NL - Seeds - Intra-industry trade - Unpackaged value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - NL - Seeds - Intra-industry trade - Packaged (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - NL - Seeds - Intra-industry trade - Packaged value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - NS - Seeds - Medical - Direct to consumer (online) (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.

Sum of seeds sold to clients with a registration address in Nova Scotia through medical orders within the reporting month. The report looks at the date on which the orders shipped.

Pull Sales Report V2 for the whole reporting month. Sort by by Province and Seed Product Subclass. Tally the Qty of Units Sold column.


Sales - NS - Seeds - Medical - Direct to consumer (online) value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.

Total value (based on retail price) of seeds sold to clients with a registration address in Nova Scotia through medical orders within the reporting month. This considers item discounts. Order discounts are spread across all items in the order, before shipping and after tax.

Pull Sales Report V2 for the whole reporting month. Sort by by Province and Seed Product Subclass. Tally the Net Sales After Discounts column.


Sales - NS - Seeds - Non-medical - Direct to consumer (online) (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - NS - Seeds - Non-medical - Direct to consumer (online) value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - NS - Seeds - Non-medical - To distributor (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - NS - Seeds - Non-medical - To distributor value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - NS - Seeds - Non-medical - To retailer (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - NS - Seeds - Non-medical - To retailer value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - NS - Seeds - Intra-industry trade - Unpackaged (kg)


Number from 0 to 1000000, maximum precision of 3 decimal places.


Sales - NS - Seeds - Intra-industry trade - Unpackaged value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - NS - Seeds - Intra-industry trade - Packaged (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - NS - Seeds - Intra-industry trade - Packaged value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - NT - Seeds - Medical - Direct to consumer (online) (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.

Sum of seeds sold to clients with a registration address in Northwest Territories through medical orders within the reporting month. The report looks at the date on which the order was shipped.

Pull Sales Report V2 for the whole reporting month. Sort by by Province and Seed Product Subclass. Tally the Qty of Units Sold column.


Sales - NT - Seeds - Medical - Direct to consumer (online) value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.

Total value (based on retail price) of seeds sold to clients with a registration address in Northwest Territories through medical orders within the reporting month. This considers item discounts. Order discounts are spread across all items in the order, before shipping and after tax.

Pull Sales Report V2 for the whole reporting month. Sort by by Province and Seed Product Subclass. Tally the Net Sales After Discounts column.


Sales - NT - Seeds - Non-medical - Direct to consumer (online) (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - NT - Seeds - Non-medical - Direct to consumer (online) value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - NT - Seeds - Non-medical - To distributor (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - NT - Seeds - Non-medical - To distributor value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - NT - Seeds - Non-medical - To retailer (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - NT - Seeds - Non-medical - To retailer value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - NT - Seeds - Intra-industry trade - Unpackaged (kg)


Number from 0 to 1000000, maximum precision of 3 decimal places.


Sales - NT - Seeds - Intra-industry trade - Unpackaged value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - NT - Seeds - Intra-industry trade - Packaged (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - NT - Seeds - Intra-industry trade - Packaged value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - NU - Seeds - Medical - Direct to consumer (online) (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.

Sum of seeds sold to clients with a registration address in Nunavut through medical orders within the reporting month. The report looks at the date on which the orders were shipped.

Pull Sales Report V2 for the whole reporting month. Sort by by Province and Seed Product Subclass. Tally the Qty of Units Sold column.


Sales - NU - Seeds - Medical - Direct to consumer (online) value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.

Total value (based on retail price) of seeds sold to clients with a registration address in Nunavut through medical orders within the reporting month. This considers item discounts. Order discounts are spread across all items in the order, before shipping and after tax.

Pull Sales Report V2 for the whole reporting month. Sort by by Province and Seed Product Subclass. Tally the Net Sales After Discounts column.


Sales - NU - Seeds - Non-medical - Direct to consumer (online) (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - NU - Seeds - Non-medical - Direct to consumer (online) value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - NU - Seeds - Non-medical - To distributor (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - NU - Seeds - Non-medical - To distributor value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - NU - Seeds - Non-medical - To retailer (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - NU - Seeds - Non-medical - To retailer value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - NU - Seeds - Intra-industry trade - Unpackaged (kg)


Number from 0 to 1000000, maximum precision of 3 decimal places.


Sales - NU - Seeds - Intra-industry trade - Unpackaged value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - NU - Seeds - Intra-industry trade - Packaged (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - NU - Seeds - Intra-industry trade - Packaged value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - ON - Seeds - Medical - Direct to consumer (online) (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.

Sum of seeds sold to clients with a registration address in Ontario through medical orders within the reporting month. The report looks at the date on which the order was shipped.

Pull Sales Report V2 for the whole reporting month. Sort by by Province and Seed Product Subclass. Tally the Qty of Units Sold column.


Sales - ON - Seeds - Medical - Direct to consumer (online) value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.

Total value (based on retail price) of seeds sold to clients with a registration address in Ontario through medical orders within the reporting month. This considers item discounts. Order discounts are spread across all items in the order, before shipping and after tax.

Pull Sales Report V2 for the whole reporting month. Sort by by Province and Seed Product Subclass. Tally the Net Sales After Discounts column.


Sales - ON - Seeds - Non-medical - Direct to consumer (online) (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - ON - Seeds - Non-medical - Direct to consumer (online) value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - ON - Seeds - Non-medical - To distributor (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - ON - Seeds - Non-medical - To distributor value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - ON - Seeds - Non-medical - To retailer (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - ON - Seeds - Non-medical - To retailer value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - ON - Seeds - Intra-industry trade - Unpackaged (kg)


Number from 0 to 1000000, maximum precision of 3 decimal places.


Sales - ON - Seeds - Intra-industry trade - Unpackaged value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - ON - Seeds - Intra-industry trade - Packaged (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - ON - Seeds - Intra-industry trade - Packaged value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - PE - Seeds - Medical - Direct to consumer (online) (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.

Sum of seeds sold to clients with a registration address in Prince Edward Island through medical orders within the reporting month. The report looks at the date on which the order was shipped.

Pull Sales Report V2 for the whole reporting month. Sort by by Province and Seed Product Subclass. Tally the Qty of Units Sold column.


Sales - PE - Seeds - Medical - Direct to consumer (online) value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.

Total value (based on retail price) of seeds sold to clients with a registration address in Prince Edward Island through medical orders within the reporting month. This considers item discounts. Order discounts are spread across all items in the order, before shipping and after tax.

Pull Sales Report V2 for the whole reporting month. Sort by by Province and Seed Product Subclass. Tally the Net Sales After Discounts column.


Sales - PE - Seeds - Non-medical - Direct to consumer (online) (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - PE - Seeds - Non-medical - Direct to consumer (online) value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - PE - Seeds - Non-medical - To distributor (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - PE - Seeds - Non-medical - To distributor value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - PE - Seeds - Non-medical - To retailer (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - PE - Seeds - Non-medical - To retailer value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - PE - Seeds - Intra-industry trade - Unpackaged (kg)


Number from 0 to 1000000, maximum precision of 3 decimal places.


Sales - PE - Seeds - Intra-industry trade - Unpackaged value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - PE - Seeds - Intra-industry trade - Packaged (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - PE - Seeds - Intra-industry trade - Packaged value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - QC - Seeds - Medical - Direct to consumer (online) (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.

Sum of seeds sold to clients with a registration address in Quebec through medical orders within the reporting month. The report looks at the date on which the order was shipped.

Pull Sales Report V2 for the whole reporting month. Sort by by Province and Seed Product Subclass. Tally the Qty of Units Sold column.


Sales - QC - Seeds - Medical - Direct to consumer (online) value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.

Total value (based on retail price) of seeds sold to clients with a registration address in Quebec through medical orders within the reporting month. This considers item discounts. Order discounts are spread across all items in the order, before shipping and after tax.

Pull Sales Report V2 for the whole reporting month. Sort by by Province and Seed Product Subclass. Tally the Net Sales After Discounts column.


Sales - QC - Seeds - Non-medical - Direct to consumer (online) (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - QC - Seeds - Non-medical - Direct to consumer (online) value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - QC - Seeds - Non-medical - To distributor (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - QC - Seeds - Non-medical - To distributor value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - QC - Seeds - Non-medical - To retailer (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - QC - Seeds - Non-medical - To retailer value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - QC - Seeds - Intra-industry trade - Unpackaged (kg)


Number from 0 to 1000000, maximum precision of 3 decimal places.


Sales - QC - Seeds - Intra-industry trade - Unpackaged value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - QC - Seeds - Intra-industry trade - Packaged (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - QC - Seeds - Intra-industry trade - Packaged value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - SK - Seeds - Medical - Direct to consumer (online) (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.

Sum of seeds sold to clients with a registration address in Saskatchewan through medical orders within the reporting month. The report looks at the date on which the order was shipped.

Pull Sales Report V2 for the whole reporting month. Sort by by Province and Seed Product Subclass. Tally the Qty of Units Sold column.


Sales - SK - Seeds - Medical - Direct to consumer (online) value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.

Total value (based on retail price) of seeds sold to clients with a registration address in Saskatchewan through medical orders within the reporting month. This considers item discounts. Order discounts are spread across all items in the order, before shipping and after tax.

Pull Sales Report V2 for the whole reporting month. Sort by by Province and Seed Product Subclass. Tally the Net Sales After Discounts column.


Sales - SK - Seeds - Non-medical - Direct to consumer (online) (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - SK - Seeds - Non-medical - Direct to consumer (online) value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - SK - Seeds - Non-medical - To distributor (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - SK - Seeds - Non-medical - To distributor value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - SK - Seeds - Non-medical - To retailer (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - SK - Seeds - Non-medical - To retailer value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - SK - Seeds - Intra-industry trade - Unpackaged (kg)


Number from 0 to 1000000, maximum precision of 3 decimal places.


Sales - SK - Seeds - Intra-industry trade - Unpackaged value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - SK - Seeds - Intra-industry trade - Packaged (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - SK - Seeds - Intra-industry trade - Packaged value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - YT - Seeds - Medical - Direct to consumer (online) (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.

Sum of seeds sold to clients with a registration address in the Yukon through medical orders within the reporting month. The report looks at the date on which the order was shipped.

Pull Sales Report V2 for the whole reporting month. Sort by by Province and Seed Product Subclass. Tally the Qty of Units Sold column.


Sales - YT - Seeds - Medical - Direct to consumer (online) value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.

Total value (based on retail price) of seeds sold to clients with a registration address in Saskatchewan through medical orders within the reporting month. This considers item discounts. Order discounts are spread across all items in the order, before shipping and after tax.

Pull Sales Report V2 for the whole reporting month. Sort by by Province and Seed Product Subclass. Tally the Net Sales After Discounts column.


Sales - YT - Seeds - Non-medical - Direct to consumer (online) (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - YT - Seeds - Non-medical - Direct to consumer (online) value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - YT - Seeds - Non-medical - To distributor (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - YT - Seeds - Non-medical - To distributor value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - YT - Seeds - Non-medical - To retailer (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - YT - Seeds - Non-medical - To retailer value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - YT - Seeds - Intra-industry trade - Unpackaged (kg)


Number from 0 to 1000000, maximum precision of 3 decimal places.


Sales - YT - Seeds - Intra-industry trade - Unpackaged value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - YT - Seeds - Intra-industry trade - Packaged (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - YT - Seeds - Intra-industry trade - Packaged value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - Total - Seeds - Medical - Direct to consumer (online) (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.

Sum of seeds sold to clients across all provinces through medical orders within the reporting month. The report looks at the date on which the order was shipped.

Pull Sales Report V2 for the whole reporting month. Sort by Seed Product Subclass. Tally the number of units of Seed SKUs sold.


Sales - Total - Seeds - Medical - Direct to consumer (online) value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.

Total value (based on retail price) of seeds sold to all provinces through medical orders within the reporting month. This considers item discounts. Order discounts are spread across all items in the order, before shipping and after tax.

Pull Sales Report V2 for the whole reporting month. Sort by Seed Product Subclass, and tally the Net Sales After Discounts column.


Sales - Total - Seeds - Non-medical - Direct to consumer (online) (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - Total - Seeds - Non-medical - Direct to consumer (online) value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - Total - Seeds - Non-medical - To distributor (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - Total - Seeds - Non-medical - To distributor value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - Total - Seeds - Non-medical - To retailer (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - Total - Seeds - Non-medical - To retailer value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - Total - Seeds - Intra-industry trade - Unpackaged (kg)


Number from 0 to 1000000, maximum precision of 3 decimal places.


Sales - Total - Seeds - Intra-industry trade - Unpackaged value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - Total - Seeds - Intra-industry trade - Packaged (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - Total - Seeds - Intra-industry trade - Packaged value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.

Sales – Vegetative cannabis plant


Cell Name


Field formatting Requirements


Stock Report Validation


Sales - AB - Vegetative cannabis plants - Medical - Direct to consumer (online) (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.

Sum of dried vegetative cannabis plants sold to clients with a registration address in Alberta through medical orders within the reporting month. The report looks at the date on which each order is shipped.

Pull Sales Report V2 for the whole reporting month. Filter by Province and Plants Product Subclass. Tally the number of units of Plant SKUs sold.


Sales - AB - Vegetative cannabis plants - Medical - Direct to consumer (online) value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.

Total value (based on retail price) of vegetative cannabis plants sold to clients with a registration address in Alberta through medical orders within the reporting month. This considers item discounts. Order discounts are spread across all items in the order, before shipping and after tax.

Pull Sales Report V2 for the whole reporting month. Sort by Province and Plants Product Subclass. Tally the Net Sales After Discounts column.


Sales - AB - Vegetative cannabis plants - Non-medical - Direct to consumer (online) (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - AB - Vegetative cannabis plants - Non-medical - Direct to consumer (online) value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - AB - Vegetative cannabis plants - Non-medical - To distributor (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - AB - Vegetative cannabis plants - Non-medical - To distributor value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - AB - Vegetative cannabis plants - Non-medical - To retailer (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - AB - Vegetative cannabis plants - Non-medical - To retailer value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - AB - Vegetative cannabis plants - Intra-industry trade - Unpackaged (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - AB - Vegetative cannabis plants - Intra-industry trade - Unpackaged value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - AB - Vegetative cannabis plants - Intra-industry trade - Packaged (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - AB - Vegetative cannabis plants - Intra-industry trade - Packaged value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - BC - Vegetative cannabis plants - Medical - Direct to consumer (online) (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.

Sum of vegetative cannabis plants sold to clients with a registration address in British Columbia through medical orders within the reporting month. The report looks at the date on which the orders were shipped.

Pull Sales Report V2 for the whole reporting month. Filter by Province and Plants Product Subclass. Tally the number of units of Plant SKUs sold.


Sales - BC - Vegetative cannabis plants - Medical - Direct to consumer (online) value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.

Total value (based on retail price) of vegetative cannabis plants sold to clients with a registration address in British Columbia through medical orders within the reporting month. This considers item discounts. Order discounts are spread across all items in the order, before shipping and after tax.

Pull Sales Report V2 for the whole reporting month. Sort by Province and Plants Product Subclass. Tally the Net Sales After Discounts column.


Sales - BC - Vegetative cannabis plants - Non-medical - Direct to consumer (online) (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - BC - Vegetative cannabis plants - Non-medical - Direct to consumer (online) value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - BC - Vegetative cannabis plants - Non-medical - To distributor (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - BC - Vegetative cannabis plants - Non-medical - To distributor value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - BC - Vegetative cannabis plants - Non-medical - To retailer (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - BC - Vegetative cannabis plants - Non-medical - To retailer value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - BC - Vegetative cannabis plants - Intra-industry trade - Unpackaged (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - BC - Vegetative cannabis plants - Intra-industry trade - Unpackaged value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - BC - Vegetative cannabis plants - Intra-industry trade - Packaged (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - BC - Vegetative cannabis plants - Intra-industry trade - Packaged value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - MB - Vegetative cannabis plants - Medical - Direct to consumer (online) (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.

Sum of vegetative cannabis plants sold to clients with a registration address in Manitoba through medical orders within the reporting month. The report looks at the date on which the orders shipped.

Pull Sales Report V2 for the whole reporting month. Filter by Province and Plants Product Subclass. Tally the number of units of Plant SKUs sold.


Sales - MB - Vegetative cannabis plants - Medical - Direct to consumer (online) value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.

Total value (based on retail price) of vegetative cannabis plants sold to clients with a registration address in Manitoba through medical orders within the reporting month. This considers item discounts. Order discounts are spread across all items in the order, before shipping and after tax.

Pull Sales Report V2 for the whole reporting month. Sort by Province and Plants Product Subclass. Tally the Net Sales After Discounts column.


Sales - MB - Vegetative cannabis plants - Non-medical - Direct to consumer (online) (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - MB - Vegetative cannabis plants - Non-medical - Direct to consumer (online) value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - MB - Vegetative cannabis plants - Non-medical - To distributor (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - MB - Vegetative cannabis plants - Non-medical - To distributor value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - MB - Vegetative cannabis plants - Non-medical - To retailer (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - MB - Vegetative cannabis plants - Non-medical - To retailer value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - MB - Vegetative cannabis plants - Intra-industry trade - Unpackaged (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - MB - Vegetative cannabis plants - Intra-industry trade - Unpackaged value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - MB - Vegetative cannabis plants - Intra-industry trade - Packaged (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - MB - Vegetative cannabis plants - Intra-industry trade - Packaged value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - NB - Vegetative cannabis plants - Medical - Direct to consumer (online) (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.

Sum of vegetative cannabis plants sold to clients with a registration address in New Brunswick through medical orders within the reporting month. The report looks at the date on which each order shipped.

Pull Sales Report V2 for the whole reporting month. Filter by Province and Plants Product Subclass. Tally the number of units of Plant SKUs sold.


Sales - NB - Vegetative cannabis plants - Medical - Direct to consumer (online) value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.

Total value (based on retail price) of vegetative cannabis plants sold to clients with a registration address in New Brunswick through medical orders within the reporting month. This considers item discounts. Order discounts are spread across all items in the order, before shipping and after tax.

Pull Sales Report V2 for the whole reporting month. Sort by Province and Plants Product Subclass. Tally the Net Sales After Discounts column.


Sales - NB - Vegetative cannabis plants - Non-medical - Direct to consumer (online) (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - NB - Vegetative cannabis plants - Non-medical - Direct to consumer (online) value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - NB - Vegetative cannabis plants - Non-medical - To distributor (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - NB - Vegetative cannabis plants - Non-medical - To distributor value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - NB - Vegetative cannabis plants - Non-medical - To retailer (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - NB - Vegetative cannabis plants - Non-medical - To retailer value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - NB - Vegetative cannabis plants - Intra-industry trade - Unpackaged (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - NB - Vegetative cannabis plants - Intra-industry trade - Unpackaged value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - NB - Vegetative cannabis plants - Intra-industry trade - Packaged (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - NB - Vegetative cannabis plants - Intra-industry trade - Packaged value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - NL - Vegetative cannabis plants - Medical - Direct to consumer (online) (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.

Sum of vegetative cannabis plants sold to clients with a registration address in Newfoundland & Labrador through medical orders within the reporting month. The report looks at the date on each order shipped.

Pull Sales Report V2 for the whole reporting month. Filter by Province and Plants Product Subclass. Tally the number of units of Plant SKUs sold.


Sales - NL - Vegetative cannabis plants - Medical - Direct to consumer (online) value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.

Total value (based on retail price) of vegetative cannbis plants sold to clients with a registration address in Newfoundland & Labrador through medical orders within the reporting month. This considers item discounts. Order discounts are spread across all items in the order, before shipping and after tax.

Pull Sales Report V2 for the whole reporting month. Sort by Province and Plants Product Subclass. Tally the Net Sales After Discounts column.


Sales - NL - Vegetative cannabis plants - Non-medical - Direct to consumer (online) (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - NL - Vegetative cannabis plants - Non-medical - To distributor (#)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - NL - Vegetative cannabis plants - Non-medical - To distributor (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - NL - Vegetative cannabis plants - Non-medical - To distributor value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - NL - Vegetative cannabis plants - Non-medical - To retailer (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - NL - Vegetative cannabis plants - Non-medical - To retailer value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - NL - Vegetative cannabis plants - Intra-industry trade - Unpackaged (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - NL - Vegetative cannabis plants - Intra-industry trade - Unpackaged value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - NL - Vegetative cannabis plants - Intra-industry trade - Packaged (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - NL - Vegetative cannabis plants - Intra-industry trade - Packaged (#)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - NS - Vegetative cannabis plants - Medical - Direct to consumer (online) (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.

Sum of vegetative cannabis plants sold to clients with a registration address in Nova Scotia through medical orders within the reporting month. The report looks at the date on which the orders shipped.

Pull Sales Report V2 for the whole reporting month. Filter by Province and Plants Product Subclass. Tally the number of units of Plant SKUs sold.


Sales - NS - Vegetative cannabis plants - Medical - Direct to consumer (online) value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.

Total value (based on retail price) of vegetative cannabis plants sold to clients with a registration address in Nova Scotia through medical orders within the reporting month. This considers item discounts. Order discounts are spread across all items in the order, before shipping and after tax.

Pull Sales Report V2 for the whole reporting month. Sort by Province and Plants Product Subclass. Tally the Net Sales After Discounts column.


Sales - NS - Vegetative cannabis plants - Non-medical - Direct to consumer (online) (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - NS - Vegetative cannabis plants - Non-medical - Direct to consumer (online) value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - NS - Vegetative cannabis plants - Non-medical - To distributor (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - NS - Vegetative cannabis plants - Non-medical - To distributor value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - NS - Vegetative cannabis plants - Non-medical - To retailer (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - NS - Vegetative cannabis plants - Non-medical - To retailer value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - NS - Vegetative cannabis plants - Intra-industry trade - Unpackaged (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - NS - Vegetative cannabis plants - Intra-industry trade - Unpackaged value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - NS - Vegetative cannabis plants - Intra-industry trade - Packaged (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - NS - Vegetative cannabis plants - Intra-industry trade - Packaged value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - NT - Vegetative cannabis plants - Medical - Direct to consumer (online) (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.

Sum of vegetative cannabis plants sold to clients with a registration address in Northwest Territories through medical orders within the reporting month. The report looks at the date on which the order was shipped.

Pull Sales Report V2 for the whole reporting month. Filter by Province and Plants Product Subclass. Tally the number of units of Plant SKUs sold.


Sales - NT - Vegetative cannabis plants - Medical - Direct to consumer (online) value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.

Total value (based on retail price) of vegetative cannabis plants sold to clients with a registration address in Northwest Territories through medical orders within the reporting month. This considers item discounts. Order discounts are spread across all items in the order, before shipping and after tax.

Pull Sales Report V2 for the whole reporting month. Sort by Province and Plants Product Subclass. Tally the Net Sales After Discounts column.


Sales - NT - Vegetative cannabis plants - Non-medical - Direct to consumer (online) (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - NT - Vegetative cannabis plants - Non-medical - Direct to consumer (online) value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - NT - Vegetative cannabis plants - Non-medical - To distributor (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - NT - Vegetative cannabis plants - Non-medical - To distributor value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - NT - Vegetative cannabis plants - Non-medical - To retailer (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - NT - Vegetative cannabis plants - Non-medical - To retailer value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - NT - Vegetative cannabis plants - Intra-industry trade - Unpackaged (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - NT - Vegetative cannabis plants - Intra-industry trade - Unpackaged value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - NT - Vegetative cannabis plants - Intra-industry trade - Packaged (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - NT - Vegetative cannabis plants - Intra-industry trade - Packaged value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - NU - Vegetative cannabis plants - Medical - Direct to consumer (online) (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.

Sum of vegetative cannabis plants sold to clients with a registration address in Nunavut through medical orders within the reporting month. The report looks at the date on which the orders were shipped.

Pull Sales Report V2 for the whole reporting month. Filter by Province and Plants Product Subclass. Tally the number of units of Plant SKUs sold.


Sales - NU - Vegetative cannabis plants - Medical - Direct to consumer (online) value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.

Total value (based on retail price) of vegetative cannabis plants sold to clients with a registration address in Nunavut through medical orders within the reporting month. This considers item discounts. Order discounts are spread across all items in the order, before shipping and after tax.

Pull Sales Report V2 for the whole reporting month. Sort by Province and Plants Product Subclass. Tally the Net Sales After Discounts column.


Sales - NU - Vegetative cannabis plants - Non-medical - Direct to consumer (online) (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - NU - Vegetative cannabis plants - Non-medical - Direct to consumer (online) value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - NU - Vegetative cannabis plants - Non-medical - To distributor (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - NU - Vegetative cannabis plants - Non-medical - To distributor value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - NU - Vegetative cannabis plants - Non-medical - To retailer (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - NU - Vegetative cannabis plants - Non-medical - To retailer value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - NU - Vegetative cannabis plants - Intra-industry trade - Unpackaged (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - NU - Vegetative cannabis plants - Intra-industry trade - Unpackaged value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - NU - Vegetative cannabis plants - Intra-industry trade - Packaged (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - NU - Vegetative cannabis plants - Intra-industry trade - Packaged value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - ON - Vegetative cannabis plants - Medical - Direct to consumer (online) (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.

Sum of vegetative cannabis plants sold to clients with a registration address in Ontario through medical orders within the reporting month. The report looks at the date on which the order was shipped.

Pull Sales Report V2 for the whole reporting month. Filter by Province and Plants Product Subclass. Tally the number of units of Plant SKUs sold.


Sales - ON - Vegetative cannabis plants - Medical - Direct to consumer (online) value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.

Total value (based on retail price) of vegetative cannabis plants sold to clients with a registration address in Ontario through medical orders within the reporting month. This considers item discounts. Order discounts are spread across all items in the order, before shipping and after tax.

Pull Sales Report V2 for the whole reporting month. Sort by Province and Plants Product Subclass. Tally the Net Sales After Discounts column.


Sales - ON - Vegetative cannabis plants - Non-medical - Direct to consumer (online) (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - ON - Vegetative cannabis plants - Non-medical - Direct to consumer (online) value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - ON - Vegetative cannabis plants - Non-medical - To distributor (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - ON - Vegetative cannabis plants - Non-medical - To distributor value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - ON - Vegetative cannabis plants - Non-medical - To retailer (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - ON - Vegetative cannabis plants - Non-medical - To retailer value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - ON - Vegetative cannabis plants - Intra-industry trade - Unpackaged (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - ON - Vegetative cannabis plants - Intra-industry trade - Unpackaged value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - ON - Vegetative cannabis plants - Intra-industry trade - Packaged (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - ON - Vegetative cannabis plants - Intra-industry trade - Packaged value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - PE - Vegetative cannabis plants - Medical - Direct to consumer (online) (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.

Sum of vegetative cannabis plants sold to clients with a registration address in Prince Edward Island through medical orders within the reporting month. The report looks at the date on which the order was shipped.

Pull Sales Report V2 for the whole reporting month. Filter by Province and Plants Product Subclass. Tally the number of units of Plant SKUs sold.


Sales - PE - Vegetative cannabis plants - Medical - Direct to consumer (online) value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.

Total value (based on retail price) of vegetative cannabis plants sold to clients with a registration address in Prince Edward Island through medical orders within the reporting month. This considers item discounts. Order discounts are spread across all items in the order, before shipping and after tax.

Pull Sales Report V2 for the whole reporting month. Sort by Province and Plants Product Subclass. Tally the Net Sales After Discounts column.


Sales - PE - Vegetative cannabis plants - Non-medical - Direct to consumer (online) (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - PE - Vegetative cannabis plants - Non-medical - Direct to consumer (online) value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - PE - Vegetative cannabis plants - Non-medical - To distributor (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - PE - Vegetative cannabis plants - Non-medical - To distributor value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - PE - Vegetative cannabis plants - Non-medical - To retailer (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - PE - Vegetative cannabis plants - Non-medical - To retailer value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - PE - Vegetative cannabis plants - Intra-industry trade - Unpackaged (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - PE - Vegetative cannabis plants - Intra-industry trade - Unpackaged value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - PE - Vegetative cannabis plants - Intra-industry trade - Packaged (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - PE - Vegetative cannabis plants - Intra-industry trade - Packaged value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - QC - Vegetative cannabis plants - Medical - Direct to consumer (online) (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.

Sum of vegetative cannabis plants sold to clients with a registration address in Quebec through medical orders within the reporting month. The report looks at the date on which the order was shipped.

Pull Sales Report V2 for the whole reporting month. Filter by Province and Plants Product Subclass. Tally the number of units of Plant SKUs sold.


Sales - QC - Vegetative cannabis plants - Medical - Direct to consumer (online) value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.

Total value (based on retail price) of vegetative cannabis plants sold to clients with a registration address in Quebec through medical orders within the reporting month. This considers item discounts. Order discounts are spread across all items in the order, before shipping and after tax.

Pull Sales Report V2 for the whole reporting month. Sort by Province and Plants Product Subclass. Tally the Net Sales After Discounts column.


Sales - QC - Vegetative cannabis plants - Non-medical - Direct to consumer (online) (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - QC - Vegetative cannabis plants - Non-medical - Direct to consumer (online) value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - QC - Vegetative cannabis plants - Non-medical - To distributor (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - QC - Vegetative cannabis plants - Non-medical - To distributor value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - QC - Vegetative cannabis plants - Non-medical - To retailer (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - QC - Vegetative cannabis plants - Non-medical - To retailer value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - QC - Vegetative cannabis plants - Intra-industry trade - Unpackaged (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - QC - Vegetative cannabis plants - Intra-industry trade - Unpackaged value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - QC - Vegetative cannabis plants - Intra-industry trade - Packaged (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - QC - Vegetative cannabis plants - Intra-industry trade - Packaged value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - SK - Vegetative cannabis plants - Medical - Direct to consumer (online) (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.

Sum of vegetative cannabis plants sold to clients with a registration address in Saskatchewan through medical orders within the reporting month. The report looks at the date on which the order was shipped.

Pull Sales Report V2 for the whole reporting month. Filter by Province and Plants Product Subclass. Tally the number of units of Plant SKUs sold.


Sales - SK - Vegetative cannabis plants - Medical - Direct to consumer (online) value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.

Total value (based on retail price) of vegetative cannabis plants sold to clients with a registration address in Saskatchewan through medical orders within the reporting month. This considers item discounts. Order discounts are spread across all items in the order, before shipping and after tax.

Pull Sales Report V2 for the whole reporting month. Sort by Province and Plants Product Subclass. Tally the Net Sales After Discounts column.


Sales - SK - Vegetative cannabis plants - Non-medical - Direct to consumer (online) (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - SK - Vegetative cannabis plants - Non-medical - Direct to consumer (online) value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - SK - Vegetative cannabis plants - Non-medical - To distributor (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - SK - Vegetative cannabis plants - Non-medical - To distributor value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - SK - Vegetative cannabis plants - Non-medical - To retailer (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - SK - Vegetative cannabis plants - Non-medical - To retailer value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - SK - Vegetative cannabis plants - Intra-industry trade - Unpackaged (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - SK - Vegetative cannabis plants - Intra-industry trade - Unpackaged value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - SK - Vegetative cannabis plants - Intra-industry trade - Packaged (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - SK - Vegetative cannabis plants - Intra-industry trade - Packaged value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - YT - Vegetative cannabis plants - Medical - Direct to consumer (online) (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.

Sum of vegetative cannabis plants sold to clients with a registration address in the Yukon through medical orders within the reporting month. The report looks at the date on which the order was shipped.

Pull Sales Report V2 for the whole reporting month. Filter by Province and Plants Product Subclass. Tally the number of units of Plant SKUs sold.


Sales - YT - Vegetative cannabis plants - Medical - Direct to consumer (online) value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.

Total value (based on retail price) of vegetative cannabis plants sold to clients with a registration address in Saskatchewan through medical orders within the reporting month. This considers item discounts. Order discounts are spread across all items in the order, before shipping and after tax.

Pull Sales Report V2 for the whole reporting month. Sort by Province and Plants Product Subclass. Tally the Net Sales After Discounts column.


Sales - YT - Vegetative cannabis plants - Non-medical - Direct to consumer (online) value ($)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - YT - Vegetative cannabis plants - Non-medical - Direct to consumer (online) value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - YT - Vegetative cannabis plants - Non-medical - To distributor (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - YT - Vegetative cannabis plants - Non-medical - To distributor value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - YT - Vegetative cannabis plants - Non-medical - To retailer (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - YT - Vegetative cannabis plants - Non-medical - To retailer value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - YT - Vegetative cannabis plants - Intra-industry trade - Unpackaged (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - YT - Vegetative cannabis plants - Intra-industry trade - Unpackaged value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - YT - Vegetative cannabis plants - Intra-industry trade - Packaged (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - YT - Vegetative cannabis plants - Intra-industry trade - Packaged value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - Total - Vegetative cannabis plants - Medical - Direct to consumer (online) (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.

Sum of vegetative cannabis plants sold to clients across all provinces through medical orders within the reporting month. The report looks at the date on which the order was shipped.

Pull Sales Report V2 for the whole reporting month. Filter by Plants Product Subclass. Tally the number of units of Plant SKUs sold.


Sales - Total - Vegetative cannabis plants - Medical - Direct to consumer (online) value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.

Total value (based on retail price) of vegetative cannabis plants sold to all provinces through medical orders within the reporting month. This considers item discounts. Order discounts are spread across all items in the order, before shipping and after tax.

Pull Sales Report V2 for the whole reporting month. Sort by Plants Product Subclass. Tally the Net Sales After Discounts column


Sales - Total - Vegetative cannabis plants - Non-medical - Direct to consumer (online) (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - Total - Vegetative cannabis plants - Non-medical - Direct to consumer (online) value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - Total - Vegetative cannabis plants - Non-medical - To distributor (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - Total - Vegetative cannabis plants - Non-medical - To distributor value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - Total - Vegetative cannabis plants - Non-medical - To retailer (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - Total - Vegetative cannabis plants - Non-medical - To retailer value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - Total - Vegetative cannabis plants - Intra-industry trade - Unpackaged (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - Total - Vegetative cannabis plants - Intra-industry trade - Unpackaged value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - Total - Vegetative cannabis plants - Intra-industry trade - Packaged (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - Total - Vegetative cannabis plants - Intra-industry trade - Packaged value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.

