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Release Notes: Skunk Haze (5.0.0)
Release Notes: Skunk Haze (5.0.0)
Andrew Day avatar
Written by Andrew Day
Updated over a year ago

This page contains the technical release notes for Skunk Haze, Ample Organics' first major release of 2020. For a summary of changes introduced by this release, visit the Skunk Haze Release Guide.

Follow the links below to jump to notes on specific features.

Receiving Inventory

Ref. Key


Release Notes

End Point


Mass Packaging Run - Packaging Tolerance Validations

Added new packaging tolerance validations to accommodate packaging new product types: Edible cannabis and topicals. Products of this type with a net weight/unit of 0-50g have a packaging tolerance of 9%. Products of this type with a net weight/unit of 100-20-g have a packaging tolerance of 4.5%. Products of this type with a net weight/unit of 300-500g have a packaging tolerance of 3%. Products of this type with a net weight/unit of over 1000g have a packaging tolerance of 1.5%.



Received inventory - New (wizard) - Step 1 - Packaging Tolerance Validations

Added packaging tolerance validations in Step 1 of the received inventory workflow. When adding EA units, the page will multiply the SKU's net weight and net volume by the number of EA units to determine an acceptable range of values to enter in the Total Net Weight and Total Net Volume fields. This range will be displayed in grey text below the field. If a user enters a number outside of the range, an error text will appear. Also, new packaging tolerance validations specific to new edible cannabis and topical products, as outlined in HUM-561.



Received Inventory - Add returned_at date

When Received Inventory is returned, the date of the return and the user who made the return is now recorded. Two new columns have been added to the Received Inventory report–"Returned on" and "Returned by"–to track this information.



Received Inventory Report - Add column "Source"

Added a column to the Received Inventory Report to track the source of each received inventory record. Options are: Domestic, Return, and Other. This allows clients to know where packaged bottles came from, which assists with CTLS reporting.



Mass Packaging Run - Packaging Tolerance Validations


Receive Inventory - update based on CTLS

To accommodate the CTLS reports shift in nomenclature from "Finished" and "Unfinished" inventory to "Packaged" and "Unpackaged" inventory, removed all mention of "Finished" or "Unfinished" goods from received inventories functions throughout the application.



BE: create a flat list of uniq user permissions

Added a command to create a flat list of the current user's permissions in the user's JSON string.



Adjust Release endpoint action for received inventories to be based on bulk lot state

The endpoint to release received inventory will now elicit an error response if the associated Bulk Lot is not QA Approved and/or does not have an active, released Lab Report.



Received inventory - Permissions - update

Added visibility conditions to new received_inventory permissions. If a user does not have a permission, the associated function/button/tab will be hidden from view.



HUM - Received Inventory - Wrong Permission for 'Revert Record' and 'Return to Sender'

Bug Fix: Permission to revert or return received inventory is now controlled by received_inventory_revert rather than received_inventory_update.



HUM - Products - Received Inventory - Released inventory not being reflected

Bug Fix: A SKU's count of "units available" now includes released received inventory.



HUM - Wholesale - Sales Order VS Received Inventory Date Format inconsistencies

Bug Fix: Date fields are now use consistent formatting (YYYY-MM-DD) throughout the Wholesale Application.



Adjust Date input modals on webapp and wholesale to take in only date formatted entries

Added restrictions/validations to date modals to check for proper date format: YYYY-MM-DD. This prevents users from manually entering an invalid date, or a date using the wrong formatting.



Only send packaged_on or is_open params to Packaging Run update action

Adjusted the packaging run #update action to only send the is_open or packaged_on parameters with the request, which ensures the endpoint can only update the packaging run's open status and packaging date. The endpoint will determine which parameter has changed and access and update code accordingly.



Adjust error messages for Inventory in Backend and modals on Wholesale and Webapp

Adjusted inventory error messages on the backend to be more dynamic, so that front-end modals are more descriptive of the specific error. For example, if a user tries to return inventory that has already been cased, the error message will specifically identify the problem–that cased inventory cannot be returned–rather than displaying a generic error message.



Adjust Webapp Inventory tab with new Blaze version 3.6

With Blaze 3.6, adjusted the Inventory tab with regards to dropdown direction, dropdown sizing, and class adjustments.



"Print Labels" modal UI update

Updated the Print Labels modal to be more user-friendly. The modal now includes an information section about the relevant Packaging Run or Received Inventory Record, and all required field text titles are marked with an asterisk.



GUN: Change text of 'created on' on bottles

On the Bottle Overview page in the Gun App, changed text from "Created" to "Packaged On", to clarify that the date and time displayed refer to the date and time the bottle was packaged, and not when the bottle ID was created.



BE: Update V1::PackaginRuns#update

Updated the endpoint used to update a specific packaging run to allow a user to change the packaged_on date. Additionally, a packaging run's JSON return now includes the packaged_on attribute.



Add packaged-on date

A SKU's packaging runs table now includes a column for the "Packaged On" date. Users will also have the ability to edit this field, provided none of the bottles in the packaging run have been reclaimed, destroyed, cased, or sold.



Seeds for received inventory

Created seed data for received_inventories to facilitate E2E testing



Include Product Name, Sku Name and Bottles Range in index action

Retrieving the received inventory index now pulls each received_inventory_id's product_name, sku_name, and bottles_range as keys in the JSON response. This allows the Print Labels modal to display correct information.



Bulk Lot ID inclusion for sorting in the index action

A user can now sort the received inventories index by Bulk Lot ID.



(BE) Integrate ActiveRecord::Enum with PostgreSQL enum

Adjusted the received inventory model with new enum type attributes for Status, Origins, and Sources.



(BE) Update Received Inventory model

Added received_by_id to the received inventory model, to denote the user who received the inventory.



Production ID inclusion in JSON templates for Received Inventory

Added production_id to the received inventory JSON templates. This will allow a user to link to a received inventory's Bulk Lot overview.



BE: Adjust backend SKU packaging runs endpoint action for sorting

Adjusted the SKU packaging runs index endpoint to include the sort_by and order parameters. This will allow users to sort the table by certain columns.



Delete residual unused files for Packaging Runs

Deleted unused files for bottling records and residual packaging runs, as these elements will be refactored and will not be needed anymore.



Received inventory - New (wizard) - Step 1 - Packaging Tolerance Validations


Product SKU - Packaging Run Table Refactor

Adapted the Packaging Runs table to inventory-centric. This includes listing Bulk Lot data points and the ability to edit the "Packaged On" date.



(BE) Received Inventory Index Endpoint

Added a new endpoint to retrieve and display all returned inventory records in tabular format. The request can include an optional sku_id filter to retrieve only records associated with a specific SKU.



Update Bottle model with association to Receive Inventory

Updated the bottle model to allow bottles to be associated with a received_inventory record rather than with a packaging run. Also added a new function to determine whether a bottle came from a packaging run or from received inventory.



Create Received Inventory model

Created a received inventory model file and added a received_inventories data table.



(BE) Release Received Inventory Endpoint

Added a new endpoint for releasing received inventory to the available inventory. If the inventory is already released, this function will "unrelease" the inventory, making it unavailable for purchase. This function requires the received_inventory_release permission.



(BE) Update Received Inventory Endpoint (Return/Revert/Dates)

Added a new endpoint for updating a received inventory record. This includes updating the record's status to "returned" or "reverted" or updating date parameters. This function requires the received_inventory_update permission.



(BE) Print Received Inventory Labels Endpoint

Added a new endpoint for printing bottle labels for received inventory.



(BE) Mark as Finished Received Inventory Endpoint

Added a new endpoint for marking a received inventory record as "Finished Goods". This function requires the received_inventory_finish permission and cannot be undone once performed.



Bulk Lot Index Endpoint Returns Lab Report & Weight Information

Added has_any_lab_report boolean attribute to the Bulk Lot JSON return string. This supports the workflow of creating a received inventory record, in which a user has the option to associate the inventory to an existing Bulk Lot. With this update, a user can see which Bulk Lots have lab reports when retrieving the Bulk Lots index.



(BE) Wholesale - Received inventory - Create

Added a new endpoint to create a new received inventory record. This function requires the received_inventory_create permssion. A successful response will generate a new received_inventory_id. This supports the process outlined in HUM-3 , HUM-7 , & HUM-8 .



Wholesale - Received inventory - New (wizard) - Step 3 (Frontend)

Added a front-end process to create a new received inventory record. In step 2 of this process, the user has a chance to review the information entered in steps 1 & 2–Inventory Information, Source Information, and Bulk Lot Information–and make necessary changes before creating the new record.



Wholesale - Received inventory - New (wizard) - Step 2 (Frontend)

Added a front-end process to create a new received inventory record. In step 2 of this process, the user associates the received inventory to a new or existing Bulk Lot.



(BE) Received inventory - Permissions

Added new permissions to accommodate received inventory functions: received_inventory_read, received_inventory_release, received_inventory_finish, received_inventory_update, received_inventory_revert, received_inventory_create.



Product SKU - Received inventory - List

Added an Inventory Tab in a SKU Profile that includes a Received Inventory panel to display a SKUs received inventory records in tabular format. For each received inventory record on this table, a user can mark the inventory as "Finished Goods", adjust the finished_on date, print labels, print a master label, view Bulk Lot forensics, release or unrelease the inventory, and navigate to the received inventory page



(BE) Reports - Received inventory report

Added a new Received Inventory Report to track inventory received from outside sources within a specified timeframe. This report is accessible through the Wholesale Reports tab in the Reports module.



Wholesale - Received inventory - New (wizard) - Step 1 (Frontend)

Added a front-end process to create a new received inventory record. In step 1 of this process, the user enters information about the inventory (including the product and SKU, amounts received, and external order information), and indicates whether the inventory is "Finished Goods" or "Unfinished Goods" and other sourcing information.



Wholesale - Receive inventory - List

Added a new page in the Wholesale application to list received inventory records in tabular format. Each received inventory record appears as an entry on the table, which lists details about the received units and includes links to the relevant SKU, product, and Bulk Lot. From a specific received inventory record page, a user can update the record's received-on and packaged-on date, revert the inventory receipt, or return the inventory to the sender.


Casing Runs

Ref. Key


Release Notes

End Point


Format date on Lot forensic report for restocked on

Dates in the Restocked On column in the Forensics Report are now formatted properly to match the other date entries on the report.



Include discrete units into restocked bottles JSONB column for restocked cases

The restocked bottles JSONB column now includes bottles.discrete units, to accommodate when cases of bottles with discrete units are restocked.



Change discrete units value on Casing Record

The Discrete Units column in the Casing Record PDF now pulls the discrete unit value per bottle, rather than per SKU. This fix is to promote data consistency.



Sales Order Shipments - Prevent shipment creation when order is fulfilled

A user can no longer create a new shipment for a sales order that has been fulfilled. The "Create Shipment" button on the sales order's Overview tab, and the "New" button on the Shipments tab will be hidden if all items requested in the sales order have been fulfilled.



Migrate columns released_by_id to Packaging Run model and Received Inventory model

Crated a function to migrate released_by_id columns to the new Packaging Run model and Received Inventory model.



Migrated cases should not be restocked

Added validation to prevent users from restocking cases that were packaged through Packaging Runs. The option to restock cases will not appear for Casing Runs that were created by migrating cases from Packaging Runs through the migration function described in HUM-207 .



BE: Update CreateReceivedInventory service

Updated the CreateReceivedInventory service to accommodate new product subclasses.



BE: Casing Record update for discrete units

Updated the Casing Record to list the discrete units in each case.



BE: Change name of ReceiveInventoryJob

Renamed the ReceiveInventoryJob–a job used in a custom client config–to InboundInventoryJob, to avoid confusion with the similarly named ReceivedInventory model.



BE: Case factory adjustments

Adjusted Case factory (FactoryBot) to use new casing logic



BE: Migration to remove columns from cases table

Removed the packaging_run_id, net_volume, net_weight, and weight_event_id columns from the Cases table, as these data points are not relevant for the new method of creating cases through Casing Runs. Additionally, removed validation that states a case must belong to a packaging_run.



BE: Adjust cases values

Adjusted the logic that determines how many cases are available for purchase, so that cases that have been restocked are no longer included in the count. A user cannot print a label for a restocked case.



Casing Runs - Adjustment to internal case label

On the internal case label, the "Inventory Source" column in the bottom table now indicates each inventory ID's type. If the inventory type is a Packaging Run, the word "Packaging" appears. If the inventory type is a Received Inventory, the word "Received" appears.



HUM - Reports - Product Inventory Breakdown v2 Report - Wrong Data Populated

Bug Fix: The Product Inventory Breakdown v2 report now correctly displays inventory from received inventories and cases created from received inventory, and because of this, the correct value now populates in the "Available" column.



BE: Add controller and Service to restock cases

Added a new service file and endpoint for restocking cases, in which a user enters an array of case_ids from a specified Casing Run to unpack to return EA units (bottles) to the available inventory. The service includes validations to make sure any cases selected are from the appropriate Casing Run, and that selected cases are not reserved, sold, or previously restocked.



BE: Add controller method to show cases inventories breakdown

Added an endpoint to retrieve the inventory source breakdown for each case in a specific Casing Run.



BE: Add column to Case model

Added columns to the cases model to track whether a case has been restocked, the ID numbers of any restocked bottles, the time at which inventory was restocked, and the user who performed the restock.



