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Release Notes: 5.2.0
Release Notes: 5.2.0
Andrew Day avatar
Written by Andrew Day
Updated over a week ago

This page contains the technical release notes for Skunk Haze version 5.2.0, which is slated for release in April 2020. For a summary of changes introduced by this release, visit the 5.2.0 Release Guide.

Follow the links below to jump to notes on specific features.

CTLS Report Updates

Ref. Key


Release Notes

End Point


Stock Reports - Historical Packaged Inventory (Grams) report

Added a new Historical Product Inventory (Grams) Report to assist with inventory reconciliation and general inventory visibility. A user can select a date and generate a report that outlines the packaged inventory (in grams) in stock on that day, broken down by lot and SKU size and ordered by product subclass. This report is accessible through the Products Report Types tab in the Reports module.



SKU Settings - Make Wholesale Price required

Adjusted the Wholesale Price field on the Overview tab in the EA SKU's Profile to be a mandatory field. Upon deployment, any EA SKUs with a nil value in their Wholesale Price field will have this value changed to 0. Additionally, the field will now include a tooltip to inform users that the field is required for closing inventory values in the CTLS report.



Include items_quantity on all batch history events for plants

The items_quantity data point will now appear on all batch history events involving plants.



Reports > Monthly Reports - old report cleanup

Tidied the Monthly Reports tab in the Reports module to eliminate client confusion. The Legacy Health Canada section has been renamed to "Legacy Monthly Reports". The outdated version of the CRA Report has been moved to the Legacy Monthly Reports section and renamed to "CRA Report (2018)". Additionally, added a callout to the Legacy Monthly Reports section to inform clients that the legacy reports will be removed in the next release (5.3.0).



CTLS - Packaged - All types - Closing inventory value ($) - Adjustments

Added functionality to the CTLS report to track monthly "Packaged - *Cannabis Subclass* - Closing Inventory Value ($)" totals for all cannabis product subclasses. This data appears in columns LQ (Dried), MD (Edibles - Solids), MQ (Edibles - Non-Solids), ND (Extracts - Inhaled), NQ (Extracts - Ingested), OD (Extracts - Other), and OQ (Topicals), and tracks the value (based on each SKU's Wholesale Price) of EA units–both discrete and non-discrete–of each product type in the inventory on the last day of the reporting month. This includes EA units available in the inventory, EA units reserved on medical orders that have not been fulfilled, and EA units in cases that have not been sold.



Create Batch from Wholesale Modal- Source field validation

The Create Batch from Wholesale Plants modal has been updated to include a Source field to indicate whether the plants were received from a domestic source or imported. The Source field will not be mandatory for existing wholesale batches but will be mandatory for all wholesale batches created going forward.



Create Seed Lot Modal- Source field validation

Updated the Create Seed Lot modal to include a Source field for the user to indicate whether the Seed Lot was produced internally, received from a domestic source, or imported. The Source field will not be mandatory for existing Seed Lots but will be mandatory for all lots created going forward.



CTLS - Adjust sales queries

Updated columns on the CTLS Report that track the quantity and value of EA units of each product type sold to consumers in each province in the medical market. Province totals are now determined based on each patient's primary residence as listed in their registration, and sales during the reporting month are determined based on each order's shipping date.



CTLS- Unpackaged- Whole Cannabis Plants- Closing Inventory

Corrected an error in the "Unpackaged - Whole Cannabis Plants - Closing Inventory" column, and updated the report to pull this data properly. This data appears in column BI, and tracks the sum quantity of flowering plants in the inventory on the last day of the reporting month. This includes all plants in the flowering stage, both in living batches and open destruction lots.



CTLS- Unpackaged- Whole Cannabis Plants- Opening Inventory

Corrected an error in the "Unpackaged - Whole Cannabis Plants - Opening Inventory" column, and updated the report to pull this data properly. This data appears in column AQ, and tracks the sum quantity of flowering plants in the inventory on the first day of the reporting month. This includes all plants in the flowering stage, both in living batches and open destruction lots.



