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Release Notes: 6.0.0
Release Notes: 6.0.0
Andrew Day avatar
Written by Andrew Day
Updated over a week ago

This page contains the technical release notes for version 6.0.0, which is slated for release in January 2021. For a summary of changes introduced by this release, visit the 6.0.0 Release Guide.

Follow the links below to jump to notes on specific features.

Bulk Sales Orders



Release Notes

End Point


Wholesale - Sales Orders (all) - Select province if the country is Canada

If a user creates or edits a vendor address with the country set to Canada, an additional field will appear to select the vendor's province. This ensures accurate reporting of sales by province on the CTLS and CRA reports.



Wholesale - Packaged Sales Order - Create/Edit - Edit Line Item

Redesigned the modal to edit or remove a line item when creating or editing a packaged Sales Order.



Wholesale - Packaged Sales Order - Create/Edit - Add Line Item

Redesigned the modal to add a line item when creating or editing a packaged Sales Order. The modal now has a two-tab structure. In the first tab, a user selects a SKU. In the second tab, the user enters the quantity and price of the SKU. Added to ability to sort the index of SKUs in the modal by product name or SKU name.



Wholesale - Payment terms - Permissions

Added a new permissions group called "Wholesale Payment Terms" in the User Management tab in the Settings module. The three new permissions–payment_terms_create, payment_terms_read, and payment_terms_update–control a user's access to the Payment Term sub-tab in the Wholesale application.



Wholesale - Unpackaged Sales Order - Shipment create/edit - Bulk pack date

When adding a line item to an unpackaged Sales Order, a user must select the Packaged On date. A user can select or adjust this date when creating or editing an unpackaged Sales Order.



Wholesale - Unpackaged Sales Order - Changing shipment status

Updated the Shipment status flow to accommodate a new status–Cancelled–and control which statuses a user can transition between. Added warning modals to select actions like updating a Delivered shipment to a previous status.



Wholesale - Packaged Sales Order - Create/Edit - Add Other Charge

Created a modal to add a new "other charge" line item to a packaged Sales Order.



Wholesale - Packaged Sales Order - Cancel shipment

Added the ability to cancel a wholesale shipment of packaged cannabis if the shipment was created in error. This returns the shipment's contents to the inventory and changes the shipment's status to "Cancelled".



Wholesale - Unpackaged Sales Orders - Historical Bulk Inventory Report update

Updated the Historical Bulk Inventory Report to include bulk material–weight, volume, and units–reserved for wholesale shipments.



Wholesale - Unpackaged Sales Orders - Bulk Inventory Report update

Updated the Bulk Inventory Report to include bulk material–weight, volume, and units–reserved for wholesale shipments across all Bulk Lots for clear inventory visibility. Each Bulk Lot's active lab report's potency data will also appear on the report.



Wholesale - Unpackaged Sales Order - Bulk lot overview card update for bulk reservations

Added a field to the Bulk Lot Overview card to record any weight, in grams, reserved from the Bulk Lot for open wholesale shipments.



Wholesale - Unpackaged Sales Order - Weight Events for bulk reservations

Updated the Bulk Lot Weight Events tab to record when weight from the Bulk Lot is reserved for a wholesale shipment.



Wholesale - Unpackaged Sales Order - Shipment Overview

Updated the Overview tab in shipments associated with unpackaged Sales Orders. The line items table has been properly labeled, and includes each line item's shipment weight, volume, and units. By clicking on an unpackaged line item, a user can reveal more information about the source Bulk Lot.



Wholesale - Unpackaged Sales Order - Shipments list

Updated the Shipments tab in an unpackaged Sales Order Profile to list each shipment's weight, volume, units, and total cost. Below the list of shipments, the tab will tally the totals in each column across all shipments in the Sales Order.



Wholesale - Unpackaged Sales Order Create/Edit

Redesigned the workflow of creating and editing an unpackaged Sales Order.



Wholesale - Unpackaged Sales Order Overview

Updated the Sales Order Overview tab to identify Packaged and Unpackaged line items.



Wholesale - Unpackaged Sales Order Create - Add new route for unpackaged SO create

Added a new route to create an unpackaged Sales Order.