HUM - Products - Casing Runs List - Wrong Casing Date Populated

Bug Fix: Upon creating a Casing Run, the user's timezone is consulted to determine the run's casing date. This ensures the casing date is displayed correctly on the Casing Runs table.



Put in Cased Bottles for Packaging Run page

Added a "Cased" column to the packaging runs table to show the number of bottles from the run that have been cased.



Fix date format validation on inventory date modals

Bug Fix: Updated the vee-validate package so that date fields on the Inventory tab expect YYYY-MM-DD as the valid date format input.



HUM - Products - Casing Runs - Create New Casing Runs - Add Packaging Runs Modal - UI Inconsistencies

Bug Fix: Adjusted UI issues on the Add Packaging Runs modal. Now, the "# selected", "Total Selected" and "# CS units max" fields are hidden until a user selects at least one packaging run. A user can also click on a checked box to de-select a packaging run.



HUM - Products - Casing Runs - Create New Casing Runs - Add Inventory And Enter Casing Quantity Page - UI Inconsistencies

Bug Fix: On the inventory table in Step 2 of the "New Casing Run" process, the "Packaging Run ID", "Received Inventory ID" and "External Order ID" columns are no longer hidden until a user selects a packaging run or received inventory. Now, these columns are only hidden if the relevant inventory type is not present in the selected Bulk Lot.



HUM - Products - Casing Runs - Create New Casing Runs - Add Inventory And Enter Casing Quantity Page - Add Received Inventory Button Displayed for Bulk Lot with Just Packaging Runs

Bug Fix: In Step 2 of the "New Casing Run" process, the Add Received Inventories button will only appear if the Bulk Lot selected in Step 1 contains received inventory. Similarly, the Add Packaging Runs button will only appear if the Bulk Lot has associated Packaging Runs.



Add case_range to index and show jsons for casing run

Added case_range to Casing Run JSON responses, to pull the range of case IDs packaged in a given Casing Run. This facilitates printing case labels.



HUM - Products - Casing Runs - "Available" count

Bug Fix: Removed validations and adjusted the cases_available logic so that when CS units are created through Casing Runs, they immediately become both "On Hand" and "Available" and can be added to sales order shipments. Cases only lose their availability (becoming "On Hand" only) when they are added to a sales order shipment.



HUM - Products - Casing Runs - Create New Casing Runs - Step 2 - EA Units to Exclude from Casing* Field Validations

Bug Fix: Fixed column width inconsistencies in Step 2 of the "New Casing Run" process to allow the column titles more room, so that the titles are not consistently split between two or more lines. Additionally, some columns have been adjusted to a fixed-width.



HUM - Products - Casing Runs - Create New Casing Runs - Add Received Inventories Modal - UI Inconsistencies

Bug Fix: Fixed design inconsistencies on the Add Received Inventories modal. This included correcting column data to be properly aligned and ensuring the "Number Selected", "Total Selected" and "CS Units Max" fields only display if inventory is selected.



HUM - Products - Casing Runs List - Columns Not Sortable

Bug Fix: The Casing Runs table is now sortable by the Bulk Lot and Original Count columns.



HUM - Products - Casing Runs - Create New Casing Runs - Select Bulk Lot Page - UI Inconsistencies

Bug Fix: Fixed design inconsistencies in Step 1 of the "New Casing Run" process. This included adjusting spacing between buttons and text strings, adjusting card heights, and updating step number shapes.



BE: Create join table for casing_runs

Created a join table named casing_runs_inventories to define the relationship and linkage between a Casing Run (casing_run_id) and the inventories (packaging_run_id and/or received_inventory_id) going in.



Remove old case packaging functionality

Removed the old functionality that allowed users to create/package cases through Packaging Runs. Now, users can only package cases through Casing Runs.



Case migrations

Created a migration function to update data of cases packaged through the previous model to match the new model, in order to protect the data integrity of older cases. This function will create a CasingRun for each PackagingRun that created cases, and then associate those cases to the new CasingRun. The function will also create bottle_ids to associate to each case, and fill each bottle with the appropriate weight and/or volume by dividing the net_weight and/or net_volume of the case by the base_sku_quantity.



Disassociate unused packaging runs or received inventories from casing runs

If a user selects multiple packaging runs and received inventories to contribute units to a casing run, but only some of them are used to complete the casing run (due to First-In-First-Out logic), the unused Packaging Runs and Received Inventories will not be associated with the casing run.



Casing Runs Create - FIFO bottle reduction from packaging runs

Bug Fix: When creating a Casing Run using EA units from packaging runs, a user is no longer required to use all bottles in the run. Instead, the user can case a specified number of EA units from each packaging run by excluding units from the casing run; after a casing run, a contributing packaging run may have EA units left over. Any EA units cased are selected in First-In-First-Out order based on bottle_id number.



Put in Case At in Index endpoint and display in Casing Runs table

The Casing Runs index endpoint now pulls the case_at date for each casing run. Additionally, the Casing Runs table now includes a column to list each Casing Run's casing date.



Edibles - Case labels modal update

Updated the Print Case Labels modal user interface to be more usable. This update consists of small copy and design changes, but no change to overall functionality.



Casing - Archive bulk lot (validations update)

Validations have been added to prevent a user from archiving a Bulk Lot if the Bulk Lot contains weight, volume, or discrete units; if the Bulk Lot has one or more retained samples; or if any EA units associated with the lot, whether created through packaging runs or received inventory, exist on-hand.



Casing Runs - permissions

Added new permissions to accommodate casing run functions: casing_run_create, casing_run_read, and casing_run_restock. If a user does not have one of these permissions, the associated button/function/tab will be hidden from view.



Edibles - Inventory Balance report

Added columns to the Inventory Balance report to track "Available" and "Cased" units. This increases inventory visibility.



Edibles - Product Inventory Breakdown v2 report

Added columns to the Product Inventory Breakdown v2 report to track "Available" and "Cased" units. This increases inventory visibility.



BE: Adjust CaseSku#bottles_by_bulk_lot_sku_breakdown and CaseSkusController#valid_to_case

Adjusted the CaseSku#valid_to_case command to check, when creating a new Casing Run, if any packaging runs or received inventory of the appropriate SKU have inventory available to package into cases. If no inventory can be found, this request will return an error message and the user will be unable to proceed with the Casing Run. Additionally, the CaseSKU#bottles_by_bulk_lot_sku_breakdown response now includes a contains_inventory_source class attribute to indicate whether the Bulk Lot contains inventory created through packaging runs, received inventory, or both.



BE: Create CasingRun#create endpoint

Added an endpoint to create a casing run. A successful response will package EA units from a specified Bulk Lot into a specified number of cases.



BE: Create PackagingRuns listing

Added a new endpoint to return a paginated list of packaging runs associated with a given bulk_lot_id and sku_id that have at least one bottle available to perform a casing run into a given case_id. This endpoint will be called at Step 2 of the "Create New Casing Run" process to retrieve all packaging runs that could potentially contribute EA units to the new cases.



BE: Create ReceivedInventories List based on Bulk Lot

Added a new endpoint to return a paginated list of received inventories associated with a given bulk_lot_id and sku_id that have at least one bottle available to perform a casing run into a given case_id. This endpoint will be called at Step 2 of the "Create New Casing Run" process to retrieve all received inventory records that could potentially contribute EA units to the new cases.



Adjust breadcrumbs for SKU Pages

In the breadcrumbs in the Products module, EA SKU and Case SKU labels have been adjusted to "EA SKU: ##" and "Casing SKU: ##", respectively. Furthermore the breadcrumbs now reflect each step taken to reach a given page.



Casing runs - Print case ID label

After completing a Casing Run, a user can now print Internal Case ID labels to apply to each case. Each label includes the case's ID number; the date on which the case was packaged; the associated product, SKU, and Bulk Lot; and the ID numbers of each inventory source–Packaging Run or Received Inventory–that contributed to the case, as well as how many EA units came from each source. This allows users to identify each case and its contents when stockpiling inventory before applying province-specific case labels.



Casing runs - Restock cases

An LP user is now able to restock cases, to "unpack" EA units from a specified number of cases to return to the available inventory. This feature is accessible through the Casing Runs tab in the Case SKU's Profile.



Sales Order Shipments - Validating cases with unreleased inventory

Validations added when creating a Sales Order shipment. If a user selects a case ID that includes unreleased inventory, the page will respond with a warning modal. Additionally, users will be unable to update a shipment's status to Shipped if the shipment includes cases with unreleased inventory.



Casing Runs - Update sales queries - CRA report

Queries that populate the "Packaged - Flowering Material - Reductions - Quantity of cannabis products sold in Canada" and "Packaged - Oil - Reductions - Quantity of cannabis products sold in Canada" cells on the CRA Report, and well as cells that report sales of flowering material and oil in each Canadian province, have been adjusted to account for the weight in each case sold using the "grams_in_bottle" amount for each case, rather than each case's case.net_weight.



Casing Runs - Update sales queries - CTLS report

Queries that populate columns ES: "Finished - Dried Cannabis - Reductions - Sold/Transferred", FM: "Finished - Cannabis Oil - Reductions - Sold/Transferred", and columns that report sales of dried cannabis and cannabis oil in the non-medical market by province on the CTLS report have been adjusted to calculate the weight and volume of cannabis packaged into cases using the grams_in_bottle and bottles_volume amount for each case, rather than the cases.net_weight and cases.net_volume fields. This is to accommodate the new model of packaging bottles into cases through Casing Runs, rather than packaging cases directly from the Bulk Lot.



Casing Runs - Update bottle queries - webapp

Queries that report the quantity of EA Units available for purchase on the Products index, Product Overview tab, and the "Add Product to Cart" modal have been adjusted to not include bottles that have been cased. This ensures clients in the medical market cannot purchase/reserve bottles that have been cased for wholesale purchases.



Casing Runs - Update opening inventory queries - CRA report

Queries that populate the "Packaged - Flowering material - Opening inventory" and "Packaged - Oil - Opening inventory" cells in the CRA Report have been adjusted to account for bottles that have been cased in Casing Runs.



Casing Runs - Update packaging queries - CRA report

Queries that populate the "Unpackaged - Flowering material - Reductions - Quantity packaged", "Packaged - Flowering material - Additions to inventory", "Unpackaged - Oil - Reductions - Quantity packaged", and "Packaged - Oil - Additions to inventory" cells on the CRA report no longer include the weight/volume packaged directly into cases, as this is no longer necessary with the new model of packaging cases through Casing Runs.



Casing Runs - Update packaging queries - CTLS report

Queries that populate columns BA: "Unfinished - Dried Cannabis - Reductions - Packaged/Labeled"; EO: "Finished - Dried Cannabis - Additions - Packaged"; CO: "Unfinished - Cannabis Oil - Reductions - Packaged/Labeled"; and FI: "Finished - Cannabis Oil - Additions - Packaged" on the CTLS report no longer include the weight/volume packaged directly into cases, as this is no longer necessary with the new model of packaging cases through Casing Runs.



Casing Runs - Update packaging queries - stock reports

Queries that populate the "Packaged Weight" and "Packaged Volume" columns in both the Bulk Inventory Report and the Historical Bulk Inventory Report no longer consider the weight/volume packaged directly into cases, as this is unnecessary with the new model of packaging cases through Casing Runs.



Casing Runs - Update packaging queries - webapp

Queries that populate the "Released packaged (g)", "Released Packaged (ml)", "Unreleased Packaged (g)", "Unreleased Packaged (ml), and "Packaged Weight" columns for each production in the Productions index no longer consider the weight/volume packaged directly into cases, as this is unnecessary with the new model of packaging cases through Casing Runs.



Casing and Receiving - Bulk lot forensics FE update

Removed the distinct EA and CS unit sub-tabs in the Bulk Lot Forensics tab and replaced with a single tab to serve as a holistic source for users to trace EA units created from a bulk lot. This is the front-end component of HUM-60 , and serves to accommodate the new method of packaging cases through Casing Runs.



Casing Runs v1 - Queries

Updated all inventory reports to accommodate new inventory types. Removed queries that consider the old case packaging and adjusted bottle-specific queries to exclude cased bottles.



BE: New Action on controller BulkLotsController#caseable_index

Added a new endpoint to pull a paginated list of all bulk lots that have enough packaged EA Units to perform a casing run for a selected Case SKU.



BE: Create CasingRunsControlller#index

Added an index endpoint to retrieve all casing runs.



BE: Create CasingRun model

Created a CasingRun model file



BE: Create endpoint on V2/CaseSkusController#valid_to_case

Added a new endpoint to validate whether or not a Case SKU has access to enough EA Units from a single Bulk Lot to package at least one case.



Casing Runs - Casing Run Record (PDF)

After creating a Casing Run, a user can click a button to download a Casing Run Record, a printable PDF record of Case IDs created, Bottle IDs cased, weight and/or volume of each cased bottle, and each Case/Bottle's associated Packaging Run ID or Received Inventory ID.



Casing and Receiving - Bulk lot forensics report - update

Merged the existing Lot Forensics report (EA units only) and Wholesale Lot Forensics report (CS units only), and added queries to support the new received inventory and Casing Runs functionality. The result is a single report that serves as a holistic source for traceability.



Adjust EA bottle labels to use the bottle's created_at dates

EA bottle labels–including product labels, wholesale unit QR labels, and patient labels–will list the "Packaged On" date as the bottle's created_at date, rather than the packaging run's created_at date. This is to accommodate new functionality that allows a user to update a bottles packaged-on date from a SKU's Inventory tab.



