1. Pending Amendment Status
Now when you Request Amendments from a Client page, the status Pending Amendment will immediately appear in the Registrations tab. Previously, the page had to be refreshed for the status to update.
2. Establishment Requirements
Now when a user is filling out a Registration or Amendment form in the Client Portal, if they check the box under Primary Residence that says "This is a non-private residence", then the user is required to input the Establishment Type and Establishment Name fields. Previously, these fields were not required to be saved.
3. Client Registration Numbers for Health Canada ACMPR Report
Now, clients held in the statuses Pending Amendment or Amendment Verification are counted as Registered Clients in the system and this is reflected in the reports. Previously, these statuses were not included in Registered Clients counts.
4. Client Totals in Client Module
The Total Client Count is more accurate. The report reflects the total number of active clients in the system. Previously, this count may have included multiple registrations per client and archived clients.
5. Request Amendment - Email now an option to change
Now, if requesting a registration amendment in the web app, there is an option to select Email as a requested change. Previously, this was not an available option.
6. New Client Registration Statuses
Now, when a client requests an amendment or renewal, this is reflected in the web app with two new statuses: "Renewal Verification" or "Amendment Verification." See at a glance which clients need to be verified.
7. New Patient report
Now, only brand-new clients are included in this report. Previously, clients with approved renewals were being included when they shouldn't have been.
8. Info carried over on amendment form
Now, when completing an amendment or renewal, any information not being changed is carried over to the new form. Previously, all information had to be entered again.
9. Clients are prompted to include supplemental documentation if necessary
On a Registration Amendment or Renewal form, if a client indicates:
a) their primary address is a non-private residence or
b) their shipping address is their physician's address
There is now text on the screen prompting them to provide additional documentation. Previously, there was no such prompt.
10. PDF generated for client registration renewals/amendments
When a client submits an amendment or renewal through the Client Portal, a PDF document is automatically generated and saved under the Documents section on the Client's Registration page.
11. Digital Signature removed from web app
The digital signature no longer appears on a Client's Registration page in the web app, although the client is still required to fill this out.