To fix weight missing float type when harvesting individual plant

Bug Fix: If a user harvests a plant using the "Weigh Individual Plants" harvest mode and records a pre-trimming weight with a decimal, the weight is now properly transferred to the harvests Weight Events table. The value is no longer rounded to the nearest whole number.



HUM-1949 - The new table (with sub row) lists sales order line items for unpackaged & other charge

Redesigned the Sales Order line items table to list unpackaged and "other charge" line items descriptively.



HUM-1949 - Edit/remove sales order line item

Added the ability to edit or remove Sales Order line items as part of the workflow of creating an unpackaged Sales Order.



HUM-1949 - Ability to search by production, bulk lot, migrated ID, and cannabis form & pagination

Added the ability to search by production, bulk lot, migrated ID, and cannabis form when adding an unpackaged line item to a sales order.



HUM-1949 - Applying new other charge line item modal

Created a modal to add a new "other charge" line item to a bulk Sales Order.



HUM-1949 - Applying new unpacked sales order line item modal

Created a modal to add a new unpackaged line item to a bulk Sales Order.



Wholesale - Vendors - Vendor overview

Redesigned the Vendor Overview tab to list Addresses, Contacts, and Websites in distinct sections.



Wholesale - Vendors - Vendor edit

Redesigned the workflow of editing Vendor information to include licenses and license types.



Wholesale - Vendors - Vendor create update

Updated the UX to support the workflow of creating and editing vendor information. When creating or adding an address, website, or contact information, the user will interact with a consistently styled model.



Wholesale - Vendors - Vendor list update

Updated the Vendor index. The "Category" column has been renamed to "Vendor Category," and the "Type" column has been renamed to "Vendor Type." Additionally, added a menu icon in the final column with which a user can archive a vendor from the index.



Wholesale - Unpackaged Sales Order - Shipment Packing Slip

Added the ability to download a packing slip for a Shipment associated with an unpackaged Sales Order from both the Shipment's index and the Shipment's Overview tab.



Wholesale - Unpackaged Sales Order - Shipment Invoice

Added the ability to download a Shipment invoice for a Shipment associated with an unpackaged Sales Order from both the Shipment's index and the Shipment's Overview tab.



Wholesale - Unpackaged Sales Order - Sales Order Invoice

Added the ability to download a Sales Order invoice for an unpackaged Sales Order from both the Sales Orders index and the Sales Order's Overview tab. The invoice includes information on the sender and order, vendor details, a line item breakdown, and a financial summary.



Wholesale - Unpackaged Sales Order - Permissions

Adjusted the existing sales_order and shipment permissions to gate actions with unpackaged Sales Orders and shipments. Two new permissions, sales_order_archive and shipment_archive, control archiving functions.



Wholesale - Unpackaged Sales Order - Archive Sales Order

Added the ability to archive an unpackaged Sales Order if all associated shipments are "Shipped," "Delivered," or "Cancelled."



Wholesale - Unpackaged Sales Order - Shipments list - Archive shipment

Added the ability to archive a "Cancelled" shipment to keep the shipments index organized.



Wholesale - Unpackaged Sales Order - Cancel shipment

Added the ability to cancel a wholesale shipment of unpackaged bulk cannabis if the shipment was created in error. This returns the shipment's contents to the source Bulk Lots and changes the shipment's status to "Cancelled".



Wholesale - Print bulk pack label

Added the ability to print Bulk Pack labels for items in unpackaged wholesale shipments. These labels include the seller's contact information, the associated Bulk Lot's details, and the packaged-on date, and must be applied to any container that contains bulk cannabis. A user can print Bulk Pack labels at any time from a Sales Order's Shipments tab.



Wholesale - Unpackaged Sales Order - Shipment create/edit

Added additional criteria when archiving a Bulk Lot. A Bulk Lot cannot be archived if it is associated with open Sales Order shipments. This ensures users can reduce or adjust the amount of bulk weight reserved for the shipment up until shipping and delivery.



Wholesale - Unpackaged Sales Order Create/Edit - Add taxes

Added the ability to apply taxes to line items in an unpackaged Sales Order. A user can apply the same tax type to all line items, apply different tax types to each line item, or apply a tax type to all cannabis line items or to "other charges" line items.



