In addition to growing plants from seeds or taking cuttings from Mother plants, a licence holder may create a batch by purchasing plants from another licence holder. This is a common method of introducing new genetic material to a grow facility.
Required permission(s): batch_read, batch_create
In the Grow module, open the Batches tab.
Click New (Wholesale). This opens the Create Batch from Wholesale Plants modal.
Complete all required fields.
Name: A unique name for the batch.
Strain: The cannabis strain.
If the plants' strain is not listed, visit the Grow Settings tab to Add a New Cannabis Strain.
Type: The Batch's Type. This indicates the batch's intended purpose.
Visit the Grow Settings tab to Add a New Batch Type.
Plant Count: The number of plants in the new batch.
Plant Birthday: The date on which the plants were created at the vendor's facility.
Location: The new batch's location. Choose an appropriate grow room for the plants' strain and stage.
Source: The batch's source. Options are:
Received - Domestic: Indicates the plants were purchased from another Canadian producer.
Received - Imported: Indicates the plants were imported from a producer outside Canada.
Stage: The plants' current stage of cultivation.
Mother: Indicates whether or not the plants will be Mothers.
Click Create to create the new wholesale batch.
Visit the new Batch's Profile to Print a Label for a Batch.
A Grow Technician can also Create a Batch from a Seed Lot or Create a Batch from Cuttings.