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Grow Module
Andrew Day avatar
Written by Andrew Day
Updated over a year ago

Grow Technicians use the Grow module to manage general cultivation activity happening in real time at their facility. Search and filter to find specific plants, batches, harvests, and locations, and track plants and batches through each stage of cultivation.


The Grow module is divided into six tabs: Overview, Propagation, Batches, Harvests, Room & Locations, and Settings. When a Grow Technician opens the Grow module, the Overview tab opens by default.



The Overview tab displays a summary of all plants, batches, and recent activities within the Grow module. The Overview section lists the total plant count, the total batch count, the number of plants at each stage of cultivation, and the number of designated Mother plants.

Click Inventory Report to generate a PDF report of all plant inventory by location.



The Activity section displays the most recent activities in the Grow module, including each time a plant or batch is created, advanced through the stages of cultivation, moved to a new location, harvested, or destroyed. Each entry lists the user involved, the date and time of the activity, a brief description of the activity, and a link to the inventory item(s) affected by the activity.

Some activities include several child events. Click Expand to see all events associated with the activity.

Several cultivation functions take place exclusively through the Grow Room module on the Gun App.

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