Wholesale - Unpackaged Sales Order Create/Edit - Select currency

Added the ability to select from a menu of over 30 currency options when creating an unpackaged Sales Order. This is the same menu of currencies available when creating a packaged Sales Order. Each currency's code and symbol will appear on all pages that show the currency, including invoice documents.



Wholesale - Unpackaged Sales Order Create/Edit - Select Order Purpose

Added the ability to select an "Order Purpose" when creating an unpackaged Sales Order. Options available in this drop-down menu depend on the license type(s) associated with the vendor's shipping address. This field will not appear when creating a packaged Sales Order, nor will it appear for non-Canadian clients.



Wholesale - Sales Orders - List update

Added the ability to create a Sales Order with packaged OR unpackaged (bulk) inventory from the Sales Orders index. A new column has been added to the Sales Order index to differentiate between packaged and unpackaged Sales Orders. From the index, a user can download an unpackaged Sales Order invoice, archive an unpackaged Sales Order, and filter by packaged/unpackaged order status.



Wholesale - Sales Orders - Status updates

Updated the criteria for updating a Sales Order's status. Now, a user cannot change a Sales Order's status to "Fulfilled" if the Sales Order contains incomplete shipments. Each associated shipment must be "Shipped," "Delivered," or "Cancelled" before a Sales Order can be set as "Fulfilled." Once a Sales Order is set to "Fulfilled" shipments cannot be created.



Wholesale - Vendors - License type selection (Canadian clients only)

Added the ability to associate multiple license type options to a vendor address, which facilitates accurate reporting of wholesale order amount totals on the CTLA and CRA reports. The selected license types determine the options available under "Order Purpose" when creating a Sales Order with the vendor address. This feature is exclusive to Canadian clients; the "Licence Types" and "Order Purpose" fields will not appear for non-Canadian clients.



Wholesale - Settings - Vendor category

Renamed the Vendors sub-tab in the Wholesale module's settings to "Vendor Categories." The process of archiving a vendor category has been updated to match new design conventions.



Wholesale - Settings - Payment terms

Removed the association between Payment Terms and currencies. As of this release, a user will select a currency as part of creating a Sales Order.



Reports - Sales by Line Item - Update for unpackaged Sales Orders

Updated the Sales by Line Item report to accommodate unpackaged goods. The report only pulls Sales Order shipments that have advanced past the "Shipped" status.



Bulk Wholesale - CTLS - Unpackaged Sales - Intra-industry trade - $

Added functionality to cells on the CTLS report that calculate "Sales – *Province* – *Material Type* – Intra-industry Trade – Unpackaged Value($)" totals for Fresh cannabis, Dried cannabis, Pure Intermediates, Edibles-Solids, Edibles-Non Solids, Extracts-Inhaled, Extracts-Ingested, Extracts-Other, and Topicals in each Canadian province within each reporting period. These cells track the total dollar amount, before all taxes, of line items of each material type shipped in unpackaged wholesale shipments to each Canadian province within the reporting month. Shipments are determined to be within the reporting month based on when the shipment's status was set to "Shipped."



Bulk Wholesale - CTLS - Unpackaged Sales - Intra-industry trade - kg

Added functionality to cells on the CTLS report that calculate "Sales – *Province* – *Material Type* – Intra-industry Trade – Unpackaged (kg)" totals for Fresh cannabis, Dried cannabis, Pure Intermediates, Edibles-Solids, Edibles-Non Solids, Extracts-Inhaled, Extracts-Ingested, Extracts-Other, and Topicals in each Canadian province within each reporting period. These cells track the total weight, in kg, of each material type shipped in unpackaged wholesale shipments to each Canadian province within the reporting month. Shipments are determined to be within the reporting month based on when the shipment's status was set to "Shipped."



Bulk Wholesale - CTLS - Reductions - Quantity shipped - domestic - to analytical testers

Adjusted the logic that pulls "Reductions - Quantity shipped - domestic - to analytical testers (kg)" totals for unpackaged cannabis in Fresh, Dried, Pure Intermediates, Edibles-Solids, Edibles-Non Solids, Extracts-Inhaled, Extracts-Ingested, and Topicals forms on the CTLS report. For each material type, the report pulls the sum weight, in kg, of:

• Lab report samples where the lab report's "Sample Sent" setting is set to "Yes" and the "Date Sent" is within the reporting month
• Unpackaged Sales Order shipments where the vendor's shipping address country is Canada and the order's purpose is "Analytical Testing."