Sales – Fresh


Cell Name


Field formatting Requirements


Stock Report Validation


Sales - AB - Fresh Cannabis - Medical - Direct to consumer (online) (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - AB - Fresh Cannabis - Medical - Direct to consumer (online) value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - AB - Fresh Cannabis - Non-medical - Direct to consumer (online) (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - AB - Fresh Cannabis - Non-medical - Direct to consumer (online) value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - AB - Fresh Cannabis - Non-medical - To distributor (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - AB - Fresh Cannabis - Non-medical - To distributor value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - AB - Fresh Cannabis - Non-medical - To retailer (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - AB - Fresh Cannabis - Non-medical - To retailer value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - AB - Fresh Cannabis - Intra-industry trade - Unpackaged (kg)


Number from 0 to 1000000, maximum precision of 3 decimal places.

The total weight of Fresh Cannabis shipped in unpackaged wholesale shipments to Alberta within the reporting month. Shipments are determined to be within the reporting month based on when the shipment's status was set to "Shipped."


Sales - AB - Fresh Cannabis - Intra-industry trade - Unpackaged value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.

The total dollar amount, before all taxes, of Fresh Cannabis line items shipped in unpackaged wholesale shipments to Alberta within the reporting month. Shipments are determined to be within the reporting month based on when the shipment's status was set to "Shipped."


Sales - AB - Fresh Cannabis - Intra-industry trade - Packaged (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - AB - Fresh Cannabis - Intra-industry trade - Packaged value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - BC - Fresh Cannabis - Medical - Direct to consumer (online) (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - BC - Fresh Cannabis - Medical - Direct to consumer (online) value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - BC - Fresh Cannabis - Non-medical - Direct to consumer (online) (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - BC - Fresh Cannabis - Non-medical - Direct to consumer (online) value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - BC - Fresh Cannabis - Non-medical - To distributor (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - BC - Fresh Cannabis - Non-medical - To distributor value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - BC - Fresh Cannabis - Non-medical - To retailer (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - BC - Fresh Cannabis - Non-medical - To retailer value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - BC - Fresh Cannabis - Intra-industry trade - Unpackaged (kg)


Number from 0 to 1000000, maximum precision of 3 decimal places.

The total weight of Fresh Cannabis shipped in unpackaged wholesale shipments to British Columbia within the reporting month. Shipments are determined to be within the reporting month based on when the shipment's status was set to "Shipped."


Sales - BC - Fresh Cannabis - Intra-industry trade - Unpackaged value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.

The total dollar amount, before all taxes, of Fresh Cannabis line items shipped in unpackaged wholesale shipments to British Columbia within the reporting month. Shipments are determined to be within the reporting month based on when the shipment's status was set to "Shipped."


Sales - BC - Fresh Cannabis - Intra-industry trade - Packaged (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - BC - Fresh Cannabis - Intra-industry trade - Packaged value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - MB - Fresh Cannabis - Medical - Direct to consumer (online) (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - MB - Fresh Cannabis - Medical - Direct to consumer (online) value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - MB - Fresh Cannabis - Non-medical - Direct to consumer (online) (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - MB - Fresh Cannabis - Non-medical - Direct to consumer (online) value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - MB - Fresh Cannabis - Non-medical - To distributor (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - MB - Fresh Cannabis - Non-medical - To distributor value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - MB - Fresh Cannabis - Non-medical - To retailer (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - MB - Fresh Cannabis - Non-medical - To retailer value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - MB - Fresh Cannabis - Intra-industry trade - Unpackaged (kg)


Number from 0 to 1000000, maximum precision of 3 decimal places.

The total weight of Fresh Cannabis shipped in unpackaged wholesale shipments to Manitoba within the reporting month. Shipments are determined to be within the reporting month based on when the shipment's status was set to "Shipped."


Sales - MB - Fresh Cannabis - Intra-industry trade - Unpackaged value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.

The total dollar amount, before all taxes, of Fresh Cannabis line items shipped in unpackaged wholesale shipments to Manitoba within the reporting month. Shipments are determined to be within the reporting month based on when the shipment's status was set to "Shipped."


Sales - MB - Fresh Cannabis - Intra-industry trade - Packaged (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - MB - Fresh Cannabis - Intra-industry trade - Packaged value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - NB - Fresh Cannabis - Medical - Direct to consumer (online) (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - NB - Fresh Cannabis - Medical - Direct to consumer (online) value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - NB - Fresh Cannabis - Non-medical - Direct to consumer (online) (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - NB - Fresh Cannabis - Non-medical - Direct to consumer (online) value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - NB - Fresh Cannabis - Non-medical - To distributor (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - NB - Fresh Cannabis - Non-medical - To distributor value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - NB - Fresh Cannabis - Non-medical - To retailer (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - NB - Fresh Cannabis - Non-medical - To retailer value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - NB - Fresh Cannabis - Intra-industry trade - Unpackaged (kg)


Number from 0 to 1000000, maximum precision of 3 decimal places.

The total weight of Fresh Cannabis shipped in unpackaged wholesale shipments to New Brunswick within the reporting month. Shipments are determined to be within the reporting month based on when the shipment's status was set to "Shipped."


Sales - NB - Fresh Cannabis - Intra-industry trade - Unpackaged value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.

The total dollar amount, before all taxes, of Fresh Cannabis line items shipped in unpackaged wholesale shipments to New Brunswick within the reporting month. Shipments are determined to be within the reporting month based on when the shipment's status was set to "Shipped."


Sales - NB - Fresh Cannabis - Intra-industry trade - Packaged (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - NB - Fresh Cannabis - Intra-industry trade - Packaged value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - NL - Fresh Cannabis - Medical - Direct to consumer (online) (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - NL - Fresh Cannabis - Medical - Direct to consumer (online) value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - NL - Fresh Cannabis - Non-medical - Direct to consumer (online) (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - NL - Fresh Cannabis - Non-medical - Direct to consumer (online) value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - NL - Fresh Cannabis - Non-medical - To distributor (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - NL - Fresh Cannabis - Non-medical - To distributor value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - NL - Fresh Cannabis - Non-medical - To retailer (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - NL - Fresh Cannabis - Non-medical - To retailer value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - NL - Fresh Cannabis - Intra-industry trade - Unpackaged (kg)


Number from 0 to 1000000, maximum precision of 3 decimal places.

The total weight of Fresh Cannabis shipped in unpackaged wholesale shipments to Newfoundland and Labrador within the reporting month. Shipments are determined to be within the reporting month based on when the shipment's status was set to "Shipped."


Sales - NL - Fresh Cannabis - Intra-industry trade - Unpackaged value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.

The total dollar amount, before all taxes, of Fresh Cannabis line items shipped in unpackaged wholesale shipments to Newfoundland and Labrador within the reporting month. Shipments are determined to be within the reporting month based on when the shipment's status was set to "Shipped."


Sales - NL - Fresh Cannabis - Intra-industry trade - Packaged (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - NL - Fresh Cannabis - Intra-industry trade - Packaged value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - NS - Fresh Cannabis - Medical - Direct to consumer (online) (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - NS - Fresh Cannabis - Medical - Direct to consumer (online) value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - NS - Fresh Cannabis - Non-medical - Direct to consumer (online) (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - NS - Fresh Cannabis - Non-medical - Direct to consumer (online) value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - NS - Fresh Cannabis - Non-medical - To distributor (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - NS - Fresh Cannabis - Non-medical - To distributor value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - NS - Fresh Cannabis - Non-medical - To retailer (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - NS - Fresh Cannabis - Non-medical - To retailer value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - NS - Fresh Cannabis - Intra-industry trade - Unpackaged (kg)


Number from 0 to 1000000, maximum precision of 3 decimal places.

The total weight of Fresh Cannabis shipped in unpackaged wholesale shipments to Nova Scotia within the reporting month. Shipments are determined to be within the reporting month based on when the shipment's status was set to "Shipped."


Sales - NS - Fresh Cannabis - Intra-industry trade - Unpackaged value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.

The total dollar amount, before all taxes, of Fresh Cannabis line items shipped in unpackaged wholesale shipments to Nova Scotia within the reporting month. Shipments are determined to be within the reporting month based on when the shipment's status was set to "Shipped."


Sales - NS - Fresh Cannabis - Intra-industry trade - Packaged (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - NS - Fresh Cannabis - Intra-industry trade - Packaged value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - NT - Fresh Cannabis - Medical - Direct to consumer (online) (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - NT - Fresh Cannabis - Medical - Direct to consumer (online) value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - NT - Fresh Cannabis - Non-medical - Direct to consumer (online) (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - NT - Fresh Cannabis - Non-medical - Direct to consumer (online) value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - NT - Fresh Cannabis - Non-medical - To distributor (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - NT - Fresh Cannabis - Non-medical - To distributor value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - NT - Fresh Cannabis - Non-medical - To retailer (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - NT - Fresh Cannabis - Non-medical - To retailer value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - NT - Fresh Cannabis - Intra-industry trade - Unpackaged (kg)


Number from 0 to 1000000, maximum precision of 3 decimal places.

The total weight of Fresh Cannabis shipped in unpackaged wholesale shipments to Northwest Territories within the reporting month. Shipments are determined to be within the reporting month based on when the shipment's status was set to "Shipped."


Sales - NT - Fresh Cannabis - Intra-industry trade - Unpackaged value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.

The total dollar amount, before all taxes, of Fresh Cannabis line items shipped in unpackaged wholesale shipments to Northwest Territories within the reporting month. Shipments are determined to be within the reporting month based on when the shipment's status was set to "Shipped."


Sales - NT - Fresh Cannabis - Intra-industry trade - Packaged (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - NT - Fresh Cannabis - Intra-industry trade - Packaged value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - NU - Fresh Cannabis - Medical - Direct to consumer (online) (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - NU - Fresh Cannabis - Medical - Direct to consumer (online) value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - NU - Fresh Cannabis - Non-medical - Direct to consumer (online) (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - NU - Fresh Cannabis - Non-medical - Direct to consumer (online) value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - NU - Fresh Cannabis - Non-medical - To distributor (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - NU - Fresh Cannabis - Non-medical - To distributor value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - NU - Fresh Cannabis - Non-medical - To retailer (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - NU - Fresh Cannabis - Non-medical - To retailer value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - NU - Fresh Cannabis - Intra-industry trade - Unpackaged (kg)


Number from 0 to 1000000, maximum precision of 3 decimal places.

The total weight of Fresh Cannabis shipped in unpackaged wholesale shipments to Nunavut within the reporting month. Shipments are determined to be within the reporting month based on when the shipment's status was set to "Shipped."


Sales - NU - Fresh Cannabis - Intra-industry trade - Unpackaged value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.

The total dollar amount, before all taxes, of Fresh Cannabis line items shipped in unpackaged wholesale shipments to Nunavut within the reporting month. Shipments are determined to be within the reporting month based on when the shipment's status was set to "Shipped."


Sales - NU - Fresh Cannabis - Intra-industry trade - Packaged (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - NU - Fresh Cannabis - Intra-industry trade - Packaged value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - ON - Fresh Cannabis - Medical - Direct to consumer (online) (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - ON - Fresh Cannabis - Medical - Direct to consumer (online) value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - ON - Fresh Cannabis - Non-medical - Direct to consumer (online) (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - ON - Fresh Cannabis - Non-medical - Direct to consumer (online) value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - ON - Fresh Cannabis - Non-medical - To distributor (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - ON - Fresh Cannabis - Non-medical - To distributor value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - ON - Fresh Cannabis - Non-medical - To retailer (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - ON - Fresh Cannabis - Non-medical - To retailer value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - ON - Fresh Cannabis - Intra-industry trade - Unpackaged (kg)


Number from 0 to 1000000, maximum precision of 3 decimal places.

The total weight of Fresh Cannabis shipped in unpackaged wholesale shipments to Ontario within the reporting month. Shipments are determined to be within the reporting month based on when the shipment's status was set to "Shipped."


Sales - ON - Fresh Cannabis - Intra-industry trade - Unpackaged value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.

The total dollar amount, before all taxes, of Fresh Cannabis line items shipped in unpackaged wholesale shipments to Ontario within the reporting month. Shipments are determined to be within the reporting month based on when the shipment's status was set to "Shipped."


Sales - ON - Fresh Cannabis - Intra-industry trade - Packaged (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - ON - Fresh Cannabis - Intra-industry trade - Packaged value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - PE - Fresh Cannabis - Medical - Direct to consumer (online) (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - PE - Fresh Cannabis - Medical - Direct to consumer (online) value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - PE - Fresh Cannabis - Non-medical - Direct to consumer (online) (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - PE - Fresh Cannabis - Non-medical - Direct to consumer (online) value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - PE - Fresh Cannabis - Non-medical - To distributor (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - PE - Fresh Cannabis - Non-medical - To distributor value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - PE - Fresh Cannabis - Non-medical - To retailer (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - PE - Fresh Cannabis - Non-medical - To retailer value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - PE - Fresh Cannabis - Intra-industry trade - Unpackaged (kg)


Number from 0 to 1000000, maximum precision of 3 decimal places.

The total weight of Fresh Cannabis shipped in unpackaged wholesale shipments to Prince Edward Island within the reporting month. Shipments are determined to be within the reporting month based on when the shipment's status was set to "Shipped."


Sales - PE - Fresh Cannabis - Intra-industry trade - Unpackaged value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.

The total dollar amount, before all taxes, of Fresh Cannabis line items shipped in unpackaged wholesale shipments to Prince Edward Island within the reporting month. Shipments are determined to be within the reporting month based on when the shipment's status was set to "Shipped."


Sales - PE - Fresh Cannabis - Intra-industry trade - Packaged (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - PE - Fresh Cannabis - Intra-industry trade - Packaged value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - QC - Fresh Cannabis - Medical - Direct to consumer (online) (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - QC - Fresh Cannabis - Medical - Direct to consumer (online) value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - QC - Fresh Cannabis - Non-medical - Direct to consumer (online) (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - QC - Fresh Cannabis - Non-medical - Direct to consumer (online) value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - QC - Fresh Cannabis - Non-medical - To distributor (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - QC - Fresh Cannabis - Non-medical - To distributor value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - QC - Fresh Cannabis - Non-medical - To retailer (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - QC - Fresh Cannabis - Non-medical - To retailer value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - QC - Fresh Cannabis - Intra-industry trade - Unpackaged (kg)


Number from 0 to 1000000, maximum precision of 3 decimal places.

The total weight of Fresh Cannabis shipped in unpackaged wholesale shipments to Quebec within the reporting month. Shipments are determined to be within the reporting month based on when the shipment's status was set to "Shipped."


Sales - QC - Fresh Cannabis - Intra-industry trade - Unpackaged value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.

The total dollar amount, before all taxes, of Fresh Cannabis line items shipped in unpackaged wholesale shipments to Quebec within the reporting month. Shipments are determined to be within the reporting month based on when the shipment's status was set to "Shipped."


Sales - QC - Fresh Cannabis - Intra-industry trade - Packaged (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - QC - Fresh Cannabis - Intra-industry trade - Packaged value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - SK - Fresh Cannabis - Medical - Direct to consumer (online) (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - SK - Fresh Cannabis - Medical - Direct to consumer (online) value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - SK - Fresh Cannabis - Non-medical - Direct to consumer (online) (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - SK - Fresh Cannabis - Non-medical - Direct to consumer (online) value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - SK - Fresh Cannabis - Non-medical - To distributor (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - SK - Fresh Cannabis - Non-medical - To distributor value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - SK - Fresh Cannabis - Non-medical - To retailer (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - SK - Fresh Cannabis - Non-medical - To retailer value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - SK - Fresh Cannabis - Intra-industry trade - Unpackaged (kg)


Number from 0 to 1000000, maximum precision of 3 decimal places.

The total weight of Fresh Cannabis shipped in unpackaged wholesale shipments to Saskatchewan within the reporting month. Shipments are determined to be within the reporting month based on when the shipment's status was set to "Shipped."


Sales - SK - Fresh Cannabis - Intra-industry trade - Unpackaged value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.

The total dollar amount, before all taxes, of Fresh Cannabis line items shipped in unpackaged wholesale shipments to Saskatchewan within the reporting month. Shipments are determined to be within the reporting month based on when the shipment's status was set to "Shipped."


Sales - SK - Fresh Cannabis - Intra-industry trade - Packaged (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - SK - Fresh Cannabis - Intra-industry trade - Packaged value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - YT - Fresh Cannabis - Medical - Direct to consumer (online) (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - YT - Fresh Cannabis - Medical - Direct to consumer (online) value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - YT - Fresh Cannabis - Non-medical - Direct to consumer (online) (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - YT - Fresh Cannabis - Non-medical - Direct to consumer (online) value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - YT - Fresh Cannabis - Non-medical - To distributor (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - YT - Fresh Cannabis - Non-medical - To distributor value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - YT - Fresh Cannabis - Non-medical - To retailer (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - YT - Fresh Cannabis - Non-medical - To retailer value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - YT - Fresh Cannabis - Intra-industry trade - Unpackaged (kg)


Number from 0 to 1000000, maximum precision of 3 decimal places.

The total weight of Fresh Cannabis shipped in unpackaged wholesale shipments to the Yukon within the reporting month. Shipments are determined to be within the reporting month based on when the shipment's status was set to "Shipped."


Sales - YT - Fresh Cannabis - Intra-industry trade - Unpackaged value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.

The total dollar amount, before all taxes, of Fresh Cannabis line items shipped in unpackaged wholesale shipments to the Yukon within the reporting month. Shipments are determined to be within the reporting month based on when the shipment's status was set to "Shipped."


Sales - YT - Fresh Cannabis - Intra-industry trade - Packaged (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - YT - Fresh Cannabis - Intra-industry trade - Packaged value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - Total - Fresh Cannabis - Medical - Direct to consumer (online) (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - Total - Fresh Cannabis - Medical - Direct to consumer (online) value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - Total - Fresh Cannabis - Non-medical - Direct to consumer (online) (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - Total - Fresh Cannabis - Non-medical - Direct to consumer (online) value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - Total - Fresh Cannabis - Non-medical - To distributor (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - Total - Fresh Cannabis - Non-medical - To distributor value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - Total - Fresh Cannabis - Non-medical - To retailer (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - Total - Fresh Cannabis - Non-medical - To retailer value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - Total - Fresh Cannabis - Intra-industry trade - Unpackaged (kg)


Number from 0 to 1000000, maximum precision of 3 decimal places.

The total weight of Fresh Cannabis shipped in unpackaged wholesale shipments across all Canadian provinces within the reporting month. Shipments are determined to be within the reporting month based on when the shipment's status was set to "Shipped."


Sales - Total - Fresh Cannabis - Intra-industry trade - Unpackaged value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.

The total dollar amount, before all taxes, of Fresh Cannabis line items shipped in unpackaged wholesale shipments across all Canadian provinces within the reporting month. Shipments are determined to be within the reporting month based on when the shipment's status was set to "Shipped."


Sales - Total - Fresh Cannabis - Intra-industry trade - Packaged (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - Total - Fresh Cannabis - Intra-industry trade - Packaged value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.

Sales – Dried


Cell Name


Field formatting Requirements


Stock Report Validation


Sales - AB - Dried cannabis - Medical - Direct to consumer (online) (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.

Sum of dried EA Units–both non-discrete and discrete–sold to clients with a registration address in Alberta through medical orders within the reporting month. The report looks at the date on which the payment was received.

Pull Sales Report V2 for the whole reporting month. Filter by Province and Dried Product Subclass. Tally the number of units of Dried SKUs sold.


Sales - AB - Dried cannabis - Medical - Direct to consumer (online) value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.

Total value (based on retail price) of dried EA Units–both non-discrete and discrete–sold to clients with a registration address in Alberta through medical orders within the reporting month. This considers item discounts. Order discounts are spread across all items in the order, before shipping and after tax.

Pull Sales Report V2 for the whole reporting month. Sort by Province and Dried Product Subclass. Tally the Net Sales After Discounts column.


Sales - AB - Dried cannabis - Non-medical - Direct to consumer (online) (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - AB - Dried cannabis - Non-medical - Direct to consumer (online) value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - AB - Dried cannabis - Non-medical - To distributor (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - AB - Dried cannabis - Non-medical - To distributor value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - AB - Dried cannabis - Non-medical - To retailer (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - AB - Dried cannabis - Non-medical - To retailer value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - AB - Dried cannabis - Intra-industry trade - Unpackaged (kg)


Number from 0 to 1000000, maximum precision of 3 decimal places.

The total weight of dried cannabis shipped in unpackaged wholesale shipments to Alberta within the reporting month. Shipments are determined to be within the reporting month based on when the shipment's status was set to "Shipped."


Sales - AB - Dried cannabis - Intra-industry trade - Unpackaged value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.

The total dollar amount, before all taxes, of dried cannabis line items shipped in unpackaged wholesale shipments to Alberta within the reporting month. Shipments are determined to be within the reporting month based on when the shipment's status was set to "Shipped."


Sales - AB - Dried cannabis - Intra-industry trade - Packaged (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - AB - Dried cannabis - Intra-industry trade - Packaged value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - BC - Dried cannabis - Medical - Direct to consumer (online) (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.

Sum of dried EA Units–both non-discrete and discrete–sold to clients with a registration address in British Columbia through medical orders within the reporting month. The report looks at the date on which the payment was received.

Pull Sales Report V2 for the whole reporting month. Filter by Province and Dried Product Subclass. Tally the number of units of Dried SKUs sold.


Sales - BC - Dried cannabis - Medical - Direct to consumer (online) value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.

Total value (based on retail price) of dried EA Units–both non-discrete and discrete–sold to clients with a registration address in British Columbia through medical orders within the reporting month. This considers item discounts. Order discounts are spread across all items in the order, before shipping and after tax.

Pull Sales Report V2 for the whole reporting month. Sort by Province and Dried Product Subclass. Tally the Net Sales After Discounts column.


Sales - BC - Dried cannabis - Non-medical - Direct to consumer (online) (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - BC - Dried cannabis - Non-medical - Direct to consumer (online) value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - BC - Dried cannabis - Non-medical - To distributor (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - BC - Dried cannabis - Non-medical - To distributor value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - BC - Dried cannabis - Non-medical - To retailer (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - BC - Dried cannabis - Non-medical - To retailer value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - BC - Dried cannabis - Intra-industry trade - Unpackaged (kg)


Number from 0 to 1000000, maximum precision of 3 decimal places.

The total weight of dried cannabis shipped in unpackaged wholesale shipments to British Columbia within the reporting month. Shipments are determined to be within the reporting month based on when the shipment's status was set to "Shipped."


Sales - BC - Dried cannabis - Intra-industry trade - Unpackaged value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.

The total dollar amount, before all taxes, of dried cannabis line items shipped in unpackaged wholesale shipments to British Columbia within the reporting month. Shipments are determined to be within the reporting month based on when the shipment's status was set to "Shipped."


Sales - BC - Dried cannabis - Intra-industry trade - Packaged (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - BC - Dried cannabis - Intra-industry trade - Packaged value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - MB - Dried cannabis - Medical - Direct to consumer (online) (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.

Sum of dried EA Units–both non-discrete and discrete–sold to clients with a registration address in Manitoba through medical orders within the reporting month. The report looks at the date on which the payment was received.

Pull Sales Report V2 for the whole reporting month. Filter by Province and Dried Product Subclass. Tally the number of units of Dried SKUs sold.


Sales - MB - Dried cannabis - Medical - Direct to consumer (online) value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.

Total value (based on retail price) of dried EA Units–both non-discrete and discrete–sold to clients with a registration address in Manitoba through medical orders within the reporting month. This considers item discounts. Order discounts are spread across all items in the order, before shipping and after tax.

Pull Sales Report V2 for the whole reporting month. Sort by Province and Dried Product Subclass. Tally the Net Sales After Discounts column.


Sales - MB - Dried cannabis - Non-medical - Direct to consumer (online) (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - MB - Dried cannabis - Non-medical - Direct to consumer (online) value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - MB - Dried cannabis - Non-medical - To distributor (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - MB - Dried cannabis - Non-medical - To distributor value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - MB - Dried cannabis - Non-medical - To retailer (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - MB - Dried cannabis - Non-medical - To retailer value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - MB - Dried cannabis - Intra-industry trade - Unpackaged (kg)


Number from 0 to 1000000, maximum precision of 3 decimal places.

The total weight of dried cannabis shipped in unpackaged wholesale shipments to Manitoba within the reporting month. Shipments are determined to be within the reporting month based on when the shipment's status was set to "Shipped."


Sales - MB - Dried cannabis - Intra-industry trade - Unpackaged value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.

The total dollar amount, before all taxes, of dried cannabis line items shipped in unpackaged wholesale shipments to Manitoba within the reporting month. Shipments are determined to be within the reporting month based on when the shipment's status was set to "Shipped."


Sales - MB - Dried cannabis - Intra-industry trade - Packaged (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - MB - Dried cannabis - Intra-industry trade - Packaged value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - NB - Dried cannabis - Medical - Direct to consumer (online) (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.

Sum of dried EA Units–both non-discrete and discrete–sold to clients with a registration address in New Brunswick through medical orders within the reporting month. The report looks at the date on which the payment was received.

Pull Sales Report V2 for the whole reporting month. Filter by Province and Dried Product Subclass. Tally the number of units of Dried SKUs sold.


Sales - NB - Dried cannabis - Medical - Direct to consumer (online) value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.

Total value (based on retail price) of dried EA Units–both non-discrete and discrete–sold to clients with a registration address in New Brunswick through medical orders within the reporting month. This considers item discounts. Order discounts are spread across all items in the order, before shipping and after tax.

Pull Sales Report V2 for the whole reporting month. Sort by Province and Dried Product Subclass. Tally the Net Sales After Discounts column.


Sales - NB - Dried cannabis - Non-medical - Direct to consumer (online) (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - NB - Dried cannabis - Non-medical - Direct to consumer (online) value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - NB - Dried cannabis - Non-medical - To distributor (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - NB - Dried cannabis - Non-medical - To distributor value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - NB - Dried cannabis - Non-medical - To retailer (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - NB - Dried cannabis - Non-medical - To retailer value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - NB - Dried cannabis - Intra-industry trade - Unpackaged (kg)


Number from 0 to 1000000, maximum precision of 3 decimal places.

The total weight of dried cannabis shipped in unpackaged wholesale shipments to New Brunswick within the reporting month. Shipments are determined to be within the reporting month based on when the shipment's status was set to "Shipped."


Sales - NB - Dried cannabis - Intra-industry trade - Unpackaged value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.

The total dollar amount, before all taxes, of dried cannabis line items shipped in unpackaged wholesale shipments to New Brunswick within the reporting month. Shipments are determined to be within the reporting month based on when the shipment's status was set to "Shipped."


Sales - NB - Dried cannabis - Intra-industry trade - Packaged (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - NB - Dried cannabis - Intra-industry trade - Packaged value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - NL - Dried cannabis - Medical - Direct to consumer (online) (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.

Sum of dried EA Units–both non-discrete and discrete–sold to clients with a registration address in Newfoundland & Labrador through medical orders within the reporting month. The report looks at the date on which the payment was received.

Pull Sales Report V2 for the whole reporting month. Filter by Province and Dried Product Subclass. Tally the number of units of Dried SKUs sold.


Sales - NL - Dried cannabis - Medical - Direct to consumer (online) value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.

Total value (based on retail price) of dried EA Units–both non-discrete and discrete–sold to clients with a registration address in Newfoundland & Labrador through medical orders within the reporting month. This considers item discounts. Order discounts are spread across all items in the order, before shipping and after tax.

Pull Sales Report V2 for the whole reporting month. Sort by Province and Dried Product Subclass. Tally the Net Sales After Discounts column.


Sales - NL - Dried cannabis - Non-medical - Direct to consumer (online) (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - NL - Dried cannabis - Non-medical - Direct to consumer (online) value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - NL - Dried cannabis - Non-medical - To distributor (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - NL - Dried cannabis - Non-medical - To distributor value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - NL - Dried cannabis - Non-medical - To retailer (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - NL - Dried cannabis - Non-medical - To retailer value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - NL - Dried cannabis - Intra-industry trade - Unpackaged (kg)


Number from 0 to 1000000, maximum precision of 3 decimal places.

The total weight of dried cannabis shipped in unpackaged wholesale shipments to Newfoundland and Labrador within the reporting month. Shipments are determined to be within the reporting month based on when the shipment's status was set to "Shipped."


Sales - NL - Dried cannabis - Intra-industry trade - Unpackaged value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.

The total dollar amount, before all taxes, of dried cannabis line items shipped in unpackaged wholesale shipments to Newfoundland and Labrador within the reporting month. Shipments are determined to be within the reporting month based on when the shipment's status was set to "Shipped."


Sales - NL - Dried cannabis - Intra-industry trade - Packaged (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - NL - Dried cannabis - Intra-industry trade - Packaged value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - NS - Dried cannabis - Medical - Direct to consumer (online) (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.

Sum of dried EA Units–both non-discrete and discrete–sold to clients with a registration address in Nova Scotia through medical orders within the reporting month. The report looks at the date on which the payment was received.

Pull Sales Report V2 for the whole reporting month. Filter by Province and Dried Product Subclass. Tally the number of units of Dried SKUs sold.


Sales - NS - Dried cannabis - Medical - Direct to consumer (online) value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.

Total value (based on retail price) of dried EA Units–both non-discrete and discrete–sold to clients with a registration address in Nova Scotia through medical orders within the reporting month. This considers item discounts. Order discounts are spread across all items in the order, before shipping and after tax.

Pull Sales Report V2 for the whole reporting month. Sort by Province and Dried Product Subclass. Tally the Net Sales After Discounts column.


Sales - NS - Dried cannabis - Non-medical - Direct to consumer (online) (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - NS - Dried cannabis - Non-medical - Direct to consumer (online) value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - NS - Dried cannabis - Non-medical - To distributor (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - NS - Dried cannabis - Non-medical - To distributor value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - NS - Dried cannabis - Non-medical - To retailer (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - NS - Dried cannabis - Non-medical - To retailer value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - NS - Dried cannabis - Intra-industry trade - Unpackaged (kg)


Number from 0 to 1000000, maximum precision of 3 decimal places.

The total weight of dried cannabis shipped in unpackaged wholesale shipments to Nova Scotia within the reporting month. Shipments are determined to be within the reporting month based on when the shipment's status was set to "Shipped."


Sales - NS - Dried cannabis - Intra-industry trade - Unpackaged value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.

The total dollar amount, before all taxes, of dried cannabis line items shipped in unpackaged wholesale shipments to Nova Scotia within the reporting month. Shipments are determined to be within the reporting month based on when the shipment's status was set to "Shipped."


Sales - NS - Dried cannabis - Intra-industry trade - Packaged (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - NS - Dried cannabis - Intra-industry trade - Packaged value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - NT - Dried cannabis - Medical - Direct to consumer (online) (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.

Sum of dried EA Units–both non-discrete and discrete–sold to clients with a registration address in Northwest Territories through medical orders within the reporting month. The report looks at the date on which the payment was received.

Pull Sales Report V2 for the whole reporting month. Filter by Province and Dried Product Subclass. Tally the number of units of Dried SKUs sold.


Sales - NT - Dried cannabis - Medical - Direct to consumer (online) value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.

Total value (based on retail price) of dried EA Units–both non-discrete and discrete–sold to clients with a registration address in Northwest Territories through medical orders within the reporting month. This considers item discounts. Order discounts are spread across all items in the order, before shipping and after tax.

Pull Sales Report V2 for the whole reporting month. Sort by Province and Dried Product Subclass. Tally the Net Sales After Discounts column.


Sales - NT - Dried cannabis - Non-medical - Direct to consumer (online) (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - NT - Dried cannabis - Non-medical - Direct to consumer (online) value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - NT - Dried cannabis - Non-medical - To distributor (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - NT - Dried cannabis - Non-medical - To distributor value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - NT - Dried cannabis - Non-medical - To retailer (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - NT - Dried cannabis - Non-medical - To retailer value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - NT - Dried cannabis - Intra-industry trade - Unpackaged (kg)


Number from 0 to 1000000, maximum precision of 3 decimal places.

The total weight of dried cannabis shipped in unpackaged wholesale shipments to Northwest Territories within the reporting month. Shipments are determined to be within the reporting month based on when the shipment's status was set to "Shipped."


Sales - NT - Dried cannabis - Intra-industry trade - Unpackaged value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.

The total dollar amount, before all taxes, of dried cannabis line items shipped in unpackaged wholesale shipments to Northwest Territories within the reporting month. Shipments are determined to be within the reporting month based on when the shipment's status was set to "Shipped."


Sales - NT - Dried cannabis - Intra-industry trade - Packaged (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - NT - Dried cannabis - Intra-industry trade - Packaged value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - NU - Dried cannabis - Medical - Direct to consumer (online) (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.

Sum of dried EA Units–both non-discrete and discrete–sold to clients with a registration address in Nunavut through medical orders within the reporting month. The report looks at the date on which the payment was received.

Pull Sales Report V2 for the whole reporting month. Filter by Province and Dried Product Subclass. Tally the number of units of Dried SKUs sold.


Sales - NU - Dried cannabis - Medical - Direct to consumer (online) value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.

Total value (based on retail price) of dried EA Units–both non-discrete and discrete–sold to clients with a registration address in Nunavut through medical orders within the reporting month. This considers item discounts. Order discounts are spread across all items in the order, before shipping and after tax.

Pull Sales Report V2 for the whole reporting month. Sort by Province and Dried Product Subclass. Tally the Net Sales After Discounts column.


Sales - NU - Dried cannabis - Non-medical - Direct to consumer (online) (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - NU - Dried cannabis - Non-medical - Direct to consumer (online) value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - NU - Dried cannabis - Non-medical - To distributor (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - NU - Dried cannabis - Non-medical - To distributor value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - NU - Dried cannabis - Non-medical - To retailer (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - NU - Dried cannabis - Non-medical - To retailer value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - NU - Dried cannabis - Intra-industry trade - Unpackaged (kg)


Number from 0 to 1000000, maximum precision of 3 decimal places.

