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How to Create a Bulk Lot
How to Create a Bulk Lot
Andrew Day avatar
Written by Andrew Day
Updated over a year ago

A Bulk Lot is the largest unit of harvested product, and is used to manage bulk cannabis inventory through the processing, testing, and packaging stages. A single production may contain many Bulk Lots.

When creating a new Bulk Lot, you must select the Bulk Lot's type and indicate whether or not the Bulk Lot is measured in discrete units. The Seed-to-Sale software offers several distinct Bulk Lot types–each of which may be discrete or non-discrete–to correspond with the cannabis product classes and subclasses introduced by the Cannabis Act in October 2019. Visit the Guide to Bulk Lot Types to learn about matching each cannabis form with the appropriate Bulk Lot type.

Required permission(s): production_read, bulk_lot_create

  1. In the Productions module, select a production.

    [img production-profile]

  2. Click New Bulk Lot. This opens a New Bulk Lot modal.

  3. Select the Bulk Lot's type from the drop-down menu provided. When creating a new Bulk Lot, you can choose between nine Bulk Lot types depending on the form of cannabis in the Bulk Lot. Options are:

    • Dried: Cannabis that has been dried. Cannabis in a Dried Bulk Lot may be in a finished state ready for packaging, or it may require further processing to reach its final saleable form.

    • Edibles - Non-Solids: Edible cannabis in a liquid form. This usually describes a Bulk Lot of finished product ready for packaging.

    • Edibles - Solids: Edible cannabis in a solid form. This usually describes a Bulk Lot of finished product ready for packaging.

    • Extracts - Ingested: A refined cannabis extract that a user consumes by ingesting. This usually describes a Bulk Lot of finished product ready for packaging.

    • Extracts - Inhaled: A refined cannabis extract that a user consumes through inhalation. This usually describes a Bulk Lot of finished product ready for packaging.

    • Extracts - Other: A refined cannabis extract that a user consumes nasally, rectally, or vaginally. This usually describes a Bulk Lot of finished product ready for packaging.

    • Fresh: Cannabis in a fresh, post-harvest state. When Harvesting Plants, a Grow Technician must select a Fresh Bulk Lot to receive the post-harvest cannabis.

    • Pure Intermediates: Pure, unrefined cannabis oil extract. This describes the state of cannabis immediately following an Extraction Work Order, before any refinement or further processing has taken place. Pure Intermediates Bulk Lots are always non-discrete. You cannot package cannabis from a Pure Intermediates Bulk Lot; the cannabis must be processed further and moved to an Extracts Bulk Lot before packaging takes place.

    • Topicals: Products that include cannabis as an ingredient and that are intended for use on external body surfaces. This usually describes a Bulk Lot of finished product ready for packaging.

  4. Indicate whether or not the Bulk Lot will be measured in discrete units. This applies to Bulk Lots of capsules, pre-rolls, cookies, or another form that is countable at the unit level. Once you select an option, the modal will expand to include additional fields.

  5. Enter information about the new Bulk Lot in the fields provided:

    • Initial Weight/Volume/Discrete Units: The Bulk Lot's weight, volume, and quantity of discrete units upon creation. Leave these fields blank if the Bulk Lot is set to receive cannabis weight/volume/units from another source, like a harvest, Work Order output, or Received Inventory.

    • Cannabis Form: The specific form of cannabis harvested or input into the Bulk Lot. The cannabis form functions as a sub-category of the Bulk Lot's type. For example, a Bulk Lot with the Extracts - Ingested type might have a cannabis form of Bulk Oil or Capsules, depending on whether or not the lot uses discrete units.

    • Name: The Bulk Lot's unique name. If you leave this field blank, the Seed-to-Sale software will assign a default numeric name to the lot.

    • Migrated ID: Use this field if the Bulk Lot came from a previous wholesale transaction with a unique tracking/identification system.

    • Location: The Bulk Lot's location.

  6. Click Create. The new Bulk Lot will appear in the Bulk Lots section on the Production's Profile.


After creating a new Bulk Lot, a Processing Technician should immediately Label the Bulk Lot.

When Harvesting Fresh Cannabis, you must select a Fresh Bulk Lot to receive the harvest. When Adding Received Inventory, you must select or create a Bulk Lot to associate with the received units, and the lot's type must match the received product's type.

Once the Bulk Lot contains cannabis, inventory managers can Split the Lot or Transfer some of the cannabis into another lot.

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