CTLS- Unpackaged- Vegetative Cannabis Plants- Closing Inventory

Corrected an error in the "Unpackaged - Vegetative Cannabis Plants - Closing Inventory" column, and updated the report to pull this data properly. This data appears in column AO, and tracks the sum quantity of non-flowering plants in the inventory on the last day of the reporting month. This includes all plants that are not in the flowering stage, both in living batches and open destruction lots.



CTLS- Unpackaged- Vegetative Cannabis Plants- Opening Inventory

Corrected an error in the "Unpackaged - Vegetative Cannabis Plants - Opening Inventory" column, and updated the report to pull this data properly. This data appears in column W, and tracks the sum quantity of non-flowering plants in the inventory on the first day of the reporting month. This includes all plants that are not in the flowering stage, both in living batches and open destruction lots.



Alert for the user if combining batches with different sources

Added an alert to inform users that when combining batches with different sources, or splitting batch plants into another batch, the moved plants will adopt the source of the destination batch. If the destination batch has no source, the moved plants will lose their source.



Alert for the user if combining seed lots with different sources

Added an alert to inform users that when combining Seed Lots with different sources, the moved seeds will adopt the source of the destination Seed Lot. The user must check a confirmation box before proceeding.



Historical Plant Inventory Report- Add Targeted for Destruction

Added a column to the Historical Plant Inventory Report to identify any plants that are "Targeted for Destruction". If a given plant was in an open Destruction Sublot on the date specified, this field will read "True". This ensures growers know the number of plants targeted for destruction so they can include these plants in their monthly inventory counts.



Skunk Haze V5.2 - CTLS - Unpackaged - Whole Cannabis Plants - Additions - Produced (#)

Corrected an error in the "Unpackaged - Whole Cannabis Plants - Additions - Produced (#)" column, and updated the report to pull this data properly. This data appears in column AR, and tracks the sum quantity of plants that entered the flowering stage during the reporting month. This excludes any plants created via wholesale that were received in the flowering stage.



Batch History Events by Month report

Added a new Batch History Events Report, which provides a detailed view of every history event that occurred across all batches during a given month. This report is accessible through the Monthly Reports tab in the Reports module.



Stock Reports - Historical Packaged Inventory (Count) report

Added a new Historical Product Inventory (Units) Report to assist with inventory reconciliation and general inventory visibility. A user can select a date and generate a report that outlines the packaged inventory (in Units) in stock on that day, broken down by lot and SKU size and ordered by product subclass. This report is accessible through the Products Report Types tab in the Reports module.



New Destruction Weight Events Report

Added a new Destruction Weight Events Report, which provides a detailed view of every destruction weight event associated with Destruction Lots that were closed during the reporting period. This report is accessible through the Monthly Reports tab in the Reports module.



Plant Creation Report- Add Source Column

Added a column to the Plant Creation Report to track each plant's "Source": Produced, Received-Domestic, or Received-Imported. This column will only populate for plants in batches created via Wholesale.



CTLS - Unpackaged - Whole Cannabis Plants - Reductions - Destroyed (#)

Added functionality to the "Unpackaged - Whole Cannabis Plants - Reductions - Destroyed (#)" column to accommodate changes to CTLS report structure and data requirements. This data appears in column BF, and tracks the total quantity of flowering plants destroyed within the reporting month. This does not count flowering plants in Destruction Lots that have not yet been Closed.



CTLS - Unpackaged - Whole Cannabis Plant - Additions - Received - Domestic (#)

Added functionality to the "Unpackaged - Whole Cannabis Plant - Additions - Received - Domestic (#)" column to accommodate changes to CTLS report structure and data requirements. This data appears in column AS, and tracks the total quantity of flowering plants created via wholesale during the reporting month.