This data appears in the Unpackaged tab in cells F25 (Fresh), G25 (Dried), I25 (Pure Intermediates), J25 (Edibles-Solids), K25 (Edibles-Non Solids), L25 (Extracts-Inhaled), M25 (Extracts-Ingested), N25 (Extracts-Other), and O25 (Topicals).



Bulk Wholesale - CTLS - Reductions - Quantity shipped - domestic - to cultivators and processors

Added functionality to cells that pull "Reductions - Quantity shipped - domestic - to cultivators and processors (kg)" totals for unpackaged cannabis in Fresh, Dried, Pure Intermediates, Edibles-Solids, Edibles-Non Solids, Extracts-Inhaled, Extracts-Ingested, and Topicals forms on the CTLS report. For each material type, the report pulls the sum weight, in kg, unpackaged Sales Order shipments where the vendor's shipping address country is Canada and the order's purpose is "Cultivation & Processing."

This data appears in the Unpackaged tab in cells F27 (Fresh), G27 (Dried), I27 (Pure Intermediates), J27 (Edibles-Solids), K27 (Edibles-Non Solids), L27 (Extracts-Inhaled), M27 (Extracts-Ingested), N27 (Extracts-Other), and O27 (Topicals).



Bulk Wholesale - CTLS - Opening inventory adjustments

Adjusted the opening inventory values for Fresh, Dried, Pure Intermediates, Edibles-Solids, Edibles-Non Solids, Extracts-Inhaled, Extracts-Ingested, Extracts-Other, and Topicals on the CTLS report to include the weight of each material type reserved in unpackaged wholesale shipments.



Bulk Wholesale - CTLS - Reductions - Quantity shipped - domestic - to researchers

Added functionality to cells that pull "Reductions - Quantity shipped - domestic - to researchers (kg)" totals for unpackaged cannabis in Fresh, Dried, Pure Intermediates, Edibles-Solids, Edibles-Non Solids, Extracts-Inhaled, Extracts-Ingested, and Topicals forms on the CTLS report. For each material type, the report pulls the sum weight, in kg, unpackaged Sales Order shipments where the vendor's shipping address country is Canada and the order's purpose is "Research."

This data appears in the Unpackaged tab in cells F26 (Fresh), G26 (Dried), I26 (Pure Intermediates), J26 (Edibles-Solids), K26 (Edibles-Non Solids), L26 (Extracts-Inhaled), M26 (Extracts-Ingested), N26 (Extracts-Other), and O26 (Topicals).



Bulk Wholesale - CTLS - Reductions - Quantity shipped - exported

Added functionality to cells that pull "Reductions - Shipped - Exported (kg)" totals for unpackaged cannabis in Fresh, Dried, Pure Intermediates, Edibles-Solids, Edibles-Non Solids, Extracts-Inhaled, Extracts-Ingested, and Topicals forms on the CTLS report. For each material type, the report pulls the sum weight, in kg, unpackaged Sales Order shipments where the vendor's shipping address country is NOT in Canada.

This data appears in the Unpackaged tab in cells F28 (Fresh), G28 (Dried), I28 (Pure Intermediates), J28 (Edibles-Solids), K28 (Edibles-Non Solids), L28 (Extracts-Inhaled), M28 (Extracts-Ingested), N28 (Extracts-Other), and O28 (Topicals).



Bulk Wholesale - CTLS - Reductions - Other reductions to inventory

Added functionality to cells that pull "Reductions - Other (kg)" totals for unpackaged cannabis in Fresh, Dried, Pure Intermediates, Edibles-Solids, Edibles-Non Solids, Extracts-Inhaled, Extracts-Ingested, and Topicals forms on the CTLS report. For each material type, the report pulls the sum weight, in kg, unpackaged Sales Order shipments where the vendor's shipping address country is Canada and the order's purpose is "Other."

