If a Bulk Lot must undergo additional testing, but the licence holder has already sold all cannabis in the Bulk Lot, QA Technicians can reclaim a portion of the Bulk Lot's retained sample and use it to create a new lab report.
Required permission(s): production_read, retention_sample_update
In the Productions module, select the affected production.
[img production-profile]
Select the affected Bulk Lot. This opens the Bulk Lot's Profile.
[img bulk-lot-overview]
Open the Retained Samples tab.
[img bulk-lot-retained-samples]
Select a retained sample to open its profile.
Adjust the Weight, Volume, and Discrete Units fields to reflect the quantities remaining in the sample after a portion is removed for the new lab report. For example, if a sample is 26g, and 10g will be deducted for the lab report, update the Weight field to 16g.
Click Save. This transfers the sample portion back into the Bulk Lot's inventory weight.
Open the Lab Reports tab.
[img bulk-lot-lab-reports]
Click New to Create a New Lab Report using the weight, volume, and units taken from the retained sample.
Once the laboratory returns the test results, QA Technicians must Update the Lab Report with CoA Results.
Visit the Recall Process Guide for a breakdown of all steps involved in a product recall.