CTLS - Unpackaged - Vegetative Plants - Additions - Produced (#)

Added functionality to the "Unpackaged - Vegetative Plants - Additions - Produced (#)" column to accommodate changes to CTLS report structure and data requirements. This data appears in column X, and tracks the sum quantity of non-flowering plants created via seed or cutting during the reporting month.



CTLS - Unpackaged - Vegetative Plants - Reductions - Destroyed (#)

Added functionality to the "Unpackaged - Vegetative Plants - Reductions - Destroyed (#)" column to accommodate changes to CTLS report structure and data requirements. This data appears in column AL, and tracks the total quantity of non-flowering plants destroyed within the reporting month. This does not count non-flowering plants in Destruction Lots that have not yet been Closed.



CTLS - Unpackaged -Vegetative Plants - Additions - Received - Imported (#)

Added functionality to the "Unpackaged - Vegetative Plants - Additions - Received - Imported (#)" column to accommodate changes to CTLS report structure and data requirements. This data appears in column Z, and tracks the total quantity of non-flowering plants created within the reporting month where the source is set to "Received - Imported".



CTLS - Unpackaged - Vegetative Plants - Additions - Received - Domestic (#)

Added functionality to the "Unpackaged - Vegetative Plants - Additions - Received - Domestic (#)" column to accommodate changes to CTLS report structure and data requirements. This data appears in column Y, and tracks the total quantity of non-flowering plants created within the reporting month where the source is set to "Received - Domestic".



CTLS - Unpackaged - Seeds - Closing Inventory (kg)

Added functionality to the "Unpackaged - Seeds - Closing Inventory (kg)" column to accommodate changes to CTLS report structure and data requirements. This data appears in column U, and tracks the sum weight of seeds in Seed Lots on the last day of the reporting month.



Seed Inventory Report- Additional Information

Added columns to the Seed Inventory Report to track each Seed Lot's "Source" and "Created At" date. The "Source" column will report whether each Seed Lot was Produced, Received-Domestic, or Received-Imported. This update will assist LP users in reporting on additions to seed inventory during a reporting month.



Historical Seed Inventory Report- Additional Information

Added columns to the Historical Seed Inventory Report to track each Seed Lot's "Source" and "Created At" date. The "Source" column will report whether each Seed Lot was Produced, Received-Domestic, or Received-Imported. This update will assist LP users in reporting on additions to seed inventory during a reporting month.



CTLS - Unpackaged - Seeds - Additions - Received - Imported (kg)

Added functionality to the "Unpackaged - Seeds - Additions - Received - Imported (kg)" column to accommodate changes to CTLS report structure and data requirements. This data appears in column G, and tracks the sum weight of seeds in Seed Lots created during the reporting month where the source is "Received - Imported".



CTLS - Unpackaged - Seeds - Additions - Received - Domestic (kg)

Added functionality to the "Unpackaged - Seeds - Additions - Received - Domestic (kg)" column to accommodate changes to CTLS report structure and data requirements. This data appears in column F, and tracks the sum weight of seeds in Seed Lots created during the reporting month where the source is "Received - Domestic".



CTLS - Unpackaged - Seeds - Additions - Produced (kg)

Added functionality to the "Unpackaged - Seeds - Additions - Produced (kg)" column to accommodate changes to CTLS report structure and data requirements. This data appears in column E, and tracks the sum weight of seeds in Seed Lots created during the reporting month where the source is "Produced".



CTLS - Unpackaged - Seeds - Opening Inventory (kg)

Added functionality to the "Unpackaged - Seeds - Opening Inventory (kg)" column to accommodate changes to CTLS report structure and data requirements. This data appears in column D and tracks the sum weight of seeds in Seed Lots on the first day of the reporting month.


CRA Report 2.0

Ref. Key


Release Notes

End Point


CRA - Report access

Added access to the new CTLS Report through the Monthly Reports tab in the Reports module.



