Access detailed information about a batch by scanning the batch tag or by clicking a hyperlink to the batch. The Batch's Profile on the Gun contains three tabs: Overview, Locations, and More.
Overview Tab
The batch's Overview tab displays the strain, the plant count, and the stage(s) of production of the plants in the batch. From the Overview tab, a Grow Technician can:
Click Move Plants to Move the Batch or a Subset of the Batch.
Click Advance Stage to Advance Some or All Plants through the stages of cultivation.
This option only appears if the batch's plants are in the Propagation or Vegetation stages.
Click Open Harvest to Open the Batch for Harvest.
This option only appears if all plants in the batch are in the Flowering stage.
Click Destruction to Destroy Plants or Record Waste.
Click the number next to Plant Count to see a detailed overview of all plants in the batch, including ID numbers, locations, and stages of production.
Locations Tab
The batch's Locations tab lists the locations relevant to the batch, and the inventory of plants in each location. Click a location link to visit the Location Overview page.
More Tab
The More tab displays potting information on all plants in the batch. This tab may appear blank if the license holder does not track this information.
Access a menu of options by clicking the
icon in the top-right corner. Options for a batch include:
Print Batch Tag: Print One Label for the batch.
Print Plant Labels: Print Labels for All Plants in the Batch.
Split Batch: Split the Batch between two or more batches.
Combine Batch: Merge Existing Batches.
Update Pot Type: Change the Pot Type of Multiple Plants in the Batch.
Mark as Mother/Revert Mother Status: Change the Batch's Mother Status.
Revert Plant Stage: Revert Multiple Plants to the previous stage.
This option will not appear for a batch of plants in the Propagation stage.