The total weight of dried cannabis shipped in unpackaged wholesale shipments to Nunavut within the reporting month. Shipments are determined to be within the reporting month based on when the shipment's status was set to "Shipped."


Sales - NU - Dried cannabis - Intra-industry trade - Unpackaged value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.

The total dollar amount, before all taxes, of dried cannabis line items shipped in unpackaged wholesale shipments to Nunavut within the reporting month. Shipments are determined to be within the reporting month based on when the shipment's status was set to "Shipped."


Sales - NU - Dried cannabis - Intra-industry trade - Packaged (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - NU - Dried cannabis - Intra-industry trade - Packaged value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - ON - Dried cannabis - Medical - Direct to consumer (online) (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.

Sum of dried EA Units–both non-discrete and discrete–sold to clients with a registration address in Ontario through medical orders within the reporting month. The report looks at the date on which the payment was received.

Pull Sales Report V2 for the whole reporting month. Filter by Province and Dried Product Subclass. Tally the number of units of Dried SKUs sold.


Sales - ON - Dried cannabis - Medical - Direct to consumer (online) value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.

Total value (based on retail price) of dried EA Units–both non-discrete and discrete–sold to clients with a registration address in Ontario through medical orders within the reporting month. This considers item discounts. Order discounts are spread across all items in the order, before shipping and after tax.

Pull Sales Report V2 for the whole reporting month. Sort by Province and Dried Product Subclass. Tally the Net Sales After Discounts column.


Sales - ON - Dried cannabis - Non-medical - Direct to consumer (online) (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - ON - Dried cannabis - Non-medical - Direct to consumer (online) value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - ON - Dried cannabis - Non-medical - To distributor (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - ON - Dried cannabis - Non-medical - To distributor value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - ON - Dried cannabis - Non-medical - To retailer (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - ON - Dried cannabis - Non-medical - To retailer value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - ON - Dried cannabis - Intra-industry trade - Unpackaged (kg)


Number from 0 to 1000000, maximum precision of 3 decimal places.

The total weight of dried cannabis shipped in unpackaged wholesale shipments to Ontario within the reporting month. Shipments are determined to be within the reporting month based on when the shipment's status was set to "Shipped."


Sales - ON - Dried cannabis - Intra-industry trade - Unpackaged value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.

The total dollar amount, before all taxes, of dried cannabis line items shipped in unpackaged wholesale shipments to Ontario within the reporting month. Shipments are determined to be within the reporting month based on when the shipment's status was set to "Shipped."


Sales - ON - Dried cannabis - Intra-industry trade - Packaged (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - ON - Dried cannabis - Intra-industry trade - Packaged value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - PE - Dried cannabis - Medical - Direct to consumer (online) (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.

Sum of dried EA Units–both non-discrete and discrete–sold to clients with a registration address in Prince Edward Island through medical orders within the reporting month. The report looks at the date on which the payment was received.

Pull Sales Report V2 for the whole reporting month. Filter by Province and Dried Product Subclass. Tally the number of units of Dried SKUs sold.


Sales - PE - Dried cannabis - Medical - Direct to consumer (online) value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.

Total value (based on retail price) of dried EA Units–both non-discrete and discrete–sold to clients with a registration address in Prince Edward Island through medical orders within the reporting month. This considers item discounts. Order discounts are spread across all items in the order, before shipping and after tax.

Pull Sales Report V2 for the whole reporting month. Sort by Province and Dried Product Subclass. Tally the Net Sales After Discounts column.


Sales - PE - Dried cannabis - Non-medical - Direct to consumer (online) (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - PE - Dried cannabis - Non-medical - Direct to consumer (online) value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - PE - Dried cannabis - Non-medical - To distributor (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - PE - Dried cannabis - Non-medical - To distributor value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - PE - Dried cannabis - Non-medical - To retailer (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - PE - Dried cannabis - Non-medical - To retailer value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - PE - Dried cannabis - Intra-industry trade - Unpackaged (kg)


Number from 0 to 1000000, maximum precision of 3 decimal places.

The total weight of dried cannabis shipped in unpackaged wholesale shipments to Prince Edward Island within the reporting month. Shipments are determined to be within the reporting month based on when the shipment's status was set to "Shipped."


Sales - PE - Dried cannabis - Intra-industry trade - Unpackaged value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.

The total dollar amount, before all taxes, of dried cannabis line items shipped in unpackaged wholesale shipments to Prince Edward Island within the reporting month. Shipments are determined to be within the reporting month based on when the shipment's status was set to "Shipped."


Sales - PE - Dried cannabis - Intra-industry trade - Packaged (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - PE - Dried cannabis - Intra-industry trade - Packaged value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - QC - Dried cannabis - Medical - Direct to consumer (online) (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.

Sum of dried EA Units–both non-discrete and discrete–sold to clients with a registration address in Quebec through medical orders within the reporting month. The report looks at the date on which the payment was received.

Pull Sales Report V2 for the whole reporting month. Filter by Province and Dried Product Subclass. Tally the number of units of Dried SKUs sold.


Sales - QC - Dried cannabis - Medical - Direct to consumer (online) value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.

Total value (based on retail price) of dried EA Units–both non-discrete and discrete–sold to clients with a registration address in Quebec through medical orders within the reporting month. This considers item discounts. Order discounts are spread across all items in the order, before shipping and after tax.

Pull Sales Report V2 for the whole reporting month. Sort by Province and Dried Product Subclass. Tally the Net Sales After Discounts column.


Sales - QC - Dried cannabis - Non-medical - Direct to consumer (online) (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - QC - Dried cannabis - Non-medical - Direct to consumer (online) value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - QC - Dried cannabis - Non-medical - To distributor (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - QC - Dried cannabis - Non-medical - To distributor value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - QC - Dried cannabis - Non-medical - To retailer (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - QC - Dried cannabis - Non-medical - To retailer value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - QC - Dried cannabis - Intra-industry trade - Unpackaged (kg)


Number from 0 to 1000000, maximum precision of 3 decimal places.

The total weight of dried cannabis shipped in unpackaged wholesale shipments to Quebec within the reporting month. Shipments are determined to be within the reporting month based on when the shipment's status was set to "Shipped."


Sales - QC - Dried cannabis - Intra-industry trade - Unpackaged value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.

The total dollar amount, before all taxes, of dried cannabis line items shipped in unpackaged wholesale shipments to Quebec within the reporting month. Shipments are determined to be within the reporting month based on when the shipment's status was set to "Shipped."


Sales - QC - Dried cannabis - Intra-industry trade - Packaged (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - QC - Dried cannabis - Intra-industry trade - Packaged value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - SK - Dried cannabis - Medical - Direct to consumer (online) (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.

Sum of dried EA Units–both non-discrete and discrete–sold to clients with a registration address in Saskatchewan through medical orders within the reporting month. The report looks at the date on which the payment was received.

Pull Sales Report V2 for the whole reporting month. Filter by Province and Dried Product Subclass. Tally the number of units of Dried SKUs sold.


Sales - SK - Dried cannabis - Medical - Direct to consumer (online) value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.

Total value (based on retail price) of dried EA Units–both non-discrete and discrete–sold to clients with a registration address in Saskatchewan through medical orders within the reporting month. This considers item discounts. Order discounts are spread across all items in the order, before shipping and after tax.

Pull Sales Report V2 for the whole reporting month. Sort by Province and Dried Product Subclass. Tally the Net Sales After Discounts column.


Sales - SK - Dried cannabis - Non-medical - Direct to consumer (online) (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - SK - Dried cannabis - Non-medical - Direct to consumer (online) value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - SK - Dried cannabis - Non-medical - To distributor (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - SK - Dried cannabis - Non-medical - To distributor value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - SK - Dried cannabis - Non-medical - To retailer (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - SK - Dried cannabis - Non-medical - To retailer value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - SK - Dried cannabis - Intra-industry trade - Unpackaged (kg)


Number from 0 to 1000000, maximum precision of 3 decimal places.

The total weight of dried cannabis shipped in unpackaged wholesale shipments to Saskatchewan within the reporting month. Shipments are determined to be within the reporting month based on when the shipment's status was set to "Shipped."


Sales - SK - Dried cannabis - Intra-industry trade - Unpackaged value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.

The total dollar amount, before all taxes, of dried cannabis line items shipped in unpackaged wholesale shipments to Saskatchewan within the reporting month. Shipments are determined to be within the reporting month based on when the shipment's status was set to "Shipped."


Sales - SK - Dried cannabis - Intra-industry trade - Packaged (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - SK - Dried cannabis - Intra-industry trade - Packaged value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - YT - Dried cannabis - Medical - Direct to consumer (online) (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.

Sum of dried EA Units–both non-discrete and discrete–sold to clients with a registration address in the Yukon through medical orders within the reporting month. The report looks at the date on which the payment was received.

Pull Sales Report V2 for the whole reporting month. Filter by Province and Dried Product Subclass. Tally the number of units of Dried SKUs sold.


Sales - YT - Dried cannabis - Medical - Direct to consumer (online) value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.

Total value (based on retail price) of dried EA Units–both non-discrete and discrete–sold to clients with a registration address in the Yukon through medical orders within the reporting month. This considers item discounts. Order discounts are spread across all items in the order, before shipping and after tax.

Pull Sales Report V2 for the whole reporting month. Sort by Province and Dried Product Subclass. Tally the Net Sales After Discounts column.


Sales - YT - Dried cannabis - Non-medical - Direct to consumer (online) (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - YT - Dried cannabis - Non-medical - Direct to consumer (online) value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - YT - Dried cannabis - Non-medical - To distributor (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - YT - Dried cannabis - Non-medical - To distributor value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - YT - Dried cannabis - Non-medical - To retailer (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - YT - Dried cannabis - Non-medical - To retailer value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - YT - Dried cannabis - Intra-industry trade - Unpackaged (kg)


Number from 0 to 1000000, maximum precision of 3 decimal places.

The total weight of dried cannabis shipped in unpackaged wholesale shipments to the Yukon within the reporting month. Shipments are determined to be within the reporting month based on when the shipment's status was set to "Shipped."


Sales - YT - Dried cannabis - Intra-industry trade - Unpackaged value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.

The total dollar amount, before all taxes, of dried cannabis line items shipped in unpackaged wholesale shipments to the Yukon within the reporting month. Shipments are determined to be within the reporting month based on when the shipment's status was set to "Shipped."


Sales - YT - Dried cannabis - Intra-industry trade - Packaged (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - YT - Dried cannabis - Intra-industry trade - Packaged value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - Total - Dried cannabis - Medical - Direct to consumer (online) (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.

Sum of dried EA Units–both non-discrete and discrete–sold to clients across all provinces through medical orders within the reporting month. The report looks at the date on which the payment was received.

Pull Sales Report V2 for the whole reporting month. Filter by Dried Product Subclass. Tally the number of units of Dried SKUs sold.


Sales - Total - Dried cannabis - Medical - Direct to consumer (online) value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.

Total value (based on retail price) of dried EA Units–both non-discrete and discrete–sold to all provinces through medical orders within the reporting month. This considers item discounts. Order discounts are spread across all items in the order, before shipping and after tax.

Pull Sales Report V2 for the whole reporting month. Sort by Dried Product Subclass. Tally the Net Sales After Discounts column.


Sales - Total - Dried cannabis - Non-medical - Direct to consumer (online) (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - Total - Dried cannabis - Non-medical - Direct to consumer (online) value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - Total - Dried cannabis - Non-medical - To distributor (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - Total - Dried cannabis - Non-medical - To distributor value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - Total - Dried cannabis - Non-medical - To retailer (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - Total - Dried cannabis - Non-medical - To retailer value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - Total - Dried cannabis - Intra-industry trade - Unpackaged (kg)


Number from 0 to 1000000, maximum precision of 3 decimal places.

The total weight of dried cannabis shipped in unpackaged wholesale shipments across all Canadian provinces within the reporting month. Shipments are determined to be within the reporting month based on when the shipment's status was set to "Shipped."


Sales - Total - Dried cannabis - Intra-industry trade - Unpackaged value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.

The total dollar amount, before all taxes, of dried cannabis line items shipped in unpackaged wholesale shipments across all Canadian provinces within the reporting month. Shipments are determined to be within the reporting month based on when the shipment's status was set to "Shipped."


Sales - Total - Dried cannabis - Intra-industry trade - Packaged (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - Total - Dried cannabis - Intra-industry trade - Packaged value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.

Sales – Edibles – Solids


Cell Name


Field formatting Requirements


Stock Report Validation


Sales - AB - Edibles - Solids - Medical - Direct to consumer (online) (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.

Sum of Edibles-Solids EA Units–both non-discrete and discrete–sold to clients with a registration address in Alberta through medical orders within the reporting month. The report looks at the date on which the payment was received.

Pull Sales Report V2 for the whole reporting month. Filter by Province and sort by the Edibles-Solids Product Class. Tally the number of units of Edibles-Solids SKUs sold.


Sales - AB - Edibles - Solids - Medical - Direct to consumer (online) value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.

Total value (based on retail price) of Edibles-Solids EA Units–both non-discrete and discrete–sold to clients with a registration address in Alberta through medical orders within the reporting month. This considers item discounts. Order discounts are spread across all items in the order, before shipping and after tax.

Pull Sales Report V2 for the whole reporting month. Filter by Province and sort by the Edibles-Solids Product Subclass. Tally the Net Sales After Discounts column.


Sales - AB - Edibles - Solids - Non-medical - Direct to consumer (online) (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - AB - Edibles - Solids - Non-medical - Direct to consumer (online) value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - AB - Edibles - Solids - Non-medical - To distributor (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - AB - Edibles - Solids - Non-medical - To distributor value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - AB - Edibles - Solids - Non-medical - To retailer (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - AB - Edibles - Solids - Non-medical - To retailer value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - AB - Edibles - Solids - Intra-industry trade - Unpackaged (kg)


Number from 0 to 1000000, maximum precision of 3 decimal places.

The total weight of Edibles-Solids shipped in unpackaged wholesale shipments to Alberta within the reporting month. Shipments are determined to be within the reporting month based on when the shipment's status was set to "Shipped."


Sales - AB - Edibles - Solids - Intra-industry trade - Unpackaged value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.

The total dollar amount, before all taxes, of Edibles-Solids line items shipped in unpackaged wholesale shipments to Alberta within the reporting month. Shipments are determined to be within the reporting month based on when the shipment's status was set to "Shipped."


Sales - AB - Edibles - Solids - Intra-industry trade - Packaged (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - AB - Edibles - Solids - Intra-industry trade - Packaged value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - BC - Edibles - Solids - Medical - Direct to consumer (online) (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.

Sum of Edibles - Solids EA Units–both non-discrete and discrete–sold to clients with a registration address in British Columbia through medical orders within the reporting month. The report looks at the date on which the payment was received.

Pull Sales Report V2 for the whole reporting month. Filter by Province and sort by the Edibles-Solids Product Class. Tally the number of units of Edibles-Solids SKUs sold.


Sales - BC - Edibles - Solids - Medical - Direct to consumer (online) value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.

Total value (based on retail price) of Edibles - Solids EA Units–both non-discrete and discrete–sold to clients with a registration address in British Columbia through medical orders within the reporting month. This considers item discounts. Order discounts are spread across all items in the order, before shipping and after tax.

Pull Sales Report V2 for the whole reporting month. Filter by Province and sort by the Edibles-Solids Product Subclass. Tally the Net Sales After Discounts column.


Sales - BC - Edibles - Solids - Non-medical - Direct to consumer (online) (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - BC - Edibles - Solids - Non-medical - Direct to consumer (online) value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - BC - Edibles - Solids - Non-medical - To distributor (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - BC - Edibles - Solids - Non-medical - To distributor value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - BC - Edibles - Solids - Non-medical - To retailer (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - BC - Edibles - Solids - Non-medical - To retailer value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - BC - Edibles - Solids - Intra-industry trade - Unpackaged (kg)


Number from 0 to 1000000, maximum precision of 3 decimal places.

The total weight of Edibles-Solids shipped in unpackaged wholesale shipments to British Columbia within the reporting month. Shipments are determined to be within the reporting month based on when the shipment's status was set to "Shipped."


Sales - BC - Edibles - Solids - Intra-industry trade - Unpackaged value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.

The total dollar amount, before all taxes, of Edibles-Solids line items shipped in unpackaged wholesale shipments to British Columbia within the reporting month. Shipments are determined to be within the reporting month based on when the shipment's status was set to "Shipped."


Sales - BC - Edibles - Solids - Intra-industry trade - Packaged (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - BC - Edibles - Solids - Intra-industry trade - Packaged value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - MB - Edibles - Solids - Medical - Direct to consumer (online) (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.

Sum of Edibles - Solids EA Units–both non-discrete and discrete–sold to clients with a registration address in Manitoba through medical orders within the reporting month. The report looks at the date on which the payment was received.

Pull Sales Report V2 for the whole reporting month. Filter by Province and sort by the Edibles-Solids Product Class. Tally the number of units of Edibles-Solids SKUs sold.


Sales - MB - Edibles - Solids - Medical - Direct to consumer (online) value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.

Total value (based on retail price) of Edibles - Solids EA Units–both non-discrete and discrete–sold to clients with a registration address in Manitoba through medical orders within the reporting month. This considers item discounts. Order discounts are spread across all items in the order, before shipping and after tax.

Pull Sales Report V2 for the whole reporting month. Filter by Province and sort by the Edibles-Solids Product Subclass. Tally the Net Sales After Discounts column.


Sales - MB - Edibles - Solids - Non-medical - Direct to consumer (online) (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - MB - Edibles - Solids - Non-medical - Direct to consumer (online) value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - MB - Edibles - Solids - Non-medical - To distributor (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - MB - Edibles - Solids - Non-medical - To distributor value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - MB - Edibles - Solids - Non-medical - To retailer (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - MB - Edibles - Solids - Non-medical - To retailer value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - MB - Edibles - Solids - Intra-industry trade - Unpackaged (kg)


Number from 0 to 1000000, maximum precision of 3 decimal places.

The total weight of Edibles-Solids shipped in unpackaged wholesale shipments to Manitoba within the reporting month. Shipments are determined to be within the reporting month based on when the shipment's status was set to "Shipped."


Sales - MB - Edibles - Solids - Intra-industry trade - Unpackaged value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.

The total dollar amount, before all taxes, of Edibles-Solids line items shipped in unpackaged wholesale shipments to Manitoba within the reporting month. Shipments are determined to be within the reporting month based on when the shipment's status was set to "Shipped."


Sales - MB - Edibles - Solids - Intra-industry trade - Packaged (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - MB - Edibles - Solids - Intra-industry trade - Packaged value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - NB - Edibles - Solids - Medical - Direct to consumer (online) (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.

Sum of Edibles - Solids EA Units–both non-discrete and discrete–sold to clients with a registration address in New Brunswick through medical orders within the reporting month. The report looks at the date on which the payment was received.

Pull Sales Report V2 for the whole reporting month. Filter by Province and sort by the Edibles-Solids Product Class. Tally the number of units of Edibles-Solids SKUs sold.


Sales - NB - Edibles - Solids - Medical - Direct to consumer (online) value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.

Total value (based on retail price) of Edibles - Solids EA Units–both non-discrete and discrete–sold to clients with a registration address in New Brunswick through medical orders within the reporting month. This considers item discounts. Order discounts are spread across all items in the order, before shipping and after tax.

Pull Sales Report V2 for the whole reporting month. Filter by Province and sort by the Edibles-Solids Product Subclass. Tally the Net Sales After Discounts column.


Sales - NB - Edibles - Solids - Non-medical - Direct to consumer (online) (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - NB - Edibles - Solids - Non-medical - Direct to consumer (online) value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - NB - Edibles - Solids - Non-medical - To distributor (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - NB - Edibles - Solids - Non-medical - To distributor value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - NB - Edibles - Solids - Non-medical - To retailer (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - NB - Edibles - Solids - Non-medical - To retailer value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - NB - Edibles - Solids - Intra-industry trade - Unpackaged (kg)


Number from 0 to 1000000, maximum precision of 3 decimal places.

The total weight of Edibles-Solids shipped in unpackaged wholesale shipments to New Brunswick within the reporting month. Shipments are determined to be within the reporting month based on when the shipment's status was set to "Shipped."


Sales - NB - Edibles - Solids - Intra-industry trade - Unpackaged value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.

The total dollar amount, before all taxes, of Edibles-Solids line items shipped in unpackaged wholesale shipments to New Brunswick within the reporting month. Shipments are determined to be within the reporting month based on when the shipment's status was set to "Shipped."


Sales - NB - Edibles - Solids - Intra-industry trade - Packaged (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - NB - Edibles - Solids - Intra-industry trade - Packaged value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - NL - Edibles - Solids - Medical - Direct to consumer (online) (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.

Sum of Edibles - Solids EA Units–both non-discrete and discrete–sold to clients with a registration address in Newfoundland & Labrador through medical orders within the reporting month. The report looks at the date on which the payment was received.

Pull Sales Report V2 for the whole reporting month. Filter by Province and sort by the Edibles-Solids Product Class. Tally the number of units of Edibles-Solids SKUs sold.


Sales - NL - Edibles - Solids - Medical - Direct to consumer (online) value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.

Total value (based on retail price) of Edibles - Solids EA Units–both non-discrete and discrete–sold to clients with a registration address in Newfoundland & Labrador through medical orders within the reporting month. This considers item discounts. Order discounts are spread across all items in the order, before shipping and after tax.

Pull Sales Report V2 for the whole reporting month. Filter by Province and sort by the Edibles-Solids Product Subclass. Tally the Net Sales After Discounts column.


Sales - NL - Edibles - Solids - Non-medical - Direct to consumer (online) (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - NL - Edibles - Solids - Non-medical - Direct to consumer (online) value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - NL - Edibles - Solids - Non-medical - To distributor (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - NL - Edibles - Solids - Non-medical - To distributor value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - NL - Edibles - Solids - Non-medical - To retailer (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - NL - Edibles - Solids - Non-medical - To retailer value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - NL - Edibles - Solids - Intra-industry trade - Unpackaged (kg)


Number from 0 to 1000000, maximum precision of 3 decimal places.

The total weight of Edibles-Solids shipped in unpackaged wholesale shipments to Newfoundland and Labrador within the reporting month. Shipments are determined to be within the reporting month based on when the shipment's status was set to "Shipped."


Sales - NL - Edibles - Solids - Intra-industry trade - Unpackaged value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.

The total dollar amount, before all taxes, of Edibles-Solids line items shipped in unpackaged wholesale shipments to Newfoundland and Labrador within the reporting month. Shipments are determined to be within the reporting month based on when the shipment's status was set to "Shipped."


Sales - NL - Edibles - Solids - Intra-industry trade - Packaged (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - NL - Edibles - Solids - Intra-industry trade - Packaged value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - NS - Edibles - Solids - Medical - Direct to consumer (online) (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.

Sum of Edibles - Solids EA Units–both non-discrete and discrete–sold to clients with a registration address in Nova Scotia through medical orders within the reporting month. The report looks at the date on which the payment was received.

Pull Sales Report V2 for the whole reporting month. Filter by Province and sort by the Edibles-Solids Product Class. Tally the number of units of Edibles-Solids SKUs sold.


Sales - NS - Edibles - Solids - Medical - Direct to consumer (online) value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.

Total value (based on retail price) of Edibles - Solids EA Units–both non-discrete and discrete–sold to clients with a registration address in Nova Scotia through medical orders within the reporting month. This considers item discounts. Order discounts are spread across all items in the order, before shipping and after tax.

Pull Sales Report V2 for the whole reporting month. Filter by Province and sort by the Edibles-Solids Product Subclass. Tally the Net Sales After Discounts column.


Sales - NS - Edibles - Solids - Non-medical - Direct to consumer (online) (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - NS - Edibles - Solids - Non-medical - Direct to consumer (online) value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - NS - Edibles - Solids - Non-medical - To distributor (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - NS - Edibles - Solids - Non-medical - To distributor value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - NS - Edibles - Solids - Non-medical - To retailer (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - NS - Edibles - Solids - Non-medical - To retailer value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - NS - Edibles - Solids - Intra-industry trade - Unpackaged (kg)


Number from 0 to 1000000, maximum precision of 3 decimal places.

The total weight of Edibles-Solids shipped in unpackaged wholesale shipments to Nova Scotia within the reporting month. Shipments are determined to be within the reporting month based on when the shipment's status was set to "Shipped."


Sales - NS - Edibles - Solids - Intra-industry trade - Unpackaged value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.

The total dollar amount, before all taxes, of Edibles-Solids line items shipped in unpackaged wholesale shipments to Nova Scotia within the reporting month. Shipments are determined to be within the reporting month based on when the shipment's status was set to "Shipped."


Sales - NS - Edibles - Solids - Intra-industry trade - Packaged (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - NS - Edibles - Solids - Intra-industry trade - Packaged value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - NT - Edibles - Solids - Medical - Direct to consumer (online) (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.

Sum of Edibles - Solids EA Units–both non-discrete and discrete–sold to clients with a registration address in Northwest Territories through medical orders within the reporting month. The report looks at the date on which the payment was received.

Pull Sales Report V2 for the whole reporting month. Filter by Province and sort by the Edibles-Solids Product Class. Tally the number of units of Edibles-Solids SKUs sold.


Sales - NT - Edibles - Solids - Medical - Direct to consumer (online) value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.

Total value (based on retail price) of Edibles - Solids EA Units–both non-discrete and discrete–sold to clients with a registration address in Northwest Territories through medical orders within the reporting month. This considers item discounts. Order discounts are spread across all items in the order, before shipping and after tax.

Pull Sales Report V2 for the whole reporting month. Filter by Province and sort by the Edibles-Solids Product Subclass. Tally the Net Sales After Discounts column.


Sales - NT - Edibles - Solids - Non-medical - Direct to consumer (online) (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - NT - Edibles - Solids - Non-medical - Direct to consumer (online) value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - NT - Edibles - Solids - Non-medical - To distributor (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - NT - Edibles - Solids - Non-medical - To distributor value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - NT - Edibles - Solids - Non-medical - To retailer (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - NT - Edibles - Solids - Non-medical - To retailer value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - NT - Edibles - Solids - Intra-industry trade - Unpackaged (kg)


Number from 0 to 1000000, maximum precision of 3 decimal places.

The total weight of Edibles-Solids shipped in unpackaged wholesale shipments to Northwest Territories within the reporting month. Shipments are determined to be within the reporting month based on when the shipment's status was set to "Shipped."


Sales - NT - Edibles - Solids - Intra-industry trade - Unpackaged value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.

The total dollar amount, before all taxes, of Edibles-Solids line items shipped in unpackaged wholesale shipments to Northwest Territories within the reporting month. Shipments are determined to be within the reporting month based on when the shipment's status was set to "Shipped."


Sales - NT - Edibles - Solids - Intra-industry trade - Packaged (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - NT - Edibles - Solids - Intra-industry trade - Packaged value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - NU - Edibles - Solids - Medical - Direct to consumer (online) (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.

Sum of Edibles - Solids EA Units–both non-discrete and discrete–sold to clients with a registration address in Nunavut through medical orders within the reporting month. The report looks at the date on which the payment was received.

Pull Sales Report V2 for the whole reporting month. Filter by Province and sort by the Edibles-Solids Product Class. Tally the number of units of Edibles-Solids SKUs sold.


Sales - NU - Edibles - Solids - Medical - Direct to consumer (online) value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.

Total value (based on retail price) of Edibles - Solids EA Units–both non-discrete and discrete–sold to clients with a registration address in Nunavut through medical orders within the reporting month. This considers item discounts. Order discounts are spread across all items in the order, before shipping and after tax.

Pull Sales Report V2 for the whole reporting month. Filter by Province and sort by the Edibles-Solids Product Subclass. Tally the Net Sales After Discounts column.


Sales - NU - Edibles - Solids - Non-medical - Direct to consumer (online) (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - NU - Edibles - Solids - Non-medical - Direct to consumer (online) value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - NU - Edibles - Solids - Non-medical - To distributor (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - NU - Edibles - Solids - Non-medical - To distributor value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - NU - Edibles - Solids - Non-medical - To retailer (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - NU - Edibles - Solids - Non-medical - To retailer value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - NU - Edibles - Solids - Intra-industry trade - Unpackaged (kg)


Number from 0 to 1000000, maximum precision of 3 decimal places.

The total weight of Edibles-Solids shipped in unpackaged wholesale shipments to Nunavut within the reporting month. Shipments are determined to be within the reporting month based on when the shipment's status was set to "Shipped."


Sales - NU - Edibles - Solids - Intra-industry trade - Unpackaged value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.

The total dollar amount, before all taxes, of Edibles-Solids line items shipped in unpackaged wholesale shipments to Nunavut within the reporting month. Shipments are determined to be within the reporting month based on when the shipment's status was set to "Shipped."


Sales - NU - Edibles - Solids - Intra-industry trade - Packaged (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - NU - Edibles - Solids - Intra-industry trade - Packaged value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - ON - Edibles - Solids - Medical - Direct to consumer (online) (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.

Sum of Edibles - Solids EA Units–both non-discrete and discrete–sold to clients with a registration address in Ontario through medical orders within the reporting month. The report looks at the date on which the payment was received.

Pull Sales Report V2 for the whole reporting month. Filter by Province and sort by the Edibles-Solids Product Class. Tally the number of units of Edibles-Solids SKUs sold.


Sales - ON - Edibles - Solids - Medical - Direct to consumer (online) value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.

Total value (based on retail price) of Edibles - Solids EA Units–both non-discrete and discrete–sold to clients with a registration address in Ontario through medical orders within the reporting month. This considers item discounts. Order discounts are spread across all items in the order, before shipping and after tax.

Pull Sales Report V2 for the whole reporting month. Filter by Province and sort by the Edibles-Solids Product Subclass. Tally the Net Sales After Discounts column.


Sales - ON - Edibles - Solids - Non-medical - Direct to consumer (online) (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - ON - Edibles - Solids - Non-medical - Direct to consumer (online) value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - ON - Edibles - Solids - Non-medical - To distributor (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - ON - Edibles - Solids - Non-medical - To distributor value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - ON - Edibles - Solids - Non-medical - To retailer (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - ON - Edibles - Solids - Non-medical - To retailer value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - ON - Edibles - Solids - Intra-industry trade - Unpackaged (kg)


Number from 0 to 1000000, maximum precision of 3 decimal places.

The total weight of Edibles-Solids shipped in unpackaged wholesale shipments to Ontario within the reporting month. Shipments are determined to be within the reporting month based on when the shipment's status was set to "Shipped."


Sales - ON - Edibles - Solids - Intra-industry trade - Unpackaged value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.

The total dollar amount, before all taxes, of Edibles-Solids line items shipped in unpackaged wholesale shipments to Ontario within the reporting month. Shipments are determined to be within the reporting month based on when the shipment's status was set to "Shipped."


Sales - ON - Edibles - Solids - Intra-industry trade - Packaged (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - ON - Edibles - Solids - Intra-industry trade - Packaged value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - PE - Edibles - Solids - Medical - Direct to consumer (online) (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.

Sum of Edibles - Solids EA Units–both non-discrete and discrete–sold to clients with a registration address in Prince Edward Island through medical orders within the reporting month. The report looks at the date on which the payment was received.

Pull Sales Report V2 for the whole reporting month. Filter by Province and sort by the Edibles-Solids Product Class. Tally the number of units of Edibles-Solids SKUs sold.


Sales - PE - Edibles - Solids - Medical - Direct to consumer (online) value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.

Total value (based on retail price) of Edibles - Solids EA Units–both non-discrete and discrete–sold to clients with a registration address in Prince Edward Island through medical orders within the reporting month. This considers item discounts. Order discounts are spread across all items in the order, before shipping and after tax.

Pull Sales Report V2 for the whole reporting month. Filter by Province and sort by the Edibles-Solids Product Subclass. Tally the Net Sales After Discounts column.


Sales - PE - Edibles - Solids - Non-medical - Direct to consumer (online) (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - PE - Edibles - Solids - Non-medical - Direct to consumer (online) value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - PE - Edibles - Solids - Non-medical - To distributor (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - PE - Edibles - Solids - Non-medical - To distributor value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - PE - Edibles - Solids - Non-medical - To retailer (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - PE - Edibles - Solids - Non-medical - To retailer value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - PE - Edibles - Solids - Intra-industry trade - Unpackaged (kg)


Number from 0 to 1000000, maximum precision of 3 decimal places.

The total weight of Edibles-Solids shipped in unpackaged wholesale shipments to Prince Edward Island within the reporting month. Shipments are determined to be within the reporting month based on when the shipment's status was set to "Shipped."


Sales - PE - Edibles - Solids - Intra-industry trade - Unpackaged value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.

The total dollar amount, before all taxes, of Edibles-Solids line items shipped in unpackaged wholesale shipments to Prince Edward Island within the reporting month. Shipments are determined to be within the reporting month based on when the shipment's status was set to "Shipped."


Sales - PE - Edibles - Solids - Intra-industry trade - Packaged (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - PE - Edibles - Solids - Intra-industry trade - Packaged value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - QC - Edibles - Solids - Medical - Direct to consumer (online) (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.

Sum of Edibles - Solids EA Units–both non-discrete and discrete–sold to clients with a registration address in Quebec through medical orders within the reporting month. The report looks at the date on which the payment was received.

Pull Sales Report V2 for the whole reporting month. Filter by Province and sort by the Edibles-Solids Product Class. Tally the number of units of Edibles-Solids SKUs sold.


Sales - QC - Edibles - Solids - Medical - Direct to consumer (online) value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.

Total value (based on retail price) of Edibles - Solids EA Units–both non-discrete and discrete–sold to clients with a registration address in Quebec through medical orders within the reporting month. This considers item discounts. Order discounts are spread across all items in the order, before shipping and after tax.

Pull Sales Report V2 for the whole reporting month. Filter by Province and sort by the Edibles-Solids Product Subclass. Tally the Net Sales After Discounts column.


Sales - QC - Edibles - Solids - Non-medical - Direct to consumer (online) (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - QC - Edibles - Solids - Non-medical - Direct to consumer (online) value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - QC - Edibles - Solids - Non-medical - To distributor (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - QC - Edibles - Solids - Non-medical - To distributor value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - QC - Edibles - Solids - Non-medical - To retailer (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - QC - Edibles - Solids - Non-medical - To retailer value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - QC - Edibles - Solids - Intra-industry trade - Unpackaged (kg)


Number from 0 to 1000000, maximum precision of 3 decimal places.