CRA - Unpackaged - Pure intermediates - Closing inventory (kg)

Added functionality to the "Unpackaged - Pure Intermediates - Closing Inventory" cell to accommodate changes to CRA report nomenclature, structure, and data requirements. This cell tracks the sum weight in kg of unpackaged Pure Intermediates cannabis in the inventory on the last day of the reporting month. This includes Pure Intermediates Bulk Lots, retained samples and tote weight from Pure Intermediates lots, Pure Intermediates Work Order input weight in Work Orders that are not closed, and Pure Intermediates weight in Destruction sublots that have not been closed.



CRA - Unpackaged - Pure intermediates - Quantity sent for analysis (kg)

Added functionality to the "Unpackaged - Pure Intermediates - Quantity sent for Analysis" cell to accommodate changes to CRA report nomenclature, structure, and data requirements. This cell tracks the sum–in kg–of lab report samples created from Pure Intermediates Bulk Lots, where the lab report's "Sample Sent" setting is set to "Yes", and the "Date Sent" is within the reporting month.



CRA - Unpackaged - Pure intermediates - Quantity taken for further processing or planted (kg)

Added functionality to the "Unpackaged - Pure Intermediates - Quantity taken for further processing or planted" cell to accommodate changes to CRA report nomenclature, structure, and data requirements. This cell tracks the sum–in kg–of Pure Intermediates cannabis weight sent for processing during the reporting month. This includes the total weight from Pure Intermediates Bulk Lots input to Work Orders that were closed during the reporting month, where the output lot type was Edibles-Solids, Edibles-Non-solids, Extracts-Ingested, Extracts-Inhaled, Extracts-Other, or Topicals.



CRA - Unpackaged - Pure intermediates - Total production (kg)

Added functionality to the "Unpackaged - Pure Intermediates - Total Production" cell to accommodate changes to CRA report nomenclature, structure, and data requirements. This cell tracks the sum–in kg–of Pure Intermediates cannabis weight produced during the reporting month. This describes the total Pure Intermediates weight output from Work Orders that were closed during the reporting month.



CRA - Unpackaged - Pure intermediates - Opening inventory (kg)

Added functionality to the "Unpackaged - Pure Intermediates - Opening Inventory" cell to accommodate changes to CRA report nomenclature, structure, and data requirements. This cell tracks the sum weight in kg of unpackaged Pure Intermediates cannabis in the inventory on the first day of the reporting month. This includes Pure Intermediates Bulk Lots, retained samples and tote weight from Pure Intermediates lots, Pure Intermediates Work Order input weight in Work Orders that are not closed, and Pure Intermediates weight in Destruction sublots that have not been closed.



CRA - Unpackaged - Vegetative cannabis plant - Closing inventory (##)

Added functionality to the "Unpackaged - Vegetative Cannabis Plants - Closing Inventory" cell to accommodate changes to CRA report nomenclature, structure, and data requirements. This cell tracks the quantity–in units–of non-flowering plants in the inventory on the last day of the reporting month. This includes any plants in the Propagation or Vegetation stages in living batches or in open Destruction sublots.



CRA - Unpackaged - Vegetative cannabis plant - Quantity transferred to whole cannabis plant (##)

Added functionality to the "Unpackaged - Vegetative Cannabis Plants - Quantity transferred to whole cannabis plant" cell to accommodate changes to CRA report nomenclature, structure, and data requirements. This cell tracks the quantity–in units–of plants that matured from the Vegetation stage to the Flowering stage within the reporting month.



CRA - Unpackaged - Vegetative cannabis plant - Quantity destroyed (##)

Added functionality to the "Unpackaged - Vegetative Cannabis Plants - Quantity Destroyed" cell to accommodate changes to CRA report nomenclature, structure, and data requirements. This cell tracks the quantity–in units–of non-flowering plants in Destruction sublots that were closed during the reporting month.



CRA - Unpackaged - Vegetative cannabis plant - Quantity imported in Canada (##)

Added functionality to the "Unpackaged - Vegetative Cannabis Plant - Quantity imported in Canada" cell to accommodate changes to CRA report nomenclature, structure, and data requirements. This cell tracks the quantity–in units–of non-flowering plants created via Wholesale within the reporting month where the Source is set to "Received-Imported".