Adjustments for Packaged On in CS labels for EA units created at

The Alberta GS1 Case label will now determine the case's packaging_date by looking at the created_at dates of the EA units associated to the case, rather than the packaging run's created_at date. The packaged-on date listed on the case label will be the packaged-on date of the oldest bottle in the case.



Packaged-on label updates

Adjusted EA label templates to use the EA unit's packaged-on date, which can now be adjusted from a SKU's Inventory tab. This change also affects Alberta CS label templates, in which context the label will use the oldest packaged-on date of the bottles in the case.



Casing runs - List

The Case SKU Profile now includes a Casing Runs tab to list all Casing Runs associated with the Case SKU. For each Casing Run listed on this tab, a user can access inventory counts, print CS unit labels, or restock cases–return packaged EA units from selected cases to the available inventory. A user can also create a new casing run from this tab.



Casing runs - Create wizard - Step 3

Added a new front-end process to create a Casing Run for a specified Case SKU. In Step 3 of this process, the user has the chance to review the information entered in Steps 1 & 2–Bulk Lot, Packaging Run and/or Received Inventory Record, and quantity of CS units to create–before confirming and creating the Casing Run.



Casing runs - Create wizard - Step 2

Added a front-end process to create a Casing Run for a specified Case SKU. In Step 2 of this process, a user selects one or more packaging runs and/or received inventory records associated with the Bulk Lot from which to pull units to package the cases. Once runs or records are selected, the user indicates how many CS units to create from the available EA units. Before proceeding to Step 3, the user has the option to cancel the casing run or return to the previous step.



Casing runs - Create wizard - Step 1

Added a front-end process to create a Casing Run for a specified Case SKU. In Step 1 of this process, the user selects a Bulk Lot with enough packaged EA units to create at least one CS unit in the Case SKU. If the selected Bulk Lot is in the Waiting for QA status, a confirmation modal will appear before the user can select the Bulk Lot and proceed to Step 2. Before proceeding, the user has the option to change the selected Bulk Lot or cancel the Casing Run process.



Casing runs - Create ("New" button)

Added a "New" button to the Casing Runs tab in a Case SKU Profile. Upon clicking the "New" button, the system will check that there are enough EA units on hand to package a single case. If units are available, the user is navigated to the New Casing Run Page. If there are not enough units available, a Not Enough EA Units error modal appears.


Edibles Regulations Updates

Bulk Lots

Ref. Key


Release Notes

End Point


HUM - Wholesale - Sales Order Shipment - Inventory Count Inconsistencies - Shipped Cases do not decrease On Hand Inventory of Base SKU

Bug Fix: When cases are shipped to fulfill a sales order, the Base SKU's "EA Units On Hand" inventory count now decreases by the number of units in the shipped cases. This change is reflected both on the SKU's Overview tab and in the Product Inventory Breakdown v2 Report.



HUM - Received Inventory - Inventory Count Inconsistencies - 1 - Unreleased Inventory

Bug Fix: The Product Inventory Breakdown v2 Report now includes unreleased received inventory in the "On Hand" and "Net Difference" counts.



Change "Gamma Irradiation" to "Sterilization" on all lab reports

On the Lab Report page, the "Gamma Irradiation" radio button has been renamed to "Sterilization", to accommodate a wider range of sterilization methods.



Edibles - Retained sample destruction update

Redesigned the Retained Sample Destruction table and modal to accommodate discrete units and improve the user experience. Added a column to the Retained Sample Destruction table to track the sample's Discrete Units, if applicable, and renamed column headings to be more descriptive. The modal is now called "New Retained Sample Destruction", and required fields are marked with asterisks.






General bulk lot waste - discrete unit support

Adjusted the General Bulk Lot Waste destruction workflow to accommodate discrete units. The General Bulk Lot waste sub-tab has been redesigned to include a column for "Discrete Units (units)" that appears in Bulk Lots that include discrete units, and other columns have been renamed to improve clarity. The New General Bulk Lot Waste modal now includes a field for a user to indicate the quantity of discrete units to destroy. This field only appears in Bulk Lots that include discrete units.



Bulk lot transfer - discrete unit support

Redesigned the Bulk Lot transfer workflow to accommodate discrete units and the new Bulk Lot types. When a user opens the Bulk Lot Weight Transfer modal, the list of productions will only include productions that contain at least one lot that matches the source lot's Bulk Lot type. Once a user selects a production, the list of Bulk Lots will only include lots of the same type as the source lot. Both lists include blue information callouts to inform the user that only productions/Bulk Lots of the appropriate type are displayed. If the source Bulk Lot includes discrete units, a new "Transfer Units" field has been added for the user to indicate the number of discrete units to transfer to the destination lot.





Edibles - Split bulk lot

Redesigned the Split into New Lot modal, and the process of splitting a Bulk Lot, to accommodate discrete units and improve usability. Renamed "Split Off" fields to "Weight to Split" and "Volume to Split", and added a new field for "Discrete Units to Split", which will only appear for Bulk Lots with discrete units. Additionally, the Bulk Lot's current weight, volume, and discrete unit count now appears as help text beneath each relevant field for the user to reference when determining how much to split into the new lot.



Edibles - Edit bulk lot type

Implemented new rules for changing a Bulk Lot's type. If a Bulk Lot's type is anything besides Fresh or Dried, a user cannot update the lot's type or discrete units if the lot is associated with a Packaging Run or Received Inventory record, has a retained sample, and the lot contains weight, volume, or discrete units. If a user attempts to change a update the type of a Bulk Lot that does not meet these conditions, a modal will appear to explain the validations.



Edibles - Weight Events table

Redesigned the Weight Events table in the Bulk Lot Profile to accommodate discrete units and improve the user experience. Added two new columns: "Total Units (units)", which represents the running total of units in the Bulk Lot, and "Units Adjustment (units)", which represents the unit count adjustment performed by the weight event. Additionally, exiting table columns have been renamed to be more descriptive.



Edibles - New Weight Event modal

Redesigned the New Weight Event modal to accommodate discrete units. Added a new field to add/subtract/adjust the Discrete Units in the Bulk Lot, and added help text beneath each field for an improved user experience.



Edibles - Retained Inventory Report

Updated the Retained Inventory Report to support new Bulk Lot types and retained sample units. Renamed the column "Remaining (g)" to "Weight (g)", and added two new columns: "Volume (ml)", which tracks the volume taken for a retained sample, and "Units", which tracks the quantity of discrete units taken for a retained sample.



Weight Event Model changes

Updated the Weight Event model to accommodate needs introduced by the new Bulk Lot types.



Bulk Lot Model changes

Updated the Bulk Lot model to accommodate needs introduced by the new Bulk Lot types.



Historical Bulk Inventory Report - edibles related updates

Updated the Historical Bulk Inventory Report to accommodate the new Bulk Lot types, Bulk Lots that include discrete units, and other changes to support edibles. The "Lot Type" column has been adjusted to be compatible with the new lot types, and the report has new columns to track "Units" and "Packaged Units" in each Bulk Lot. There is also a new column to indicate whether or not a Bulk Lot "Underwent Sterilization Treatment". If the Bulk Lot does not have an active lab report, its cell in this column will read "No active lab report." Additionally, the "Migrated ID" column was moved between the "Lot ID" and "Weight" columns.



Bulk Inventory Report - edibles related updates

Updated/reorganized the Bulk Inventory Report to accommodate updates related to edibles. In addition to the updates in HUM-127, added a new column to indicate whether or not a Bulk Lot "Underwent Sterilization Treatment". If the Bulk Lot does not have an active lab report, its cell in this column will read "No active lab report." Additionally, the "Migrated ID" column was moved between the "Lot ID" and "Weight" columns.



Edibles - Retained sample creation

Redesigned the Retained Samples tab and the process of creating a retained sample to accommodate discrete units and the new Bulk Lot types. If a user is creating a retained sample for a Bulk Lot that contains discrete units, a field appears for the user to enter how many discrete units they are removing from the Bulk Lot for the sample, and the units will be deducted from the Bulk Lot in a weight event. Additionally, the retained samples table in a Bulk Lot that contains discrete units includes a Discrete Units column.



Edibles - Bulk lot overview

Redesigned the Bulk Lot Overview tab to support new functionality and improve the user experience. The Overview section now includes a field to track the lot's Current Discrete Units, if applicable. Also, the function to change the Bulk Lot's location has moved to an Edit button beside the location field, and if a user wants to edit the lot's type, cannabis form, or location, the options in the relevant modal now appear in a drop-down menu rather than in a list. Finally, a user can only update a Bulk Lots's type if no weight events have occured.



Edibles - Productions list view - Bulk inventory report

Updated the Bulk Inventory Report to accommodate the new Bulk Lot types and Bulk Lots that include discrete units. Added new columns to track "Units" and "Packaged Units" in each Bulk Lot, and adjusted the "Lot Type" column to accept the new lot type designations.



Edibles - Productions list view

Redesigned the Production Index to support new Bulk Lot types and improve the user experience. This included adding columns to track each production's discrete units, including the quantity fol Unreleased Units, Released Units, and Packaged Units. Additionally, the search function has been adjusted to include new Bulk Lot types.



Edibles - Production overview (Bulk lot list view)

Redesigned the Production Profile (Overview) to support new Bulk Lot types and improve the user experience. This included adding a column to the Bulk Lots table to track Current Units (discrete units) in each lot as necessary, and an in-line label that appears beside the Type column for Bulk Lots that contain discrete units. Additionally, the Edit Name function has been moved to a new menu.



Edibles - Lot types - New bulk lot (modal)

Redesigned the New Bulk Lot modal to allow the user to select from a larger range of Bulk Lot types–including types for Extracts, Edibles, and Topicals–and indicate whether or not the Bulk Lot is measured in discrete units.


Work Orders – Discrete Unit Support

Ref. Key


Release Notes

End Point


Work Order values not updated on PDF when stage reverted and values adjusted

Bug Fix: If a work order in the "Closed" stage is reverted to the previous stage(s) to adjust the values, the Work Order Report PDF now updates to reflect the change.



Work orders - permissions update

Updated work order permissions. With this update, a user requires the work_order_create permission to click the "Create" button to create a new work order, the work_order_finalize permission click the "Finalize Output" button to finalize a work order, and the work_order_close permission to click the "Close" button to close the work order.



Historical Work Order Inventory report - discrete unit support

Added several columns to the Historical Work Order Inventory Report to track discrete units, including Input Units per Bulk Lot, Total Work Order Input Units, Total Finalized Units, Output Units per Bulk Lot, and Total Output Units.



Work Order Inventory report - discrete unit support

Added several columns to the Work Order Inventory Report to track discrete units, including Input Units per Bulk Lot, Total Work Order Input Units, Total Finalized Units, Output Units per Bulk Lot, Total Output Units, and Variance Units %.



Work orders - PDF report

Updated the Work Order PDF report to track input and output discrete units.



Work orders - discrete units support

Redesigned the Work Orders workflow to accommodate discrete units and the new Bulk Lot types. If a Work Order has multiple Bulk Lot inputs, they must be of the same Bulk Lot Type. Every place in the Work Order Workflow that prompts the user to enter an input/output weight and/or volume now has a field to enter discrete units, if the input or output Bulk Lot type uses discrete units. Additionally, when selecting an output Bulk Lot from a menu of existing lots, the user must first select a Bulk Lot type to filter the list.



Bulk lot type - Pure Intermediates

Added a new Bulk Lot type–Pure Intermediates–to accommodate cannabis extract post-extraction and pre-refinement. Bulk Lots of this type can have weight and volume, but a user cannot perform a Mass Packaging Run from a Pure Intermediates lot. Lab reports for Bulk Lots of this type measure cannabinoid potencies in mg/g.


Dried (Discrete)

Ref. Key


Release Notes

End Point


Dried (discrete) - Lab report - Add dried THC/CBD % equivalency fields

Added the "Dried THC Total Equivalence" and "Dried CBD Total Equivalence" fields to Dried (discrete) lab reports.



Dried (discrete) - Client portal

Updated potency UoMs on the Client Portal to accommodate the updated regulations. For each dried/discrete unit SKU, potencies are now displayed in both % and mg/g. The portal will pull potencies from lab report values, unless the SKU has no associated lab report, in which case the portal will display default potency values. Additionally, there is a new "Units per Container" field to display the value entered in the "Discrete Unit per EA" field in the SKU's Profile.



Mass packaging runs - discrete unit support

Updated the Mass Packaging Run feature to accommodate discrete unit packaging. The Product drop-down menu will be filtered based on the Bulk Lot's type, so that only products with a matching product type appear in the list. For example, in a Mass Packaging Run opened from a dried/discrete units Bulk Lot, only dried/discrete unit products will appear in the Products list. In scenarios that include discrete units, fields will appear to track "Qty. of Discrete Units per EA" and "Total Discrete Units Packaged".



Bottle destruction - update

Updated the Bottle Destruction sub-tab and New Bottle Destruction modal to promote design consistency and improve the user experience. This includes changing the sub-tab's column titles, adding a new "empty list" state that appears when no bottle destructionns are present, and updating the modal's design.



Packaging run waste - discrete unit support

Updated the Packaging Run Waste sub-tab and New (destruction) modal to promote design consistency and improve the user experience. This includes changing the sub-tab's column titles, adding a new "empty list" state that appears when no bottle destructionns are present, and adding a Discrete Units field that appears in the modal if the Bulk Lot uses discrete units.