The total weight of Edibles-Solids shipped in unpackaged wholesale shipments to Quebec within the reporting month. Shipments are determined to be within the reporting month based on when the shipment's status was set to "Shipped."


Sales - QC - Edibles - Solids - Intra-industry trade - Unpackaged value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.

The total dollar amount, before all taxes, of Edibles-Solids line items shipped in unpackaged wholesale shipments to Quebec within the reporting month. Shipments are determined to be within the reporting month based on when the shipment's status was set to "Shipped."


Sales - QC - Edibles - Solids - Intra-industry trade - Packaged (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - QC - Edibles - Solids - Intra-industry trade - Packaged value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - SK - Edibles - Solids - Medical - Direct to consumer (online) (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.

Sum of Edibles - Solids EA Units–both non-discrete and discrete–sold to clients with a registration address in Saskatchewan through medical orders within the reporting month. The report looks at the date on which the payment was received.

Pull Sales Report V2 for the whole reporting month. Filter by Province and sort by the Edibles-Solids Product Class. Tally the number of units of Edibles-Solids SKUs sold.


Sales - SK - Edibles - Solids - Medical - Direct to consumer (online) value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.

Total value (based on retail price) of Edibles - Solids EA Units–both non-discrete and discrete–sold to clients with a registration address in Saskatchewan through medical orders within the reporting month. This considers item discounts. Order discounts are spread across all items in the order, before shipping and after tax.

Pull Sales Report V2 for the whole reporting month. Filter by Province and sort by the Edibles-Solids Product Subclass. Tally the Net Sales After Discounts column.


Sales - SK - Edibles - Solids - Non-medical - Direct to consumer (online) (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - SK - Edibles - Solids - Non-medical - Direct to consumer (online) value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - SK - Edibles - Solids - Non-medical - To distributor (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - SK - Edibles - Solids - Non-medical - To distributor value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - SK - Edibles - Solids - Non-medical - To retailer (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - SK - Edibles - Solids - Non-medical - To retailer value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - SK - Edibles - Solids - Intra-industry trade - Unpackaged (kg)


Number from 0 to 1000000, maximum precision of 3 decimal places.

The total weight of Edibles-Solids shipped in unpackaged wholesale shipments to Saskatchewan within the reporting month. Shipments are determined to be within the reporting month based on when the shipment's status was set to "Shipped."


Sales - SK - Edibles - Solids - Intra-industry trade - Unpackaged value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.

The total dollar amount, before all taxes, of Edibles-Solids line items shipped in unpackaged wholesale shipments to Saskatchewan within the reporting month. Shipments are determined to be within the reporting month based on when the shipment's status was set to "Shipped."


Sales - SK - Edibles - Solids - Intra-industry trade - Packaged (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - SK - Edibles - Solids - Intra-industry trade - Packaged value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - YT - Edibles - Solids - Medical - Direct to consumer (online) (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.

Sum of Edibles - Solids EA Units–both non-discrete and discrete–sold to clients with a registration address in the Yukon through medical orders within the reporting month. The report looks at the date on which the payment was received.

Pull Sales Report V2 for the whole reporting month. Filter by Province and sort by the Edibles-Solids Product Class. Tally the number of units of Edibles-Solids SKUs sold.


Sales - YT - Edibles - Solids - Medical - Direct to consumer (online) value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.

Total value (based on retail price) of Edibles - Solids EA Units–both non-discrete and discrete–sold to clients with a registration address in Saskatchewan through medical orders within the reporting month. This considers item discounts. Order discounts are spread across all items in the order, before shipping and after tax.

Pull Sales Report V2 for the whole reporting month. Filter by Province and sort by the Edibles-Solids Product Subclass. Tally the Net Sales After Discounts column.


Sales - YT - Edibles - Solids - Non-medical - Direct to consumer (online) (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - YT - Edibles - Solids - Non-medical - Direct to consumer (online) value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - YT - Edibles - Solids - Non-medical - To distributor (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - YT - Edibles - Solids - Non-medical - To distributor value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - YT - Edibles - Solids - Non-medical - To retailer (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - YT - Edibles - Solids - Non-medical - To retailer value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - YT - Edibles - Solids - Intra-industry trade - Unpackaged (kg)


Number from 0 to 1000000, maximum precision of 3 decimal places.

The total weight of Edibles-Solids shipped in unpackaged wholesale shipments the Yukon within the reporting month. Shipments are determined to be within the reporting month based on when the shipment's status was set to "Shipped."


Sales - YT - Edibles - Solids - Intra-industry trade - Unpackaged value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.

The total dollar amount, before all taxes, of Edibles-Solids line items shipped in unpackaged wholesale shipments to the Yukon within the reporting month. Shipments are determined to be within the reporting month based on when the shipment's status was set to "Shipped."


Sales - YT - Edibles - Solids - Intra-industry trade - Packaged (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - YT - Edibles - Solids - Intra-industry trade - Packaged value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - Total - Edibles - Solids - Medical - Direct to consumer (online) (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.

Sum of Edibles - Solids EA Units–both non-discrete and discrete–sold to clients across all provinces through medical orders within the reporting month. The report looks at the date on which the payment was received.

Pull Sales Report V2 for the whole reporting month. Sort by the Edibles-Solids Product Class. Tally the number of units of Edibles-Solids SKUs sold.


Sales - Total - Edibles - Solids - Medical - Direct to consumer (online) value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.

Total value (based on retail price) of Edibles - Solids EA Units–both non-discrete and discrete–sold to all provinces through medical orders within the reporting month. This considers item discounts. Order discounts are spread across all items in the order, before shipping and after tax.

Pull Sales Report V2 for the whole reporting month. Sort by the Edibles-Solids Product Subclass. Tally the Net Sales After Discounts column.


Sales - Total - Edibles - Solids - Non-medical - Direct to consumer (online) (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - Total - Edibles - Solids - Non-medical - Direct to consumer (online) value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - Total - Edibles - Solids - Non-medical - To distributor (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - Total - Edibles - Solids - Non-medical - To distributor value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - Total - Edibles - Solids - Non-medical - To retailer (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - Total - Edibles - Solids - Non-medical - To retailer value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - Total - Edibles - Solids - Intra-industry trade - Unpackaged (kg)


Number from 0 to 1000000, maximum precision of 3 decimal places.

The total weight of Edibles-Solids shipped in unpackaged wholesale shipments across all Canadian provinces within the reporting month. Shipments are determined to be within the reporting month based on when the shipment's status was set to "Shipped."


Sales - Total - Edibles - Solids - Intra-industry trade - Unpackaged value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.

The total dollar amount, before all taxes, of Edibles-Solids line items shipped in unpackaged wholesale shipments across all Canadian provinces within the reporting month. Shipments are determined to be within the reporting month based on when the shipment's status was set to "Shipped."


Sales - Total - Edibles - Solids - Intra-industry trade - Packaged (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - Total - Edibles - Solids - Intra-industry trade - Packaged value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.

Sales – Edibles – Non-Solids


Cell Name


Field formatting Requirements


Stock Report Validation


Sales - AB - Edibles - Non-solids - Medical - Direct to consumer (online) (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.

Sum of Edibles - Non-solids EA Units–both non-discrete and discrete–sold to clients with a registration address in Alberta through medical orders within the reporting month. The report looks at the date on which the payment was received.

Pull Sales Report V2 for the whole reporting month. Filter by Province and sort by the Edibles-Non Solids Product Subclass. Tally the number of units of Edibles-Non Solids SKUs sold.


Sales - AB - Edibles - Non-solids - Medical - Direct to consumer (online) value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.

Total value (based on retail price) of Edibles - Non-solids EA Units–both non-discrete and discrete–sold to clients with a registration address in Alberta through medical orders within the reporting month. This considers item discounts. Order discounts are spread across all items in the order, before shipping and after tax.

Pull Sales Report V2 for the whole reporting month. Filter by Province and sort by Edibles-Non Solids Product Subclass. Tally the Net Sales After Discounts column.


Sales - AB - Edibles - Non-solids - Non-medical - Direct to consumer (online) (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - AB - Edibles - Non-solids - Non-medical - Direct to consumer (online) value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - AB - Edibles - Non-solids - Non-medical - To distributor (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - AB - Edibles - Non-solids - Non-medical - To distributor value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - AB - Edibles - Non-solids - Non-medical - To retailer (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - AB - Edibles - Non-solids - Non-medical - To retailer value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - AB - Edibles - Non-solids - Intra-industry trade - Unpackaged (kg)


Number from 0 to 1000000, maximum precision of 3 decimal places.

The total weight of Edibles-Non Solids shipped in unpackaged wholesale shipments to Alberta within the reporting month. Shipments are determined to be within the reporting month based on when the shipment's status was set to "Shipped."


Sales - AB - Edibles - Non-solids - Intra-industry trade - Unpackaged value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.

The total dollar amount, before all taxes, of Edibles-Non Solids line items shipped in unpackaged wholesale shipments to Alberta within the reporting month. Shipments are determined to be within the reporting month based on when the shipment's status was set to "Shipped."


Sales - AB - Edibles - Non-solids - Intra-industry trade - Packaged (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - AB - Edibles - Non-solids - Intra-industry trade - Packaged value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - BC - Edibles - Non-solids - Medical - Direct to consumer (online) (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.

Sum of Edibles - Non-solids EA Units–both non-discrete and discrete–sold to clients with a registration address in British Columbia through medical orders within the reporting month. The report looks at the date on which the payment was received.

Pull Sales Report V2 for the whole reporting month. Filter by Province and sort by the Edibles-Non Solids Product Subclass. Tally the number of units of Edibles-Non Solids SKUs sold.


Sales - BC - Edibles - Non-solids - Medical - Direct to consumer (online) value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.

Total value (based on retail price) of Edibles - Non-solids EA Units–both non-discrete and discrete–sold to clients with a registration address in British Columbia through medical orders within the reporting month. This considers item discounts. Order discounts are spread across all items in the order, before shipping and after tax.

Pull Sales Report V2 for the whole reporting month. Filter by Province and sort by Edibles-Non Solids Product Subclass. Tally the Net Sales After Discounts column.


Sales - BC - Edibles - Non-solids - Non-medical - Direct to consumer (online) (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - BC - Edibles - Non-solids - Non-medical - Direct to consumer (online) value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - BC - Edibles - Non-solids - Non-medical - To distributor (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - BC - Edibles - Non-solids - Non-medical - To distributor value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - BC - Edibles - Non-solids - Non-medical - To retailer (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - BC - Edibles - Non-solids - Non-medical - To retailer value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - BC - Edibles - Non-solids - Intra-industry trade - Unpackaged (kg)


Number from 0 to 1000000, maximum precision of 3 decimal places.

The total weight of Edibles-Non Solids shipped in unpackaged wholesale shipments to British Columbia within the reporting month. Shipments are determined to be within the reporting month based on when the shipment's status was set to "Shipped."


Sales - BC - Edibles - Non-solids - Intra-industry trade - Unpackaged value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.

The total dollar amount, before all taxes, of Edibles-Non Solids line items shipped in unpackaged wholesale shipments to British Columbia within the reporting month. Shipments are determined to be within the reporting month based on when the shipment's status was set to "Shipped."


Sales - BC - Edibles - Non-solids - Intra-industry trade - Packaged (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - BC - Edibles - Non-solids - Intra-industry trade - Packaged value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - MB - Edibles - Non-solids - Medical - Direct to consumer (online) (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.

Sum of Edibles - Non-solids EA Units–both non-discrete and discrete–sold to clients with a registration address in Manitoba through medical orders within the reporting month. The report looks at the date on which the payment was received.

Pull Sales Report V2 for the whole reporting month. Filter by Province and sort by the Edibles-Non Solids Product Subclass. Tally the number of units of Edibles-Non Solids SKUs sold.


Sales - MB - Edibles - Non-solids - Medical - Direct to consumer (online) value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.

Total value (based on retail price) of Edibles - Non-solids EA Units–both non-discrete and discrete–sold to clients with a registration address in Manitoba through medical orders within the reporting month. This considers item discounts. Order discounts are spread across all items in the order, before shipping and after tax.

Pull Sales Report V2 for the whole reporting month. Filter by Province and sort by Edibles-Non Solids Product Subclass. Tally the Net Sales After Discounts column.


Sales - MB - Edibles - Non-solids - Non-medical - Direct to consumer (online) (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - MB - Edibles - Non-solids - Non-medical - Direct to consumer (online) value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - MB - Edibles - Non-solids - Non-medical - To distributor (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - MB - Edibles - Non-solids - Non-medical - To distributor value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - MB - Edibles - Non-solids - Non-medical - To retailer (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - MB - Edibles - Non-solids - Non-medical - To retailer value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.

The total weight of Edibles-Non Solids shipped in unpackaged wholesale shipments to Manitoba within the reporting month. Shipments are determined to be within the reporting month based on when the shipment's status was set to "Shipped."


Sales - MB - Edibles - Non-solids - Intra-industry trade - Unpackaged (kg)


Number from 0 to 1000000, maximum precision of 3 decimal places.

The total dollar amount, before all taxes, of Edibles-Non Solids line items shipped in unpackaged wholesale shipments to Manitoba within the reporting month. Shipments are determined to be within the reporting month based on when the shipment's status was set to "Shipped."


Sales - MB - Edibles - Non-solids - Intra-industry trade - Unpackaged value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - MB - Edibles - Non-solids - Intra-industry trade - Packaged (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - MB - Edibles - Non-solids - Intra-industry trade - Packaged value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - NB - Edibles - Non-solids - Medical - Direct to consumer (online) (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.

Sum of Edibles - Non-solids EA Units–both non-discrete and discrete–sold to clients with a registration address in New Brunswick through medical orders within the reporting month. The report looks at the date on which the payment was received.

Pull Sales Report V2 for the whole reporting month. Filter by Province and sort by the Edibles-Non Solids Product Subclass. Tally the number of units of Edibles-Non Solids SKUs sold.


Sales - NB - Edibles - Non-solids - Medical - Direct to consumer (online) value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.

Total value (based on retail price) of Edibles - Non-solids EA Units–both non-discrete and discrete–sold to clients with a registration address in New Brunswick through medical orders within the reporting month. This considers item discounts. Order discounts are spread across all items in the order, before shipping and after tax.

Pull Sales Report V2 for the whole reporting month. Filter by Province and sort by Edibles-Non Solids Product Subclass. Tally the Net Sales After Discounts column.


Sales - NB - Edibles - Non-solids - Non-medical - Direct to consumer (online) (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - NB - Edibles - Non-solids - Non-medical - Direct to consumer (online) value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - NB - Edibles - Non-solids - Non-medical - To distributor (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - NB - Edibles - Non-solids - Non-medical - To distributor value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.

The total weight of Edibles-Non Solids shipped in unpackaged wholesale shipments to New Brunswick within the reporting month. Shipments are determined to be within the reporting month based on when the shipment's status was set to "Shipped."


Sales - NB - Edibles - Non-solids - Non-medical - To retailer (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.

The total dollar amount, before all taxes, of Edibles-Non Solids line items shipped in unpackaged wholesale shipments to New Brunswick within the reporting month. Shipments are determined to be within the reporting month based on when the shipment's status was set to "Shipped."


Sales - NB - Edibles - Non-solids - Non-medical - To retailer value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - NB - Edibles - Non-solids - Intra-industry trade - Unpackaged (kg)


Number from 0 to 1000000, maximum precision of 3 decimal places.


Sales - NB - Edibles - Non-solids - Intra-industry trade - Unpackaged value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - NB - Edibles - Non-solids - Intra-industry trade - Packaged (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - NB - Edibles - Non-solids - Intra-industry trade - Packaged value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - NL - Edibles - Non-solids - Medical - Direct to consumer (online) (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.

Sum of Edibles - Non-solids EA Units–both non-discrete and discrete–sold to clients with a registration address in Newfoundland & Labrador through medical orders within the reporting month. The report looks at the date on which the payment was received.

Pull Sales Report V2 for the whole reporting month. Filter by Province and sort by the Edibles-Non Solids Product Subclass. Tally the number of units of Edibles-Non Solids SKUs sold.


Sales - NL - Edibles - Non-solids - Medical - Direct to consumer (online) value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.

Total value (based on retail price) of Edibles - Non-solids EA Units–both non-discrete and discrete–sold to clients with a registration address in Newfoundland & Labrador through medical orders within the reporting month. This considers item discounts. Order discounts are spread across all items in the order, before shipping and after tax.

Pull Sales Report V2 for the whole reporting month. Filter by Province and sort by Edibles-Non Solids Product Subclass. Tally the Net Sales After Discounts column.


Sales - NL - Edibles - Non-solids - Non-medical - Direct to consumer (online) (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - NL - Edibles - Non-solids - Non-medical - Direct to consumer (online) value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - NL - Edibles - Non-solids - Non-medical - To distributor (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - NL - Edibles - Non-solids - Non-medical - To distributor value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - NL - Edibles - Non-solids - Non-medical - To retailer (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - NL - Edibles - Non-solids - Non-medical - To retailer value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.

The total weight of Edibles-Non Solids shipped in unpackaged wholesale shipments to Newfoundland and Labrador within the reporting month. Shipments are determined to be within the reporting month based on when the shipment's status was set to "Shipped."


Sales - NL - Edibles - Non-solids - Intra-industry trade - Unpackaged (kg)


Number from 0 to 1000000, maximum precision of 3 decimal places.

The total dollar amount, before all taxes, of Edibles-Non Solids line items shipped in unpackaged wholesale shipments to Newfoundland and Labrador within the reporting month. Shipments are determined to be within the reporting month based on when the shipment's status was set to "Shipped."


Sales - NL - Edibles - Non-solids - Intra-industry trade - Unpackaged value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - NL - Edibles - Non-solids - Intra-industry trade - Packaged (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - NL - Edibles - Non-solids - Intra-industry trade - Packaged value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - NS - Edibles - Non-solids - Medical - Direct to consumer (online) (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.

Sum of Edibles - Non-solids EA Units–both non-discrete and discrete–sold to clients with a registration address in Nova Scotia through medical orders within the reporting month. The report looks at the date on which the payment was received.

Pull Sales Report V2 for the whole reporting month. Filter by Province and sort by the Edibles-Non Solids Product Subclass. Tally the number of units of Edibles-Non Solids SKUs sold.


Sales - NS - Edibles - Non-solids - Medical - Direct to consumer (online) value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.

Total value (based on retail price) of Edibles - Non-solids EA Units–both non-discrete and discrete–sold to clients with a registration address in Nova Scotia through medical orders within the reporting month. This considers item discounts. Order discounts are spread across all items in the order, before shipping and after tax.

Pull Sales Report V2 for the whole reporting month. Filter by Province and sort by Edibles-Non Solids Product Subclass. Tally the Net Sales After Discounts column.


Sales - NS - Edibles - Non-solids - Non-medical - Direct to consumer (online) (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - NS - Edibles - Non-solids - Non-medical - Direct to consumer (online) value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - NS - Edibles - Non-solids - Non-medical - To distributor (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - NS - Edibles - Non-solids - Non-medical - To distributor value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - NS - Edibles - Non-solids - Non-medical - To retailer (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - NS - Edibles - Non-solids - Non-medical - To retailer value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - NS - Edibles - Non-solids - Intra-industry trade - Unpackaged (kg)


Number from 0 to 1000000, maximum precision of 3 decimal places.

The total weight of Edibles-Non Solids shipped in unpackaged wholesale shipments to Nova Scotia within the reporting month. Shipments are determined to be within the reporting month based on when the shipment's status was set to "Shipped."


Sales - NS - Edibles - Non-solids - Intra-industry trade - Unpackaged value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.

The total dollar amount, before all taxes, of Edibles-Non Solids line items shipped in unpackaged wholesale shipments to Nova Scotia within the reporting month. Shipments are determined to be within the reporting month based on when the shipment's status was set to "Shipped."


Sales - NS - Edibles - Non-solids - Intra-industry trade - Packaged (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - NS - Edibles - Non-solids - Intra-industry trade - Packaged value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - NT - Edibles - Non-solids - Medical - Direct to consumer (online) (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.

Sum of Edibles - Non-solids EA Units–both non-discrete and discrete–sold to clients with a registration address in Northwest Territories through medical orders within the reporting month. The report looks at the date on which the payment was received.

Pull Sales Report V2 for the whole reporting month. Filter by Province and sort by the Edibles-Non Solids Product Subclass. Tally the number of units of Edibles-Non Solids SKUs sold.


Sales - NT - Edibles - Non-solids - Medical - Direct to consumer (online) value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.

Total value (based on retail price) of Edibles - Non-solids EA Units–both non-discrete and discrete–sold to clients with a registration address in Northwest Territories through medical orders within the reporting month. This considers item discounts. Order discounts are spread across all items in the order, before shipping and after tax.

Pull Sales Report V2 for the whole reporting month. Filter by Province and sort by Edibles-Non Solids Product Subclass. Tally the Net Sales After Discounts column.


Sales - NT - Edibles - Non-solids - Non-medical - Direct to consumer (online) (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - NT - Edibles - Non-solids - Non-medical - Direct to consumer (online) value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - NT - Edibles - Non-solids - Non-medical - To distributor (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - NT - Edibles - Non-solids - Non-medical - To distributor value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - NT - Edibles - Non-solids - Non-medical - To retailer (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - NT - Edibles - Non-solids - Non-medical - To retailer value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - NT - Edibles - Non-solids - Intra-industry trade - Unpackaged (kg)


Number from 0 to 1000000, maximum precision of 3 decimal places.

The total weight of Edibles-Non Solids shipped in unpackaged wholesale shipments to Northwest Territories within the reporting month. Shipments are determined to be within the reporting month based on when the shipment's status was set to "Shipped."


Sales - NT - Edibles - Non-solids - Intra-industry trade - Unpackaged value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.

The total dollar amount, before all taxes, of Edibles-Non Solids line items shipped in unpackaged wholesale shipments to Northwest Territories within the reporting month. Shipments are determined to be within the reporting month based on when the shipment's status was set to "Shipped."


Sales - NT - Edibles - Non-solids - Intra-industry trade - Packaged (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - NT - Edibles - Non-solids - Intra-industry trade - Packaged value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - NU - Edibles - Non-solids - Medical - Direct to consumer (online) (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.

Sum of Edibles - Non-solids EA Units–both non-discrete and discrete–sold to clients with a registration address in Nunavut through medical orders within the reporting month. The report looks at the date on which the payment was received.

Pull Sales Report V2 for the whole reporting month. Filter by Province and sort by the Edibles-Non Solids Product Subclass. Tally the number of units of Edibles-Non Solids SKUs sold.


Sales - NU - Edibles - Non-solids - Medical - Direct to consumer (online) value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.

Total value (based on retail price) of Edibles - Non-solids EA Units–both non-discrete and discrete–sold to clients with a registration address in Nunavut through medical orders within the reporting month. This considers item discounts. Order discounts are spread across all items in the order, before shipping and after tax.

Pull Sales Report V2 for the whole reporting month. Filter by Province and sort by Edibles-Non Solids Product Subclass. Tally the Net Sales After Discounts column.


Sales - NU - Edibles - Non-solids - Non-medical - Direct to consumer (online) (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - NU - Edibles - Non-solids - Non-medical - Direct to consumer (online) value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - NU - Edibles - Non-solids - Non-medical - To distributor (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - NU - Edibles - Non-solids - Non-medical - To distributor value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - NU - Edibles - Non-solids - Non-medical - To retailer (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - NU - Edibles - Non-solids - Non-medical - To retailer value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - NU - Edibles - Non-solids - Intra-industry trade - Unpackaged (kg)


Number from 0 to 1000000, maximum precision of 3 decimal places.

The total weight of Edibles-Non Solids shipped in unpackaged wholesale shipments to Nunavut within the reporting month. Shipments are determined to be within the reporting month based on when the shipment's status was set to "Shipped."


Sales - NU - Edibles - Non-solids - Intra-industry trade - Unpackaged value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.

The total dollar amount, before all taxes, of Edibles-Non Solids line items shipped in unpackaged wholesale shipments to Nunavut within the reporting month. Shipments are determined to be within the reporting month based on when the shipment's status was set to "Shipped."


Sales - NU - Edibles - Non-solids - Intra-industry trade - Packaged (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - NU - Edibles - Non-solids - Intra-industry trade - Packaged value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - ON - Edibles - Non-solids - Medical - Direct to consumer (online) (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.

Sum of Edibles - Non-solids EA Units–both non-discrete and discrete–sold to clients with a registration address in Ontario through medical orders within the reporting month. The report looks at the date on which the payment was received.

Pull Sales Report V2 for the whole reporting month. Filter by Province and sort by the Edibles-Non Solids Product Subclass. Tally the number of units of Edibles-Non Solids SKUs sold.


Sales - ON - Edibles - Non-solids - Medical - Direct to consumer (online) value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.

Total value (based on retail price) of Edibles - Non-solids EA Units–both non-discrete and discrete–sold to clients with a registration address in Ontario through medical orders within the reporting month. This considers item discounts. Order discounts are spread across all items in the order, before shipping and after tax.

Pull Sales Report V2 for the whole reporting month. Filter by Province and sort by Edibles-Non Solids Product Subclass. Tally the Net Sales After Discounts column.


Sales - ON - Edibles - Non-solids - Non-medical - Direct to consumer (online) (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - ON - Edibles - Non-solids - Non-medical - Direct to consumer (online) value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - ON - Edibles - Non-solids - Non-medical - To distributor (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - ON - Edibles - Non-solids - Non-medical - To distributor value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - ON - Edibles - Non-solids - Non-medical - To retailer (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - ON - Edibles - Non-solids - Non-medical - To retailer value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - ON - Edibles - Non-solids - Intra-industry trade - Unpackaged (kg)


Number from 0 to 1000000, maximum precision of 3 decimal places.

The total weight of Edibles-Non Solids shipped in unpackaged wholesale shipments to Ontario within the reporting month. Shipments are determined to be within the reporting month based on when the shipment's status was set to "Shipped."


Sales - ON - Edibles - Non-solids - Intra-industry trade - Unpackaged value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.

The total dollar amount, before all taxes, of Edibles-Non Solids line items shipped in unpackaged wholesale shipments to Ontario within the reporting month. Shipments are determined to be within the reporting month based on when the shipment's status was set to "Shipped."


Sales - ON - Edibles - Non-solids - Intra-industry trade - Packaged (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - ON - Edibles - Non-solids - Intra-industry trade - Packaged value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - PE - Edibles - Non-solids - Medical - Direct to consumer (online) (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.

Sum of Edibles - Non-solids EA Units–both non-discrete and discrete–sold to clients with a registration address in Prince Edward Island through medical orders within the reporting month. The report looks at the date on which the payment was received.

Pull Sales Report V2 for the whole reporting month. Filter by Province and sort by the Edibles-Non Solids Product Subclass. Tally the number of units of Edibles-Non Solids SKUs sold.


Sales - PE - Edibles - Non-solids - Medical - Direct to consumer (online) value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.

Total value (based on retail price) of Edibles - Non-solids EA Units–both non-discrete and discrete–sold to clients with a registration address in Prince Edward Island through medical orders within the reporting month. This considers item discounts. Order discounts are spread across all items in the order, before shipping and after tax.

Pull Sales Report V2 for the whole reporting month. Filter by Province and sort by Edibles-Non Solids Product Subclass. Tally the Net Sales After Discounts column.


Sales - PE - Edibles - Non-solids - Non-medical - Direct to consumer (online) (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - PE - Edibles - Non-solids - Non-medical - Direct to consumer (online) value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - PE - Edibles - Non-solids - Non-medical - To distributor (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - PE - Edibles - Non-solids - Non-medical - To distributor value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - PE - Edibles - Non-solids - Non-medical - To retailer (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - PE - Edibles - Non-solids - Non-medical - To retailer value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - PE - Edibles - Non-solids - Intra-industry trade - Unpackaged (kg)


Number from 0 to 1000000, maximum precision of 3 decimal places.

The total weight of Edibles-Non Solids shipped in unpackaged wholesale shipments to Prince Edward Island within the reporting month. Shipments are determined to be within the reporting month based on when the shipment's status was set to "Shipped."


Sales - PE - Edibles - Non-solids - Intra-industry trade - Unpackaged value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.

The total dollar amount, before all taxes, of Edibles-Non Solids line items shipped in unpackaged wholesale shipments to Prince Edward Island within the reporting month. Shipments are determined to be within the reporting month based on when the shipment's status was set to "Shipped."


Sales - PE - Edibles - Non-solids - Intra-industry trade - Packaged (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - PE - Edibles - Non-solids - Intra-industry trade - Packaged value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - QC - Edibles - Non-solids - Medical - Direct to consumer (online) (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.

Sum of Edibles - Non-solids EA Units–both non-discrete and discrete–sold to clients with a registration address in Quebec through medical orders within the reporting month. The report looks at the date on which the payment was received.

Pull Sales Report V2 for the whole reporting month. Filter by Province and sort by the Edibles-Non Solids Product Subclass. Tally the number of units of Edibles-Non Solids SKUs sold.


Sales - QC - Edibles - Non-solids - Medical - Direct to consumer (online) value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.

Total value (based on retail price) of Edibles - Non-solids EA Units–both non-discrete and discrete–sold to clients with a registration address in Quebec through medical orders within the reporting month. This considers item discounts. Order discounts are spread across all items in the order, before shipping and after tax.

Pull Sales Report V2 for the whole reporting month. Filter by Province and sort by Edibles-Non Solids Product Subclass. Tally the Net Sales After Discounts column.


Sales - QC - Edibles - Non-solids - Non-medical - Direct to consumer (online) (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - QC - Edibles - Non-solids - Non-medical - Direct to consumer (online) value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - QC - Edibles - Non-solids - Non-medical - To distributor (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - QC - Edibles - Non-solids - Non-medical - To distributor value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - QC - Edibles - Non-solids - Non-medical - To retailer (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - QC - Edibles - Non-solids - Non-medical - To retailer value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - QC - Edibles - Non-solids - Intra-industry trade - Unpackaged (kg)


Number from 0 to 1000000, maximum precision of 3 decimal places.

The total weight of Edibles-Non Solids shipped in unpackaged wholesale shipments to Quebec within the reporting month. Shipments are determined to be within the reporting month based on when the shipment's status was set to "Shipped."


Sales - QC - Edibles - Non-solids - Intra-industry trade - Unpackaged value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.

The total dollar amount, before all taxes, of Edibles-Non Solids line items shipped in unpackaged wholesale shipments to Quebec within the reporting month. Shipments are determined to be within the reporting month based on when the shipment's status was set to "Shipped."


Sales - QC - Edibles - Non-solids - Intra-industry trade - Packaged (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - QC - Edibles - Non-solids - Intra-industry trade - Packaged value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - SK - Edibles - Non-solids - Medical - Direct to consumer (online) (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.

Sum of Edibles - Non-solids EA Units–both non-discrete and discrete–sold to clients with a registration address in Saskatchewan through medical orders within the reporting month. The report looks at the date on which the payment was received.

Pull Sales Report V2 for the whole reporting month. Filter by Province and sort by the Edibles-Non Solids Product Subclass. Tally the number of units of Edibles-Non Solids SKUs sold.


Sales - SK - Edibles - Non-solids - Medical - Direct to consumer (online) value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.

Total value (based on retail price) of Edibles - Non-solids EA Units–both non-discrete and discrete–sold to clients with a registration address in Saskatchewan through medical orders within the reporting month. This considers item discounts. Order discounts are spread across all items in the order, before shipping and after tax.

Pull Sales Report V2 for the whole reporting month. Filter by Province and sort by Edibles-Non Solids Product Subclass. Tally the Net Sales After Discounts column.


Sales - SK - Edibles - Non-solids - Non-medical - Direct to consumer (online) (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - SK - Edibles - Non-solids - Non-medical - Direct to consumer (online) value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - SK - Edibles - Non-solids - Non-medical - To distributor (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - SK - Edibles - Non-solids - Non-medical - To distributor value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - SK - Edibles - Non-solids - Non-medical - To retailer (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - SK - Edibles - Non-solids - Non-medical - To retailer value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - SK - Edibles - Non-solids - Intra-industry trade - Unpackaged (kg)


Number from 0 to 1000000, maximum precision of 3 decimal places.

The total weight of Edibles-Non Solids shipped in unpackaged wholesale shipments to Saskatchewan within the reporting month. Shipments are determined to be within the reporting month based on when the shipment's status was set to "Shipped."


Sales - SK - Edibles - Non-solids - Intra-industry trade - Unpackaged value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.

The total dollar amount, before all taxes, of Edibles-Non Solids line items shipped in unpackaged wholesale shipments to Saskatchewan within the reporting month. Shipments are determined to be within the reporting month based on when the shipment's status was set to "Shipped."


Sales - SK - Edibles - Non-solids - Intra-industry trade - Packaged (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - SK - Edibles - Non-solids- Intra-industry trade - Packaged value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - YT - Edibles - Non-solids - Medical - Direct to consumer (online) (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.

Sum of Edibles - Non-solids EA Units–both non-discrete and discrete–sold to clients with a registration address in the Yukon through medical orders within the reporting month. The report looks at the date on which the payment was received.

Pull Sales Report V2 for the whole reporting month. Filter by Province and sort by the Edibles-Non Solids Product Subclass. Tally the number of units of Edibles-Non Solids SKUs sold.


Sales - YT - Edibles - Non-solids - Medical - Direct to consumer (online) value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.

Total value (based on retail price) of Edibles - Non-solids EA Units–both non-discrete and discrete–sold to clients with a registration address in Saskatchewan through medical orders within the reporting month. This considers item discounts. Order discounts are spread across all items in the order, before shipping and after tax.

Pull Sales Report V2 for the whole reporting month. Filter by Province and sort by Edibles-Non Solids Product Subclass. Tally the Net Sales After Discounts column.