CRA - Unpackaged - Vegetative cannabis plant - Quantity received in Canada (##)

Added functionality to the "Unpackaged - Vegetative Cannabis Plant - Quantity received in Canada" cell to accommodate changes to CRA report nomenclature, structure, and data requirements. This cell tracks the quantity–in units–of non-flowering plants created via Wholesale within the reporting month where the Source is set to "Received-Domestic".



CRA - Unpackaged - Vegetative cannabis plant - Total production (##)

Added functionality to the "Unpackaged - Vegetative Cannabis Plants - Total Production" cell to accommodate changes to CRA report nomenclature, structure, and data requirements. This cell tracks the quantity–in units–of non-flowering plants produced during the reporting month. This describes all plants created via cuttings or seeds within the reporting month.



CRA - Unpackaged - Vegetative cannabis plant - Opening inventory (##)

Added functionality to the "Unpackaged - Vegetative Cannabis Plants - Opening Inventory" cell to accommodate changes to CRA report nomenclature, structure, and data requirements. This cell tracks the quantity–in units–of non-flowering plants in the inventory on the first day of the reporting month. This includes any plants in the Propagation or Vegetation stages in living batches or in open Destruction sublots.



CRA - Unpackaged - Viable seed - Quantity taken for further processing or planted

Added functionality to the "Unpackaged - Viable Seed - Quantity taken for further processing or planted" cell to accommodate changes to CRA report nomenclature, structure, and data requirements. This cell tracks the quantity–in units–of seeds converted to plants within the reporting month.



CRA - Unpackaged - Viable seed - Closing inventory (##)

Added functionality to the "Unpackaged - Viable Seed - Closing Inventory" cell to accommodate changes to CRA report nomenclature, structure, and data requirements. This cell tracks the quantity–in units–of seeds in Seed Lots on the last day of the reporting month.



CRA - Unpackaged - Viable seed - Quantity destroyed (##)

Added functionality to the "Unpackaged - Viable Seed - Quantity Destroyed" cell to accommodate changes to CRA report nomenclature, structure, and data requirements. This cell tracks the quantity–in units–of seeds in Destruction sublots that were closed during the reporting month.



CRA - Unpackaged - Viable seed - Quantity imported into Canada (##)

Added functionality to the "Unpackaged - Viable Seed - Quantity imported into Canada" cell to accommodate changes to CRA report nomenclature, structure, and data requirements. This cell tracks the quantity–in units–of seeds in Seed Lots created during the reporting month where the Source is set to "Received-Imported".



CRA - Unpackaged - Viable seed - Quantity received in Canada (##)

Added functionality to the "Unpackaged - Viable Seed - Quantity received in Canada" cell to accommodate changes to CRA report nomenclature, structure, and data requirements. This cell tracks the quantity–in units–of seeds in Seed Lots created during the reporting month where the Source is set to "Received-Domestic".



CRA - Unpackaged - Viable seed - Total production (##)

Added functionality to the "Unpackaged - Viable Seed - Total Production" cell to accommodate changes to CRA report nomenclature, structure, and data requirements. This cell tracks the quantity–in units–of seeds in Seed Lots created within the reporting month, where the source is set to "Produced".



CRA - Unpackaged - Viable seed - Opening inventory (##)

Added functionality to the "Unpackaged - Viable Seed - Opening Inventory" cell to accommodate changes to CRA report nomenclature, structure, and data requirements. This cell tracks the quantity–in units–of seeds in Seed Lots on the first day of the reporting month.



CRA - Unpackaged - Whole cannabis plants - Closing inventory (##)

Added functionality to the "Unpackaged - Whole Cannabis Plants - Closing Inventory" cell to accommodate changes to CRA report nomenclature, structure, and data requirements. This cell tracks the quantity–in units–of flowering plants in the inventory on the last day of the reporting month. This includes any plants in the Flowering stage in living batches or in open Destruction sublots.