Dried (discrete) - Lab report update

Redesigned the Lab Report page for Dried (Discrete) Bulk Lots to accommodate samples that include discrete units and support regulatory updates surrounding units of measure for cannabinoid potencies. The Lab Report now include a mandatory field to indicate the number of discrete units included in the lab sample. Additionally, the Cannabinoids tab now has two potency pages that a user can toggle between–one that tracks potencies by percentage (%), and one that tracks potencies in mg/g. Tooltips and links have been added to improve usability.



Dried (discrete) - SKU settings

If a user creates a SKU for a product of the Dried (Discrete) product type, the SKU Profile will now include fields and sections to accommodate discrete unit packaging and changes to reporting regulations. On the Overview tab, the SKU Setup section now includes mandatory fields for "Discrete Unit per EA Unit" and "Net Weight per Discrete Unit", and the Overview section now lists two sets of potencies: lab results from an active lab report, and the default potency values. On the Client Sales Setup tab, there are now distinct fields to track default potency values per discrete unit in both % and mg/g. These default potency values will display in the Client Portal if the SKU has no associated lab report.



New Product Type (modal) - Update for new product subclasses

Redesigned the New Product Type modal to accommodate new product subclasses. The "Cannabis" product class now contains seven subclass options: Dried, Extracts - Inhaled, Extracts - Ingested, Extracts - Other, Edibles - Solid, Edibles - Non-solid, and Topicals. For each subclass the user has the option to indicate whether or not the new product type will measure the product using discrete units.


Dried (Non-discrete)

Ref. Key


Release Notes

End Point


Dried (discrete) - Lab report / SKU Settings / Client portal - Change % to mg/unit

Updated potency measurements for Dried (discrete) Bulk Lots and product types. The option to record and display potencies by percentage (%) has been removed and replaced by mg/unit. This affects how potencies display in lab reports, in the SKU Profile, and on the Client Portal.



Product Inventory Breakdown 2 - add Product Subclass

Added new columns to the Product Inventory Breakdown 2 Report to help the user discern between different product types, and discrete unit vs non-discrete unit SKUs. This includes new columns for Product Subclass, Dried Gram Equivalent (for Extracts), and "Discrete Units per EA" (for discrete unit SKUs).



REQs - Bulk Inventory report - Add mg/g potency values

Added columns to the Bulk Inventory report to list potencies in mg/g. This is to accommodate the new Bulk Lot types, many of which record cannabinoid potencies in mg/g.



Dried (non-discrete) - Client portal

Updated potency UoMs on the Client Portal to accommodate the updated regulations. For each dried/non-discrete SKU, potencies are now displayed in both % and mg/g. The portal will display lab report potency values, unless the SKU has no associated lab report, in which case the portal will display default potency values.



Core Default Settings - Lab Report Threshold Defaults - Updates

Updated the Core Default Settings - Lab Report Threshold Defaults page to improve usability. The cannabinoid defaults are now listed on this page in the same order they appear on a lab report, and each default value now has a descriptive name that includes the unit of measure. Also, added validations to prevent users from entering negative numbers in any field.



Dried (non-discrete) - Lab report update

Redesigned the Lab Report page for Dried (Non-discrete) Bulk Lots to support regulatory updates surrounding units of measure for cannabinoid potencies and improve the user experience. The Cannabinoids tab now has two potency pages that a user can toggle between–one that tracks potencies by percentage (%), and one that tracks potencies in mg/g. Additionally, tooltips and links have been added to support usability.



Dried (non-discrete) - SKU settings

If a user creates a SKU for a product of the Dried (Non-discrete) product type, the SKU Profile will now include fields and sections to accommodate changes to reporting regulations and improve the user experience. On the Overview tab, the Expected Inventory, UoM, Base SKU, and Qty. of Base fields have been removed to avoid confusion. On the Client Sales Setup tab, there are now distinct fields to track default potency values in both % and mg/g. These values will display in the Client Portal if the SKU has no associated lab report.


Extracts-Ingested (Discrete)

Ref. Key


Release Notes

End Point


Migration of capsule SKU potency data to Extracts-Ingested (discrete)

Created a migration function to convert potency data entered in fields specific to "Capsule" subclass SKUs to new fields specific to the "Extracts-Ingested (discrete)" subclass SKUs upon the deployment of Skunk Haze. This ensures products and SKUs configured pre-deployment still function properly post-deployment. As part of this migration, "THC Actual Per Capsule" data will migrate to "Default THC per Unit", "THC Potential Per Capsule" data will migrate to "Default Total THC per Unit", "CBD Actual Per Capsule" data will migrate to "Default CBD per Unit", and "CBD Potential Per Capsule" data will migrate to "Default Total CBD per Unit".



Migration of capsule SKU data to Extracts-Ingested (discrete)

Created a migration function to convert data entered in fields specific to "Capsule" subclass SKUs to new fields specific to the "Extracts-Ingested (discrete)" subclass SKUs upon the deployment of Skunk Haze. This ensures products and SKUs configured pre-deployment still function properly post-deployment. As part of this migration, "Capsules per Bottle" data will migrate to "Discrete Unit per EA Unit", "Net Weight Per Capsule" data will migrate to "Net Weight per Discrete Unit", and "Net Volume per Capsule" data will migrate to "Net Volume per Discrete Unit".



Extracts-Ingested (discrete) - Client portal

Updated potency UoMs on the Client Portal to accommodate the updated regulations. For each Extracts-Ingested/discrete unit SKU, potencies are now displayed in mg for THC/Total THC/CBD/Total CBD per (discrete) unit. These potency values will be pulled from either the associated lab report or from the default values, depending on the Portal Potency settings in the SKU's Profile. There are also new fields to display "Units per Container", "Net Weight per Unit", and "Dried Gram Equivalent" that pull values from corresponding fields on the SKU's Profile.



Extracts-Ingested (discrete) - Migration of capsule products

Created a migration function to convert all products in an LP's environment with the "Capsule" subclass to the "Extracts-Ingested (discrete)" subclass upon the deployment of Skunk Haze. This ensures products and SKUs configured pre-deployment still function properly post-deployment.



Extracts-Ingested (discrete) - Lab report update

Redesigned the Lab Report page for Extracts-Ingested (Discrete) Bulk Lots to accommodate samples that include discrete units, support regulatory updates surrounding units of measure for cannabinoid potencies, and improve the user experience. The Lab Report now include a mandatory field to indicate the number of discrete units included in the lab sample. The Cannabinoids tab for Bulk Lots of this type will record cannabinoid potencies in mg. Also added a blue callout to inform the user that reporting threshold values are not available for Bulk Lots of this type.



Extracts-Ingested (discrete) - SKU settings

If a user creates a SKU for a product of the Extracts-Ingested (Discrete) product type, the SKU Profile will now include fields and sections to accommodate discrete unit packaging and changes to reporting regulations. On the Overview tab, the SKU Setup section now includes a mandatory fields for "Dried Gram Equivalent", "Discrete Unit per EA Unit", and "Net Weight per Discrete Unit", as well as an optional field for "Net Volume per Discrete Unit". The Client Sales Setup tab has a new Potency Setting section, through which the user can decide whether the Client Portal will display the SKU's potencies using an associated Bulk Lot's lab report or using the default potency values. Additionally, the Default Potencies section will measure the default potencies per discrete unit in milligrams (mg).


Extracts-Ingested (Non-discrete)

Ref. Key


Release Notes

End Point


Extracts-Ingested (non-discrete) - Client portal

Updated potency UoMs on the Client Portal to accommodate the updated regulations. For each Extracts-Ingested/non-discrete SKU, potencies are now displayed in both mg/ml and mg/g. These potency values will be pulled from either the associated lab report or from the default values, depending on the Portal Potency settings in the SKU's Profile. The portal will also display the SKU's "Total THC per Activation (mg)" and "Total CBD per Activation" if this information is configured in the SKU's Profile.



Extracts-Ingested (non-discrete) - SKU settings

If a user creates a SKU for a product of the Extracts-Ingested (Non-discrete) product type, the SKU Profile will now include fields and sections to accommodate changes to reporting regulations. On the Overview tab, the SKU Setup section now includes a mandatory field for "Dried Gram Equivalent" to provide consumers with a single unit of measurement which they can use to compare different cannabis product potencies. On the Client Sales Setup tab, there are now distinct fields to track default potency values in both mg/ml and mg/g. The Client Sales Setup tab also has a new Potency Setting section, through which the user can decide whether the Client Portal will display the SKU's potencies using an associated Bulk Lot's lab report or using the default potency values. This new section also includes optional fields to track "Total THC per Activation (mg)" and "Total CBD per Activation (mg)".



Extracts-Ingested (non-discrete) - Lab report update

Redesigned the Lab Report page for Extracts-Ingested (Non-discrete) Bulk Lots to support regulatory updates surrounding units of measure for cannabinoid potencies and improve the user experience. The Cannabinoids tab for Bulk Lots of this type now has two potency pages that a user can toggle between–one that measures potencies in mg/g, and another that measures potencies in mg/ml. A user must configure the THC actual, Total THC, CBD actual, and Total CBD on at least one of these potency pages to release the lab report. Also, added a blue callout to the mg/g page to inform the user that reporting threshold values are not available for Bulk Lots of this type.



Extracts-Ingested (non-discrete) - Migration of oil products

Created a migration function to convert all products in an LP's environment with the "Oil" subclass to the "Extracts-Ingested (non-discrete)" subclass upon the deployment of Skunk Haze. This ensures products and SKUs configured pre-deployment still function properly post-deployment.


Extracts-Inhaled (Discrete)

Ref. Key


Release Notes

End Point


Extracts-Inhaled (discrete) - Client portal

Updated potency UoMs on the Client Portal to accommodate the updated regulations. For each Extracts-Inhaled/discrete unit SKU, potencies are now displayed in mg/g for THC, Total THC, CBD, and Total CBD. These potency values will be pulled from either the associated lab report or from the default values, depending on the Portal Potency settings in the SKU's Profile. There are new fields for "Units per Container", "Net Weight per Unit", and "Dried Gram Equivalent" to display the values entered in the corresponding fields on the SKU's Profile.



Extracts-Inhaled (discrete) - SKU settings

If a user creates a SKU for a product of the Extracts-Inhaled (Discrete) product type, the SKU Profile will now include fields and sections to accommodate discrete unit packaging and changes to reporting regulations. On the Overview tab, the SKU Setup section now includes a mandatory fields for "Dried Gram Equivalent", "Discrete Unit per EA Unit", and "Net Weight per Discrete Unit", as well as an optional field for "Net Volume per Discrete Unit". The Client Sales Setup tab has a new Potency Setting section, through which the user can decide whether the Client Portal will display the SKU's potencies using an associated Bulk Lot's lab report or using the default potency values. Additionally, the Default Potencies section will measure the default potencies per discrete unit in mg/g.



Extracts-Inhaled (discrete) - Lab report

Redesigned the Lab Report page for Extracts-Inhaled (Discrete) Bulk Lots to accommodate samples that include discrete units, support regulatory updates surrounding units of measure for cannabinoid potencies, and improve the user experience. The Lab Report now include a mandatory field to indicate the number of discrete units included in the lab sample. The Cannabinoids tab for Bulk Lots of this type will record cannabinoid potencies in mg/g. In order to set an Extracts-Inhaled (Discrete) lab report as active, the THC, THC Total, CBD, and CBD Total fields must be filled in.


Extracts-Inhaled (Non-discrete)

Ref. Key


Release Notes

End Point


Extracts-Inhaled (non-discrete) - Client portal update

Updated potency UoMs on the Client Portal to accommodate the updated regulations. For each Extracts-Inhaled/non-discrete SKU, potencies are now displayed in mg/g, and will pull values from either the associated lab report or default values depending on the Portal Potency settings in the SKU Profile.



Extracts-Inhaled (non-discrete) - SKU settings

If a user creates a SKU for a product of the Extracts-Inhaled (Non-discrete) product type, the SKU Profile will now include fields and sections to accommodate changes to reporting regulations. On the Overview tab, the SKU Setup section now includes a mandatory field for "Dried Gram Equivalent" to provide consumers with a single unit of measurement which they can use to compare different cannabis product potencies. On the Client Sales Setup tab, there are now fields to track default potency values in mg/g. The Client Sales Setup tab also has a new Potency Setting section, through which the user can decide whether the Client Portal will display the SKU's potencies using an associated Bulk Lot's lab report or using the default potency values.



Extracts-Inhaled (non-discrete) - Lab report update

Redesigned the Lab Report page for Extracts-Inhaled (Non-discrete) Bulk Lots to support regulatory updates surrounding units of measure for cannabinoid potencies and improve the user experience. The Cannabinoids tab for Bulk Lots of this type will only record cannabinoid potencies in mg/g. In order to set an Extracts-Inhaled (Non-discrete) lab report as active, the THC, THC Total, CBD, and CBD Total fields must be filled in. Also added a blue callout to inform the user that reporting threshold values are not available for Bulk Lots of this type.


Extracts–Other (Discrete)

Ref. Key


Release Notes

End Point


Extracts-Other (discrete) - Client portal

Updated potency UoMs on the Client Portal to accommodate the updated regulations. For each Extracts-Other (Discrete) SKU, potencies are now displayed in mg per unit, and the portal pulls potency values from the Potency Settings configured in the SKU's Profile. The information card will pull the "Net Weight per Unit", "Dried Gram Equivalent", and "Net Weight" from the corresponding fields on the SKU's Profile.



