This process applies specifically to facilities that label plants individually. If a facility does not label plants individually and must destroy a plant, visit the Gun App to Destroy the Plant at the batch level.
A Grow Technician can also Destroy an Individual Plant using the Gun App.
Required permission(s): plant_read, plant_archive
In the Grow module, open the Propagation tab.
Open the Plant Search sub-tab.
[img plant-search]
Select a plant from the index to open the Plant's Profile.
Note: Quickly locate a specific plant by entering its ID number in the Search bar.
[img plant-profile]
Open the Destruction tab.
[img plant-profile-destruction]
Click Destroy Plant. This opens the Destroy Plant modal.
Enter information about the destruction in the fields provided.
Destroyed Weight: The total weight of plant matter to destroy.
Substance Destroyed: The substance to destroy.
Visit the Destruction module to Add a New Destruction Substance Type.
Reason Code: The reason for the destruction.
Visit the Destruction module to Add a New Destruction Reason Code.
Destruction Lot: The Destruction Lot and child lot/sublot that will store the destroyed material.
Click Destroy Plant to complete the destruction.
If a plant is destroyed in error, a Grow Technician can Restore the Plant.