CRA - Unpackaged - Whole cannabis plants - Quantity destroyed (##)

Added functionality to the "Unpackaged - Whole Cannabis Plants - Quantity Destroyed" cell to accommodate changes to CRA report nomenclature, structure, and data requirements. This cell tracks the quantity–in units–of flowering plants in Destruction sublots that were closed during the reporting month.



CRA - Unpackaged - Whole cannabis plants - Plant harvested (##)

Added functionality to the "Unpackaged - Whole Cannabis Plants - Plants Harvested" cell to accommodate changes to CRA report nomenclature, structure, and data requirements. This cell tracks the quantity–in units–of flowering plants harvested within the reporting month.



CRA - Unpackaged - Whole cannabis plants - Quantity transferred from vegetative cannabis plant (##)

Added functionality to the "Unpackaged - Whole Cannabis Plants - Quantity transferred from vegetative cannabis plant" cell to accommodate changes to CRA report nomenclature, structure, and data requirements. This cell tracks the quantity–in units–of plants that matured from the Vegetation stage to the Flowering stage within the reporting month.



CRA - Unpackaged - Whole cannabis plants - Quantity received in Canada (##)

Added functionality to the "Unpackaged - Whole Cannabis Plants - Quantity received in Canada" cell to accommodate changes to CRA report nomenclature, structure, and data requirements. This cell tracks the quantity–in units–of flowering plants created via Wholesale within the reporting month where the Source is set to "Received-Domestic".



CRA - Unpackaged - Whole cannabis plants - Opening inventory (##)

Added functionality to the "Unpackaged - Whole Cannabis Plants - Opening Inventory" cell to accommodate changes to CRA report nomenclature, structure, and data requirements. This cell tracks the quantity–in units–of flowering plants in the inventory on the first day of the reporting month. This includes any plants in the Flowering stage in living batches or in open Destruction sublots.



CRA - Unpackaged - Dried/Fresh cannabis - Flowering material - Closing inventory (kg)

Added functionality to the "Unpackaged - Dried/Fresh Cannabis - Flowering Material - Closing Inventory" cell to accommodate changes to CRA report nomenclature, structure, and data requirements. This cell tracks the sum weight in kg of unpackaged dried and fresh cannabis–in both discrete and non-discrete forms–in the inventory on the last day of the reporting month. This includes dried and fresh Bulk Lots, retained samples and tote weight from dried and fresh lots, dried or fresh Work Order input weight in Work Orders that are not closed, and dried and fresh weight in Destruction sublots that have not been closed.



CRA - Unpackaged - Dried/Fresh cannabis - Flowering material - Quantity sent for analysis (kg)

Added functionality to the "Unpackaged - Dried/Fresh Cannabis - Flowering Material - Quantity sent for Analysis" cell to accommodate changes to CRA report nomenclature, structure, and data requirements. This cell tracks the sum–in kg–of lab report samples created from dried Bulk Lots, where the lab report's "Sample Sent" setting is set to "Yes", and the "Date Sent" is within the reporting month.



CRA - Unpackaged - Dried/Fresh cannabis - Flowering material - Quantity taken for further processing or planted (kg)

Added functionality to the "Unpackaged - Dried/Fresh Cannabis - Flowering Material - Quantity taken for further processing or planted" cell to accommodate changes to CRA report nomenclature, structure, and data requirements. This cell tracks the sum–in kg–of fresh and dried cannabis weight sent for processing during the reporting month. This includes the total weight from dried Bulk Lots input to Work Orders that were closed during the reporting month, where the output lot type was Pure Intermediates. This also includes the total weight from fresh Bulk Lots input to Work Orders that were closed during the reporting month, where the output lot type was not fresh.



CRA - Unpackaged - Dried/Fresh cannabis - Flowering material - Quantity packaged (kg)

Added functionality to the "Unpackaged - Dried/Fresh Cannabis - Flowering Material - Quantity Packaged" cell to accommodate changes to CRA report nomenclature, structure, and data requirements. This cell tracks the sum–in kg–of weight packaged from dried Bulk Lots into dried EA SKUs, considering all packaging methods, within the reporting month.