Sales - YT - Edibles - Non-solids - Non-medical - Direct to consumer (online) (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - YT - Edibles - Non-solids - Non-medical - Direct to consumer (online) value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - YT - Edibles - Non-solids - Non-medical - To distributor (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - YT - Edibles - Non-solids - Non-medical - To distributor value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - YT - Edibles - Non-solids - Non-medical - To retailer (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - YT - Edibles - Non-solids - Non-medical - To retailer value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - YT - Edibles - Non-solids - Intra-industry trade - Unpackaged (kg)


Number from 0 to 1000000, maximum precision of 3 decimal places.

The total weight of Edibles-Non Solids shipped in unpackaged wholesale shipments to the Yukon within the reporting month. Shipments are determined to be within the reporting month based on when the shipment's status was set to "Shipped."


Sales - YT - Edibles - Non-solids - Intra-industry trade - Unpackaged value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.

The total dollar amount, before all taxes, of Edibles-Non Solids line items shipped in unpackaged wholesale shipments to the Yukon within the reporting month. Shipments are determined to be within the reporting month based on when the shipment's status was set to "Shipped."


Sales - YT - Edibles - Non-solids - Intra-industry trade - Packaged (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - YT - Edibles - Non-solids - Intra-industry trade - Packaged value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - Total - Edibles - Non-solids - Medical - Direct to consumer (online) (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.

Sum of Edibles - Non-solids EA Units–both non-discrete and discrete–sold to clients across all provinces through medical orders within the reporting month. The report looks at the date on which the payment was received.

Pull Sales Report V2 for the whole reporting month. Sort by the Edibles-Non Solids Product Subclass. Tally the number of units of Edibles-Non Solids SKUs sold.


Sales - Total - Edibles - Non-solids - Medical - Direct to consumer (online) value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.

Total value (based on retail price) of Edibles - Non-solids EA Units–both non-discrete and discrete–sold to all provinces through medical orders within the reporting month. This considers item discounts. Order discounts are spread across all items in the order, before shipping and after tax.

Pull Sales Report V2 for the whole reporting month. Sort by Edibles-Non Solids Product Subclass. Tally the Net Sales After Discounts column.


Sales - Total - Edibles - Non-solids - Non-medical - Direct to consumer (online) (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - Total - Edibles - Non-solids - Non-medical - Direct to consumer (online) value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - Total - Edibles - Non-solids - Non-medical - To distributor (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - Total - Edibles - Non-solids - Non-medical - To distributor value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - Total - Edibles - Non-solids - Non-medical - To retailer (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - Total - Edibles - Non-solids - Non-medical - To retailer value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - Total - Edibles - Non-solids - Intra-industry trade - Unpackaged (kg)


Number from 0 to 1000000, maximum precision of 3 decimal places.

The total weight of Edibles-Non Solids shipped in unpackaged wholesale shipments across all Canadian provinces within the reporting month. Shipments are determined to be within the reporting month based on when the shipment's status was set to "Shipped."


Sales - Total - Edibles - Non-solids - Intra-industry trade - Unpackaged value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.

The total dollar amount, before all taxes, of Edibles-Non Solids line items shipped in unpackaged wholesale shipments across all Canadian provinces within the reporting month. Shipments are determined to be within the reporting month based on when the shipment's status was set to "Shipped."


Sales - Total - Edibles - Non-solids - Intra-industry trade - Packaged (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - Total - Edibles - Non-solids - Intra-industry trade - Packaged value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.

Sales – Extracts – Inhaled


Cell Name


Field formatting Requirements


Stock Report Validation


Sales - AB - Extracts - Inhaled - Medical - Direct to consumer (online) (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.

Sum of Extracts - Inhaled EA Units–both non-discrete and discrete–sold to clients with a registration address in Alberta through medical orders within the reporting month. The report looks at the date on which the payment was received.

Pull Sales Report V2 for the whole reporting month. Filter by Province and sort by the Extracts-Inhaled Product Subclass. Tally the number of units of Extracts-Inhaled SKUs sold.


Sales - AB - Extracts - Inhaled - Medical - Direct to consumer (online) value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.

Total value (based on retail price) of Extracts - Inhaled EA Units–both non-discrete and discrete–sold to clients with a registration address in Alberta through medical orders within the reporting month. This considers item discounts. Order discounts are spread across all items in the order, before shipping and after tax.

Pull Sales Report V2 for the whole reporting month. Filter by Province and sort by the Extracts-Inhaled Product Subclass. Tally the Net Sales After Discounts column.


Sales - AB - Extracts - Inhaled - Non-medical - Direct to consumer (online) (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - AB - Extracts - Inhaled - Non-medical - Direct to consumer (online) value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - AB - Extracts - Inhaled - Non-medical - To distributor (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - AB - Extracts - Inhaled - Non-medical - To distributor value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - AB - Extracts - Inhaled - Non-medical - To retailer (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - AB - Extracts - Inhaled - Non-medical - To retailer value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - AB - Extracts - Inhaled - Intra-industry trade - Unpackaged (kg)


Number from 0 to 1000000, maximum precision of 3 decimal places.

The total weight of Extracts-Inhaled shipped in unpackaged wholesale shipments to Alberta within the reporting month. Shipments are determined to be within the reporting month based on when the shipment's status was set to "Shipped."


Sales - AB - Extracts - Inhaled - Intra-industry trade - Unpackaged value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.

The total dollar amount, before all taxes, of Extracts-Inhaled line items shipped in unpackaged wholesale shipments to Alberta within the reporting month. Shipments are determined to be within the reporting month based on when the shipment's status was set to "Shipped."


Sales - AB - Extracts - Inhaled - Intra-industry trade - Packaged (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - AB - Extracts - Inhaled - Intra-industry trade - Packaged value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - BC - Extracts - Inhaled - Medical - Direct to consumer (online) (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.

Sum of Extracts - Inhaled EA Units–both non-discrete and discrete–sold to clients with a registration address in British Columbia through medical orders within the reporting month. The report looks at the date on which the payment was received.

Pull Sales Report V2 for the whole reporting month. Filter by Province and sort by the Extracts-Inhaled Product Subclass. Tally the number of units of Extracts-Inhaled SKUs sold.


Sales - BC - Extracts - Inhaled - Medical - Direct to consumer (online) value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.

Total value (based on retail price) of Extracts - Inhaled EA Units–both non-discrete and discrete–sold to clients with a registration address in British Columbia through medical orders within the reporting month. This considers item discounts. Order discounts are spread across all items in the order, before shipping and after tax.

Pull Sales Report V2 for the whole reporting month. Filter by Province and sort by the Extracts-Inhaled Product Subclass. Tally the Net Sales After Discounts column.


Sales - BC - Extracts - Inhaled - Non-medical - Direct to consumer (online) (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - BC - Extracts - Inhaled - Non-medical - Direct to consumer (online) value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - BC - Extracts - Inhaled - Non-medical - To distributor (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - BC - Extracts - Inhaled - Non-medical - To distributor value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - BC - Extracts - Inhaled - Non-medical - To retailer (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - BC - Extracts - Inhaled - Non-medical - To retailer value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - BC - Extracts - Inhaled - Intra-industry trade - Unpackaged (kg)


Number from 0 to 1000000, maximum precision of 3 decimal places.

The total weight of Extracts-Inhaled shipped in unpackaged wholesale shipments to British Columbia within the reporting month. Shipments are determined to be within the reporting month based on when the shipment's status was set to "Shipped."


Sales - BC - Extracts - Inhaled - Intra-industry trade - Unpackaged value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.

The total dollar amount, before all taxes, of Extracts-Inhaled line items shipped in unpackaged wholesale shipments to British Columbia within the reporting month. Shipments are determined to be within the reporting month based on when the shipment's status was set to "Shipped."


Sales - BC - Extracts - Inhaled - Intra-industry trade - Packaged (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - BC - Extracts - Inhaled - Intra-industry trade - Packaged value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - MB - Extracts - Inhaled - Medical - Direct to consumer (online) (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.

Sum of Extracts - Inhaled EA Units–both non-discrete and discrete–sold to clients with a registration address in Manitoba through medical orders within the reporting month. The report looks at the date on which the payment was received.

Pull Sales Report V2 for the whole reporting month. Filter by Province and sort by the Extracts-Inhaled Product Subclass. Tally the number of units of Extracts-Inhaled SKUs sold.


Sales - MB - Extracts - Inhaled - Medical - Direct to consumer (online) value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.

Total value (based on retail price) of Extracts - Inhaled EA Units–both non-discrete and discrete–sold to clients with a registration address in Manitoba through medical orders within the reporting month. This considers item discounts. Order discounts are spread across all items in the order, before shipping and after tax.

Pull Sales Report V2 for the whole reporting month. Filter by Province and sort by the Extracts-Inhaled Product Subclass. Tally the Net Sales After Discounts column.


Sales - MB - Extracts - Inhaled - Non-medical - Direct to consumer (online) (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - MB - Extracts - Inhaled - Non-medical - Direct to consumer (online) value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - MB - Extracts - Inhaled - Non-medical - To distributor (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - MB - Extracts - Inhaled - Non-medical - To distributor value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - MB - Extracts - Inhaled - Non-medical - To retailer (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - MB - Extracts - Inhaled - Non-medical - To retailer value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - MB - Extracts - Inhaled - Intra-industry trade - Unpackaged (kg)


Number from 0 to 1000000, maximum precision of 3 decimal places.

The total weight of Extracts-Inhaled shipped in unpackaged wholesale shipments to Manitoba within the reporting month. Shipments are determined to be within the reporting month based on when the shipment's status was set to "Shipped."


Sales - MB - Extracts - Inhaled - Intra-industry trade - Unpackaged value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.

The total dollar amount, before all taxes, of Extracts-Inhaled line items shipped in unpackaged wholesale shipments to Manitoba within the reporting month. Shipments are determined to be within the reporting month based on when the shipment's status was set to "Shipped."


Sales - MB - Extracts - Inhaled - Intra-industry trade - Packaged (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - MB - Extracts - Inhaled - Intra-industry trade - Packaged value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - NB - Extracts - Inhaled - Medical - Direct to consumer (online) (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.

Sum of Extracts - Inhaled EA Units–both non-discrete and discrete–sold to clients with a registration address in New Brunswick through medical orders within the reporting month. The report looks at the date on which the payment was received.

Pull Sales Report V2 for the whole reporting month. Filter by Province and sort by the Extracts-Inhaled Product Subclass. Tally the number of units of Extracts-Inhaled SKUs sold.


Sales - NB - Extracts - Inhaled - Medical - Direct to consumer (online) value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.

Total value (based on retail price) of Extracts - Inhaled EA Units–both non-discrete and discrete–sold to clients with a registration address in New Brunswick through medical orders within the reporting month. This considers item discounts. Order discounts are spread across all items in the order, before shipping and after tax.

Pull Sales Report V2 for the whole reporting month. Filter by Province and sort by the Extracts-Inhaled Product Subclass. Tally the Net Sales After Discounts column.


Sales - NB - Extracts - Inhaled - Non-medical - Direct to consumer (online) (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - NB - Extracts - Inhaled - Non-medical - Direct to consumer (online) value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - NB - Extracts - Inhaled - Non-medical - To distributor (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - NB - Extracts - Inhaled - Non-medical - To distributor value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - NB - Extracts - Inhaled - Non-medical - To retailer (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - NB - Extracts - Inhaled - Non-medical - To retailer value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - NB - Extracts - Inhaled - Intra-industry trade - Unpackaged (kg)


Number from 0 to 1000000, maximum precision of 3 decimal places.

The total weight of Extracts-Inhaled shipped in unpackaged wholesale shipments to New Brunswick within the reporting month. Shipments are determined to be within the reporting month based on when the shipment's status was set to "Shipped."


Sales - NB - Extracts - Inhaled - Intra-industry trade - Unpackaged value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.

The total dollar amount, before all taxes, of Extracts-Inhaled line items shipped in unpackaged wholesale shipments to New Brunswick within the reporting month. Shipments are determined to be within the reporting month based on when the shipment's status was set to "Shipped."


Sales - NB - Extracts - Inhaled - Intra-industry trade - Packaged (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - NB - Extracts - Inhaled - Intra-industry trade - Packaged value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - NL - Extracts - Inhaled - Medical - Direct to consumer (online) (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.

Sum of Extracts - Inhaled EA Units–both non-discrete and discrete–sold to clients with a registration address in Newfoundland & Labrador through medical orders within the reporting month. The report looks at the date on which the payment was received.

Pull Sales Report V2 for the whole reporting month. Filter by Province and sort by the Extracts-Inhaled Product Subclass. Tally the number of units of Extracts-Inhaled SKUs sold.


Sales - NL - Extracts - Inhaled - Medical - Direct to consumer (online) value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.

Total value (based on retail price) of Extracts - Inhaled EA Units–both non-discrete and discrete–sold to clients with a registration address in Newfoundland & Labrador through medical orders within the reporting month. This considers item discounts. Order discounts are spread across all items in the order, before shipping and after tax.

Pull Sales Report V2 for the whole reporting month. Filter by Province and sort by the Extracts-Inhaled Product Subclass. Tally the Net Sales After Discounts column.


Sales - NL - Extracts - Inhaled - Non-medical - Direct to consumer (online) (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - NL - Extracts - Inhaled - Non-medical - Direct to consumer (online) value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - NL - Extracts - Inhaled - Non-medical - To distributor (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - NL - Extracts - Inhaled - Non-medical - To distributor value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - NL - Extracts - Inhaled - Non-medical - To retailer (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - NL - Extracts - Inhaled - Non-medical - To retailer value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - NL - Extracts - Inhaled - Intra-industry trade - Unpackaged (kg)


Number from 0 to 1000000, maximum precision of 3 decimal places.

The total weight of Extracts-Inhaled shipped in unpackaged wholesale shipments to Newfoundland and Labrador within the reporting month. Shipments are determined to be within the reporting month based on when the shipment's status was set to "Shipped."


Sales - NL - Extracts - Inhaled - Intra-industry trade - Unpackaged value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.

The total dollar amount, before all taxes, of Extracts-Inhaled line items shipped in unpackaged wholesale shipments to Newfoundland and Labrador within the reporting month. Shipments are determined to be within the reporting month based on when the shipment's status was set to "Shipped."


Sales - NL - Extracts - Inhaled - Intra-industry trade - Packaged (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - NL - Extracts - Inhaled - Intra-industry trade - Packaged value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - NS - Extracts - Inhaled - Medical - Direct to consumer (online) (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.

Sum of Extracts - Inhaled EA Units–both non-discrete and discrete–sold to clients with a registration address in Nova Scotia through medical orders within the reporting month. The report looks at the date on which the payment was received.

Pull Sales Report V2 for the whole reporting month. Filter by Province and sort by the Extracts-Inhaled Product Subclass. Tally the number of units of Extracts-Inhaled SKUs sold.


Sales - NS - Extracts - Inhaled - Medical - Direct to consumer (online) value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.

Total value (based on retail price) of Extracts - Inhaled EA Units–both non-discrete and discrete–sold to clients with a registration address in Nova Scotia through medical orders within the reporting month. This considers item discounts. Order discounts are spread across all items in the order, before shipping and after tax.

Pull Sales Report V2 for the whole reporting month. Filter by Province and sort by the Extracts-Inhaled Product Subclass. Tally the Net Sales After Discounts column.


Sales - NS - Extracts - Inhaled - Non-medical - Direct to consumer (online) (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - NS - Extracts - Inhaled - Non-medical - Direct to consumer (online) value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - NS - Extracts - Inhaled - Non-medical - To distributor (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - NS - Extracts - Inhaled - Non-medical - To distributor value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - NS - Extracts - Inhaled - Non-medical - To retailer (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - NS - Extracts - Inhaled - Non-medical - To retailer value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - NS - Extracts - Inhaled - Intra-industry trade - Unpackaged (kg)


Number from 0 to 1000000, maximum precision of 3 decimal places.

The total weight of Extracts-Inhaled shipped in unpackaged wholesale shipments to Nova Scotia within the reporting month. Shipments are determined to be within the reporting month based on when the shipment's status was set to "Shipped."


Sales - NS - Extracts - Inhaled - Intra-industry trade - Unpackaged value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.

The total dollar amount, before all taxes, of Extracts-Inhaled line items shipped in unpackaged wholesale shipments to Nova Scotia within the reporting month. Shipments are determined to be within the reporting month based on when the shipment's status was set to "Shipped."


Sales - NS - Extracts - Inhaled - Intra-industry trade - Packaged (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - NS - Extracts - Inhaled - Intra-industry trade - Packaged value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - NT - Extracts - Inhaled - Medical - Direct to consumer (online) (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.

Sum of Extracts - Inhaled EA Units–both non-discrete and discrete–sold to clients with a registration address in Northwest Territories through medical orders within the reporting month. The report looks at the date on which the payment was received.

Pull Sales Report V2 for the whole reporting month. Filter by Province and sort by the Extracts-Inhaled Product Subclass. Tally the number of units of Extracts-Inhaled SKUs sold.


Sales - NT - Extracts - Inhaled - Medical - Direct to consumer (online) value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.

Total value (based on retail price) of Extracts - Inhaled EA Units–both non-discrete and discrete–sold to clients with a registration address in Northwest Territories through medical orders within the reporting month. This considers item discounts. Order discounts are spread across all items in the order, before shipping and after tax.

Pull Sales Report V2 for the whole reporting month. Filter by Province and sort by the Extracts-Inhaled Product Subclass. Tally the Net Sales After Discounts column.


Sales - NT - Extracts - Inhaled - Non-medical - Direct to consumer (online) (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - NT - Extracts - Inhaled - Non-medical - Direct to consumer (online) value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - NT - Extracts - Inhaled - Non-medical - To distributor (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - NT - Extracts - Inhaled - Non-medical - To distributor value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - NT - Extracts - Inhaled - Non-medical - To retailer (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - NT - Extracts - Inhaled - Non-medical - To retailer value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - NT - Extracts - Inhaled - Intra-industry trade - Unpackaged (kg)


Number from 0 to 1000000, maximum precision of 3 decimal places.

The total weight of Extracts-Inhaled shipped in unpackaged wholesale shipments to Northwest Territories within the reporting month. Shipments are determined to be within the reporting month based on when the shipment's status was set to "Shipped."


Sales - NT - Extracts - Inhaled - Intra-industry trade - Unpackaged value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.

The total dollar amount, before all taxes, of Extracts-Inhaled line items shipped in unpackaged wholesale shipments to Northwest Territories within the reporting month. Shipments are determined to be within the reporting month based on when the shipment's status was set to "Shipped."


Sales - NT - Extracts - Inhaled - Intra-industry trade - Packaged (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - NT - Extracts - Inhaled - Intra-industry trade - Packaged value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - NU - Extracts - Inhaled - Medical - Direct to consumer (online) (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.

Sum of Extracts - Inhaled EA Units–both non-discrete and discrete–sold to clients with a registration address in Nunavut through medical orders within the reporting month. The report looks at the date on which the payment was received.

Pull Sales Report V2 for the whole reporting month. Filter by Province and sort by the Extracts-Inhaled Product Subclass. Tally the number of units of Extracts-Inhaled SKUs sold.


Sales - NU - Extracts - Inhaled - Medical - Direct to consumer (online) value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.

Total value (based on retail price) of Extracts - Inhaled EA Units–both non-discrete and discrete–sold to clients with a registration address in Nunavut through medical orders within the reporting month. This considers item discounts. Order discounts are spread across all items in the order, before shipping and after tax.

Pull Sales Report V2 for the whole reporting month. Filter by Province and sort by the Extracts-Inhaled Product Subclass. Tally the Net Sales After Discounts column.


Sales - NU - Extracts - Inhaled - Non-medical - Direct to consumer (online) (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - NU - Extracts - Inhaled - Non-medical - Direct to consumer (online) value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - NU - Extracts - Inhaled - Non-medical - To distributor (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - NU - Extracts - Inhaled - Non-medical - To distributor value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - NU - Extracts - Inhaled - Non-medical - To retailer (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - NU - Extracts - Inhaled - Non-medical - To retailer value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - NU - Extracts - Inhaled - Intra-industry trade - Unpackaged (kg)


Number from 0 to 1000000, maximum precision of 3 decimal places.

The total weight of Extracts-Inhaled shipped in unpackaged wholesale shipments to Nunavut within the reporting month. Shipments are determined to be within the reporting month based on when the shipment's status was set to "Shipped."


Sales - NU - Extracts - Inhaled - Intra-industry trade - Unpackaged value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.

The total dollar amount, before all taxes, of Extracts-Inhaled line items shipped in unpackaged wholesale shipments to Nunavut within the reporting month. Shipments are determined to be within the reporting month based on when the shipment's status was set to "Shipped."


Sales - NU - Extracts - Inhaled - Intra-industry trade - Packaged (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - NU - Extracts - Inhaled - Intra-industry trade - Packaged value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - ON - Extracts - Inhaled - Medical - Direct to consumer (online) (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.

Sum of Extracts - Inhaled EA Units–both non-discrete and discrete–sold to clients with a registration address in Ontario through medical orders within the reporting month. The report looks at the date on which the payment was received.

Pull Sales Report V2 for the whole reporting month. Filter by Province and sort by the Extracts-Inhaled Product Subclass. Tally the number of units of Extracts-Inhaled SKUs sold.


Sales - ON - Extracts - Inhaled - Medical - Direct to consumer (online) value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.

Total value (based on retail price) of Extracts - Inhaled EA Units–both non-discrete and discrete–sold to clients with a registration address in Ontario through medical orders within the reporting month. This considers item discounts. Order discounts are spread across all items in the order, before shipping and after tax.

Pull Sales Report V2 for the whole reporting month. Filter by Province and sort by the Extracts-Inhaled Product Subclass. Tally the Net Sales After Discounts column.


Sales - ON - Extracts - Inhaled - Non-medical - Direct to consumer (online) (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - ON - Extracts - Inhaled- Non-medical - Direct to consumer (online) value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - ON - Extracts - Inhaled - Non-medical - To distributor (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - ON - Extracts - Inhaled - Non-medical - To distributor value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - ON - Extracts - Inhaled - Non-medical - To retailer (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - ON - Extracts - Inhaled - Non-medical - To retailer value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - ON - Extracts - Inhaled - Intra-industry trade - Unpackaged (kg)


Number from 0 to 1000000, maximum precision of 3 decimal places.

The total weight of Extracts-Inhaled shipped in unpackaged wholesale shipments to Ontario within the reporting month. Shipments are determined to be within the reporting month based on when the shipment's status was set to "Shipped."


Sales - ON - Extracts - Inhaled - Intra-industry trade - Unpackaged value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.

The total dollar amount, before all taxes, of Extracts-Inhaled line items shipped in unpackaged wholesale shipments to Ontario within the reporting month. Shipments are determined to be within the reporting month based on when the shipment's status was set to "Shipped."


Sales - ON - Extracts - Inhaled - Intra-industry trade - Packaged (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - ON - Extracts - Inhaled - Intra-industry trade - Packaged value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - PE - Extracts - Inhaled - Medical - Direct to consumer (online) (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.

Sum of Extracts - Inhaled EA Units–both non-discrete and discrete–sold to clients with a registration address in Prince Edward Island through medical orders within the reporting month. The report looks at the date on which the payment was received.

Pull Sales Report V2 for the whole reporting month. Filter by Province and sort by the Extracts-Inhaled Product Subclass. Tally the number of units of Extracts-Inhaled SKUs sold.


Sales - PE - Extracts - Inhaled - Medical - Direct to consumer (online) value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.

Total value (based on retail price) of Extracts - Inhaled EA Units–both non-discrete and discrete–sold to clients with a registration address in Prince Edward Island through medical orders within the reporting month. This considers item discounts. Order discounts are spread across all items in the order, before shipping and after tax.

Pull Sales Report V2 for the whole reporting month. Filter by Province and sort by the Extracts-Inhaled Product Subclass. Tally the Net Sales After Discounts column.


Sales - PE - Extracts - Inhaled - Non-medical - Direct to consumer (online) (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - PE - Extracts - Inhaled - Non-medical - Direct to consumer (online) value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - PE - Extracts - Inhaled - Non-medical - To distributor (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - PE - Extracts - Inhaled - Non-medical - To distributor value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - PE - Extracts - Inhaled - Non-medical - To retailer (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - PE - Extracts - Inhaled - Non-medical - To retailer value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - PE - Extracts - Inhaled - Intra-industry trade - Unpackaged (kg)


Number from 0 to 1000000, maximum precision of 3 decimal places.

The total weight of Extracts-Inhaled shipped in unpackaged wholesale shipments to Prince Edward Island within the reporting month. Shipments are determined to be within the reporting month based on when the shipment's status was set to "Shipped."


Sales - PE - Extracts - Inhaled - Intra-industry trade - Unpackaged value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.

The total dollar amount, before all taxes, of Extracts-Inhaled line items shipped in unpackaged wholesale shipments to Prince Edward Island within the reporting month. Shipments are determined to be within the reporting month based on when the shipment's status was set to "Shipped."


Sales - PE - Extracts - Inhaled - Intra-industry trade - Packaged (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - PE - Extracts - Inhaled - Intra-industry trade - Packaged value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - QC - Extracts - Inhaled - Medical - Direct to consumer (online) (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.

Sum of Extracts - Inhaled EA Units–both non-discrete and discrete–sold to clients with a registration address in Quebec through medical orders within the reporting month. The report looks at the date on which the payment was received.

Pull Sales Report V2 for the whole reporting month. Filter by Province and sort by the Extracts-Inhaled Product Subclass. Tally the number of units of Extracts-Inhaled SKUs sold.


Sales - QC - Extracts - Inhaled - Medical - Direct to consumer (online) value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.

Total value (based on retail price) of Extracts - Inhaled EA Units–both non-discrete and discrete–sold to clients with a registration address in Quebec through medical orders within the reporting month. This considers item discounts. Order discounts are spread across all items in the order, before shipping and after tax.

Pull Sales Report V2 for the whole reporting month. Filter by Province and sort by the Extracts-Inhaled Product Subclass. Tally the Net Sales After Discounts column.


Sales - QC - Extracts - Inhaled - Non-medical - Direct to consumer (online) (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - QC - Extracts - Inhaled - Non-medical - Direct to consumer (online) value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - QC - Extracts - Inhaled - Non-medical - To distributor (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - QC - Extracts - Inhaled - Non-medical - To distributor value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - QC - Extracts - Inhaled - Non-medical - To retailer (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - QC - Extracts - Inhaled - Non-medical - To retailer value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - QC - Extracts - Inhaled - Intra-industry trade - Unpackaged (kg)


Number from 0 to 1000000, maximum precision of 3 decimal places.

The total weight of Extracts-Inhaled shipped in unpackaged wholesale shipments to Quebec within the reporting month. Shipments are determined to be within the reporting month based on when the shipment's status was set to "Shipped."


Sales - QC - Extracts - Inhaled - Intra-industry trade - Unpackaged value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.

The total dollar amount, before all taxes, of Extracts-Inhaled line items shipped in unpackaged wholesale shipments to Quebec within the reporting month. Shipments are determined to be within the reporting month based on when the shipment's status was set to "Shipped."


Sales - QC - Extracts - Inhaled - Intra-industry trade - Packaged (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - QC - Extracts - Inhaled - Intra-industry trade - Packaged value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - SK - Extracts - Inhaled - Medical - Direct to consumer (online) (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.

Sum of Extracts - Inhaled EA Units–both non-discrete and discrete–sold to clients with a registration address in Saskatchewan through medical orders within the reporting month. The report looks at the date on which the payment was received.

Pull Sales Report V2 for the whole reporting month. Filter by Province and sort by the Extracts-Inhaled Product Subclass. Tally the number of units of Extracts-Inhaled SKUs sold.


Sales - SK - Extracts - Inhaled - Medical - Direct to consumer (online) value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.

Total value (based on retail price) of Extracts - Inhaled EA Units–both non-discrete and discrete–sold to clients with a registration address in Saskatchewan through medical orders within the reporting month. This considers item discounts. Order discounts are spread across all items in the order, before shipping and after tax.

Pull Sales Report V2 for the whole reporting month. Filter by Province and sort by the Extracts-Inhaled Product Subclass. Tally the Net Sales After Discounts column.


Sales - SK - Extracts - Inhaled - Non-medical - Direct to consumer (online) (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - SK - Extracts - Inhaled - Non-medical - Direct to consumer (online) value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - SK - Extracts - Inhaled - Non-medical - To distributor (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - SK - Extracts - Inhaled - Non-medical - To distributor value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - SK - Extracts - Inhaled - Non-medical - To retailer (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - SK - Extracts - Inhaled - Non-medical - To retailer value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - SK - Extracts - Inhaled - Intra-industry trade - Unpackaged (kg)


Number from 0 to 1000000, maximum precision of 3 decimal places.

The total weight of Extracts-Inhaled shipped in unpackaged wholesale shipments to Saskatchewan within the reporting month. Shipments are determined to be within the reporting month based on when the shipment's status was set to "Shipped."


Sales - SK - Extracts - Inhaled - Intra-industry trade - Unpackaged value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.

The total dollar amount, before all taxes, of Extracts-Inhaled line items shipped in unpackaged wholesale shipments to Saskatchewan within the reporting month. Shipments are determined to be within the reporting month based on when the shipment's status was set to "Shipped."


Sales - SK - Extracts - Inhaled - Intra-industry trade - Packaged (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - SK - Extracts - Inhaled - Intra-industry trade - Packaged value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - YT - Extracts - Inhaled - Medical - Direct to consumer (online) (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.

Sum of Extracts - Inhaled EA Units–both non-discrete and discrete–sold to clients with a registration address in the Yukon through medical orders within the reporting month. The report looks at the date on which the payment was received.

Pull Sales Report V2 for the whole reporting month. Filter by Province and sort by the Extracts-Inhaled Product Subclass. Tally the number of units of Extracts-Inhaled SKUs sold.


Sales - YT - Extracts - Inhaled - Medical - Direct to consumer (online) value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.

Total value (based on retail price) of Extracts - Inhaled EA Units–both non-discrete and discrete–sold to clients with a registration address in Saskatchewan through medical orders within the reporting month. This considers item discounts. Order discounts are spread across all items in the order, before shipping and after tax.

Pull Sales Report V2 for the whole reporting month. Filter by Province and sort by the Extracts-Inhaled Product Subclass. Tally the Net Sales After Discounts column.


Sales - YT - Extracts - Inhaled - Non-medical - Direct to consumer (online) (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - YT - Extracts - Inhaled - Non-medical - Direct to consumer (online) value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - YT - Extracts - Inhaled - Non-medical - To distributor (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - YT - Extracts - Inhaled - Non-medical - To distributor value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - YT - Extracts - Inhaled - Non-medical - To retailer (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - YT - Extracts - Inhaled - Non-medical - To retailer value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - YT - Extracts - Inhaled - Intra-industry trade - Unpackaged (kg)


Number from 0 to 1000000, maximum precision of 3 decimal places.

The total weight of Extracts-Inhaled shipped in unpackaged wholesale shipments to the Yukon within the reporting month. Shipments are determined to be within the reporting month based on when the shipment's status was set to "Shipped."


Sales - YT - Extracts - Inhaled - Intra-industry trade - Unpackaged value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.

The total dollar amount, before all taxes, of Extracts-Inhaled line items shipped in unpackaged wholesale shipments to the Yukon within the reporting month. Shipments are determined to be within the reporting month based on when the shipment's status was set to "Shipped."


Sales - YT - Extracts - Inhaled - Intra-industry trade - Packaged (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - YT - Extracts - Inhaled - Intra-industry trade - Packaged value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - Total - Extracts - Inhaled - Medical - Direct to consumer (online) (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.

Sum of Extracts - Inhaled EA Units–both non-discrete and discrete–sold to clients across all provinces through medical orders within the reporting month. The report looks at the date on which the payment was received.

Pull Sales Report V2 for the whole reporting month. Sort by the Extracts-Inhaled Product Subclass. Tally the number of units of Extracts-Inhaled SKUs sold.


Sales - Total - Extracts - Inhaled - Medical - Direct to consumer (online) value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.

Total value (based on retail price) of Extracts - Inhaled EA Units–both non-discrete and discrete–sold to all provinces through medical orders within the reporting month. This considers item discounts. Order discounts are spread across all items in the order, before shipping and after tax.

Pull Sales Report V2 for the whole reporting month. Sort by the Extracts-Inhaled Product Subclass. Tally the Net Sales After Discounts column.


Sales - Total - Extracts - Inhaled - Non-medical - Direct to consumer (online) (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - Total - Extracts - Inhaled - Non-medical - Direct to consumer (online) value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - Total - Extracts - Inhaled - Non-medical - To distributor (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - Total - Extracts - Inhaled - Non-medical - To distributor value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - Total - Extracts - Inhaled - Non-medical - To retailer (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - Total - Extracts - Inhaled - Non-medical - To retailer value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - Total - Extracts - Inhaled - Intra-industry trade - Unpackaged (kg)


Number from 0 to 1000000, maximum precision of 3 decimal places.

The total weight of Extracts-Inhaled shipped in unpackaged wholesale shipments across all Canadian provinces within the reporting month. Shipments are determined to be within the reporting month based on when the shipment's status was set to "Shipped."


Sales - Total - Extracts - Inhaled - Intra-industry trade - Unpackaged value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.

The total dollar amount, before all taxes, of Extracts-Inhaled line items shipped in unpackaged wholesale shipments across all Canadian provinces within the reporting month. Shipments are determined to be within the reporting month based on when the shipment's status was set to "Shipped."


Sales - Total - Extracts - Inhaled - Intra-industry trade - Packaged (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - Total - Extracts - Inhaled - Intra-industry trade - Packaged value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.

Sales – Extracts – Ingested


Cell Name


Field formatting Requirements


Stock Report Validation


Sales - AB - Extracts - Ingested - Medical - Direct to consumer (online) (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.

Sum of Extracts-Ingested EA Units–both non-discrete and discrete–sold to clients with a registration address in Alberta through medical orders within the reporting month. The report looks at the date on which the payment was received.

Pull Sales Report V2 for the whole reporting month. Filter by Province and sort by the Extracts-Ingested Product Subclass. Tally the number of units of Extracts-Ingested SKUs sold.


Sales - AB - Extracts - Ingested - Medical - Direct to consumer (online) value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.