Extracts-Other (discrete) - SKU settings

If a user creates a SKU for a product of the Extracts-Other (Discrete) product type, the SKU Profile will now include fields and sections to accommodate discrete units changes to reporting regulations. On the Overview tab, the SKU Setup section now includes a mandatory fields for "Units per Container", "Dried Gram Equivalent", "Discrete Unit per EA Unit", and "Net Weight per Discrete Unit", as well as an optional field for "Net Volume per Discrete Unit". Additionally, the Default Potencies section on the Client Sales Setup tab will measure potencies per discrete unit in mg. The potency values configured in this tab will display in the Client Portal.



Extracts-Other (discrete) - Lab report

Redesigned the Lab Report page for Extracts-Other (Discrete) Bulk Lots to support discrete units and regulatory updates surrounding units of measure for cannabinoid potencies. The Lab Report now include a mandatory field to indicate the number of discrete units included in the lab sample. The Cannabinoids tab for Bulk Lots of this type will only record cannabinoid potencies in mg per unit, and in order to set an Extracts-Other (Discrete) lab report as active, the user must fill in the THC, THC Total, CBD, and CBD Total field. Also added a blue callout to inform the user that reporting threshold values are not available for Bulk Lots of this type.


Extracts–Other (Non-Discrete)

Ref. Key


Release Notes

End Point


Extracts-Other (non-discrete) - SKU settings

If a user creates a SKU for a product of the Extracts-Other (Non-discrete) product type, the SKU Profile will now include fields and sections to accommodate changes to reporting regulations. On the Overview tab, the SKU Setup section now includes a mandatory field for "Dried Gram Equivalent" to provide consumers with a single unit of measurement which they can use to compare different cannabis product potencies. On the Client Sales Setup tab, the Potency Setting section includes fields to track the "Total THC per Activation" and "Total CDB per Activation", both of which measure potency in mg. Default Potencies are measured in mg/g. These potency values will display in the Client Portal.



Extracts-Other (non-discrete) - Client portal update

Updated potency UoMs on the Client Portal to accommodate the updated regulations. For each Extracts-Other (Non-discrete) SKU, potencies are displayed in mg/g, and the information card will pull the "Dried Gram Equivalent", "Net Weight/Volume" , "Total THC per Activation (mg)" and "Total CBD per Activiation (mg)" and other potency settings from the corresponding fields in the SKU's Profile.



Extracts-Other (non-discrete) - Lab report update

Redesigned the Lab Report page for Extracts-Other (Non-discrete) Bulk Lots to support regulatory updates surrounding units of measure for cannabinoid potencies and improve the user experience. The Cannabinoids tab for Bulk Lots of this type will only record cannabinoid potencies in mg/g. In order to set an Extracts-Other (Non-discrete) lab report as active, the THC, THC Total, CBD, and CBD Total fields must be filled in. Also added a blue callout to inform the user that reporting threshold values are not available for Bulk Lots of this type.


Topicals (Discrete)



Release Notes

End Point


Topicals (discrete) - Client portal

Updated potency UoMs on the Client Portal to accommodate the updated regulations. For each Topicals (Discrete) SKU, potencies are now displayed in both mg and mg/g per discrete unit, and the information card will pull the "Net Weight per Unit", "Dried Gram Equivalent", and "Net Weight" from the corresponding fields on the SKU's Profile. Potency fields pull values directly from the SKU's potency settings.



Topicals (discrete) - SKU settings

If a user creates a SKU for a product of the Topicals (Discrete) product type, the SKU Profile will now include fields and sections to accommodate discrete unit packaging and changes to reporting regulations. On the Overview tab, the SKU Setup section now includes mandatory fields for "Units per Container", "Dried Gram Equivalent", "Discrete Unit Per EA Unit", and "Net Weight per Discrete Unit", as well as an optional field for "Net Volume per Discrete Unit". On the Client Sales Setup tab, there are now distinct fields to track potency values per unit in both mg and mg/g.



Topicals (discrete) - Lab report

Redesigned the Lab Report page for Topicals (Discrete) Bulk Lots to accommodate samples that include discrete units, support regulatory updates surrounding units of measure for cannabinoid potencies, and improve the user experience. The Lab Report now include a mandatory field to indicate the number of discrete units included in the lab sample. The Cannabinoids tab for Bulk Lots of this type has two potency pages that a user can toggle between–one to record cannabinoid potencies in mg/g, and another to record potencies in mg.In order to set a Topicals (Discrete) lab report as active, the THC, THC Total, CBD, and CBD Total fields must be filled in on one of the potency pages. Also added a blue callout to each potency page to inform the user that reporting threshold values are not available for Bulk Lots of this type.


Topicals (Non-Discrete)

Edibles-Solids (Discrete)

Ref. Key


Release Notes

End Point


Edibles-Solids (discrete) - Client portal

Updated potency UoMs on the Client Portal to accommodate the updated regulations. For each Edibles-Solids (Discrete) SKU, potencies display in mg/discrete unit and mg/EA unit, and the portal pulls these values from the Potency Settings in the SKU's Profile. Additionally, the information card will pull the "Units per Container", "Dried Gram Equivalent", and "Net Weight per Unit" from the corresponding fields on the SKU's Profile. If the user uploaded a "Nutrition Information Image", it will display below the SKU's product image.



Edibles-Solids (discrete) - SKU settings

If a user creates a SKU for a product of the Edibles-Solids (Discrete) product type, the SKU Profile will now include fields and sections to accommodate discrete unit packaging and changes to reporting regulations. On the Overview tab, the SKU Setup section now includes mandatory fields for "Dried Gram Equivalent", "Discrete Unit Per EA Unit", and "Net Weight per Discrete Unit". On the Client Sales Setup tab, there are now distinct fields to track default potency values in mg per EA Unit and mg per discrete unit. These potency configurations will display in the Client Portal. A user can also upload a "Nutrition Information Image" to display on the product's page in the Client Portal.



Edibles-Solids (discrete) - Lab report

Redesigned the Lab Report page for Edibles-Solids (Discrete) Bulk Lots to accommodate samples that include discrete units, support regulatory updates surrounding units of measure for cannabinoid potencies, and improve the user experience. The Lab Report now include a mandatory field to indicate the number of discrete units included in the lab sample. The Cannabinoids tab for Bulk Lots of this type measures potencies in mg per unit. A user must configure the THC, Total THC, CBD, and Total CBD fields to release the lab report. Also, added a blue callout to the potency page to inform the user that reporting threshold values are not available for Bulk Lots of this type.


Edibles-Solids (Non-Discrete)

Ref. Key


Release Notes

End Point


Edibles-Solids (non-discrete) - Client portal update

Updated potency UoMs on the Client Portal to accommodate the updated regulations. For each Edibles-Solids (Non-discrete) SKU, potencies display in mg, and the portal pulls these values from the Potency Settings in the SKU's Profile. Additionally, the information card will pull the "Dried Gram Equivalent" and "Net Weight" from the corresponding fields on the SKU's Profile. If the user uploaded a "Nutrition Information Image", it will display below the SKU's product image.



Edibles-Solids (non-discrete) - Lab report update

Redesigned the Lab Report page for Edibles-Solids (Non-discrete) Bulk Lots to support regulatory updates surrounding units of measure for cannabinoid potencies and improve the user experience. The Cannabinoids tab for Bulk Lots of this type measures potencies in mg/g. A user must configure the THC, Total THC, CBD, and Total CBD fields to release the lab report. Also, added a blue callout to the potency page to inform the user that reporting threshold values are not available for Bulk Lots of this type.



Edibles-Solids (non-discrete) - SKU settings

If a user creates a SKU for a product of the Edibles-Solids (Non-discrete) product type, the SKU Profile will now include fields and sections to accommodate changes to reporting regulations. On the Overview tab, the SKU Setup section now includes a mandatory field for "Dried Gram Equivalent" to provide consumers with a single unit of measurement which they can use to compare different cannabis product potencies. On the Client Sales Setup tab, the Default Potency section tracks potencies in mg. These potency values will display in the Client Portal. A user can also upload a "Nutrition Information Image" to display on the product's page in the Client Portal.


Edibles-Non Solids (Discrete)

Ref. Key


Release Notes

End Point


Edibles-Non Solids (discrete) - Client portal

Updated potency UoMs on the Client Portal to accommodate the updated regulations. For each Edibles-Non-Solids (Discrete) SKU, potencies display in mg/discrete unit and mg/EA unit, and the portal pulls these values from the Potency Settings in the SKU's Profile. Additionally, the information card will pull the "Units per Container", "Dried Gram Equivalent", and "Net Weight per Unit" from the corresponding fields on the SKU's Profile. If the user uploaded a "Nutrition Information Image", it will display below the SKU's product image.



Edibles-Non Solids (discrete) - SKU settings

If a user creates a SKU for a product of the Edibles-Non-Solids (Discrete) product type, the SKU Profile will now include fields and sections to accommodate discrete unit packaging and changes to reporting regulations. On the Overview tab, the SKU Setup section now includes mandatory fields for "Dried Gram Equivalent", "Discrete Unit Per EA Unit", "Net Weight per Discrete Unit", and "Net Volume per Discrete Unit". On the Client Sales Setup tab, there are now distinct fields to track default potency values in mg per EA Unit and mg per discrete unit. These potency configurations will display in the Client Portal. A user can also upload a "Nutrition Information Image" to display on the product's page in the Client Portal.



Edibles-Non Solids (discrete) - Lab report

Redesigned the Lab Report page for Edibles-Non-Solids (Discrete) Bulk Lots to accommodate samples that include discrete units, support regulatory updates surrounding units of measure for cannabinoid potencies, and improve the user experience. The Lab Report now include a mandatory field to indicate the number of discrete units included in the lab sample. The Cannabinoids tab for Bulk Lots of this type measures potencies in mg per unit. A user must configure the THC, Total THC, CBD, and Total CBD fields to release the lab report. Also, added a blue callout to the potency page to inform the user that reporting threshold values are not available for Bulk Lots of this type.


Edibles-Non Solids (Non-Discrete)

Ref. Key


Release Notes

End Point


Edibles-Non Solids (non-discrete) - Client portal update

Updated potency UoMs on the Client Portal to accommodate the updated regulations. For each Edibles-Non-solids (Non-discrete) SKU, potencies display in mg, and the portal pulls these values from the Potency Settings in the SKU's Profile. Additionally, the information card will pull the "Dried Gram Equivalent" and "Net Weight" from the corresponding fields on the SKU's Profile. If the user uploaded a "Nutrition Information Image", it will display below the SKU's product image.



Edibles-Non Solids (non-discrete) - SKU settings

If a user creates a SKU for a product of the Edibles-Non-solids (Non-discrete) product type, the SKU Profile will now include fields and sections to accommodate changes to reporting regulations. On the Overview tab, the SKU Setup section now includes a mandatory field for "Dried Gram Equivalent" to provide consumers with a single unit of measurement which they can use to compare different cannabis product potencies. "Net Weight" and "Net Volume" are also required fields. On the Client Sales Setup tab, the Potency Setting tracks potencies in mg. These potency values will display on the Client Portal. A user can also upload a "Nutrition Information Image" to display on the product's page in the Client Portal.



Edibles-Non Solids (non-discrete) - Lab report update

Redesigned the Lab Report page for Edibles-Non Solids (Non-discrete) Bulk Lots to support regulatory updates surrounding units of measure for cannabinoid potencies and improve the user experience. The Cannabinoids tab for Bulk Lots of this type measures potencies in mg/g. A user must configure the THC, Total THC, CBD, and Total CBD fields to release the lab report. Also, added a blue callout to the potency page to inform the user that reporting threshold values are not available for Bulk Lots of this type.


CTLS 2.0

Unpackaged – Plants & Seeds

Ref. Key


Release Notes

End Point


CTLS 2.0 - Report generation

Updated the text in the CTLS section in the Monthly Reports tab to meet new requirements and improve the user experience. Changed the section title from "CTLS Cananbis Tracking Report" to "CTLS Report", and changed the sub-title from "CSV file formatted for file upload in the CTLS" to "To facilitate CTLS reporting". Also, updated the CSV file's name to ctls_reporting_tool_YYYY-MM.xlsx



CTLS 2.0 - BI - Unpackaged - Whole cannabis plants - Closing inventory (#)

Added a new "Unpackaged - Whole cannabis plants - Closing inventory (#)" column to accommodate changes to CTLS report nomenclature, structure, and data requirements, including a new distinction between "vegetative plants" and "whole plants". This data appears in column BI and tracks the sum of flowering plants in the inventory on the last day of the reporting month.



CTLS 2.0 - AO - Unpackaged - Vegetative cannabis plants - Closing inventory (#)

Added a new "Unpackaged - Vegetative cannabis plants - Closing inventory (#)" column to accommodate changes to CTLS report nomenclature, structure, and data requirements, including a new distinction between "vegetative plants" and "whole plants". This data appears in column AO, and tracks the sum of non-flowering in the inventory on the last day of the reporting month.



CTLS 2.0 - B - Reporting Period Month (##)

Updated the "Reporting Period Month (####)" column to accommodate changes to CTLS report nomenclature, structure, and data requirements. This data appears in column B, and tracks the month of the reporting period. The month will appear in this column in every row in which there is data populated.



CTLS 2.0 - A - Reporting Period Year (####)

Updated the "Reporting Period Year (####)" column to accommodate changes to CTLS report nomenclature, structure, and data requirements. This data appears in column A, and tracks the year of the reporting period. The year will appear in this column in every row in which there is data populated.



