In the event of a recall, a Customer Service Representative–or CSR–may need to destroy a bottle that has already been picked for an order. To destroy a bottle from the Order Profile, follow these steps:
Required permission(s): order_read, destruction_lot_read, order_update
In the Orders module, select an order that has been Placed, Shipped, or Delivered.
Open the Destruction tab. Here, a CSR can see all bottles associated with the order.
Select a bottle that has not yet been destroyed. This opens the Destroy Bottle modal.
Enter information about the destruction in the fields provided.
Destruction Reason: The reason for the destruction.
Visit the Destruction Settings tab to Add a Destruction Reason Code.
Substance Destroyed: The substance to be destroyed.
Visit the Destruction Settings tab to Add a Destroyed Substance Type.
Destruction Lot: The Destruction Lot and Sublot that will house the waste.
Visit the Destruction module to Create a New Destruction Lot or Sublot.
Weight to Destroy: The weight, in grams, of the waste.
Volume to Destroy: The volume, in ml, of the waste. This only applies to oil products.
Click Save to destroy the bottle. The field in the bottle's Destroyed column will read True.
If a mistake occurs, the CSR can Restore the Destroyed Bottle to the order.
A QA Technician can also Destroy Bottles in the Productions module.
Once the bottle or bottles have been destroyed, Reset Picking for the Order to pick new bottles.