Total value (based on retail price) of Extracts-Ingested EA Units–both non-discrete and discrete–sold to clients with a registration address in Alberta through medical orders within the reporting month. This considers item discounts. Order discounts are spread across all items in the order, before shipping and after tax.

Pull Sales Report V2 for the whole reporting month. Filter by Province and sort by the Extracts-Ingested Product Subclass. Tally the Net Sales After Discounts column.


Sales - AB - Extracts - Ingested - Non-medical - Direct to consumer (online) (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - AB - Extracts - Ingested - Non-medical - Direct to consumer (online) value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - AB - Extracts - Ingested - Non-medical - To distributor (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - AB - Extracts - Ingested - Non-medical - To distributor value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - AB - Extracts - Ingested - Non-medical - To retailer (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - AB - Extracts - Ingested - Non-medical - To retailer value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - AB - Extracts - Ingested - Intra-industry trade - Unpackaged (kg)


Number from 0 to 1000000, maximum precision of 3 decimal places.

The total weight of Extracts-Ingested shipped in unpackaged wholesale shipments to Alberta within the reporting month. Shipments are determined to be within the reporting month based on when the shipment's status was set to "Shipped."


Sales - AB - Extracts - Ingested - Intra-industry trade - Unpackaged value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.

The total dollar amount, before all taxes, of Extracts-Ingested line items shipped in unpackaged wholesale shipments to Alberta within the reporting month. Shipments are determined to be within the reporting month based on when the shipment's status was set to "Shipped."


Sales - AB - Extracts - Ingested - Intra-industry trade - Packaged (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - AB - Extracts - Ingested - Intra-industry trade - Packaged value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - BC - Extracts - Ingested - Medical - Direct to consumer (online) (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.

Sum of Extracts-Ingested EA Units–both non-discrete and discrete–sold to clients with a registration address in British Columbia through medical orders within the reporting month. The report looks at the date on which the payment was received.

Pull Sales Report V2 for the whole reporting month. Filter by Province and sort by the Extracts-Ingested Product Subclass. Tally the number of units of Extracts-Ingested SKUs sold.


Sales - BC - Extracts - Ingested - Medical - Direct to consumer (online) value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.

Total value (based on retail price) of Extracts-Ingested EA Units–both non-discrete and discrete–sold to clients with a registration address in British Columbia through medical orders within the reporting month. This considers item discounts. Order discounts are spread across all items in the order, before shipping and after tax.

Pull Sales Report V2 for the whole reporting month. Filter by Province and sort by the Extracts-Ingested Product Subclass. Tally the Net Sales After Discounts column.


Sales - BC - Extracts - Ingested - Non-medical - Direct to consumer (online) (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - BC - Extracts - Ingested - Non-medical - Direct to consumer (online) value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - BC - Extracts - Ingested - Non-medical - To distributor (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - BC - Extracts - Ingested - Non-medical - To distributor value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - BC - Extracts - Ingested - Non-medical - To retailer (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - BC - Extracts - Ingested - Non-medical - To retailer value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - BC - Extracts - Ingested - Intra-industry trade - Unpackaged (kg)


Number from 0 to 1000000, maximum precision of 3 decimal places.

The total weight of Extracts-Ingested shipped in unpackaged wholesale shipments to British Columbia within the reporting month. Shipments are determined to be within the reporting month based on when the shipment's status was set to "Shipped."


Sales - BC - Extracts - Ingested - Intra-industry trade - Unpackaged value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.

The total dollar amount, before all taxes, of Extracts-Ingested line items shipped in unpackaged wholesale shipments to British Columbia within the reporting month. Shipments are determined to be within the reporting month based on when the shipment's status was set to "Shipped."


Sales - BC - Extracts - Ingested - Intra-industry trade - Packaged (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - BC - Extracts - Ingested - Intra-industry trade - Packaged value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - MB - Extracts - Ingested - Medical - Direct to consumer (online) (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.

Sum of Extracts-Ingested EA Units–both non-discrete and discrete–sold to clients with a registration address in Manitoba through medical orders within the reporting month. The report looks at the date on which the payment was received.

Pull Sales Report V2 for the whole reporting month. Filter by Province and sort by the Extracts-Ingested Product Subclass. Tally the number of units of Extracts-Ingested SKUs sold.


Sales - MB - Extracts - Ingested - Medical - Direct to consumer (online) value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.

Total value (based on retail price) of Extracts-Ingested EA Units–both non-discrete and discrete–sold to clients with a registration address in Manitoba through medical orders within the reporting month. This considers item discounts. Order discounts are spread across all items in the order, before shipping and after tax.

Pull Sales Report V2 for the whole reporting month. Filter by Province and sort by the Extracts-Ingested Product Subclass. Tally the Net Sales After Discounts column.


Sales - MB - Extracts - Ingested - Non-medical - Direct to consumer (online) (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - MB - Extracts - Ingested - Non-medical - Direct to consumer (online) value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - MB - Extracts - Ingested - Non-medical - To distributor (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - MB - Extracts - Ingested - Non-medical - To distributor value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - MB - Extracts - Ingested - Non-medical - To retailer (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - MB - Extracts - Ingested - Non-medical - To retailer value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - MB - Extracts - Ingested - Intra-industry trade - Unpackaged (kg)


Number from 0 to 1000000, maximum precision of 3 decimal places.

The total weight of Extracts-Ingested shipped in unpackaged wholesale shipments to Manitoba within the reporting month. Shipments are determined to be within the reporting month based on when the shipment's status was set to "Shipped."


Sales - MB - Extracts - Ingested - Intra-industry trade - Unpackaged value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.

The total dollar amount, before all taxes, of Extracts-Ingested line items shipped in unpackaged wholesale shipments to Manitoba within the reporting month. Shipments are determined to be within the reporting month based on when the shipment's status was set to "Shipped."


Sales - MB - Extracts - Ingested - Intra-industry trade - Packaged (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - MB - Extracts - Ingested - Intra-industry trade - Packaged value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - NB - Extracts - Ingested - Medical - Direct to consumer (online) (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.

Sum of Extracts-Ingested EA Units–both non-discrete and discrete–sold to clients with a registration address in New Brunswick through medical orders within the reporting month. The report looks at the date on which the payment was received.

Pull Sales Report V2 for the whole reporting month. Filter by Province and sort by the Extracts-Ingested Product Subclass. Tally the number of units of Extracts-Ingested SKUs sold.


Sales - NB - Extracts - Ingested - Medical - Direct to consumer (online) value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.

Total value (based on retail price) of Extracts-Ingested EA Units–both non-discrete and discrete–sold to clients with a registration address in New Brunswick through medical orders within the reporting month. This considers item discounts. Order discounts are spread across all items in the order, before shipping and after tax.

Pull Sales Report V2 for the whole reporting month. Filter by Province and sort by the Extracts-Ingested Product Subclass. Tally the Net Sales After Discounts column.


Sales - NB - Extracts - Ingested - Non-medical - Direct to consumer (online) (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - NB - Extracts - Ingested - Non-medical - Direct to consumer (online) value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - NB - Extracts - Ingested - Non-medical - To distributor (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - NB - Extracts - Ingested - Non-medical - To distributor value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - NB - Extracts - Ingested - Non-medical - To retailer (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - NB - Extracts - Ingested - Non-medical - To retailer value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - NB - Extracts - Ingested - Intra-industry trade - Unpackaged (kg)


Number from 0 to 1000000, maximum precision of 3 decimal places.

The total weight of Extracts-Ingested shipped in unpackaged wholesale shipments to New Brunswick within the reporting month. Shipments are determined to be within the reporting month based on when the shipment's status was set to "Shipped."


Sales - NB - Extracts - Ingested - Intra-industry trade - Unpackaged value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.

The total dollar amount, before all taxes, of Extracts-Ingested line items shipped in unpackaged wholesale shipments to New Brunswick within the reporting month. Shipments are determined to be within the reporting month based on when the shipment's status was set to "Shipped."


Sales - NB - Extracts - Ingested - Intra-industry trade - Packaged (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - NB - Extracts - Ingested - Intra-industry trade - Packaged value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - NL - Extracts - Ingested - Medical - Direct to consumer (online) (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.

Sum of Extracts-Ingested EA Units–both non-discrete and discrete–sold to clients with a registration address in Newfoundland & Labrador through medical orders within the reporting month. The report looks at the date on which the payment was received.

Pull Sales Report V2 for the whole reporting month. Filter by Province and sort by the Extracts-Ingested Product Subclass. Tally the number of units of Extracts-Ingested SKUs sold.


Sales - NL - Extracts - Ingested - Medical - Direct to consumer (online) value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.

Total value (based on retail price) of Extracts-Ingested EA Units–both non-discrete and discrete–sold to clients with a registration address in Newfoundland & Labrador through medical orders within the reporting month. This considers item discounts. Order discounts are spread across all items in the order, before shipping and after tax.

Pull Sales Report V2 for the whole reporting month. Filter by Province and sort by the Extracts-Ingested Product Subclass. Tally the Net Sales After Discounts column.


Sales - NL - Extracts - Ingested - Non-medical - Direct to consumer (online) (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - NL - Extracts - Ingested - Non-medical - Direct to consumer (online) value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - NL - Extracts - Ingested - Non-medical - To distributor (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - NL - Extracts - Ingested - Non-medical - To distributor value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - NL - Extracts - Ingested - Non-medical - To retailer (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - NL - Extracts - Ingested - Non-medical - To retailer value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - NL - Extracts - Ingested - Intra-industry trade - Unpackaged (kg)


Number from 0 to 1000000, maximum precision of 3 decimal places.

The total weight of Extracts-Ingested shipped in unpackaged wholesale shipments to Newfoundland and Labrador within the reporting month. Shipments are determined to be within the reporting month based on when the shipment's status was set to "Shipped."


Sales - NL - Extracts - Ingested - Intra-industry trade - Unpackaged value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.

The total dollar amount, before all taxes, of Extracts-Ingested line items shipped in unpackaged wholesale shipments to Newfoundland and Labrador within the reporting month. Shipments are determined to be within the reporting month based on when the shipment's status was set to "Shipped."


Sales - NL - Extracts - Ingested - Intra-industry trade - Packaged (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - NL - Extracts - Ingested - Intra-industry trade - Packaged value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - NS - Extracts - Ingested - Medical - Direct to consumer (online) (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.

Sum of Extracts-Ingested EA Units–both non-discrete and discrete–sold to clients with a registration address in Nova Scotia through medical orders within the reporting month. The report looks at the date on which the payment was received.

Pull Sales Report V2 for the whole reporting month. Filter by Province and sort by the Extracts-Ingested Product Subclass. Tally the number of units of Extracts-Ingested SKUs sold.


Sales - NS - Extracts - Ingested - Medical - Direct to consumer (online) value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.

Total value (based on retail price) of Extracts-Ingested EA Units–both non-discrete and discrete–sold to clients with a registration address in Nova Scotia through medical orders within the reporting month. This considers item discounts. Order discounts are spread across all items in the order, before shipping and after tax.

Pull Sales Report V2 for the whole reporting month. Filter by Province and sort by the Extracts-Ingested Product Subclass. Tally the Net Sales After Discounts column.


Sales - NS - Extracts - Ingested - Non-medical - Direct to consumer (online) (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - NS - Extracts - Ingested - Non-medical - Direct to consumer (online) value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - NS - Extracts - Ingested - Non-medical - To distributor (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - NS - Extracts - Ingested - Non-medical - To distributor value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - NS - Extracts - Ingested - Non-medical - To retailer (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - NS - Extracts - Ingested - Non-medical - To retailer value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - NS - Extracts - Ingested - Intra-industry trade - Unpackaged (kg)


Number from 0 to 1000000, maximum precision of 3 decimal places.

The total weight of Extracts-Ingested shipped in unpackaged wholesale shipments to Nova Scotia within the reporting month. Shipments are determined to be within the reporting month based on when the shipment's status was set to "Shipped."


Sales - NS - Extracts - Ingested - Intra-industry trade - Unpackaged value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.

The total dollar amount, before all taxes, of Extracts-Ingested line items shipped in unpackaged wholesale shipments to Nova Scotia within the reporting month. Shipments are determined to be within the reporting month based on when the shipment's status was set to "Shipped."


Sales - NS - Extracts - Ingested - Intra-industry trade - Packaged (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - NS - Extracts - Ingested - Intra-industry trade - Packaged value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - NT - Extracts - Ingested - Medical - Direct to consumer (online) (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.

Sum of Extracts-Ingested EA Units–both non-discrete and discrete–sold to clients with a registration address in Northwest Territories through medical orders within the reporting month. The report looks at the date on which the payment was received.

Pull Sales Report V2 for the whole reporting month. Filter by Province and sort by the Extracts-Ingested Product Subclass. Tally the number of units of Extracts-Ingested SKUs sold.


Sales - NT - Extracts - Ingested - Medical - Direct to consumer (online) value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.

Total value (based on retail price) of Extracts-Ingested EA Units–both non-discrete and discrete–sold to clients with a registration address in Northwest Territories through medical orders within the reporting month. This considers item discounts. Order discounts are spread across all items in the order, before shipping and after tax.

Pull Sales Report V2 for the whole reporting month. Filter by Province and sort by the Extracts-Ingested Product Subclass. Tally the Net Sales After Discounts column.


Sales - NT - Extracts - Ingested - Non-medical - Direct to consumer (online) (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - NT - Extracts - Ingested - Non-medical - Direct to consumer (online) value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - NT - Extracts - Ingested - Non-medical - To distributor (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - NT - Extracts - Ingested - Non-medical - To distributor value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - NT - Extracts - Ingested - Non-medical - To retailer (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - NT - Extracts - Ingested - Non-medical - To retailer value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - NT - Extracts - Ingested - Intra-industry trade - Unpackaged (kg)


Number from 0 to 1000000, maximum precision of 3 decimal places.

The total weight of Extracts-Ingested shipped in unpackaged wholesale shipments to Northwest Territories within the reporting month. Shipments are determined to be within the reporting month based on when the shipment's status was set to "Shipped."


Sales - NT - Extracts - Ingested - Intra-industry trade - Unpackaged value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.

The total dollar amount, before all taxes, of Extracts-Ingested line items shipped in unpackaged wholesale shipments to Northwest Territories within the reporting month. Shipments are determined to be within the reporting month based on when the shipment's status was set to "Shipped."


Sales - NT - Extracts - Ingested - Intra-industry trade - Packaged (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - NT - Extracts - Ingested - Intra-industry trade - Packaged value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - NU - Extracts - Ingested - Medical - Direct to consumer (online) (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.

Sum of Extracts-Ingested EA Units–both non-discrete and discrete–sold to clients with a registration address in Nunavut through medical orders within the reporting month. The report looks at the date on which the payment was received.

Pull Sales Report V2 for the whole reporting month. Filter by Province and sort by the Extracts-Ingested Product Subclass. Tally the number of units of Extracts-Ingested SKUs sold.


Sales - NU - Extracts - Ingested - Medical - Direct to consumer (online) value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.

Total value (based on retail price) of Extracts-Ingested EA Units–both non-discrete and discrete–sold to clients with a registration address in Nunavut through medical orders within the reporting month. This considers item discounts. Order discounts are spread across all items in the order, before shipping and after tax.

Pull Sales Report V2 for the whole reporting month. Filter by Province and sort by the Extracts-Ingested Product Subclass. Tally the Net Sales After Discounts column.


Sales - NU - Extracts - Ingested - Non-medical - Direct to consumer (online) (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - NU - Extracts - Ingested - Non-medical - Direct to consumer (online) value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - NU - Extracts - Ingested - Non-medical - To distributor (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - NU - Extracts - Ingested - Non-medical - To distributor value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - NU - Extracts - Ingested - Non-medical - To retailer (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - NU - Extracts - Ingested - Non-medical - To retailer value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - NU - Extracts - Ingested - Intra-industry trade - Unpackaged (kg)


Number from 0 to 1000000, maximum precision of 3 decimal places.

The total weight of Extracts-Ingested shipped in unpackaged wholesale shipments to Nunavut within the reporting month. Shipments are determined to be within the reporting month based on when the shipment's status was set to "Shipped."


Sales - NU - Extracts - Ingested - Intra-industry trade - Unpackaged value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.

The total dollar amount, before all taxes, of Extracts-Ingested line items shipped in unpackaged wholesale shipments to Nunavut within the reporting month. Shipments are determined to be within the reporting month based on when the shipment's status was set to "Shipped."


Sales - NU - Extracts - Ingested - Intra-industry trade - Packaged (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - NU - Extracts - Ingested - Intra-industry trade - Packaged value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - ON - Extracts - Ingested - Medical - Direct to consumer (online) (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.

Sum of Extracts-Ingested EA Units–both non-discrete and discrete–sold to clients with a registration address in Ontario through medical orders within the reporting month. The report looks at the date on which the payment was received.

Pull Sales Report V2 for the whole reporting month. Filter by Province and sort by the Extracts-Ingested Product Subclass. Tally the number of units of Extracts-Ingested SKUs sold.


Sales - ON - Extracts - Ingested - Medical - Direct to consumer (online) value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.

Total value (based on retail price) of Extracts-Ingested EA Units–both non-discrete and discrete–sold to clients with a registration address in Ontario through medical orders within the reporting month. This considers item discounts. Order discounts are spread across all items in the order, before shipping and after tax.

Pull Sales Report V2 for the whole reporting month. Filter by Province and sort by the Extracts-Ingested Product Subclass. Tally the Net Sales After Discounts column.


Sales - ON - Extracts - Ingested - Non-medical - Direct to consumer (online) (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - ON - Extracts - Ingested - Non-medical - Direct to consumer (online) value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - ON - Extracts - Ingested - Non-medical - To distributor (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - ON - Extracts - Ingested - Non-medical - To distributor value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - ON - Extracts - Ingested - Non-medical - To retailer (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - ON - Extracts - Ingested - Non-medical - To retailer value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - ON - Extracts - Ingested - Intra-industry trade - Unpackaged (kg)


Number from 0 to 1000000, maximum precision of 3 decimal places.

The total weight of Extracts-Ingested shipped in unpackaged wholesale shipments to Ontario within the reporting month. Shipments are determined to be within the reporting month based on when the shipment's status was set to "Shipped."


Sales - ON - Extracts - Ingested - Intra-industry trade - Unpackaged value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.

The total dollar amount, before all taxes, of Extracts-Ingested line items shipped in unpackaged wholesale shipments to Ontario within the reporting month. Shipments are determined to be within the reporting month based on when the shipment's status was set to "Shipped."


Sales - ON - Extracts - Ingested - Intra-industry trade - Packaged (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - ON - Extracts - Ingested - Intra-industry trade - Packaged value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - PE - Extracts - Ingested - Medical - Direct to consumer (online) (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.

Sum of Extracts-Ingested EA Units–both non-discrete and discrete–sold to clients with a registration address in Prince Edward Island through medical orders within the reporting month. The report looks at the date on which the payment was received.

Pull Sales Report V2 for the whole reporting month. Filter by Province and sort by the Extracts-Ingested Product Subclass. Tally the number of units of Extracts-Ingested SKUs sold.


Sales - PE - Extracts - Ingested - Medical - Direct to consumer (online) value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.

Total value (based on retail price) of Extracts-Ingested EA Units–both non-discrete and discrete–sold to clients with a registration address in Prince Edward Island through medical orders within the reporting month. This considers item discounts. Order discounts are spread across all items in the order, before shipping and after tax.

Pull Sales Report V2 for the whole reporting month. Filter by Province and sort by the Extracts-Ingested Product Subclass. Tally the Net Sales After Discounts column.


Sales - PE - Extracts - Ingested - Non-medical - Direct to consumer (online) (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - PE - Extracts - Ingested - Non-medical - Direct to consumer (online) value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - PE - Extracts - Ingested - Non-medical - To distributor (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - PE - Extracts - Ingested - Non-medical - To distributor value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - PE - Extracts - Ingested - Non-medical - To retailer (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - PE - Extracts - Ingested - Non-medical - To retailer value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - PE - Extracts - Ingested - Intra-industry trade - Unpackaged (kg)


Number from 0 to 1000000, maximum precision of 3 decimal places.

The total weight of Extracts-Ingested shipped in unpackaged wholesale shipments to Prince Edward Island within the reporting month. Shipments are determined to be within the reporting month based on when the shipment's status was set to "Shipped."


Sales - PE - Extracts - Ingested - Intra-industry trade - Unpackaged value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.

The total dollar amount, before all taxes, of Extracts-Ingested line items shipped in unpackaged wholesale shipments to Prince Edward Island within the reporting month. Shipments are determined to be within the reporting month based on when the shipment's status was set to "Shipped."


Sales - PE - Extracts - Ingested - Intra-industry trade - Packaged (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - PE - Extracts - Ingested - Intra-industry trade - Packaged value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - QC - Extracts - Ingested - Medical - Direct to consumer (online) (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.

Sum of Extracts-Ingested EA Units–both non-discrete and discrete–sold to clients with a registration address in Quebec through medical orders within the reporting month. The report looks at the date on which the payment was received.

Pull Sales Report V2 for the whole reporting month. Filter by Province and sort by the Extracts-Ingested Product Subclass. Tally the number of units of Extracts-Ingested SKUs sold.


Sales - QC - Extracts - Ingested - Medical - Direct to consumer (online) value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.

Total value (based on retail price) of Extracts-Ingested EA Units–both non-discrete and discrete–sold to clients with a registration address in Quebec through medical orders within the reporting month. This considers item discounts. Order discounts are spread across all items in the order, before shipping and after tax.

Pull Sales Report V2 for the whole reporting month. Filter by Province and sort by the Extracts-Ingested Product Subclass. Tally the Net Sales After Discounts column.


Sales - QC - Extracts - Ingested - Non-medical - Direct to consumer (online) (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - QC - Extracts - Ingested - Non-medical - Direct to consumer (online) value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - QC - Extracts - Ingested - Non-medical - To distributor (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - QC - Extracts - Ingested - Non-medical - To distributor value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - QC - Extracts - Ingested - Non-medical - To retailer (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - QC - Extracts - Ingested - Non-medical - To retailer value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - QC - Extracts - Ingested - Intra-industry trade - Unpackaged (kg)


Number from 0 to 1000000, maximum precision of 3 decimal places.

The total weight of Extracts-Ingested shipped in unpackaged wholesale shipments to Quebec within the reporting month. Shipments are determined to be within the reporting month based on when the shipment's status was set to "Shipped."


Sales - QC - Extracts - Ingested - Intra-industry trade - Unpackaged value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.

The total dollar amount, before all taxes, of Extracts-Ingested line items shipped in unpackaged wholesale shipments to Quebec within the reporting month. Shipments are determined to be within the reporting month based on when the shipment's status was set to "Shipped."


Sales - QC - Extracts - Ingested - Intra-industry trade - Packaged (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - QC - Extracts - Ingested - Intra-industry trade - Packaged value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - SK - Extracts - Ingested - Medical - Direct to consumer (online) (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.

Sum of Extracts-Ingested EA Units–both non-discrete and discrete–sold to clients with a registration address in Saskatchewan through medical orders within the reporting month. The report looks at the date on which the payment was received.

Pull Sales Report V2 for the whole reporting month. Filter by Province and sort by the Extracts-Ingested Product Subclass. Tally the number of units of Extracts-Ingested SKUs sold.


Sales - SK - Extracts - Ingested - Medical - Direct to consumer (online) value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.

Total value (based on retail price) of Extracts-Ingested EA Units–both non-discrete and discrete–sold to clients with a registration address in Saskatchewan through medical orders within the reporting month. This considers item discounts. Order discounts are spread across all items in the order, before shipping and after tax.

Pull Sales Report V2 for the whole reporting month. Filter by Province and sort by the Extracts-Ingested Product Subclass. Tally the Net Sales After Discounts column.


Sales - SK - Extracts - Ingested - Non-medical - Direct to consumer (online) (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - SK - Extracts - Ingested - Non-medical - Direct to consumer (online) value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - SK - Extracts - Ingested - Non-medical - To distributor (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - SK - Extracts - Ingested - Non-medical - To distributor value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - SK - Extracts - Ingested - Non-medical - To retailer (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - SK - Extracts - Ingested - Non-medical - To retailer value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - SK - Extracts - Ingested - Intra-industry trade - Unpackaged (kg)


Number from 0 to 1000000, maximum precision of 3 decimal places.

The total weight of Extracts-Ingested shipped in unpackaged wholesale shipments to Saskatchewan within the reporting month. Shipments are determined to be within the reporting month based on when the shipment's status was set to "Shipped."


Sales - SK - Extracts - Ingested - Intra-industry trade - Unpackaged value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.

The total dollar amount, before all taxes, of Extracts-Ingested line items shipped in unpackaged wholesale shipments to Saskatchewan within the reporting month. Shipments are determined to be within the reporting month based on when the shipment's status was set to "Shipped."


Sales - SK - Extracts - Ingested - Intra-industry trade - Packaged (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - SK - Extracts - Ingested - Intra-industry trade - Packaged value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - YT - Extracts - Ingested - Medical - Direct to consumer (online) (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.

Sum of Extracts-Ingested EA Units–both non-discrete and discrete–sold to clients with a registration address in the Yukon through medical orders within the reporting month. The report looks at the date on which the payment was received.

Pull Sales Report V2 for the whole reporting month. Filter by Province and sort by the Extracts-Ingested Product Subclass. Tally the number of units of Extracts-Ingested SKUs sold.


Sales - YT - Extracts - Ingested - Medical - Direct to consumer (online) value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.

Total value (based on retail price) of Extracts-Ingested EA Units–both non-discrete and discrete–sold to clients with a registration address in the Yukon through medical orders within the reporting month. This considers item discounts. Order discounts are spread across all items in the order, before shipping and after tax.

Pull Sales Report V2 for the whole reporting month. Filter by Province and sort by the Extracts-Ingested Product Subclass. Tally the Net Sales After Discounts column.


Sales - YT - Extracts - Ingested - Non-medical - Direct to consumer (online) (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - YT - Extracts - Ingested - Non-medical - Direct to consumer (online) value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - YT - Extracts - Ingested - Non-medical - To distributor (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - YT - Extracts - Ingested - Non-medical - To distributor value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - YT - Extracts - Ingested - Non-medical - To retailer (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - YT - Extracts - Ingested - Non-medical - To retailer value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - YT - Extracts - Ingested - Intra-industry trade - Unpackaged (kg)


Number from 0 to 1000000, maximum precision of 3 decimal places.

The total weight of Extracts-Ingested shipped in unpackaged wholesale shipments to the Yukon within the reporting month. Shipments are determined to be within the reporting month based on when the shipment's status was set to "Shipped."


Sales - YT - Extracts - Ingested - Intra-industry trade - Unpackaged value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.

The total dollar amount, before all taxes, of Extracts-Ingested line items shipped in unpackaged wholesale shipments to the Yukon within the reporting month. Shipments are determined to be within the reporting month based on when the shipment's status was set to "Shipped."


Sales - YT - Extracts - Ingested - Intra-industry trade - Packaged (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - YT - Extracts - Ingested - Intra-industry trade - Packaged value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - Total - Extracts - Ingested - Medical - Direct to consumer (online) (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.

Sum of Extracts-Ingested EA Units–both non-discrete and discrete–sold to clients across all provinces through medical orders within the reporting month. The report looks at the date on which the payment was received.

Pull Sales Report V2 for the whole reporting month. Sort by the Extracts-Ingested Product Subclass. Tally the number of units of Extracts-Ingested SKUs sold.


Sales - Total - Extracts - Ingested - Medical - Direct to consumer (online) value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.

Total value (based on retail price) of Extracts-Ingested EA Units–both non-discrete and discrete–sold to clients across all provinces through medical orders within the reporting month. This considers item discounts. Order discounts are spread across all items in the order, before shipping and after tax.

Pull Sales Report V2 for the whole reporting month. Sort by the Extracts-Ingested Product Subclass. Tally the Net Sales After Discounts column.


Sales - Total - Extracts - Ingested - Non-medical - Direct to consumer (online) (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - Total - Extracts - Ingested - Non-medical - Direct to consumer (online) value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - Total - Extracts - Ingested - Non-medical - To distributor (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - Total - Extracts - Ingested - Non-medical - To distributor value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - Total - Extracts - Ingested - Non-medical - To retailer (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - Total - Extracts - Ingested - Non-medical - To retailer value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - Total - Extracts - Ingested - Intra-industry trade - Unpackaged (kg)


Number from 0 to 1000000, maximum precision of 3 decimal places.

The total weight of Extracts-Ingested shipped in unpackaged wholesale shipments across all Canadian provinces within the reporting month. Shipments are determined to be within the reporting month based on when the shipment's status was set to "Shipped."


Sales - Total - Extracts - Ingested - Intra-industry trade - Unpackaged value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.

The total dollar amount, before all taxes, of Extracts-Ingested line items shipped in unpackaged wholesale shipments across all Canadian provinces within the reporting month. Shipments are determined to be within the reporting month based on when the shipment's status was set to "Shipped."


Sales - Total - Extracts - Ingested - Intra-industry trade - Packaged (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - Total - Extracts - Ingested - Intra-industry trade - Packaged value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.

Sales – Extracts – Other


Cell Name


Field formatting Requirements


Stock Report Validation


Sales - AB - Extracts - Other - Medical - Direct to consumer (online) (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.

Sum of Extracts - Other EA Units–both non-discrete and discrete–sold to clients with a registration address in Alberta through medical orders within the reporting month. The report looks at the date on which the payment was received.

Pull Sales Report V2 for the whole reporting month. Filter by Province, and sort by the Extracts-Other Product Subclass. Tally the number of units of Extracts-Other SKUs sold.


Sales - AB - Extracts - Other - Medical - Direct to consumer (online) value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.

Total value (based on retail price) of Extracts - Other EA Units–both non-discrete and discrete–sold to clients with a registration address in Alberta through medical orders within the reporting month. This considers item discounts. Order discounts are spread across all items in the order, before shipping and after tax.

Pull Sales Report V2 for the whole reporting month. Filter by Province and sort by the Extracts-Other Product Subclass. Tally the Net Sales After Discounts column.


Sales - AB - Extracts - Other - Non-medical - Direct to consumer (online) (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - AB - Extracts - Other - Non-medical - Direct to consumer (online) value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - AB - Extracts - Other - Non-medical - To distributor (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - AB - Extracts - Other - Non-medical - To distributor value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - AB - Extracts - Other - Non-medical - To retailer (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - AB - Extracts - Other - Non-medical - To retailer value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - AB - Extracts - Other - Intra-industry trade - Unpackaged (kg)


Number from 0 to 1000000, maximum precision of 3 decimal places.

The total weight of Extracts-Other shipped in unpackaged wholesale shipments to Alberta within the reporting month. Shipments are determined to be within the reporting month based on when the shipment's status was set to "Shipped."


Sales - AB - Extracts - Other - Intra-industry trade - Unpackaged value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.

The total dollar amount, before all taxes, of Extracts-Other line items shipped in unpackaged wholesale shipments to Alberta within the reporting month. Shipments are determined to be within the reporting month based on when the shipment's status was set to "Shipped."


Sales - AB - Extracts - Other - Intra-industry trade - Packaged (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - AB - Extracts - Other - Intra-industry trade - Packaged value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - BC - Extracts - Other - Medical - Direct to consumer (online) (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.

Sum of Extracts - Other EA Units–both non-discrete and discrete–sold to clients with a registration address in British Columbia through medical orders within the reporting month. The report looks at the date on which the payment was received.

Pull Sales Report V2 for the whole reporting month. Filter by Province, and sort by the Extracts-Other Product Subclass. Tally the number of units of Extracts-Other SKUs sold.


Sales - BC - Extracts - Other - Medical - Direct to consumer (online) value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.

Total value (based on retail price) of Extracts - Other EA Units–both non-discrete and discrete–sold to clients with a registration address in British Columbia through medical orders within the reporting month. This considers item discounts. Order discounts are spread across all items in the order, before shipping and after tax.

Pull Sales Report V2 for the whole reporting month. Filter by Province and sort by the Extracts-Other Product Subclass. Tally the Net Sales After Discounts column.


Sales - BC - Extracts - Other - Non-medical - Direct to consumer (online) (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - BC - Extracts - Other - Non-medical - Direct to consumer (online) value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - BC - Extracts - Other - Non-medical - To distributor (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - BC - Extracts - Other - Non-medical - To distributor value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - BC - Extracts - Other - Non-medical - To retailer (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - BC - Extracts - Other - Non-medical - To retailer value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - BC - Extracts - Other - Intra-industry trade - Unpackaged (kg)


Number from 0 to 1000000, maximum precision of 3 decimal places.

The total weight of Extracts-Other shipped in unpackaged wholesale shipments to British Columbia within the reporting month. Shipments are determined to be within the reporting month based on when the shipment's status was set to "Shipped."


Sales - BC - Extracts - Other - Intra-industry trade - Unpackaged value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.

The total dollar amount, before all taxes, of Extracts-Other line items shipped in unpackaged wholesale shipments to British Columbia within the reporting month. Shipments are determined to be within the reporting month based on when the shipment's status was set to "Shipped."


Sales - BC - Extracts - Other - Intra-industry trade - Packaged (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - BC - Extracts - Other - Intra-industry trade - Packaged value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - MB - Extracts - Other - Medical - Direct to consumer (online) (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.

Sum of Extracts - Other EA Units–both non-discrete and discrete–sold to clients with a registration address in Manitoba through medical orders within the reporting month. The report looks at the date on which the payment was received.

Pull Sales Report V2 for the whole reporting month. Filter by Province, and sort by the Extracts-Other Product Subclass. Tally the number of units of Extracts-Other SKUs sold.


Sales - MB - Extracts - Other - Medical - Direct to consumer (online) ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.

Total value (based on retail price) of Extracts - Other EA Units–both non-discrete and discrete–sold to clients with a registration address in Manitoba through medical orders within the reporting month. This considers item discounts. Order discounts are spread across all items in the order, before shipping and after tax.

Pull Sales Report V2 for the whole reporting month. Filter by Province and sort by the Extracts-Other Product Subclass. Tally the Net Sales After Discounts column.