CTLS 2.0 - AW - Unpackaged - Whole cannabis plants - Reductions - Processed (#)

Added a new "Unpackaged - Whole cannabis plants - Reductions - Processed (#)" column to accommodate changes to CTLS report nomenclature, structure, and data requirements, including a new distinction between "vegetative plants" and "whole plants". This data appears in column AW, and tracks the sum of flowering plants harvested during the reporting period.



CTLS 2.0 - AR - Unpackaged - Whole cannabis plants - Additions - Produced (#)

Added a new "Unpackaged - Whole cannabis plants - Additions - Produced (#)" column to accommodate changes to CTLS report nomenclature, structure, and data requirements, including a new distinction between "vegetative plants" and "whole plants". This data appears in column AR, and tracks the sum of plants that entered the flowering stage during the reporting month.



CTLS 2.0 - AQ - Unpackaged - Whole cannabis plants - Opening inventory (#)

Added a new "Unpackaged - Whole cannabis plants - Opening inventory (#)" column to accommodate changes to CTLS report nomenclature, structure, and data requirements, including a new distinction between "vegetative plants" and "whole plants". This data appears in column AQ, and tracks the sum of flowering plants in the inventory on the first day of the reporting month.



CTLS 2.0 - AC - Unpackaged - Vegetative cannabis plants - Reductions - Processed (#)

Added a new "Unpackaged - Vegetative cannabis plants - Reductions - Processed (#)" column to accommodate changes to CTLS report nomenclature, structure, and data requirements, including a new distinction between "vegetative plants" and "whole plants". This data appears in column AC, and tracks the sum of plants moved from the vegetation stage to the flowering stage during the reporting month.



CTLS 2.0 - X - Unpackaged - Vegetative cannabis plants - Additions - Produced (#)

Added a new "Unpackaged - Vegetative cannabis plants - Additions - Produced (#)" column to accommodate changes to CTLS report nomenclature, structure, and data requirements, including a new distinction between "vegetative plants" and "whole plants". This data appears in column X, and tracks the sum of non-flowering plants produced during the reporting month.



CTLS 2.0 - W - Unpackaged - Vegetative cannabis plants - Opening inventory (#)

Added a new "Unpackaged - Vegetative cannabis plants - Opening inventory (#)" column to accommodate changes to CTLS report nomenclature, structure, and data requirements, including a new distinction between "vegetative plants" and "whole plants". This data appears in column W, and tracks the sum of non-flowering plants in the inventory on the first day of the reporting month.



CTLS 2.0 - J - Unpackaged - Seeds - Reductions - Processed (kg)

Updated the "Unpackaged - Seeds - Reductions - Processed (kg)" column to accommodate changes to CTLS report nomenclature, structure, and data requirements. This data now appears in column J, and tracks the sum of seed weight converted into living cannabis plants during the reporting period.


Unpackaged – Dried, Fresh, Extracts-Ingested

Ref. Key


Release Notes

End Point


CTLS 2.0 - HL - Unpackaged - Extracts - Ingested - Closing inventory (kg)

Added the "Unpackaged - Extracts - Ingested - Closing inventory (kg)" column to accommodate changes to CTLS report nomenclature, structure, and data requirements. This data appears in column HL, and tracks the weight (in kg) of unpackaged Extracts-Ingested cannabis–both discrete and non-discrete–in the inventory on the last day of the reporting month. This includes Extracts-Ingested Bulk Lots, tote weight from Extracts-Ingested lots, retained samples from Extracts-Ingested lots, Extracts-Ingested work order input weight from work orders that are not closed, and Extracts-Ingested weight in destruction sublots that are not closed.



CTLS 2.0 - HB - Unpackaged - Extracts - Ingested - Reductions - Shipped - domestic - to analytical testers (kg)

Updated/renamed the "Unpackaged - Extracts - Ingested - Reductions - Shipped domestic - to analytical testers (kg)" column to accommodate changes to CTLS report nomenclature, structure, and data requirements. This data appears in column HB, and tracks the sum of lab report samples created from Extracts-Ingested Bulk Lots, where the lab report's "Sample Sent" setting is set to "Yes" and the "Date Sent" is within the reporting month.



CTLS 2.0 - HA - Unpackaged - Extracts - Ingested - Reductions - Packaged and labeled (kg)

Updated/renamed the "Unpackaged - Extracts - Ingested - Reductions - Packaged and labeled (kg)" column to accommodate changes to CTLS report nomenclature, structure, and data requirements. This data appears in column HA, and tracks the sum of weight packaged from Extracts-Ingested Bulk Lots into EA SKUs, considering all packaging methods, during the reporting month.



CTLS 2.0 - GV - Unpackaged - Extracts - Ingested - Additions - Produced (kg)

Updated/renamed the "Unpackaged - Extracts - Ingested - Additions - Produced (kg)" column to accommodate changes to CTLS report nomenclature, structure, and data requirements. This data appears in column GV, and tracks the sum of Extracts-Ingested weight output from work orders, where those work orders were closed during the reporting month and the input Bulk Lot's type was Pure Intermediates.



CTLS 2.0 - GU - Unpackaged - Extracts - Ingested - Opening inventory (kg)

Added the "Unpackaged - Extracts - Ingested - Opening inventory (kg)" column to accommodate changes to CTLS report nomenclature, structure, and data requirements. This data appears in column GU, and tracks the weight (in kg) of unpackaged Extracts-Ingested cannabis–both discrete and non-discrete–in the inventory on the first day of the reporting month. This includes Extracts-Ingested Bulk Lots, tote weight from Extracts-Ingested lots, retained samples from Extracts-Ingested lots, Extracts-Ingested work order input weight from work orders that are not closed, and Extracts-Ingested weight in destruction sublots that are not closed.



CTLS 2.0 - CW - Unpackaged - Dried cannabis - Closing inventory (kg)

Added the "Unpackaged - Dried cannabis - Closing inventory (kg)" column to accommodate changes to CTLS report nomenclature, structure, and data requirements. This data appears in column CW, and tracks the sum of unpackaged dried cannabis–both discrete and non-discrete–in the inventory on the last day of the reporting month. This includes dried Bulk Lots, tote weight from dried lots, retained samples from dried lots, dried work order input weight from work orders that are not closed, and dried weight in destruction sublots that are not closed.



CTLS 2.0 - CM - Unpackaged - Dried cannabis - Reductions - Shipped - domestic - to analytical testers (kg)

Updated/renamed the "Unpackaged - Dried cannabis - Reductions - Shipped domestic - to analytical testers (kg)" column to accommodate changes to CTLS report nomenclature, structure, and data requirements. This data appears in column CM, and tracks the sum of lab report samples created from dried Bulk Lots, where the lab report's "Sample Sent" setting is set to "Yes" and the "Date Sent" is within the reporting month.



CTLS 2.0 - CL - Unpackaged - Dried cannabis - Reductions - Packaged and labeled (kg)

Updated/renamed the "Unpackaged - Dried cannabis - Reductions - Packaged and labeled (kg)" column to accommodate changes to CTLS report nomenclature, structure, and data requirements. This data appears in column CL, and tracks the sum of weight packaged from dried Bulk Lots into EA SKUs, considering all packaging methods, during the reporting month.



CTLS 2.0 - CK - Unpackaged - Dried cannabis - Reductions - Processed (kg)

Updated/renamed the "Unpackaged - Dried cannabis - Reductions - Processed (kg)" column to accommodate changes to CTLS report nomenclature, structure, and data requirements. This data appears in column CK, and tracks the sum weight from dried Bulk Lots input to Work Orders where the Work Order was closed during the reporting month and the output Bulk Lot type was pure intermediates.



CTLS 2.0 - CF - Unpackaged - Dried cannabis - Additions - Produced (kg)

Updated/renamed the "Unpackaged - Dried cannabis - Additions - Produced (kg)" column to accommodate changes to CTLS report nomenclature, structure, and data requirements. This data appears in column CF, and tracks the sum of dried weight output from work orders where the "convert fresh to dried" function was used, where those work orders were closed during the reporting month.



CTLS 2.0 - CE - Unpackaged - Dried cannabis - Opening inventory (kg)

Updated/renamed the "Unpackaged - Dried cannabis - Opening inventory (kg)" column to accommodate changes to CTLS report nomenclature, structure, and data requirements. This data appears in column CE, and tracks the sum of unpackaged dried cannabis–both discrete and non-discrete–in the inventory on the first day of the reporting month. This includes dried Bulk Lots, tote weight from dried lots, retained samples from dried lots, dried work order input weight from work orders that are not closed, and dried weight in destruction sublots that are not closed.



CTLS 2.0 - CC - Unpackaged - Fresh cannabis - Closing inventory (kg)

Added the "Unpackaged - Fresh cannabis - Closing inventory (kg)" column to accommodate changes to CTLS report nomenclature, structure, and data requirements. This data appears in column CC, and tracks the sum of unpackaged fresh cannabis–both discrete and non-discrete–in the inventory on the last day of the reporting month. This includes fresh Bulk Lots, tote weight from fresh lots, retained samples from fresh lots, fresh work order input weight from work orders that are not closed, and fresh weight in destruction sublots that are not closed.



CTLS 2.0 - BQ - Unpackaged - Fresh cannabis - Reductions - Processed (kg)

Updated/renamed the "Unpackaged - Fresh cannabis - Reductions - Processed (kg)" column to accommodate changes to CTLS report nomenclature, structure, and data requirements. This data appears in column BQ, and tracks the sum weight from fresh Bulk Lots input to Work Orders where the Work Order was closed during the reporting month and the output Bulk Lot type was not fresh.



CTLS 2.0 - BL - Unpackaged - Fresh cannabis - Additions - Produced (kg)

Updated/renamed the "Unpackaged - Fresh cannabis - Additions - Produced (kg)" column to accommodate changes to CTLS report nomenclature, structure, and data requirements. This data appears in column BL, and tracks the sum of weight output to fresh Bulk Lots from harvests within the reporting month. This includes harvests that are not closed.



CTLS 2.0 - BK - Unpackaged - Fresh cannabis - Opening inventory (kg)

Updated/renamed the "Unpackaged - Fresh cannabis - Opening inventory (kg)" column to accommodate changes to CTLS report nomenclature, structure, and data requirements. This data appears in column BK, and tracks the sum of unpackaged fresh cannabis–both discrete and non-discrete–in the inventory on the first day of the reporting month. This includes fresh Bulk Lots, tote weight from fresh lots, retained samples from fresh lots, fresh work order input weight from work orders that are not closed, and fresh weight in destruction sublots that are not closed.


Packaged – Dried, Extracts-Ingested

Ref. Key


Release Notes

End Point


CTLS 2.0 - NL - Packaged - Extracts - Ingested - Reductions - Shipped - returned (#)

Added the "Packaged - Extracts - Ingested - Reductions - Shipped - returned (#)" column to accommodate changes to CTLS report nomenclature, structure, and data requirements, including new extract product type distinctions. This data appears in column NL, and tracks the sum of Extracts-Ingested bottles–both discrete and non-discrete–in received inventories that were returned within the reporting month.



CTLS 2.0 - LL - Packaged - Dried cannabis - Reductions - Shipped - returned (#)

Added the "Packaged - Dried cannabis - Reductions - Shipped - returned (#)" column to accommodate changes to CTLS report nomenclature, structure, and data requirements. This data appears in column LL, and tracks the sum of dried bottles–both discrete and non-discrete–in received inventories that were returned within the reporting month.



CTLS 2.0 - NR - Packaged - Extracts - Ingested - Closing inventory weight (kg)

Added the "Packaged - Extracts - Ingested - Closing inventory weight (kg)" column to accommodate changes to CTLS report nomenclature, structure, and data requirements, including new extract product type distinctions. This data appears in column NR, and tracks the total weight of Extracts-Ingested bottles–both discrete and non-discrete–in the inventory on the last day of the reporting month. This includes bottles in the inventory that are not sold, reclaimed, or destroyed; bottles reserved on medical orders that are not fulfilled; and bottles in cases that are not sold, including reserved cases. This column pulls data based on the amount packaged, not the net weight of each unique SKU.



CTLS 2.0 - NQ - Packaged - Extracts - Ingested - Closing inventory value ($)

Added the "Packaged - Extracts - Ingested - Closing inventory value ($)" column to accommodate changes to CTLS report nomenclature, structure, and data requirements, including new extract product type distinctions. This data appears in column NQ, and tracks the total value (according to the retail price) of Extracts-Ingested bottles–both discrete and non-discrete–in the inventory on the last day of the reporting month. This includes bottles in the inventory that are not sold, reclaimed, or destroyed; bottles reserved on medical orders that are not fulfilled; and bottles in cases that are not sold, including reserved cases.



CTLS 2.0 - NP - Packaged - Extracts - Ingested - Closing inventory (#)

Added the "Packaged - Extracts - Ingested - Closing inventory (#)" column to accommodate changes to CTLS report nomenclature, structure, and data requirements, including new extract product type distinctions. This data appears in column NP, and tracks the sum of Extracts-Ingested bottles–both discrete and non-discrete–in the inventory on the last day of the reporting month. This includes bottles in the inventory that are not sold, reclaimed, or destroyed; bottles reserved on medical orders that are not fulfilled; and bottles in cases that are not sold, including reserved cases.