This data appears in the Unpackaged tab in cells F34 (Fresh), G34 (Dried), I34 (Pure Intermediates), J34 (Edibles-Solids), K34 (Edibles-Non Solids), L34 (Extracts-Inhaled), M34 (Extracts-Ingested), N34 (Extracts-Other), and O34 (Topicals).


Bulk Received Inventory



Release Notes

End Point


Bulk Received Inventory - Create (existing bulk lot)

When receiving bulk inventory, a user can receive the material into an existing Bulk Lot.



Bulk Received Inventory - Bulk lot weight events

When Bulk Received Inventory records are created, returned, or reverted, a corresponding Weight Event is created in the inventory's associated Bulk Lot.



Bulk Received Inventory - List - Return to Sender

A user can return a Bulk Received Inventory record to the sender from the Received Inventory index. Reverting a record removes the received material from the license holder's inventory, and the return is tracked in the "Unpackaged - Reductions - Shipped - Returned (kg)" cells on the CTLS report.



Bulk Received Inventory - List - Revert record

A user can revert a Bulk Received Inventory record from the Received Inventory index. Reverting a record removes the received material from the license holder's inventory and is useful in cases where a record is entered incorrectly.



Bulk Received Inventory - Create (new bulk lot)

When receiving bulk inventory, a user can create a new Bulk Lot as part of the receiving workflow.



Bulk Received Inventory - List update

To accommodate the new Bulk Received Inventory feature, the Wholesale module's Received Inventory tab has been updated to a two-tab structure: one tab for Packaged inventory and one for Bulk inventory. The tab for Received Bulk inventory links to each record's Bulk Lot, Production, and Bulk Lot Weight Events tab. There are also columns to track each record's cannabis form, status, and the weight, volume, and units received.



Bulk Received Inventory - Permissions update

The Received Inventory permissions–received_inventory_create, received_inventory_update, and received_inventory_report–have been updated to also control a user's access to the Bulk Received Inventory feature.



Bulk Received Inventory - CTLS - Reductions - Shipped - Returned

Added functionality to the "Unpackaged - Reductions - Shipped - Returned (kg)" cells on the CTLS report. This data appears on the Unpackaged tab and tracks the sum weight in kg of each cannabis material type initially received through the Bulk Received Inventory feature but later returned to the sender within the reporting month. Totals for each material type are collected in cells F30 (Fresh), G30 (Dried), I30 (Pure Intermediates), J30 (Edibles-Solids), K30 (Edibles-Non Solids), L30 (Extracts-Inhaled), M30 (Extracts-Ingested), N30 (Extracts-Other), and O30 (Topicals).



Bulk Received Inventory - CTLS - Additions - Quantity received - Other

Added functionality to the "Unpackaged - Additions - Quantity Received - Other (kg)" cells on the CTLS report. This data appears on the Unpackaged tab, and tracks the sum weight in kg of each cannabis material type received through the Bulk Received Inventory feature with the source set to "Other" within the reporting month. Totals for each material type are collected in cells F13 (Fresh), G13(Dried), I13 (Pure Intermediates), J13 (Edibles-Solids), K13 (Edibles-Non Solids), L13 (Extracts-Inhaled), M13 (Extracts-Ingested), N13 (Extracts-Other), and O13 (Topicals).



Bulk Received Inventory - CTLS - Additions - Quantity received - returned

Added functionality to the "Unpackaged - Additions - Quantity Received - Returned (kg)" cells on the CTLS report. This data appears on the Unpackaged tab and tracks the sum weight in kg of each cannabis material type received through the Bulk Received Inventory feature with the source set to "Returned" within the reporting month. Totals for each material type are collected in cells F12 (Fresh), G12(Dried), I12 (Pure Intermediates), J12 (Edibles-Solids), K12 (Edibles-Non Solids), L12 (Extracts-Inhaled), M12 (Extracts-Ingested), N12 (Extracts-Other), and O12 (Topicals).



Bulk Received Inventory - CTLS - Additions - Quantity received - domestic

Added functionality to the "Unpackaged - Additions - Quantity Received - Domestic (kg)" cells on the CTLS report. This data appears on the Unpackaged tab and tracks the sum weight in kg of each cannabis material type received through the Bulk Received Inventory feature with the source set to "Domestic" within the reporting month. Totals for each material type are collected in cells F10 (Fresh), G10(Dried), I10 (Pure Intermediates), J10 (Edibles-Solids), K10 (Edibles-Non Solids), L10 (Extracts-Inhaled), M10 (Extracts-Ingested), N10 (Extracts-Other), and O10 (Topicals).



