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How to Fulfill an Order with Plants
How to Fulfill an Order with Plants
Andrew Day avatar
Written by Andrew Day
Updated over a year ago

In the typical order fulfillment process, Fulfillment Associates use the Gun App to pick, label, and ship units of packaged cannabis from the licence holder's inventory. However, when fulfilling an order with plants, a Customer Service Representative–or CSR–selects individual plants directly from a batch through the Order's Profile. There is no scanning involved in this process.

Required permission(s): order_read, batch_read, strain_read, order_update

Note: The process outlined in this article is specific to Creating and Selling Starting Materials (Plants & Seeds). For information on the typical order fulfillment process, visit the article on How to Fulfill an Order.

  1. Create a New Order that includes plants. Once the client's payment has been processed, the order's status will be Order Placed, and a new section called Fulfillment–Starting Materials will appear beneath the Order Items section.

    • Note: A client cannot purchase starting materials and bottled cannabis products in the same order due to the different fulfillment methods.

  2. Click on a SKU in the Fulfillment-Starting Materials section. This opens the Pick Plants modal, which lists every batch of living plants saved to the licence holder's system.

    • Note: The modal is misnamed as Pick Seeds. This is a known bug and will be addressed in a future release.

  3. Select a batch of the appropriate strain to view a list of all plants in the batch.

    • Note: Filter the list of batches by strain, Batch Type, or location to quickly locate the appropriate batch.

  4. Check a box beside an individual plant to select it. Repeat as necessary for the quantity specified in the order.

  5. Click Pick to pick the plants for the order. A summary of the picked plants will appear at the bottom of the modal.

  6. Click out of the modal, and repeat steps 2-5 for each plant SKU on the order.

  7. Once all plants in the order have been picked, click Mark as Shipped to mark the order as fulfilled and print a shipping label. Package the plants into an appropriate shipping container, and apply the shipping label to the container.


A client may order plants and seeds in a single order. Navigate back to the order Overview to Fulfill an Order with Seeds.

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