CTLS 2.0 - NK - Packaged - Extracts - Ingested - Reductions - Shipped - domestic (#)

Added the "Packaged - Extracts - Ingested - Reductions - Shipped - domestic (#)" column to accommodate changes to CTLS report nomenclature, structure, and data requirements, including new extract product type distinctions. This data appears in column NK, and tracks the sum of Extracts-Ingested bottles–both discrete and non-discrete–sold through medical and wholesale orders within the reporting month.



CTLS 2.0 - NJ - Packaged - Extracts - Ingested - Additions - Other (#)

Added the "Packaged - Extracts - Ingested - Additions - Other (#)" column to accommodate changes to CTLS report nomenclature, structure, and data requirements, including new extract product type distinctions. This data appears in column NJ, and tracks the sum of Extracts-Ingested bottles–both discrete and non-discrete–received via the Received Inventory workflow, where "Source" was set to "Other", within the reporting month.



CTLS 2.0 - NI - Packaged - Extracts - Ingested - Additions - Received - returned (#)

Added the "Packaged - Extracts - Ingested - Additions - Received - returned (#)" column to accommodate changes to CTLS report nomenclature, structure, and data requirements, including new extract product type distinctions. This data appears in column NI, and tracks the sum of Extracts-Ingested bottles–both discrete and non-discrete–received via the Received Inventory workflow, where "Source" was set to "Return", within the reporting month.



CTLS 2.0 - NH - Packaged - Extracts - Ingested - Additions - Received - domestic (#)

Added the "Packaged - Extracts - Ingested - Additions - Received - domestic (#)" column to accommodate changes to CTLS report nomenclature, structure, and data requirements, including new extract product type distinctions. This data appears in column NH, and tracks the sum of Extracts-Ingested bottles–both discrete and non-discrete–received via the Received Inventory workflow, where "Source" was set to "Domestic", within the reporting month.



CTLS 2.0 - NG - Packaged - Extracts - Ingested - Additions - Quantity packaged (#)

Added the "Packaged - Extracts - Ingested - Additions - Quantity packaged (#)" column to accommodate changes to CTLS report nomenclature, structure, and data requirements, including new extract product type distinctions. This data appears in column NG, and tracks the sum of Extracts-Ingested bottles–both discrete and non-discrete–created through packaging runs within the reporting month.



CTLS 2.0 - NF - Packaged - Extracts - Ingested - Opening inventory (#)

Added the "Packaged - Extracts - Ingested - Opening inventory (#)" column to accommodate changes to CTLS report nomenclature, structure, and data requirements, including new extract product type distinctions. This data appears in column NF, and tracks the sum of Extracts-Ingested bottles–both discrete and non-discrete–in the inventory on the first day of the reporting month. This includes bottles in the inventory that are not sold, reclaimed, or destroyed; bottles reserved on medical orders that are not fulfilled; and bottles in cases that are not sold, including reserved cases.



CTLS 2.0 - LR - Packaged - Dried cannabis - Closing inventory weight (kg)

Added the "Packaged - Dried cannabis - Closing inventory weight (kg)" column to accommodate changes to CTLS report nomenclature, structure, and data requirements. This data appears in column LR, and tracks the total weight of dried bottles–both discrete and non-discrete–in the inventory on the last day of the reporting month. This includes bottles in the inventory that are not sold, reclaimed, or destroyed; bottles reserved on medical orders that are not fulfilled; and bottles in cases that are not sold, including reserved cases. This column pulls data based on the amount packaged, not the net weight of each unique SKU.



CTLS 2.0 - LQ - Packaged - Dried cannabis - Closing inventory value ($)

Added the "Packaged - Dried cannabis - Closing inventory value ($)" column to accommodate changes to CTLS report nomenclature, structure, and data requirements. This data appears in column LQ, and tracks the total value (according to the retail price) of dried bottles–both discrete and non-discrete–in the inventory on the last day of the reporting month. This includes bottles in the inventory that are not sold, reclaimed, or destroyed; bottles reserved on medical orders that are not fulfilled; and bottles in cases that are not sold, including reserved cases.



CTLS 2.0 - LP - Packaged - Dried cannabis - Closing inventory (#)

Added the "Packaged - Dried cannabis - Closing inventory (#)" column to accommodate changes to CTLS report nomenclature, structure, and data requirements. This data appears in column LP, and tracks the sum of dried bottles–both discrete and non-discrete–in the inventory on the last day of the reporting month. This includes bottles in the inventory that are not sold, reclaimed, or destroyed; bottles reserved on medical orders that are not fulfilled; and bottles in cases that are not sold, including reserved cases.



CTLS 2.0 - LK - Packaged - Dried cannabis - Reductions - Shipped - domestic (#)

Added the "Packaged - Dried cannabis - Reductions - Shipped - domestic (#)" column to accommodate changes to CTLS report nomenclature, structure, and data requirements. This data appears in column LK, and tracks the sum of dried bottles–both discrete and non-discrete–sold through medical and wholesale orders within the reporting month.



CTLS 2.0 - LJ - Packaged - Dried cannabis - Additions - Other (#)

Added the "Packaged - Dried cannabis - Additions - Other (#)" column to accommodate changes to CTLS report nomenclature, structure, and data requirements. This data appears in column LJ, and tracks the sum of dried bottles–both discrete and non-discrete–received via the Received Inventory workflow, where "Source" was set to "Other", within the reporting month.



CTLS 2.0 - LI - Packaged - Dried cannabis - Additions - Received - returned (#)

Added the "Packaged - Dried cannabis - Additions - Received - returned (#)" column to accommodate changes to CTLS report nomenclature, structure, and data requirements. This data appears in column LI, and tracks the sum of dried bottles–both discrete and non-discrete–received via the Received Inventory workflow, where "Source" was set to "Return", within the reporting month.



CTLS 2.0 - LH - Packaged - Dried cannabis - Additions - Received - domestic (#)

Added the "Packaged - Dried cannabis - Additions - Received-domestic (#)" column to accommodate changes to CTLS report nomenclature, structure, and data requirements. This data appears in column LH, and tracks the sum of dried bottles–both discrete and non-discrete–received via the Received Inventory workflow, where "Source" was set to "Domestic", within the reporting month.



CTLS 2.0 - LG - Packaged - Dried cannabis - Additions - Quantity packaged (#)

Updated/renamed the "Packaged - Dried cannabis - Additions - Quantity packaged (#)" column to accommodate changes to CTLS report nomenclature, structure, and data requirements. This data appears in column LG, and tracks the sum of dried bottles–both discrete and non-discrete–created through packaging runs during the reporting month.



CTLS 2.0 - LF - Packaged - Dried cannabis - Opening inventory (#)

Updated/renamed the "Packaged - Dried cannabis - Opening inventory (#)" column to accommodate changes to CTLS report nomenclature, structure, and data requirements. This data appears in column LF, and tracks the sum of dried bottles–both discrete and non-discrete–in the inventory on the first day of the reporting month. This includes bottles in the inventory that are not sold, reclaimed, or destroyed; bottles reserved on medical orders that are not fulfilled; and bottles in cases that are not sold, including reserved cases.


Sales – Dried, Extracts-Ingested

Ref. Key


Release Notes

End Point


CTLS 2.0 - Sales by province - Extracts-Ingested - Medical - Direct to consumer (online) (#)

Updated/renamed the "Sales - *Province* - Extracts - Ingested - Medical - Direct to consumer (online) (#)" columns to accommodate changes to CTLS report nomenclature, structure, and data requirements. These columns track the sum of Extracts-Ingested bottles–both discrete and non-discrete–sold to each province through medical orders within the reporting month, based on the payment dates. Provinces/columns are as follows: Alberta/BIL, British Columbia/BIX, Manitoba/BJJ, New Brunswick/BJV, Newfoundland & Labrador/BKH, Nova Scotia/BKT, Northwest Territories/BLF, Nunavut/BLR, Ontario/BMD, Prince Edward Island/BMP, Quebec/BNB, Saskatchewan/BNN, Yukon/BNZ.



CTLS 2.0 - Sales by province - Dried - Medical - Direct to consumer (online) (#)

Updated/renamed the "Sales - *Province* - Dried cannabis - Medical - Direct to consumer (online) (#)" columns to accommodate changes to CTLS report nomenclature, structure, and data requirements. These columns track the sum of dried bottles–both discrete and non-discrete–sold to each province through medical orders within the reporting month, based on the payment dates. Provinces/columns are as follows: Alberta/AIP, British Columbia/AJB, Manitoba/AJN, New Brunswick/AJZ, Newfoundland & Labrador/AKL, Nova Scotia/AKX, Northwest Territories/ALJ, Nunavut/ALV, Ontario/AMH, Prince Edward Island/AMT, Quebec/ANF, Saskatchewan/ANR, Yukon/AOD.



Ref. Key


Release Notes

End Point


Orders - Order refusal reason selection

When refusing an order, a user must now select the reason for refusal from a drop-down menu. Options are Incomplete Information, Expired Registration, Order Exceeds Authorized Amount, Product Out of Stock, and Other. If the user selects Other, a text field appears for the user to describe the issue.



CTLS 2.0 - CKF - Order Refusals – Other

Updated/renamed the "Other Refusals - Other" column to accommodate changes to CTLS report nomenclature, structure, and data requirements. This data appears in column CKF, and tracks the number of orders created during the reporting month with the status "Order Refused".



CTLS 2.0 - CKE - Order Refusals - Product Out of Stock

Updated/renamed the "Order Refusals - Product Out of Stock" column to accommodate changes to CTLS report nomenclature, structure, and data requirements. This data appears in column CKE. However, in the event of "Product Out of Stock", order items will be prevented from being entered on Ample Organics in the first place. Therefore, this field will always be left blank.



CTLS 2.0 - CKD - Order Refusals - Order Exceeds Authorized Amount

Updated/renamed the "Order Refusals - Order Exceeds Authorized Amount" column to accommodate changes to CTLS report nomenclature, structure, and data requirements. This data appears in column CKD. However, in the event of an order "Exceeding the Authorized Amount", order items will be prevented from being entered on Ample Organics in the first place. Therefore, this field will always be left blank.



CTLS 2.0 - CKC - Order Refusals - Expired Registration

Updated/renamed the "Order Refusals - Expired Registration" column to accommodate changes to CTLS report nomenclature, structure, and data requirements. This data appears in column CKC. However, in the event of an "Expired Registration", order items will be prevented from being entered on Ample Organics in the first place. Therefore, this field will always be left blank.



CTLS 2.0 - CKB - Order Refusals - Incomplete Information

Updated/renamed the "Order Refusals - Incomplete Information" column to accommodate changes to CTLS report nomenclature, structure, and data requirements. This data appears in column CKB. However, in the event of "Incomplete Information", order items will be prevented from being entered on Ample Organics in the first place. Therefore, this field will always be left blank.



CTLS 2.0 - CKA - Refusals – Other

Updated/renamed the "Refusals - Other" column to accommodate changes to CTLS report nomenclature, structure, and data requirements. This data appears in column CKA, and tracks the number of registrations marked as "Refused" during the reporting month due to a reason tracked in the "Other" designation.



CTLS 2.0 - CJZ - Refusals - Invalid Medical Document

Updated/renamed the "Refusals - Invalid Medical Document" column to accommodate changes to CTLS report nomenclature, structure, and data requirements. This data appears in column CJZ, and tracks the number of registrations marked as "Refused" during the reporting month due to receiving an invalid medical document.



CTLS 2.0 - CJY - Refusals - Suspicion of False or Misleading Information

Updated/renamed the "Refusals - Suspicion of False or Misleading Information" column to accommodate changes to CTLS report nomenclature, structure, and data requirements. This data appears in column CJY, and tracks the number of registrations marked as "Refused" during the reporting month due to suspicion of false or misleading information.



CTLS 2.0 - CJX - Refusals - Incomplete Information

Updated/renamed the "Refusals - Incomplete Information" column to accommodate changes to CTLS report nomenclature, structure, and data requirements. This data appears in column CJX, and tracks the number of registrations marked as "Refused" during the reporting month due to incomplete information.



CTLS 2.0 - CJW - Highest Amount Authorized

Updated/renamed the "Highest Amount Authorized" column to accommodate changes to CTLS report nomenclature, structure, and data requirements. This data appears in column CJW, and tracks the highest authorized (prescribed) amount in grams/day among prescriptions that were verified before the end of reporting month. This only applies to prescriptions that completely span the reporting month.



CTLS 2.0 - CJV - Median Amount Authorized

Updated/renamed the "Median Amount Authorized" column to accommodate changes to CTLS report nomenclature, structure, and data requirements. This data appears in column CJV, and tracks the median authorized (prescribed) amount in grams/day for all prescriptions that were verified before the end of reporting month. This only applies to prescriptions that completely span the reporting month.



CTLS 2.0 - CJU - Average Amount Authorized

Updated/renamed the "Average Amount Authorized" column to accommodate changes to CTLS report nomenclature, structure, and data requirements. This data appears in column CJU, and tracks the average authorized (prescribed) amount in grams/day for all prescriptions that were verified before the end of reporting month. This only applies to prescriptions that completely span the reporting month.



HCP 2.0 - I - Postal Code

Added the "Postal Code" column to accommodate changes to Health Care Practitioners (HCP) report nomenclature, structure, and data requirements. This data appears in column I, and tracks each practitioner's business postal code.



HCP 2.0 - H - Province or Territory

Updated the "Province or Territory" column to accommodate changes to Health Care Practitioners (HCP) report nomenclature, structure, and data requirements. This data appears in column H, and tracks the province or territory where the each practitioner's business was located when the medical document(s) were signed within the selected reporting period. This column identifies province/territories using two-digit codes: AB, BC, MB, etc.