CRA - Unpackaged - Dried/Fresh cannabis - Flowering material - Total production (kg)

Added functionality to the "Unpackaged - Dried/Fresh Cannabis - Flowering Material - Total Production" cell to accommodate changes to CRA report nomenclature, structure, and data requirements. This cell tracks the sum–in kg–of fresh and dried cannabis weight produced during the reporting month. This includes the total weight output to fresh Bulk Lots from harvests–considering all harvest methods–within the reporting month. This also includes the total dried weight output from Work Orders that use the "Convert Fresh to Dried" function, where those Work Orders were closed during the reporting month.



CRA - Unpackaged - Dried/Fresh cannabis - Flowering material - Opening inventory (kg)

Added functionality to the "Unpackaged - Dried/Fresh Cannabis - Flowering Material - Opening Inventory" cell to accommodate changes to CRA report nomenclature, structure, and data requirements. This cell tracks the sum weight in kg of unpackaged dried and fresh cannabis–in both discrete and non-discrete forms–in the inventory on the first day of the reporting month. This includes dried and fresh Bulk Lots, retained samples and tote weight from dried and fresh lots, dried or fresh Work Order input weight in Work Orders that are not closed, and dried and fresh weight in Destruction sublots that have not been closed.


VAC Policy Discounts

Ref. Key


Release Notes

End Point


Skunk Haze - User Management - Multiple instances of duplicate permissions on environments

Bug Fix: Newly deployed permissions no longer appear duplicated in the list of permissions in a User profile.



Skunk Haze 5.2 - Improvement - Design/GUI - Master VAC Policies - Clients - Add Save button beside Archive button in Client's Policies

Moved the Archive button on the Client Policy page to the bottom-left



Skunk Haze 5.2 - Functionality - Master VAC Policies - Archived Policies are being displayed in the Product's Policies page

Bug Fix: Archived Policy Types no longer appear in drop-downs and menus throughout the seed-to-sale software.



Fix Product Policies page to be more presentable and readability

Bug Fix: Fixed the CSS on the Policies tab in the Products module to improve readability .



Post-Production Bug SH5.1 - Optimization - Case SKU - Restock Cases modal

Bug Fix: Fixed a loading issue that caused a long delay when toggling between pages on the Add Cases modal during the restocking workflow.



Post-Production Bug SH5.1 - Functionality - Productions - Bulk Lots - All vault locations and picking bins not displayed in 'Location' modal

Bug Fix: When editing a Bulk Lot's location, all locations configured in the Vault Locations and Picking Bins tab now appear in the Edit Location modal.



Skunk Haze 5.2 - Functionality - Master VAC Policies - Column tables are not sortable

A user can now sort the Updating Policy Type modal by the client's first name, last name, and the policy's expiry date.



Skunk Haze 5.2 - Functionality - Master VAC Policies - Permission - Unable to create Client Policy

Bug Fix: The policy_create permission now enables/unlocks all fields when creating a new client policy. Also, updated the design and messages in success banners.



Skunk Haze 5.2 - Functionality - Master VAC Policies - Permission - Unable to create Policy Type

Bug Fix: The policy_type_create permission now enables/unlocks all fields when creating a new policy type or client policy.



Non-Issue - Skunk Haze 5.2 - Functionality - Master VAC Policies - Policies tab - Existing Policy missing field values once migrated

Bug Fix: Adjusted the client policy migration function so that all existing policy settings are migrated and the Discount on Remaining Amount Owing input fields are set to 0%.



Navigation workflows for saving and modifying a policy and policy type

Added alert messages to confirm when policies and policy types are successfully updated or archived.



Adjust archive action for policy

Added new endpoints to archive and unarchive client policies. These new endpoints replace the previous DELETE request.