Sales - MB - Extracts - Other - Non-medical - Direct to consumer (online) (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - MB - Extracts - Other - Non-medical - Direct to consumer (online) value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - MB - Extracts - Other - Non-medical - To distributor (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - MB - Extracts - Other - Non-medical - To distributor value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - MB - Extracts - Other - Non-medical - To retailer (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - MB - Extracts - Other - Non-medical - To retailer value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - MB - Extracts - Other - Intra-industry trade - Unpackaged (kg)


Number from 0 to 1000000, maximum precision of 3 decimal places.

The total weight of Extracts-Other shipped in unpackaged wholesale shipments to Manitoba within the reporting month. Shipments are determined to be within the reporting month based on when the shipment's status was set to "Shipped."


Sales - MB - Extracts - Other - Intra-industry trade - Unpackaged value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.

The total dollar amount, before all taxes, of Extracts-Other line items shipped in unpackaged wholesale shipments to Manitoba within the reporting month. Shipments are determined to be within the reporting month based on when the shipment's status was set to "Shipped."


Sales - MB - Extracts - Other - Intra-industry trade - Packaged (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - MB - Extracts - Other - Intra-industry trade - Packaged value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - NB - Extracts - Other - Medical - Direct to consumer (online) (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.

Sum of Extracts - Other EA Units–both non-discrete and discrete–sold to clients with a registration address in New Brunswick through medical orders within the reporting month. The report looks at the date on which the payment was received.

Pull Sales Report V2 for the whole reporting month. Filter by Province, and sort by the Extracts-Other Product Subclass. Tally the number of units of Extracts-Other SKUs sold.


Sales - NB - Extracts - Other - Medical - Direct to consumer (online) value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.

Total value (based on retail price) of Extracts - Other EA Units–both non-discrete and discrete–sold to clients with a registration address in New Brunswick through medical orders within the reporting month. This considers item discounts. Order discounts are spread across all items in the order, before shipping and after tax.

Pull Sales Report V2 for the whole reporting month. Filter by Province and sort by the Extracts-Other Product Subclass. Tally the Net Sales After Discounts column.


Sales - NB - Extracts - Other - Non-medical - Direct to consumer (online) (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - NB - Extracts - Other - Non-medical - Direct to consumer (online) value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - NB - Extracts - Other - Non-medical - To distributor (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - NB - Extracts - Other - Non-medical - To distributor value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - NB - Extracts - Other - Non-medical - To retailer (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - NB - Extracts - Other - Non-medical - To retailer value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - NB - Extracts - Other - Intra-industry trade - Unpackaged (kg)


Number from 0 to 1000000, maximum precision of 3 decimal places.

The total weight of Extracts-Other shipped in unpackaged wholesale shipments to New Brunswick within the reporting month. Shipments are determined to be within the reporting month based on when the shipment's status was set to "Shipped."


Sales - NB - Extracts - Other - Intra-industry trade - Unpackaged value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.

The total dollar amount, before all taxes, of Extracts-Other line items shipped in unpackaged wholesale shipments to New Brunswick within the reporting month. Shipments are determined to be within the reporting month based on when the shipment's status was set to "Shipped."


Sales - NB -Extracts - Other - Intra-industry trade - Packaged (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - NB - Extracts - Other - Intra-industry trade - Packaged value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - NL - Extracts - Other - Medical - Direct to consumer (online) (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.

Sum of Extracts - Other EA Units–both non-discrete and discrete–sold to clients with a registration address in Newfoundland & Labrador through medical orders within the reporting month. The report looks at the date on which the payment was received.

Pull Sales Report V2 for the whole reporting month. Filter by Province, and sort by the Extracts-Other Product Subclass. Tally the number of units of Extracts-Other SKUs sold.


Sales - NL - Extracts - Other - Medical - Direct to consumer (online) value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.

Total value (based on retail price) of Extracts - Other EA Units–both non-discrete and discrete–sold to clients with a registration address in Newfoundland & Labrador through medical orders within the reporting month. This considers item discounts. Order discounts are spread across all items in the order, before shipping and after tax.

Pull Sales Report V2 for the whole reporting month. Filter by Province and sort by the Extracts-Other Product Subclass. Tally the Net Sales After Discounts column.


Sales - NL - Extracts - Other - Non-medical - Direct to consumer (online) (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - NL - Extracts - Other - Non-medical - Direct to consumer (online) value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - NL - Extracts - Other - Non-medical - To distributor (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - NL - Extracts - Other - Non-medical - To distributor value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - NL - Extracts - Other - Non-medical - To retailer (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - NL - Extracts - Other - Non-medical - To retailer value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - NL - Extracts - Other - Intra-industry trade - Unpackaged (kg)


Number from 0 to 1000000, maximum precision of 3 decimal places.

The total weight of Extracts-Other shipped in unpackaged wholesale shipments to Newfoundland and Labrador within the reporting month. Shipments are determined to be within the reporting month based on when the shipment's status was set to "Shipped."


Sales - NL - Extracts - Other - Intra-industry trade - Unpackaged value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.

The total dollar amount, before all taxes, of Extracts-Other line items shipped in unpackaged wholesale shipments to Newfoundland and Labrador within the reporting month. Shipments are determined to be within the reporting month based on when the shipment's status was set to "Shipped."


Sales - NL - Extracts - Other - Intra-industry trade - Packaged (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - NL - Extracts - Other - Intra-industry trade - Packaged value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - NS - Extracts - Other - Medical - Direct to consumer (online) (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.

Sum of Extracts - Other EA Units–both non-discrete and discrete–sold to clients with a registration address in Nova Scotia through medical orders within the reporting month. The report looks at the date on which the payment was received.

Pull Sales Report V2 for the whole reporting month. Filter by Province, and sort by the Extracts-Other Product Subclass. Tally the number of units of Extracts-Other SKUs sold.


Sales - NS - Extracts - Other - Medical - Direct to consumer (online) value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.

Total value (based on retail price) of Extracts - Other EA Units–both non-discrete and discrete–sold to clients with a registration address in Nova Scotia through medical orders within the reporting month. This considers item discounts. Order discounts are spread across all items in the order, before shipping and after tax.

Pull Sales Report V2 for the whole reporting month. Filter by Province and sort by the Extracts-Other Product Subclass. Tally the Net Sales After Discounts column.


Sales - NS - Extracts - Other - Non-medical - Direct to consumer (online) (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - NS - Extracts - Other - Non-medical - Direct to consumer (online) value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - NS - Extracts - Other - Non-medical - To distributor (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - NS - Extracts - Other - Non-medical - To distributor value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - NS - Extracts - Other - Non-medical - To retailer (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - NS - Extracts - Other - Non-medical - To retailer value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - NS - Extracts - Other - Intra-industry trade - Unpackaged (kg)


Number from 0 to 1000000, maximum precision of 3 decimal places.

The total weight of Extracts-Other shipped in unpackaged wholesale shipments to Nova Scotia within the reporting month. Shipments are determined to be within the reporting month based on when the shipment's status was set to "Shipped."


Sales - NS - Extracts - Other - Intra-industry trade - Unpackaged value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.

The total dollar amount, before all taxes, of Extracts-Other line items shipped in unpackaged wholesale shipments to Nova Scotia within the reporting month. Shipments are determined to be within the reporting month based on when the shipment's status was set to "Shipped."


Sales - NS - Extracts - Other - Intra-industry trade - Packaged (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - NS - Extracts - Other - Intra-industry trade - Packaged value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - NT - Extracts - Other - Medical - Direct to consumer (online) (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.

Sum of Extracts - Other EA Units–both non-discrete and discrete–sold to clients with a registration address in Northwest Territories through medical orders within the reporting month. The report looks at the date on which the payment was received.

Pull Sales Report V2 for the whole reporting month. Filter by Province, and sort by the Extracts-Other Product Subclass. Tally the number of units of Extracts-Other SKUs sold.


Sales - NT - Extracts - Other - Medical - Direct to consumer (online) value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.

Total value (based on retail price) of Extracts - Other EA Units–both non-discrete and discrete–sold to clients with a registration address in Northwest Territories through medical orders within the reporting month. This considers item discounts. Order discounts are spread across all items in the order, before shipping and after tax.

Pull Sales Report V2 for the whole reporting month. Filter by Province and sort by the Extracts-Other Product Subclass. Tally the Net Sales After Discounts column.


Sales - NT - Extracts - Other - Non-medical - Direct to consumer (online) (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - NT - Extracts - Other - Non-medical - Direct to consumer (online) value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - NT - Extracts - Other - Non-medical - To distributor (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - NT - Extracts - Other - Non-medical - To distributor value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - NT - Extracts - Other - Non-medical - To retailer (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - NT - Extracts - Other - Non-medical - To retailer value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - NT - Extracts - Other - Intra-industry trade - Unpackaged (kg)


Number from 0 to 1000000, maximum precision of 3 decimal places.

The total weight of Extracts-Other shipped in unpackaged wholesale shipments to Northwest Territories within the reporting month. Shipments are determined to be within the reporting month based on when the shipment's status was set to "Shipped."


Sales - NT - Extracts - Other - Intra-industry trade - Unpackaged value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.

The total dollar amount, before all taxes, of Extracts-Other line items shipped in unpackaged wholesale shipments to Northwest Territories within the reporting month. Shipments are determined to be within the reporting month based on when the shipment's status was set to "Shipped."


Sales - NT - Extracts - Other - Intra-industry trade - Packaged (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - NT - Extracts - Other - Intra-industry trade - Packaged value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - NU - Extracts - Other - Medical - Direct to consumer (online) (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.

Sum of Extracts - Other EA Units–both non-discrete and discrete–sold to clients with a registration address in Nunavut through medical orders within the reporting month. The report looks at the date on which the payment was received.

Pull Sales Report V2 for the whole reporting month. Filter by Province, and sort by the Extracts-Other Product Subclass. Tally the number of units of Extracts-Other SKUs sold.


Sales - NU - Extracts - Other - Medical - Direct to consumer (online) value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.

Total value (based on retail price) of Extracts - Other EA Units–both non-discrete and discrete–sold to clients with a registration address in Nunavut through medical orders within the reporting month. This considers item discounts. Order discounts are spread across all items in the order, before shipping and after tax.

Pull Sales Report V2 for the whole reporting month. Filter by Province and sort by the Extracts-Other Product Subclass. Tally the Net Sales After Discounts column.


Sales - NU - Extracts - Other - Non-medical - Direct to consumer (online) (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - NU - Extracts - Other - Non-medical - Direct to consumer (online) value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - NU - Extracts - Other - Non-medical - To distributor (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - NU - Extracts - Other - Non-medical - To distributor value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - NU - Extracts - Other - Non-medical - To retailer (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - NU - Extracts - Other - Non-medical - To retailer value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - NU - Extracts - Other - Intra-industry trade - Unpackaged (kg)


Number from 0 to 1000000, maximum precision of 3 decimal places.

The total weight of Extracts-Other shipped in unpackaged wholesale shipments to Nunavut within the reporting month. Shipments are determined to be within the reporting month based on when the shipment's status was set to "Shipped."


Sales - NU - Extracts - Other - Intra-industry trade - Unpackaged value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.

The total dollar amount, before all taxes, of Extracts-Other line items shipped in unpackaged wholesale shipments to Nunavut within the reporting month. Shipments are determined to be within the reporting month based on when the shipment's status was set to "Shipped."


Sales - NU - Extracts - Other - Intra-industry trade - Packaged (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - NU - Extracts - Other - Intra-industry trade - Packaged value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - ON - Extracts - Other - Medical - Direct to consumer (online) (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.

Sum of Extracts - Other EA Units–both non-discrete and discrete–sold to clients with a registration address in Ontario through medical orders within the reporting month. The report looks at the date on which the payment was received.

Pull Sales Report V2 for the whole reporting month. Filter by Province, and sort by the Extracts-Other Product Subclass. Tally the number of units of Extracts-Other SKUs sold.


Sales - ON - Extracts - Other - Medical - Direct to consumer (online) value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.

Total value (based on retail price) of Extracts - Other EA Units–both non-discrete and discrete–sold to clients with a registration address in Ontario through medical orders within the reporting month. This considers item discounts. Order discounts are spread across all items in the order, before shipping and after tax.

Pull Sales Report V2 for the whole reporting month. Filter by Province and sort by the Extracts-Other Product Subclass. Tally the Net Sales After Discounts column.


Sales - ON - Extracts - Other - Non-medical - Direct to consumer (online) (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - ON - Extracts - Other - Non-medical - Direct to consumer (online) value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - ON - Extracts - Other - Non-medical - To distributor (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - ON - Extracts - Other - Non-medical - To distributor value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - ON - Extracts - Other - Non-medical - To retailer (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - ON - Extracts - Other - Non-medical - To retailer value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - ON - Extracts - Other - Intra-industry trade - Unpackaged (kg)


Number from 0 to 1000000, maximum precision of 3 decimal places.

The total weight of Extracts-Other shipped in unpackaged wholesale shipments to Ontario within the reporting month. Shipments are determined to be within the reporting month based on when the shipment's status was set to "Shipped."


Sales - ON - Extracts - Other - Intra-industry trade - Unpackaged value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.

The total dollar amount, before all taxes, of Extracts-Other line items shipped in unpackaged wholesale shipments to Ontario within the reporting month. Shipments are determined to be within the reporting month based on when the shipment's status was set to "Shipped."


Sales - ON - Extracts - Other - Intra-industry trade - Packaged (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - ON - Extracts - Other - Intra-industry trade - Packaged value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - PE - Extracts - Other - Medical - Direct to consumer (online) (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.

Sum of Extracts - Other EA Units–both non-discrete and discrete–sold to clients with a registration address in Prince Edward Island through medical orders within the reporting month. The report looks at the date on which the payment was received.

Pull Sales Report V2 for the whole reporting month. Filter by Province, and sort by the Extracts-Other Product Subclass. Tally the number of units of Extracts-Other SKUs sold.


Sales - PE - Extracts - Other - Medical - Direct to consumer (online) value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.

Total value (based on retail price) of Extracts - Other EA Units–both non-discrete and discrete–sold to clients with a registration address in Prince Edward Island through medical orders within the reporting month. This considers item discounts. Order discounts are spread across all items in the order, before shipping and after tax.

Pull Sales Report V2 for the whole reporting month. Filter by Province and sort by the Extracts-Other Product Subclass. Tally the Net Sales After Discounts column.


Sales - PE - Extracts - Other - Non-medical - Direct to consumer (online) (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - PE - Extracts - Other - Non-medical - Direct to consumer (online) value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - PE - Extracts - Other - Non-medical - To distributor (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - PE - Extracts - Other - Non-medical - To distributor value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - PE - Extracts - Other - Non-medical - To retailer (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - PE - Extracts - Other - Non-medical - To retailer value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - PE - Extracts - Other - Intra-industry trade - Unpackaged (kg)


Number from 0 to 1000000, maximum precision of 3 decimal places.

The total weight of Extracts-Other shipped in unpackaged wholesale shipments to Prince Edward Island within the reporting month. Shipments are determined to be within the reporting month based on when the shipment's status was set to "Shipped."


Sales - PE - Extracts - Other - Intra-industry trade - Unpackaged value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.

The total dollar amount, before all taxes, of Extracts-Other line items shipped in unpackaged wholesale shipments to Prince Edward Island within the reporting month. Shipments are determined to be within the reporting month based on when the shipment's status was set to "Shipped."


Sales - PE - Extracts - Other - Intra-industry trade - Packaged (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - PE - Extracts - Other - Intra-industry trade - Packaged value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - QC - Extracts - Other - Medical - Direct to consumer (online) (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.

Sum of Extracts - Other EA Units–both non-discrete and discrete–sold to clients with a registration address in Quebec through medical orders within the reporting month. The report looks at the date on which the payment was received.

Pull Sales Report V2 for the whole reporting month. Filter by Province, and sort by the Extracts-Other Product Subclass. Tally the number of units of Extracts-Other SKUs sold.


Sales - QC - Extracts - Other - Medical - Direct to consumer (online) value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.

Total value (based on retail price) of Extracts - Other EA Units–both non-discrete and discrete–sold to clients with a registration address in Quebec through medical orders within the reporting month. This considers item discounts. Order discounts are spread across all items in the order, before shipping and after tax.

Pull Sales Report V2 for the whole reporting month. Filter by Province and sort by the Extracts-Other Product Subclass. Tally the Net Sales After Discounts column.


Sales - QC - Extracts - Other - Non-medical - Direct to consumer (online) (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - QC - Extracts - Other - Non-medical - Direct to consumer (online) value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - QC - Extracts - Other - Non-medical - To distributor (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - QC - Extracts - Other - Non-medical - To distributor value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - QC - Extracts - Other - Non-medical - To retailer (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - QC - Extracts - Other - Non-medical - To retailer value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - QC - Extracts - Other - Intra-industry trade - Unpackaged (kg)


Number from 0 to 1000000, maximum precision of 3 decimal places.

The total weight of Extracts-Other shipped in unpackaged wholesale shipments to Quebec within the reporting month. Shipments are determined to be within the reporting month based on when the shipment's status was set to "Shipped."


Sales - QC - Extracts - Other - Intra-industry trade - Unpackaged value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.

The total dollar amount, before all taxes, of Extracts-Other line items shipped in unpackaged wholesale shipments to Quebec within the reporting month. Shipments are determined to be within the reporting month based on when the shipment's status was set to "Shipped."


Sales - QC - Extracts - Other - Intra-industry trade - Packaged (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - QC - Extracts - Other - Intra-industry trade - Packaged value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - SK - Extracts - Other - Medical - Direct to consumer (online) (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.

Sum of Extracts - Other EA Units–both non-discrete and discrete–sold to clients with a registration address in Saskatchewan through medical orders within the reporting month. The report looks at the date on which the payment was received.

Pull Sales Report V2 for the whole reporting month. Filter by Province, and sort by the Extracts-Other Product Subclass. Tally the number of units of Extracts-Other SKUs sold.


Sales - SK - Extracts - Other - Medical - Direct to consumer (online) value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.

Total value (based on retail price) of Extracts - Other EA Units–both non-discrete and discrete–sold to clients with a registration address in Saskatchewan through medical orders within the reporting month. This considers item discounts. Order discounts are spread across all items in the order, before shipping and after tax.

Pull Sales Report V2 for the whole reporting month. Filter by Province and sort by the Extracts-Other Product Subclass. Tally the Net Sales After Discounts column.


Sales - SK - Extracts - Other - Non-medical - Direct to consumer (online) (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - SK - Extracts - Other - Non-medical - Direct to consumer (online) value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - SK - Extracts - Other - Non-medical - To distributor (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - SK - Extracts - Other - Non-medical - To distributor value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - SK - Extracts - Other - Non-medical - To retailer (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - SK - Extracts - Other - Non-medical - To retailer value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - SK - Extracts - Other - Intra-industry trade - Unpackaged (kg)


Number from 0 to 1000000, maximum precision of 3 decimal places.

The total weight of Extracts-Other shipped in unpackaged wholesale shipments to Saskatchewan within the reporting month. Shipments are determined to be within the reporting month based on when the shipment's status was set to "Shipped."


Sales - SK - Extracts - Other - Intra-industry trade - Unpackaged value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.

The total dollar amount, before all taxes, of Extracts-Other line items shipped in unpackaged wholesale shipments to Saskatchewan within the reporting month. Shipments are determined to be within the reporting month based on when the shipment's status was set to "Shipped."


Sales - SK - Extracts - Other - Intra-industry trade - Packaged (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - SK - Extracts - Other - Intra-industry trade - Packaged value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - YT - Extracts - Other - Medical - Direct to consumer (online) (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.

Sum of Extracts - Other EA Units–both non-discrete and discrete–sold to clients with a registration address in the Yukon through medical orders within the reporting month. The report looks at the date on which the payment was received.

Pull Sales Report V2 for the whole reporting month. Filter by Province, and sort by the Extracts-Other Product Subclass. Tally the number of units of Extracts-Other SKUs sold.


Sales - YT - Extracts - Other - Medical - Direct to consumer (online) value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.

Total value (based on retail price) of Extracts - Other EA Units–both non-discrete and discrete–sold to clients with a registration address in the Yukon through medical orders within the reporting month. This considers item discounts. Order discounts are spread across all items in the order, before shipping and after tax.

Pull Sales Report V2 for the whole reporting month. Filter by Province and sort by the Extracts-Other Product Subclass. Tally the Net Sales After Discounts column.


Sales - YT - Extracts - Other - Non-medical - Direct to consumer (online) (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - YT - Extracts - Other - Non-medical - Direct to consumer (online) value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - YT - Extracts - Other - Non-medical - To distributor (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - YT - Extracts - Other - Non-medical - To distributor value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - YT - Extracts - Other - Non-medical - To retailer (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - YT - Extracts - Other - Non-medical - To retailer value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - YT - Extracts - Other - Intra-industry trade - Unpackaged (kg)


Number from 0 to 1000000, maximum precision of 3 decimal places.

The total weight of Extracts-Other shipped in unpackaged wholesale shipments to the Yukon within the reporting month. Shipments are determined to be within the reporting month based on when the shipment's status was set to "Shipped."


Sales - YT - Extracts - Other - Intra-industry trade - Unpackaged value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.

The total dollar amount, before all taxes, of Extracts-Other line items shipped in unpackaged wholesale shipments to the Yukon within the reporting month. Shipments are determined to be within the reporting month based on when the shipment's status was set to "Shipped."


Sales - YT - Extracts - Other - Intra-industry trade - Packaged (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - YT - Extracts - Other - Intra-industry trade - Packaged value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - Total - Extracts - Other - Medical - Direct to consumer (online) (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.

Sum of Extracts - Other EA Units–both non-discrete and discrete–sold to clients across all provinces through medical orders within the reporting month. The report looks at the date on which the payment was received.

Pull Sales Report V2 for the whole reporting month. Sort by the Extracts-Other Product Subclass. Tally the number of units of Extracts-Other SKUs sold.


Sales - Total - Extracts - Other - Medical - Direct to consumer (online) value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.

Total value (based on retail price) of Extracts - Other EA Units–both non-discrete and discrete–sold to clients across all provinces through medical orders within the reporting month. This considers item discounts. Order discounts are spread across all items in the order, before shipping and after tax.

Pull Sales Report V2 for the whole reporting month. Sort by the Extracts-Other Product Subclass. Tally the Net Sales After Discounts column.


Sales - Total - Extracts - Other - Non-medical - Direct to consumer (online) (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - Total - Extracts - Other - Non-medical - Direct to consumer (online) value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - Total - Extracts - Other - Non-medical - To distributor (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - Total - Extracts - Other - Non-medical - To distributor value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - Total - Extracts - Other - Non-medical - To retailer (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - Total - Extracts - Other - Non-medical - To retailer value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - Total - Extracts - Other - Intra-industry trade - Unpackaged (kg)


Number from 0 to 1000000, maximum precision of 3 decimal places.

The total weight of Extracts-Other shipped in unpackaged wholesale shipments across all Canadian provinces within the reporting month. Shipments are determined to be within the reporting month based on when the shipment's status was set to "Shipped."


Sales - Total - Extracts - Other - Intra-industry trade - Unpackaged value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.

The total dollar amount, before all taxes, of Extracts-Other line items shipped in unpackaged wholesale shipments across all Canadian provinces within the reporting month. Shipments are determined to be within the reporting month based on when the shipment's status was set to "Shipped."


Sales - Total - Extracts - Other - Intra-industry trade - Packaged (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - Total - Extracts - Other - Intra-industry trade - Packaged value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.

Sales – Topicals


Cell Name


Field formatting Requirements


Stock Report Validation


Sales - AB - Topicals - Medical - Direct to consumer (online) (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.

Sum of Topicals EA Units–both non-discrete and discrete–sold to clients with a registration address in Alberta through medical orders within the reporting month. The report looks at the date on which the payment was received.

Pull Sales Report V2 for the whole reporting month. Filter by Province and sort by the Topical Product Subclass. Tally the number of units of Topicals SKUs sold.


Sales - AB - Topicals - Medical - Direct to consumer (online) value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.

Total value (based on retail price) of Topicals EA Units–both non-discrete and discrete–sold to clients with a registration address in Alberta through medical orders within the reporting month. This considers item discounts. Order discounts are spread across all items in the order, before shipping and after tax.

Pull Sales Report V2 for the whole reporting month. Filter by Province and sort by the Topicals Product Subclass. Tally the Net Sales After Discounts column.


Sales - AB - Topicals - Non-medical - Direct to consumer (online) (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - AB - Topicals - Non-medical - Direct to consumer (online) value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - AB - Topicals - Non-medical - To distributor (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - AB - Topicals - Non-medical - To distributor value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - AB - Topicals - Non-medical - To retailer (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - AB - Topicals - Non-medical - To retailer value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - AB - Topicals - Intra-industry trade - Unpackaged (kg)


Number from 0 to 1000000, maximum precision of 3 decimal places.

The total weight of Topicals shipped in unpackaged wholesale shipments to Alberta within the reporting month. Shipments are determined to be within the reporting month based on when the shipment's status was set to "Shipped."


Sales - AB - Topicals - Intra-industry trade - Unpackaged value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.

The total dollar amount, before all taxes, of Topicals line items shipped in unpackaged wholesale shipments to Alberta within the reporting month. Shipments are determined to be within the reporting month based on when the shipment's status was set to "Shipped."


Sales - AB - Topicals - Intra-industry trade - Packaged (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - AB - Topicals - Intra-industry trade - Packaged value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - BC - Topicals - Medical - Direct to consumer (online) (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.

Sum of Topicals EA Units–both non-discrete and discrete–sold to clients with a registration address in British Columbia through medical orders within the reporting month. The report looks at the date on which the payment was received.

Pull Sales Report V2 for the whole reporting month. Filter by Province and sort by the Topical Product Subclass. Tally the number of units of Topicals SKUs sold.


Sales - BC - Topicals - Medical - Direct to consumer (online) value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.

Total value (based on retail price) of Topicals EA Units–both non-discrete and discrete–sold to clients with a registration address in British Columbia through medical orders within the reporting month. This considers item discounts. Order discounts are spread across all items in the order, before shipping and after tax.

Pull Sales Report V2 for the whole reporting month. Filter by Province and sort by the Topicals Product Subclass. Tally the Net Sales After Discounts column.


Sales - BC - Topicals - Non-medical - Direct to consumer (online) (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - BC - Topicals - Non-medical - Direct to consumer (online) value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - BC - Topicals - Non-medical - To distributor (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - BC - Topicals - Non-medical - To distributor value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - BC - Topicals - Non-medical - To retailer (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - BC - Topicals - Non-medical - To retailer value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - BC - Topicals - Intra-industry trade - Unpackaged (kg)


Number from 0 to 1000000, maximum precision of 3 decimal places.

The total weight of Topicals shipped in unpackaged wholesale shipments to British Columbia within the reporting month. Shipments are determined to be within the reporting month based on when the shipment's status was set to "Shipped."


Sales - BC - Topicals - Intra-industry trade - Unpackaged value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.

The total dollar amount, before all taxes, of Topicals line items shipped in unpackaged wholesale shipments to British Columbia within the reporting month. Shipments are determined to be within the reporting month based on when the shipment's status was set to "Shipped."


Sales - BC - Topicals - Intra-industry trade - Packaged (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - BC - Topicals - Intra-industry trade - Packaged value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - MB - Topicals - Medical - Direct to consumer (online) (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.

Sum of Topicals EA Units–both non-discrete and discrete–sold to clients with a registration address in Manitoba through medical orders within the reporting month. The report looks at the date on which the payment was received.

Pull Sales Report V2 for the whole reporting month. Filter by Province and sort by the Topical Product Subclass. Tally the number of units of Topicals SKUs sold.


Sales - MB - Topicals - Medical - Direct to consumer (online) value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.

Total value (based on retail price) of Topicals EA Units–both non-discrete and discrete–sold to clients with a registration address in Manitoba through medical orders within the reporting month. This considers item discounts. Order discounts are spread across all items in the order, before shipping and after tax.

Pull Sales Report V2 for the whole reporting month. Filter by Province and sort by the Topicals Product Subclass. Tally the Net Sales After Discounts column.


Sales - MB - Topicals - Non-medical - Direct to consumer (online) (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - MB - Topicals - Non-medical - Direct to consumer (online) value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - MB - Topicals - Non-medical - To distributor (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - MB - Topicals - Non-medical - To distributor value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - MB - Topicals - Non-medical - To retailer (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - MB - Topicals - Non-medical - To retailer value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - MB - Topicals - Intra-industry trade - Unpackaged (kg)


Number from 0 to 1000000, maximum precision of 3 decimal places.

The total weight of Topicals shipped in unpackaged wholesale shipments to Manitoba within the reporting month. Shipments are determined to be within the reporting month based on when the shipment's status was set to "Shipped."


Sales - MB - Topicals - Intra-industry trade - Unpackaged value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.

The total dollar amount, before all taxes, of Topicals line items shipped in unpackaged wholesale shipments to Manitoba within the reporting month. Shipments are determined to be within the reporting month based on when the shipment's status was set to "Shipped."


Sales - MB - Topicals - Intra-industry trade - Packaged (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - MB - Topicals - Intra-industry trade - Packaged value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - NB - Topicals - Medical - Direct to consumer (online) (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.

Sum of Topicals EA Units–both non-discrete and discrete–sold to clients with a registration address in New Brunswick through medical orders within the reporting month. The report looks at the date on which the payment was received.

Pull Sales Report V2 for the whole reporting month. Filter by Province and sort by the Topical Product Subclass. Tally the number of units of Topicals SKUs sold.


Sales - NB - Topicals - Medical - Direct to consumer (online) value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.

Total value (based on retail price) of Topicals EA Units–both non-discrete and discrete–sold to clients with a registration address in New Brunswick through medical orders within the reporting month. This considers item discounts. Order discounts are spread across all items in the order, before shipping and after tax.

Pull Sales Report V2 for the whole reporting month. Filter by Province and sort by the Topicals Product Subclass. Tally the Net Sales After Discounts column.


Sales - NB - Topicals - Non-medical - Direct to consumer (online) (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - NB - Topicals - Non-medical - Direct to consumer (online) value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - NB - Topicals - Non-medical - To distributor (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - NB - Topicals - Non-medical - To distributor value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - NB - Topicals - Non-medical - To retailer (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - NB - Topicals - Non-medical - To retailer value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - NB - Topicals - Intra-industry trade - Unpackaged (kg)


Number from 0 to 1000000, maximum precision of 3 decimal places.

The total weight of Topicals shipped in unpackaged wholesale shipments to New Brunswick within the reporting month. Shipments are determined to be within the reporting month based on when the shipment's status was set to "Shipped."


Sales - NB - Topicals - Intra-industry trade - Unpackaged value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.

The total dollar amount, before all taxes, of Topicals line items shipped in unpackaged wholesale shipments to New Brunswick within the reporting month. Shipments are determined to be within the reporting month based on when the shipment's status was set to "Shipped."


Sales - NB - Topicals - Intra-industry trade - Packaged (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - NB - Topicals - Intra-industry trade - Packaged value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - NL - Topicals - Medical - Direct to consumer (online) (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.

Sum of Topicals EA Units–both non-discrete and discrete–sold to clients with a registration address in Newfoundland & Labrador through medical orders within the reporting month. The report looks at the date on which the payment was received.

Pull Sales Report V2 for the whole reporting month. Filter by Province and sort by the Topical Product Subclass. Tally the number of units of Topicals SKUs sold.


Sales - NL - Topicals - Medical - Direct to consumer (online) value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.

Total value (based on retail price) of Topicals EA Units–both non-discrete and discrete–sold to clients with a registration address in Newfoundland & Labrador through medical orders within the reporting month. This considers item discounts. Order discounts are spread across all items in the order, before shipping and after tax.

Pull Sales Report V2 for the whole reporting month. Filter by Province and sort by the Topicals Product Subclass. Tally the Net Sales After Discounts column.


Sales - NL - Topicals - Non-medical - Direct to consumer (online) (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - NL - Topicals - Non-medical - Direct to consumer (online) value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - NL - Topicals - Non-medical - To distributor (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - NL - Topicals - Non-medical - To distributor value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - NL - Topicals - Non-medical - To retailer (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - NL - Topicals - Non-medical - To retailer value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - NL - Topicals - Intra-industry trade - Unpackaged (kg)


Number from 0 to 1000000, maximum precision of 3 decimal places.

The total weight of Topicals shipped in unpackaged wholesale shipments to Newfoundland and Labrador within the reporting month. Shipments are determined to be within the reporting month based on when the shipment's status was set to "Shipped."


Sales - NL - Topicals - Intra-industry trade - Unpackaged value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.

The total dollar amount, before all taxes, of Topicals line items shipped in unpackaged wholesale shipments to Newfoundland and Labrador within the reporting month. Shipments are determined to be within the reporting month based on when the shipment's status was set to "Shipped."


Sales - NL - Topicals - Intra-industry trade - Packaged (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - NL - Topicals - Intra-industry trade - Packaged value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - NS - Topicals - Medical - Direct to consumer (online) (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.

Sum of Topicals EA Units–both non-discrete and discrete–sold to clients with a registration address in Nova Scotia through medical orders within the reporting month. The report looks at the date on which the payment was received.

Pull Sales Report V2 for the whole reporting month. Filter by Province and sort by the Topical Product Subclass. Tally the number of units of Topicals SKUs sold.


Sales - NS - Topicals - Medical - Direct to consumer (online) value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.

Total value (based on retail price) of Topicals EA Units–both non-discrete and discrete–sold to clients with a registration address in Nova Scotia through medical orders within the reporting month. This considers item discounts. Order discounts are spread across all items in the order, before shipping and after tax.

Pull Sales Report V2 for the whole reporting month. Filter by Province and sort by the Topicals Product Subclass. Tally the Net Sales After Discounts column.


Sales - NS - Topicals - Non-medical - Direct to consumer (online) (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - NS - Topicals - Non-medical - Direct to consumer (online) value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - NS - Topicals - Non-medical - To distributor (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - NS - Topicals - Non-medical - To distributor value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - NS - Topicals - Non-medical - To retailer (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - NS - Topicals - Non-medical - To retailer value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - NS - Topicals - Intra-industry trade - Unpackaged (kg)


Number from 0 to 1000000, maximum precision of 3 decimal places.

