The Clients module allows Customer Service Representatives–also known as CSRs–to manage all functions and information related to clients, including registrations, prescription and policy details, feedback, and order records. The Clients module splits into two tabs: Clients and Settings. Opening the Clients module brings a CSR to the Clients Dashboard.
The Clients dashboard provides a menu of dashboard metrics that summarize the total number of clients, as well and the number of clients in each registration status, and the number of clients who have active prescriptions. Below the dashboard metrics is a high-level index of all clients saved to the licence holder's system. Sort this list using any one of several fields:
Client ID: Sorts by client ID numbers.
First Name: Sorts clients by first name.
Last Name: Sorts clients by last name.
Preferred Name: Sorts clients by preferred name, if applicable.
Email: Sorts clients by email address.
Status: Sorts clients by registration status.
DOB: Sorts clients by date of birth.
Days in Status: Sorts clients by the number of days in their current registration status.
Phone Number: Sorts clients by phone number.
CSRs can also filter the list using the options above the client index. Select a status from the Status drop-down menu to view only clients of a particular registration status, click the Show Archived radio button to view archived clients, or use the Search bar to enter specific search criteria.
Click New to Add a New Client.
Select a client from the index to open the Client's Profile.
Open the Settings tab to customize options in the Clients module to better suit the needs of the facility's clientele.
Licence holders who work with AmpleCare clinics access physician-submitted registrations through the Clients module.