Bulk Received Inventory - Received Inventory Report update

Updated the Received Inventory Report to include data on received bulk inventory.


Lock Box



Release Notes

End Point


Remove historical data from audits

Encrypted values have been removed from existing audit records.



Encrypt Address postal_code and phone

Encrypted address fields–postal_code and phone–throughout the Seed-to-Sale software to secure the information within Ample Organics web servers.



Encrypt mailing postal code, shipping postal code, and phone

Encrypted the mailing_postal_code field on the registrations table and the shipping_postal_code and shipping_phone fields on the orders table to secure the information within Ample Organics web servers.



Encrypt Shipment object on Orders

Encrypted all fields in the shipment object to secure the information within Ample Organics web servers.



Encrypt Symptoms Fields

Encrypted the symptom name field throughout the Seed-to-Sale software to secure the information within Ample Organics web servers.



Encrypt Registrations Fields

Encrypted registration fields–street_1, street_2, email, mailing_street_1, mailing_street_2, caregiver_1_email, caregiver_2_email, caregiver_1_street_1, caregiver_1_street_2, caregiver_2_street_1, caregiver_2_street_2, and designated_person_email–throughout the Seed-to-Sale software to secure the information within Ample Organics web servers.



Encrypt Prescriptions Fields

Encrypted prescription fields–diagnosis, street_1, street_2–throughout the Seed-to-Sale software to secure the information within Ample Organics web servers.



Encrypt Orders Fields

Encrypted orders fields–shipping_street_1 and shipping_street_2–throughout the Seed-to-Sale software to secure the information within Ample Organics web servers.



Encrypt Medical Profiles Fields

Encrypted Medical Profiles fields–medical_condition, symptom_other, dietary_other, medications_other, lifestyle_other, cannabis_preferences, and other_notes–throughout the Seed-to-Sale software to secure the information within Ample Organics web servers.



Encrypt Ailments Fields

Encrypted the ailment name field throughout the Seed-to-Sale software to secure the information within Ample Organics web servers.



Encrypt Address Fields

Encrypted address fields–street_1, street_2, and email–throughout the Seed-to-Sale software to secure the information within Ample Organics web servers.





Release Notes

End Point


Accessibility - WCAG 2.4.6 - Headings and Labels

Updated headings and labels throughout the Seed-to-Sale software to describe the content's topic or purpose. This ensures the software complies with Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0 section 2.4.6.



Accessibility - WCAG 1.1.1 - Non-text content

Updated the software so that all non-text content has a text alternative that serves the equivalent purpose. Exceptions are controls, time-based media, sensory elements, CAPTCHA tests, and decorative elements. This ensures the software complies with Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0 section 1.1.1.



Accessibility - WCAG 3.2.4 - Consistent Identification

Updated the software so that components that have the same function within a set of web pages are identified consistently. This ensures the software complies with Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0 section 3.2.4.



Accessibility - WCAG 3.3.2 - Labels or Instructions

Adjusted the software so that labels or instructions are always provided when content requires user input, like on modals and object profiles. This ensures the software complies with Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0 section 3.3.2.


Other Updates



Release Notes

End Point


Reporting - Remove legacy monthly reports

Legacy monthly reports–the CRA Report (2018), CTLS Report (2018), ACMPR Report, and MMPR Report–have been removed from the Seed-to-Sale software. To support this change, the Legacy Monthly Reports section on the Monthly Reports tab has been removed.



CTLS - Deleted packaging runs counting towards opening inventory

Bug Fix: When a Packaging Run is deleted, the bottles in the run no longer count towards opening and closing inventory on the CTLS report.



CTLS - Sales - incorrect results when orders have multiple discounts

Bug Fix: Applying multiple discounts to an order will no longer affect the accuracy of sales totals on the CTLS report.



Improvement - Design/GUI - Sales Order - Shipments - Pick Cases - Add Select All functionality

When selecting cases to fulfill a shipment, the user can now "select all" cases, rather than selecting cases one by one.


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