HCP 2.0 - G - Number of documents signed

Updated the "Number of documents signed" column to accommodate changes to Health Care Practitioners (HCP) report nomenclature, structure, and data requirements. This data appears in column G, and tracks the total number of medical documents signed by the practitioner within the reporting month.



HCP 2.0 - F - Last Name

Updated the "Last Name" column to accommodate changes to Health Care Practitioners (HCP) report nomenclature, structure, and data requirements. This data appears in column F, and tracks each practitioner's last name.



HCP 2.0 - E - First Name

Updated the "First Name" column to accommodate changes to Health Care Practitioners (HCP) report nomenclature, structure, and data requirements. This data appears in column E, and tracks each practitioner's first name.



HCP 2.0 - D - Unique Id

Updated the "Unique ID" column to accommodate changes to Health Care Practitioners (HCP) report nomenclature, structure, and data requirements. This data appears in column D, and tracks each physician's licence number, as input in the Business Information section on each Physician's Profile.



HCP 2.0 - C - Licence (LIC-##########-####)

Updated the "Licence (LIC-##########-####)" column to accommodate changes to Health Care Practitioners (HCP) report nomenclature, structure, and data requirements. This data appears in column C, and tracks the licence holder's unique alpha-numeric identifier associated with a licence for medical sales. The licence number must appear on all rows for which there are data. Upon generation, this column will be left blank for the user to input manually.



HCP 2.0 - B - Reporting Period Month (##)

Updated the "Reporting Period Month (##)" column to accommodate changes to Health Care Practitioners (HCP) report nomenclature, structure, and data requirements. This data appears in column B, and tracks the month of the reporting period. The month will appear in this column in every row in which data has populated.



HCP 2.0 - A - Reporting Period Year (####)

Updated the "Reporting Period Year (####)" column to accommodate changes to Health Care Practitioners (HCP) report nomenclature, structure, and data requirements. This data appears in column A, and tracks the year of the reporting period. The year will appear in this column in every row in which data has populated.



HCP 2.0 - Report generation

Replaced the previous Healthcare Practitioners Report CSV file with a newer version.



CTLS 2.0 - Number of medical shipments by province

Updated/renamed the "Number of Shipments - *Province*" columns to accommodate changes to CTLS report nomenclature, structure, and data requirements. These columns track the number of cannabis shipments received by patients within the reporting month, by province. Provinces/columns are as follows: Alberta/CIJ, British Columbia/CIM, Manitoba/CIP, New Brunswick/CIS, Newfoundland & Labrador/CIV, Nova Scotia/CIY, Northwest Territories/CJB, Nunavut/CJE, Ontario/CJH, Prince Edward Island/CJK, Quebec/CJN, Saskatchewan/CJQ, Yukon/CJT.



CTLS 2.0 - Registrations transferred or returned by province

Updated/renamed the "Number of Registrations - Transferred or Returned - *Province*" columns to accommodate changes to CTLS report nomenclature, structure, and data requirements. These columns track the number of patients with registrations in the Transferred or Returned status during the reporting month, by province. Provinces/columns are as follows: Alberta/CII, British Columbia/CIL, Manitoba/CIO, New Brunswick/CIR, Newfoundland & Labrador/CIU, Nova Scotia/CIX, Northwest Territories/CJA, Nunavut/CJD, Ontario/CJG, Prince Edward Island/CJJ, Quebec/CJM, Saskatchewan/CJP, Yukon/CJS.



CTLS 2.0 - Active registrations by province

Updated/renamed the "Number of Active Registrations - *Province*" columns to accommodate changes to CTLS report nomenclature, structure, and data requirements. These columns track the number of patients who had an active (Approved) registration on the last day of the previous month, by province, and requires each client to have an active and verified prescription. Provinces/columns are as follows: Alberta/CIH, British Columbia/CIK, Manitoba/CIN, New Brunswick/CIQ, Newfoundland & Labrador/CIT, Nova Scotia/CIW, Northwest Territories/CIZ, Nunavut/CJC, Ontario/CJF, Prince Edward Island/CJI, Quebec/CJL, Saskatchewan/CJO, Yukon/CJR.


Miscellaneous Fixes

Ref. Key


Release Notes

End Point


Prevent discrete unit bulk lots and products for packaging runs on Gun

Updated the packaging run workflow on the Gun so that a user can only select from non-discrete Bulk Lots and products. This is a temporary fix to prevent errors, as the Gun App has not yet been updated to accommodate discrete units or the new product classes introduced by the 2019 Cannabis Act update. At present, a user can only use the gun to package Dried (non-discrete) and Extracts-Ingested (non-discrete) product types.



Adjust references of oil check to be has_volume? for bulk lots and product types

Adjusted the references for Bulk Lots and Product Types to use a has_volume? check. This is to accommodate new Bulk Lot types that use volume as a unit of measure, and ensures that when operations of weight and packaging happen, it can work for all Bulk Lot types and Product types that use volume.



HUM - Prescription limits and backorders - logic update

Updated logic surround prescription limits and backorders to ensure clients with potency limits on their medical prescriptions see only appropriate products on the Client Portal. If a patient has a potency limit on their prescription, only SKUs with active lab reports that have "Dried THC Total Equivalence %" and "Dried CBD Total Equivalence %" filled out, and those values fall within the patient's limits, will appear in the products listing. If no inventory is available, and backorders are permitted, only dried products will appear in the Client Portal. The prescription limit will reference the "Default total THC %" and "Default Total CBD %" fields on each SKU's Client Sales Setup tab, and only SKUs for which those values fall within the patient's limits will appear in the products listing.



Packaging runs - changing packaged_on date

When changing the packaged_on date of Packaging Run, the modal now includes a confirmation message to warn the user that switching packaging months will affect monthly reporting numbers.



Lab reports - Set sample date based on sample_sent

When setting a Lab Reports "Sample Sent" setting to "Yes", the "Date Sent" field now auto-populates the current date. This field can no longer be edited. If a lab report's "Sample Sent" setting is set to "Yes", and a user updated it to "No", a confirmation modal now appears stating “If this sample was sent outside of the reporting month, undoing this action could affect monthly reporting.” These changes are to support data integrity for monthly reporting figures.


Legacy Feature Requests

Ref. Key


Release Notes

End Point


Add closed_by and archived_by attributes to Complaints

Added closed_by and archived_by attributes to the complaints table. These data points will help with traceability when complaints are archived through the Close and Archive feature.



Complaint PDF - display Closed By and Archive Reason

Added "Closed By" and "Archive Reason" fields to the Complaint PDF, so a manager can see which user closed/archived the complaint and the reason the complaint was archived.



Traceability for Archive and Close Complaint Feature

Added traceability for the Archive and Close Complaint feature, so an LP can track which user archived a complaint and the reason the complaint was archived.



Lead generation form title copy change

The title of the patient lead generation from on the Client Portal has been renamed from "New Client Registration" to "New Client Registration Request".



Add index on registration_id

Added an index on RegistrationStatusType.registration_id.



Login credentials are not needed for new clients in Lead status

A prospective client is no longer required to create a password when registering with an LP through the Client Portal, as there is nothing for them to log into until their application is approved.



Add Prescription Deduction for oil products to Policy Receipts

Policy Receipts now include the prescription deduction for oil products. This is calculated based on the associated Bulk Lot's oil equivalency factor and the weight/volume of each unit of the oil or capsule SKU.



Revisit policy user flow on Portal

Added an alert to the Shipping selection page on the Client Portal to inform the user that policy deductions will take place on the next page. This is to address a common patient misunderstanding that selecting a shipping method would prompt the payment to process before the patient could apply policies or discounts.



Clear button for Production Site fields

Added a "Clear" button to the Production Site section in the Production for Own Purposes tab of the Registration page. This allows LP CSRs to remove the default production site address so that it does not show up on the registrations of patients who do not order plants.



Access Confirmation of Registration Document from Client Portal

A client can now download their Confirmation of Registration document from their My Profile page on the Client Portal.


Legacy Bug Fixes

Ref. Key


Release Notes

End Point


CSR last name on patient purchase orders

Bug Fix: If a CSR places an order on behalf of a client, the CSR's last name will not appear on the public-facing order receipt. However, the CSR's last name will still appear on the internal receipt and be visible to LP users.



UAT OG Kush - After-Tax Discount - Clients with custom PDF templates

Bug Fix: The Order Confirmation and Policy PDF receipts now display any after-tax discounts, even if the licence holder has a custom template.



UAT OG Kush - Orders - Order Confirmation Receipt does not deduct After-Tax discount to Total Paid

Bug Fix: The Order Confirmation receipt now deducts any after-tax discounts from the total price, so the "Total Paid" field displays accurately.



OG Kush - Seed to Sale - Products - Create New Order - 'Archived' product SKUs are displayed on 'Add Product to Cart' modal

Bug Fix: Archived SKUs no longer appear in the Add Product to Cart modal. The request to retrieve SKUs now excludes archived SKUs.



Some custom shipping logic does not account for differences in shipping address vs registration address

Bug Fix: Custom shipping logic present in select client instances now accounts for the difference between the client's registration address and the selected shipping address. This logic will now assess the client's selected "Ship To" address before determining shipping rates.



Policy Types- 'Archived' items still appear on lists and drop-downs throughout S2S

Bug Fix: Policy types that are 'Archived' by Ample Organics Support will no longer appear on the Policy Types tab or in drop-down menus in the client's Seed-to-Sale environment.



Discount Types- 'Archived' items still appear on lists and drop-downs throughout S2S

Bug Fix: Discount types that are 'Archived' by Ample Organics Support will no longer appear in drop-down menus in the client's Seed-to-Sale environment.



When user requests a renewal, email is not being sent

Bug Fix: The registration renewal request email is now triggered by a valid registration rather than a valid prescription. This allows users to request a registration renewal for–and send a request email to–a client that does not have a valid prescription.



Search queries don't work with first names containing spaces.

Bug Fix: Search queries for a client or physician with a space in their first name (ex. Mary Jane) now correctly identify the name as a first name rather than a first name and last name. This allows users to search for these clients or physicians without encountering issues.



Multiple Registrations are created while unsuccessfully saving a registration

Bug Fix: If a user attempts to save an incomplete registration during the registration renewal process, an empty, duplicate registration object will no longer be created. If the registration's mandatory fields are incomplete, the registration will not save.



Shipping Address for Plants and Seeds is populated when a client is receiving an interim supply of dried/oil

Bug Fix: If a medical patient with a registration certificate is to obtain an interim supply of cannabis, and not plants or seeds, their registration document will hide the "Shipping Address (Plants or Seeds)" section.



Products in Combo Skus are able to be oversold

Bug Fix: Validations have been put in place to prevent clients from purchasing a Combo SKU if any of the child SKUs are out of stock. This error was due to an outdated fix_sku_job version.


Stock Report Updates

Ref. Key


Release Notes

End Point


REP - Reporting Optimization - Wrong Created at Date Populated in Physician Tracker Report

The correct created_at date now populated in the Physician Tracker Report. This bug was due to an issue with inconsistent timezones, which was fixed in a separate ticket.



REP - Reporting Optimization - Unable to generate Batch Inventory Report - Invalid Timezone

Adjusted the Batch Inventory Report's timezone tag to fix a timezone generation error that was preventing the report from generating.



UAT OG Kush - Sales Report - After & Before Tax Discounts - 'Discount %', 'Discount Total' & 'Total' columns displaying inaccurate results

Adjusted the Sales Report to correctly calculate and display discount totals when after-tax discounts are applied.



Destruction Lot Report PDF

Updated Destruction Lot PDF Report and Associated drop-down menus on the Seed-to-Sale platform to accommodate Cannabis Act Regulatory changes. These changes pertain to nomenclature for authorized persons to Responsible Person and Alternate Responsible Person.



CTLS report “Number of Active Registrations- Province” is incorrect

The logic used to calculate registered patient totals on the CTLS report has been updated to look at client registration statuses rather than clients with prescriptions. This ensures report totals are accurate.



Weight Events by Month Report Date Formatting

Values in the "Date" column in the Weight Events by Month report have been updated to the YYYY-MM-DD format. This formatting will persist even if the client opens the report through Microsoft Excel.



Historical Work Order Inventory / Harvest Report (?) Does not Convert UTC to Local Time

Updated the Harvest Report's "Created Date" and the Historical Work Order Inventory Report's "Date Closed" timestamp from UTC to the local time zone timestamp, using the format YYYY-MM-DD.



Inconsistent date formats in reports

Updated date formatting to be consistent across all reports. Dates now appear in all reports as YYYY-MM-DD HH-MM-SS, and the time displayed reflects the LP's local time.



CTLS & CRA Report Symbol Formatting

Removed the no-ASCII dash code from CRA and CTLS report header file, and replaced with another encode style version. This prevents dashes from being converted to other symbols when the spreadsheet is opened through Microsoft Excel.



Sales Report v2 Release Lot #

Removed the square brackets from values populated in the Release Lot # field on the Sales Report v2. This will make it easier for clients to manipulate data in Excel.



Sales Report 2 - Order and Order Item price columns should be separated to prevent calculation misconceptions.

On the Sales Report V2, moved the Order discount and Order Discount After Tax columns away from the Order Item columns to mitigate confusion about how these calculations are determined. This change of column order may affect integrations or automated tasks.


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