A cannabis cultivation facility may have multiple Seed Lots of the same cannabis strain that serve different purposes. To balance the seed count in Seed Lots of the same strain, Grow Technicians can move seeds between Seed Lots.
Note: When moving seeds between Seed Lots with different sources, the moved seeds will adopt the source of the destination Seed Lot.
Required permission(s): seed_lot_read, strain_read, seed_lot_update
In the Grow module, open the Propagation tab.
Open the Seed Lots sub-tab.
Select a Seed Lot to open the Seed Lot's Profile.
Click the
icon to open a menu of options.
Select Move Seeds. This opens the Move Seeds modal.
Enter the quantity and weight of seeds to move in the fields provided, and select a destination Seed Lot. Grow Technicians can only move seeds between Seed Lots of the same strain.
Note: If the source and destination Seed Lots have different sources, an alert will appear to inform you that the moved seeds will adopt the destination Seed Lot's source. This may affect data on the monthly CTLS report.
If necessary, check the box to confirm that moved seeds will adopt the destination Seed Lot's source.
Click Move Seeds to move the seeds to the new Seed Lot.
From the Seed Lot's Profile, a Grow Technician can also Add Seeds to a Seed Lot, Edit the Seed Lot's Source, Destroy Seeds, or Print a Label for the Seed Lot.