The total weight of Topicals shipped in unpackaged wholesale shipments to Nova Scotia within the reporting month. Shipments are determined to be within the reporting month based on when the shipment's status was set to "Shipped."


Sales - NS - Topicals - Intra-industry trade - Unpackaged value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.

The total dollar amount, before all taxes, of Topicals line items shipped in unpackaged wholesale shipments to Nova Scotia within the reporting month. Shipments are determined to be within the reporting month based on when the shipment's status was set to "Shipped."


Sales - NS - Topicals - Intra-industry trade - Packaged (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - NS - Topicals - Intra-industry trade - Packaged value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - NT - Topicals - Medical - Direct to consumer (online) (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.

Sum of Topicals EA Units–both non-discrete and discrete–sold to clients with a registration address in Northwest Territories through medical orders within the reporting month. The report looks at the date on which the payment was received.

Pull Sales Report V2 for the whole reporting month. Filter by Province and sort by the Topical Product Subclass. Tally the number of units of Topicals SKUs sold.


Sales - NT - Topicals - Medical - Direct to consumer (online) value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.

Total value (based on retail price) of Topicals EA Units–both non-discrete and discrete–sold to clients with a registration address in Northwest Territories through medical orders within the reporting month. This considers item discounts. Order discounts are spread across all items in the order, before shipping and after tax.

Pull Sales Report V2 for the whole reporting month. Filter by Province and sort by the Topicals Product Subclass. Tally the Net Sales After Discounts column.


Sales - NT - Topicals - Non-medical - Direct to consumer (online) (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - NT - Topicals - Non-medical - Direct to consumer (online) value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - NT - Topicals - Non-medical - To distributor (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - NT - Topicals - Non-medical - To distributor value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - NT - Topicals - Non-medical - To retailer (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - NT - Topicals - Non-medical - To retailer value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - NT - Topicals - Intra-industry trade - Unpackaged (kg)


Number from 0 to 1000000, maximum precision of 3 decimal places.

The total weight of Topicals shipped in unpackaged wholesale shipments to Northwest Territories within the reporting month. Shipments are determined to be within the reporting month based on when the shipment's status was set to "Shipped."


Sales - NT - Topicals - Intra-industry trade - Unpackaged value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.

The total dollar amount, before all taxes, of Topicals line items shipped in unpackaged wholesale shipments to Northwest Territories within the reporting month. Shipments are determined to be within the reporting month based on when the shipment's status was set to "Shipped."


Sales - NT - Topicals - Intra-industry trade - Packaged (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - NT - Topicals - Intra-industry trade - Packaged value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - NU - Topicals - Medical - Direct to consumer (online) (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.

Sum of Topicals EA Units–both non-discrete and discrete–sold to clients with a registration address in Nunavut through medical orders within the reporting month. The report looks at the date on which the payment was received.

Pull Sales Report V2 for the whole reporting month. Filter by Province and sort by the Topical Product Subclass. Tally the number of units of Topicals SKUs sold.


Sales - NU - Topicals - Medical - Direct to consumer (online) value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.

Total value (based on retail price) of Topicals EA Units–both non-discrete and discrete–sold to clients with a registration address in Nunavut through medical orders within the reporting month. This considers item discounts. Order discounts are spread across all items in the order, before shipping and after tax.

Pull Sales Report V2 for the whole reporting month. Filter by Province and sort by the Topicals Product Subclass. Tally the Net Sales After Discounts column.


Sales - NU - Topicals - Non-medical - Direct to consumer (online) (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - NU - Topicals - Non-medical - Direct to consumer (online) value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - NU - Topicals - Non-medical - To distributor (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - NU - Topicals - Non-medical - To distributor value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - NU - Topicals - Non-medical - To retailer (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - NU - Topicals - Non-medical - To retailer value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - NU - Topicals - Intra-industry trade - Unpackaged (kg)


Number from 0 to 1000000, maximum precision of 3 decimal places.

The total weight of Topicals shipped in unpackaged wholesale shipments to Nunavut within the reporting month. Shipments are determined to be within the reporting month based on when the shipment's status was set to "Shipped."


Sales - NU - Topicals - Intra-industry trade - Unpackaged value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.

The total dollar amount, before all taxes, of Topicals line items shipped in unpackaged wholesale shipments to Nunavut within the reporting month. Shipments are determined to be within the reporting month based on when the shipment's status was set to "Shipped."


Sales - NU - Topicals - Intra-industry trade - Packaged (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - NU - Topicals - Intra-industry trade - Packaged value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - ON - Topicals - Medical - Direct to consumer (online) (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.

Sum of Topicals EA Units–both non-discrete and discrete–sold to clients with a registration address in Ontario through medical orders within the reporting month. The report looks at the date on which the payment was received.

Pull Sales Report V2 for the whole reporting month. Filter by Province and sort by the Topical Product Subclass. Tally the number of units of Topicals SKUs sold.


Sales - ON - Topicals - Medical - Direct to consumer (online) value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.

Total value (based on retail price) of Topicals EA Units–both non-discrete and discrete–sold to clients with a registration address in Ontario through medical orders within the reporting month. This considers item discounts. Order discounts are spread across all items in the order, before shipping and after tax.

Pull Sales Report V2 for the whole reporting month. Filter by Province and sort by the Topicals Product Subclass. Tally the Net Sales After Discounts column.


Sales - ON - Topicals - Non-medical - Direct to consumer (online) (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - ON - Topicals - Non-medical - Direct to consumer (online) value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - ON - Topicals - Non-medical - To distributor (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - ON - Topicals - Non-medical - To distributor value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - ON - Topicals - Non-medical - To retailer (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - ON - Topicals - Non-medical - To retailer value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - ON - Topicals - Intra-industry trade - Unpackaged (kg)


Number from 0 to 1000000, maximum precision of 3 decimal places.

The total weight of Topicals shipped in unpackaged wholesale shipments to Ontario within the reporting month. Shipments are determined to be within the reporting month based on when the shipment's status was set to "Shipped."


Sales - ON - Topicals - Intra-industry trade - Unpackaged value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.

The total dollar amount, before all taxes, of Topicals line items shipped in unpackaged wholesale shipments to Ontario within the reporting month. Shipments are determined to be within the reporting month based on when the shipment's status was set to "Shipped."


Sales - ON - Topicals - Intra-industry trade - Packaged (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - ON - Topicals - Intra-industry trade - Packaged value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - PE - Topicals - Medical - Direct to consumer (online) (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.

Sum of Topicals EA Units–both non-discrete and discrete–sold to clients with a registration address in Prince Edward Island through medical orders within the reporting month. The report looks at the date on which the payment was received.

Pull Sales Report V2 for the whole reporting month. Filter by Province and sort by the Topical Product Subclass. Tally the number of units of Topicals SKUs sold.


Sales - PE - Topicals - Medical - Direct to consumer (online) value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.

Total value (based on retail price) of Topicals EA Units–both non-discrete and discrete–sold to clients with a registration address in Prince Edward Island through medical orders within the reporting month. This considers item discounts. Order discounts are spread across all items in the order, before shipping and after tax.

Pull Sales Report V2 for the whole reporting month. Filter by Province and sort by the Topicals Product Subclass. Tally the Net Sales After Discounts column.


Sales - PE - Topicals - Non-medical - Direct to consumer (online) (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - PE - Topicals - Non-medical - Direct to consumer (online) value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - PE - Topicals - Non-medical - To distributor (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - PE - Topicals - Non-medical - To distributor value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - PE - Topicals - Non-medical - To retailer (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - PE - Topicals - Non-medical - To retailer value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - PE - Topicals - Intra-industry trade - Unpackaged (kg)


Number from 0 to 1000000, maximum precision of 3 decimal places.

The total weight of Topicals shipped in unpackaged wholesale shipments to Prince Edward Island within the reporting month. Shipments are determined to be within the reporting month based on when the shipment's status was set to "Shipped."


Sales - PE - Topicals - Intra-industry trade - Unpackaged value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.

The total dollar amount, before all taxes, of Topicals line items shipped in unpackaged wholesale shipments to Prince Edward Island within the reporting month. Shipments are determined to be within the reporting month based on when the shipment's status was set to "Shipped."


Sales - PE - Topicals - Intra-industry trade - Packaged (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - PE - Topicals - Intra-industry trade - Packaged value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - QC - Topicals - Medical - Direct to consumer (online) (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.

Sum of Topicals EA Units–both non-discrete and discrete–sold to clients with a registration address in Quebec through medical orders within the reporting month. The report looks at the date on which the payment was received.

Pull Sales Report V2 for the whole reporting month. Filter by Province and sort by the Topical Product Subclass. Tally the number of units of Topicals SKUs sold.


Sales - QC - Topicals - Medical - Direct to consumer (online) value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.

Total value (based on retail price) of Topicals EA Units–both non-discrete and discrete–sold to clients with a registration address in Quebec through medical orders within the reporting month. This considers item discounts. Order discounts are spread across all items in the order, before shipping and after tax.

Pull Sales Report V2 for the whole reporting month. Filter by Province and sort by the Topicals Product Subclass. Tally the Net Sales After Discounts column.


Sales - QC - Topicals - Non-medical - Direct to consumer (online) (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - QC - Topicals - Non-medical - Direct to consumer (online) value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - QC - Topicals - Non-medical - To distributor (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - QC - Topicals - Non-medical - To distributor value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - QC - Topicals - Non-medical - To retailer (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - QC - Topicals - Non-medical - To retailer value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - QC - Topicals - Intra-industry trade - Unpackaged (kg)


Number from 0 to 1000000, maximum precision of 3 decimal places.

The total weight of Topicals shipped in unpackaged wholesale shipments to Quebec within the reporting month. Shipments are determined to be within the reporting month based on when the shipment's status was set to "Shipped."


Sales - QC - Topicals - Intra-industry trade - Unpackaged value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.

The total dollar amount, before all taxes, of Topicals line items shipped in unpackaged wholesale shipments to Quebec within the reporting month. Shipments are determined to be within the reporting month based on when the shipment's status was set to "Shipped."


Sales - QC - Topicals - Intra-industry trade - Packaged (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - QC - Topicals - Intra-industry trade - Packaged value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - SK - Topicals - Medical - Direct to consumer (online) (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.

Sum of Topicals EA Units–both non-discrete and discrete–sold to clients with a registration address in Saskatchewan through medical orders within the reporting month. The report looks at the date on which the payment was received.

Pull Sales Report V2 for the whole reporting month. Filter by Province and sort by the Topical Product Subclass. Tally the number of units of Topicals SKUs sold.


Sales - SK - Topicals - Medical - Direct to consumer (online) value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.

Total value (based on retail price) of Topicals EA Units–both non-discrete and discrete–sold to clients with a registration address in Saskatchewan through medical orders within the reporting month. This considers item discounts. Order discounts are spread across all items in the order, before shipping and after tax.

Pull Sales Report V2 for the whole reporting month. Filter by Province and sort by the Topicals Product Subclass. Tally the Net Sales After Discounts column.


Sales - SK - Topicals - Non-medical - Direct to consumer (online) (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - SK - Topicals - Non-medical - Direct to consumer (online) value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - SK - Topicals - Non-medical - To distributor (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - SK - Topicals - Non-medical - To distributor value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - SK - Topicals - Non-medical - To retailer (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - SK - Topicals - Non-medical - To retailer value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - SK - Topicals - Intra-industry trade - Unpackaged (kg)


Number from 0 to 1000000, maximum precision of 3 decimal places.

The total weight of Topicals shipped in unpackaged wholesale shipments to Saskatchewan within the reporting month. Shipments are determined to be within the reporting month based on when the shipment's status was set to "Shipped."


Sales - SK - Topicals - Intra-industry trade - Unpackaged value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.

The total dollar amount, before all taxes, of Topicals line items shipped in unpackaged wholesale shipments to Saskatchewan within the reporting month. Shipments are determined to be within the reporting month based on when the shipment's status was set to "Shipped."


Sales - SK - Topicals - Intra-industry trade - Packaged (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - SK - Topicals - Intra-industry trade - Packaged value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - YT - Topicals - Medical - Direct to consumer (online) (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.

Sum of Topicals EA Units–both non-discrete and discrete–sold to clients with a registration address in the Yukon through medical orders within the reporting month. The report looks at the date on which the payment was received.

Pull Sales Report V2 for the whole reporting month. Filter by Province and sort by the Topical Product Subclass. Tally the number of units of Topicals SKUs sold.


Sales - YT - Topicals - Medical - Direct to consumer (online) value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.

Total value (based on retail price) of Topicals EA Units–both non-discrete and discrete–sold to clients with a registration address in the Yukon through medical orders within the reporting month. This considers item discounts. Order discounts are spread across all items in the order, before shipping and after tax.

Pull Sales Report V2 for the whole reporting month. Filter by Province and sort by the Topicals Product Subclass. Tally the Net Sales After Discounts column.


Sales - YT - Topicals - Non-medical - Direct to consumer (online) (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - YT - Topicals- Non-medical - Direct to consumer (online) value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - YT - Topicals - Non-medical - To distributor (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - YT - Topicals - Non-medical - To distributor value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - YT - Topicals - Non-medical - To retailer (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - YT - Topicals - Non-medical - To retailer value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - YT - Topicals - Intra-industry trade - Unpackaged (kg)


Number from 0 to 1000000, maximum precision of 3 decimal places.

The total weight of Topicals shipped in unpackaged wholesale shipments to the Yukon within the reporting month. Shipments are determined to be within the reporting month based on when the shipment's status was set to "Shipped."


Sales - YT - Topicals - Intra-industry trade - Unpackaged value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.

The total dollar amount, before all taxes, of Topicals line items shipped in unpackaged wholesale shipments to the Yukon within the reporting month. Shipments are determined to be within the reporting month based on when the shipment's status was set to "Shipped."


Sales - YT - Topicals - Intra-industry trade - Packaged (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - YT - Topicals - Intra-industry trade - Packaged value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - Total - Topicals - Medical - Direct to consumer (online) (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.

Sum of Topicals EA Units–both non-discrete and discrete–sold to clients across all provinces through medical orders within the reporting month. The report looks at the date on which the payment was received.

Pull Sales Report V2 for the whole reporting month. Sort by the Topical Product Subclass. Tally the number of units of Topicals SKUs sold.


Sales - Total - Topicals - Medical - Direct to consumer (online) value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.

Total value (based on retail price) of Topicals EA Units–both non-discrete and discrete–sold to clients across all provinces through medical orders within the reporting month. This considers item discounts. Order discounts are spread across all items in the order, before shipping and after tax.

Pull Sales Report V2 for the whole reporting month. Sort by the Topicals Product Subclass. Tally the Net Sales After Discounts column.


Sales - Total - Topicals - Non-medical - Direct to consumer (online) (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - Total - Topicals - Non-medical - Direct to consumer (online) value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - Total - Topicals - Non-medical - To distributor (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - Total - Topicals - Non-medical - To distributor value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - Total - Topicals - Non-medical - To retailer (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - Total - Topicals - Non-medical - To retailer value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.


Sales - Total - Topicals - Intra-industry trade - Unpackaged (kg)


Number from 0 to 1000000, maximum precision of 3 decimal places.

The total weight of Topicals shipped in unpackaged wholesale shipments across all Canadian provinces within the reporting month. Shipments are determined to be within the reporting month based on when the shipment's status was set to "Shipped."


Sales - Total - Topicals - Intra-industry trade - Unpackaged value ($)


Number from 0 to 1000000000, maximum precision of 2 decimal places.

The total dollar amount, before all taxes, of Topicals line items shipped in unpackaged wholesale shipments across all Canadian provinces within the reporting month. Shipments are determined to be within the reporting month based on when the shipment's status was set to "Shipped."


Sales - Total - Topicals - Intra-industry trade - Packaged (#)


Whole number from 0 to 10000000.


Sales - Total - Topicals - Intra-industry trade - Packaged value ($)


Sales - Total - Topicals - Intra-industry trade - Packaged value ($)

Sales – Other

Ample Organics does not support this section of the report.

Medical Tab

Medical Information


Cell Name


Field formatting requirements


Stock Report Validation


Number of Active Registrations - AB


Whole number from 0 to 1000000.

Sum of "Registered Clients" from Alberta (statuses: Pending Renewal, Pending Amendment, Amendment Verification, Renewal Verification, Approved, AC Verified, Pending Error Correction, MD Pending Error Correction), based on registration address, mapped against prescriptions that are active and verified. The report only counts registrations that were created before the reporting month.

Generate Patient Tracker v2 from the first till the last of the desired month. Filter by province. Sort statuses alphabetically, and tally number of patients that are in one of the following statuses: Approved, AC Verified, Pending Renewal, Pending Amendment, Renewal Verification, Amendment Verification.


Number of Registrations - Transferred or Returned - AB


Whole number from 0 to 1000000.

The number of patients with a registration address in Alberta transferred to another LP and/or returned (in "Active" status) during the requested time period.


Number of Shipments - AB


Whole number from 0 to 1000000.

The total number of shipments to medical clients with a registration address in Alberta over the course of the reporting month.

Generate the Shipped Orders report from the first till the last of the desired month. Filter by province. Remove the first (heading) and last (totals) rows, and tally the amount of rows remaining.


Number of Active Registrations - BC


Whole number from 0 to 1000000.

Sum of "Registered Clients" from British Columbia (statuses: Pending Renewal, Pending Amendment, Amendment Verification, Renewal Verification, Approved, AC Verified, Pending Error Correction, MD Pending Error Correction), based on registration address, mapped against prescriptions that are active and verified. The report only counts registrations that were created before the reporting month.

Generate Patient Tracker v2 from the first till the last of the desired month. Filter by province. Sort statuses alphabetically, and tally number of patients that are in one of the following statuses: Approved, AC Verified, Pending Renewal, Pending Amendment, Renewal Verification, Amendment Verification.


Number of Registrations - Transferred or Returned - BC


Whole number from 0 to 1000000.

The number of patients with a registration address in British Columbia transferred to another LP and/or returned (in "Active" status) during the reporting month.


Number of Shipments - BC


Whole number from 0 to 1000000.

The total number of shipments to medical clients with a registration address in British Columbia over the course of the reporting month.

Generate the Shipped Orders report from the first till the last of the desired month. Filter by province. Remove the first (heading) and last (totals) rows, and tally the amount of rows remaining.


Number of Active Registrations - MB


Whole number from 0 to 1000000.

Sum of "Registered Clients" from Manitoba (statuses: Pending Renewal, Pending Amendment, Amendment Verification, Renewal Verification, Approved, AC Verified, Pending Error Correction, MD Pending Error Correction), based on registration address, mapped against prescriptions that are active and verified. The report only counts registrations that were created before the reporting month.

Generate Patient Tracker v2 from the first till the last of the desired month. Filter by province. Sort statuses alphabetically, and tally number of patients that are in one of the following statuses: Approved, AC Verified, Pending Renewal, Pending Amendment, Renewal Verification, Amendment Verification.


Number of Registrations - Transferred or Returned - MB


Whole number from 0 to 1000000.

The number of patients with a registration address in Manitoba transferred to another LP and/or returned (in "Active" status) during the reporting month.


Number of Shipments - MB


Whole number from 0 to 1000000.

The total number of shipments to medical clients with a registration address in Manitoba over the course of the reporting month.

Generate the Shipped Orders report from the first till the last of the desired month. Filter by province. Remove the first (heading) and last (totals) rows, and tally the amount of rows remaining.


Number of Active Registrations - NB


Whole number from 0 to 1000000.

Sum of "Registered Clients" from New Brunswick (statuses: Pending Renewal, Pending Amendment, Amendment Verification, Renewal Verification, Approved, AC Verified, Pending Error Correction, MD Pending Error Correction), based on registration address, mapped against prescriptions that are active and verified. The report only counts registrations that were created before the reporting month.

Generate Patient Tracker v2 from the first till the last of the desired month. Filter by province. Sort statuses alphabetically, and tally number of patients that are in one of the following statuses: Approved, AC Verified, Pending Renewal, Pending Amendment, Renewal Verification, Amendment Verification.


Number of Registrations - Transferred or Returned - NB


Whole number from 0 to 1000000.

The number of patients with a registration address in New Brunswick transferred to another LP and/or returned (in "Active" status) during the reporting month.


Number of Shipments - NB


Whole number from 0 to 1000000.

The total number of shipments to medical clients with a registration address in New Brunswick over the course of the reporting month.

Generate the Shipped Orders report from the first till the last of the desired month. Filter by province. Remove the first (heading) and last (totals) rows, and tally the amount of rows remaining.


Number of Active Registrations - NL


Whole number from 0 to 1000000.

Sum of "Registered Clients" from Newfoundland & Labrador (statuses: Pending Renewal, Pending Amendment, Amendment Verification, Renewal Verification, Approved, AC Verified, Pending Error Correction, MD Pending Error Correction), based on registration address, mapped against prescriptions that are active and verified. The report only counts registrations that were created before the reporting month.

Generate Patient Tracker v2 from the first till the last of the desired month. Filter by province. Sort statuses alphabetically, and tally number of patients that are in one of the following statuses: Approved, AC Verified, Pending Renewal, Pending Amendment, Renewal Verification, Amendment Verification.


Number of Registrations - Transferred or Returned - NL


Whole number from 0 to 1000000.

The number of patients with a registration address in Newfoundland & Labrador transferred to another LP and/or returned (in "Active" status) during the reporting month.


Number of Shipments - NL


Whole number from 0 to 1000000.

The total number of shipments to medical clients with a registration address in Newfoundland & Labrador over the course of the reporting month.

Generate the Shipped Orders report from the first till the last of the desired month. Filter by province. Remove the first (heading) and last (totals) rows, and tally the amount of rows remaining.


Number of Active Registrations - NS


Whole number from 0 to 1000000.

Sum of "Registered Clients" from Nova Scotia (statuses: Pending Renewal, Pending Amendment, Amendment Verification, Renewal Verification, Approved, AC Verified, Pending Error Correction, MD Pending Error Correction), based on registration address, mapped against prescriptions that are active and verified. The report only counts registrations that were created before the reporting month.

Generate Patient Tracker v2 from the first till the last of the desired month. Filter by province. Sort statuses alphabetically, and tally number of patients that are in one of the following statuses: Approved, AC Verified, Pending Renewal, Pending Amendment, Renewal Verification, Amendment Verification.


Number of Registrations - Transferred or Returned - NS


Whole number from 0 to 1000000.

The number of patients with a registration address in Nova Scotia transferred to another LP and/or returned (in "Active" status) during the reporting month.


Number of Shipments - NS


Whole number from 0 to 1000000.

The total number of shipments to medical clients with a registration address in Nova Scotia over the course of the reporting month.

Generate the Shipped Orders report from the first till the last of the desired month. Filter by province. Remove the first (heading) and last (totals) rows, and tally the amount of rows remaining.


Number of Active Registrations - NT


Whole number from 0 to 1000000.

Sum of "Registered Clients" from Northwest Territories (statuses: Pending Renewal, Pending Amendment, Amendment Verification, Renewal Verification, Approved, AC Verified, Pending Error Correction, MD Pending Error Correction), based on registration address, mapped against prescriptions that are active and verified. The report only counts registrations that were created before the reporting month.

Generate Patient Tracker v2 from the first till the last of the desired month. Filter by province. Sort statuses alphabetically, and tally number of patients that are in one of the following statuses: Approved, AC Verified, Pending Renewal, Pending Amendment, Renewal Verification, Amendment Verification.


Number of Registrations - Transferred or Returned - NT


Whole number from 0 to 1000000.

The number of patients with a registration address in Northwest Territories transferred to another LP and/or returned (in "Active" status) during the reporting month.


Number of Shipments - NT


Whole number from 0 to 1000000.

The total number of shipments to medical clients with a registration address in Northwest Territories over the course of the reporting month.

Generate the Shipped Orders report from the first till the last of the desired month. Filter by province. Remove the first (heading) and last (totals) rows, and tally the amount of rows remaining.


Number of Active Registrations - NU


Whole number from 0 to 1000000.

Sum of "Registered Clients" from Nunavut (statuses: Pending Renewal, Pending Amendment, Amendment Verification, Renewal Verification, Approved, AC Verified, Pending Error Correction, MD Pending Error Correction), based on registration address, mapped against prescriptions that are active and verified. The report only counts registrations that were created before the reporting month.

Generate Patient Tracker v2 from the first till the last of the desired month. Filter by province. Sort statuses alphabetically, and tally number of patients that are in one of the following statuses: Approved, AC Verified, Pending Renewal, Pending Amendment, Renewal Verification, Amendment Verification.


Number of Registrations - Transferred or Returned - NU


Whole number from 0 to 1000000.

The number of patients with a registration address in Nunavut transferred to another LP and/or returned (in "Active" status) during the reporting month.


Number of Shipments - NU


Whole number from 0 to 1000000.

The total number of shipments to medical clients with a registration address in Nunavut over the course of the reporting month.

Generate the Shipped Orders report from the first till the last of the desired month. Filter by province. Remove the first (heading) and last (totals) rows, and tally the amount of rows remaining.


Number of Active Registrations - ON


Whole number from 0 to 1000000.

Sum of "Registered Clients" from Ontario (statuses: Pending Renewal, Pending Amendment, Amendment Verification, Renewal Verification, Approved, AC Verified, Pending Error Correction, MD Pending Error Correction), based on registration address, mapped against prescriptions that are active and verified. The report only counts registrations that were created before the reporting month.

Generate Patient Tracker v2 from the first till the last of the desired month. Filter by province. Sort statuses alphabetically, and tally number of patients that are in one of the following statuses: Approved, AC Verified, Pending Renewal, Pending Amendment, Renewal Verification, Amendment Verification.


Number of Registrations - Transferred or Returned - ON


Whole number from 0 to 1000000.

The number of patients with a registration address in Ontario transferred to another LP and/or returned (in "Active" status) during the reporting month.


Number of Shipments - ON


Whole number from 0 to 1000000.

The total number of shipments to medical clients with a registration address in Ontario over the course of the reporting month.

Generate the Shipped Orders report from the first till the last of the desired month. Filter by province. Remove the first (heading) and last (totals) rows, and tally the amount of rows remaining.


Number of Active Registrations - PE


Whole number from 0 to 1000000.

Sum of "Registered Clients" from Prince Edward Island (statuses: Pending Renewal, Pending Amendment, Amendment Verification, Renewal Verification, Approved, AC Verified, Pending Error Correction, MD Pending Error Correction), based on registration address, mapped against prescriptions that are active and verified. The report only counts registrations that were created before the reporting month.

Generate Patient Tracker v2 from the first till the last of the desired month. Filter by province. Sort statuses alphabetically, and tally number of patients that are in one of the following statuses: Approved, AC Verified, Pending Renewal, Pending Amendment, Renewal Verification, Amendment Verification.


Number of Registrations - Transferred or Returned - PE


Whole number from 0 to 1000000.

The number of patients with a registration address in Prince Edward Island transferred to another LP and/or returned (in "Active" status) during the reporting month.


Number of Shipments - PE


Whole number from 0 to 1000000.

The total number of shipments to medical clients with a registration address in Prince Edward Island over the course of the reporting month.

Generate the Shipped Orders report from the first till the last of the desired month. Filter by province. Remove the first (heading) and last (totals) rows, and tally the amount of rows remaining.


Number of Active Registrations - QC


Whole number from 0 to 1000000.

Sum of "Registered Clients" from Quebec (statuses: Pending Renewal, Pending Amendment, Amendment Verification, Renewal Verification, Approved, AC Verified, Pending Error Correction, MD Pending Error Correction), based on registration address, mapped against prescriptions that are active and verified. The report only counts registrations that were created before the reporting month.

Generate Patient Tracker v2 from the first till the last of the desired month. Filter by province. Sort statuses alphabetically, and tally number of patients that are in one of the following statuses: Approved, AC Verified, Pending Renewal, Pending Amendment, Renewal Verification, Amendment Verification.


Number of Registrations - Transferred or Returned - QC


Whole number from 0 to 1000000.

The number of patients with a registration address in Quebec transferred to another LP and/or returned (in "Active" status) during the reporting month.


Number of Shipments - QC


Whole number from 0 to 1000000.

The total number of shipments to medical clients with a registration address in Quebec over the course of the reporting month.

Generate the Shipped Orders report from the first till the last of the desired month. Filter by province. Remove the first (heading) and last (totals) rows, and tally the amount of rows remaining.


Number of Active Registrations - SK


Whole number from 0 to 1000000.

Sum of "Registered Clients" from Saskatchewan (statuses: Pending Renewal, Pending Amendment, Amendment Verification, Renewal Verification, Approved, AC Verified, Pending Error Correction, MD Pending Error Correction), based on registration address, mapped against prescriptions that are active and verified. The report only counts registrations that were created before the reporting month.

Generate Patient Tracker v2 from the first till the last of the desired month. Filter by province. Sort statuses alphabetically, and tally number of patients that are in one of the following statuses: Approved, AC Verified, Pending Renewal, Pending Amendment, Renewal Verification, Amendment Verification.


Number of Registrations - Transferred or Returned - SK


Whole number from 0 to 1000000.

The number of patients with a registration address in Saskatchewan transferred to another LP and/or returned (in "Active" status) during the reporting month.


Number of Shipments - SK


Whole number from 0 to 1000000.

The total number of shipments to medical clients with a registration address in Saskatchewan over the course of the reporting month.

Generate the Shipped Orders report from the first till the last of the desired month. Filter by province. Remove the first (heading) and last (totals) rows, and tally the amount of rows remaining.


Number of Active Registrations - YT


Whole number from 0 to 1000000.

Sum of "Registered Clients" from the Yukon (statuses: Pending Renewal, Pending Amendment, Amendment Verification, Renewal Verification, Approved, AC Verified, Pending Error Correction, MD Pending Error Correction), based on registration address, mapped against prescriptions that are active and verified. The report only counts registrations that were created before the reporting month.

Generate Patient Tracker v2 from the first till the last of the desired month. Filter by province. Sort statuses alphabetically, and tally number of patients that are in one of the following statuses: Approved, AC Verified, Pending Renewal, Pending Amendment, Renewal Verification, Amendment Verification.


Number of Registrations - Transferred or Returned – YT


Whole number from 0 to 1000000.

The number of patients with a registration address in the Yukon transferred to another LP and/or returned (in "Active" status) during the reporting month.


Number of Shipments - YT


Whole number from 0 to 1000000.

The total number of shipments to medical clients with a registration address in the Yukon over the course of the reporting month.


Average Amount Authorized


2 decimal 0 to 10000

The average authorized (prescribed) amount in grams/day for all prescriptions that were verified before the end of reporting month. Prescriptions must completely span the reporting month.


Median Amount Authorized


2 decimal 0 to 10000

The median authorized (prescribed) amount in grams/day for all prescriptions that were verified before the end of reporting month. Prescriptions must completely span the reporting month.


Highest Amount Authorized


2 decimal 0 to 10000

The highest authorized (prescribed) amount in grams/day for all prescriptions that were verified before the end of reporting month. Prescriptions must completely span the reporting month.


Refusals - Incomplete Information


Whole number from 0 to 1000000.

Number of registrations statuses marked "Refused" during the reporting month (i.e. the status change happened during the reporting month) due to incomplete information.


Refusals - Suspicion of False or Misleading Information


Whole number from 0 to 1000000.

Number of registration statuses marked "Refused" during the reporting month (i.e. the status change happened during the reporting month) due to suspicion of false or misleading information.


Refusals - Invalid Medical Document


Whole number from 0 to 1000000.

Number of registration statuses marked"Refused" during the reporting month (i.e. the status change happened during the reporting month) due to receiving an invalid medical document.


Refusals – Other


Whole number from 0 to 1000000.

Number of registration statuses marked "Refused" during the reporting month (i.e. the status change happened during the reporting month) due to a reason marked as "Other"

• Note: All refusals were considered "Other" before the Jade Sky release.


Order Refusals - Incomplete Information


Whole number from 0 to 1000000.

In the event of "Incomplete Information", a client will be unable to successfully place an order through Ample Organics in the first place. Therefore, this field will be left blank.


Order Refusals - Expired Registration


Whole number from 0 to 1000000.

In the event of "Expired Registration", a client will be unable to successfully place an order through Ample Organics in the first place. Therefore, this field will be left blank.


Order Refusals - Order Exceeds Authorized Amount


Whole number from 0 to 1000000.

In the event of "Order Exceeds Authorized Amount", a client will be unable to successfully place an order through Ample Organics in the first place. Therefore, this field will be left blank.


Order Refusals - Product Out of Stock


Whole number from 0 to 1000000.

In the event of "Product Out of Stock", a client will be unable to successfully order the product through Ample Organics in the first place. Therefore, this field will be left blank.


Order Refusals – Other


Whole number from 0 to 1000000.

Number of orders created during the reporting month with the status "Order Refused".

Business Stats Tab



Cell Name




Management (FTEs)


The number of full time employees in senior and middle management positions. This value is pulled from the Facility Information tab in the Settings module.


Administrative (FTEs)


The number of full time employees in financial, administrative, clerical, and support positions. This value is pulled from the Facility Information tab in the Settings module.


Sales (FTEs)


The number of full time employees in retail, wholesale, and customer support positions. This value is pulled from the Facility Information tab in the Settings module.


Production (FTEs)


The number of full time employees in supervisory, production, and general labour positions. This value is pulled from the Facility Information tab in the Settings module.


Other (FTEs)


The number of full time employees in miscellaneous positions. This value is pulled from the Facility Information tab in the Settings module.


Total Check


The total of cells C4-C8.



Cell Name




Licensed indoor growing area

The licence holder's licensed indoor growing area. This value is pulled from the Facility Information tab in the Settings module.


Licensed processing area

The licence holder's licensed processing area. This value is pulled from the Facility Information tab in the Settings module.


Total building(s) area

The licence holder's total building area. This value is pulled from the Facility Information tab in the Settings module.


Licensed outdoor growing area


The licence holder's licensed outdoor growing area. This value is pulled from the Facility Information tab in the Settings module.

Visit the CRA Report Data Breakdown for a detailed list of each column on the monthly CRA Report that auto-populates, and how each column collects data.

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