Skunk Haze 5.2 - Design/GUI - VAC Policies - User Management - Discount Type Permission Inconsistency

Bug Fix: Discount Type permissions are now properly grouped on the User Profile in the User Management tab. The permissions are not duplicated and/or split between different groupings.



Skunk Haze 5.2 - Functionality - VAC Policies - Client Policies - Product Type input field does not have a max character limit

Added validations to the Discount on Remaining Amount Owing input fields in the Product Type page. As these fields reflect percentages, a user cannot enter a value greater than 100 or less than 0. Additionally, the fields will permit a maximum of two decimal points.



Skunk Haze 5.2 - Design/GUI - VAC Policies - Client Policies - Policies tab inconsistency

The ‘New’ button on the Policies tab page has been changed to ‘Add’



Discount remaining field error text

Added error messages that appear when a user attempts to create a new policy product type with erroneous inputs.



Remove old policy columns

Several columns from the policies table have been transferred to the new policy_type_settings table. As part of this transfer, the outdated columns have been removed from the policies table.



Update checkout process to use new policy type settings

The checkout process now considers the new policy type settings when determining an order's total.



Update client policies endpoint response

Updated the client policies endpoint responses to include new policy type data.



Ability to update policy

Added the ability to update client policies to include policy product type settings.



Ability to update policy type BE

Updated the backend code to support the ability to update a Policy Type that uses the updated functionality.



Ability to create a new policy BE

Updated the backend code to support the ability to create a client policy with the updated policy type functionality.



Ability to archive policy type

Added the ability to archive/unarchive a policy type. Also, moved the active_clients_for_policy_type action from the reports controller to the policy types controller as a member action, and renamed it to active_clients_report. It now receives an ID through its route rather than requiring a separate query param.



Allow prepended addons to AoInput Component

AoInput will now allow for addons on the left side of the input field.



Ability to create new a Policy Type BE

Updated the backend code to support the ability to create a Policy Type with the updated functionality.



Update policy types index action

Updated the policy types index action to retrieve a list of active clients, the date the policy type was added, and the date the policy type was last updated in the JSON response. Also, added pagination parameters and a filter to display/hide archived policy types.



Migrate existing patient policies

Created a migration function to convert existing patient policies to the new configuration.



Add new database columns to the backend (ie. Policy Type)

Added new database columns to the backend to support the updated policy type functionality.



Publish using new version of Blaze

Published VAC policy/policy types updates using a new version of Blaze.



Create Switch component

Created a Switch component.



Refactor to existing Policy Show page to Vue

Refactored the Show Policy page to use Vue.js framework.



Create policy type settings page

Added a Policy Type Settings page for the user to configure and/or update a policy type's default settings and coverage. Updating data on a policy type's Settings page will affect any client policies of that policy type.



Allow updating and creating of policy types in core

Updating and creating policy types is now allowed in the core repository.



Update Policy type endpoints

Updated policy types endpoints to accommodate the new policy type default settings and consider the waterfall effect of updating and archiving a policy type.



Front-end updates to policy type index page

Updated the Policy Types index page to include pagination and columns to list the number of active clients using the policy type, the date the policy type was added and the date the policy type was last updated.



Control policies via master policy settings

When updating a policy, LP CSRs can now update the "default" settings of the policy in the Policy Types sub-tab. Any change made to an entry in the Policy Types tab will be reflected in any client policy of that policy type.



Create policy and discount type user permissions

Added permissions to control whether or not a user can create, update, or archive/unarchive policy types and client policies.



Set policy discounts by product type - VAC

Added the ability for LP users who work with clients with VAC policies–which cover $8.50/gram for cannabis products–to customize how much of the remaining cost the LP will cover for each product type. This ensures the LP can accommodate VAC discounts for clients who purchase expensive products with few prescription grams, like cannabis oil, without paying the majority of the cost out of pocket. For example, an LP user can configure a client's VAC policy so that 100% of the remaining cost–beyond the $8.50/gram covered by VAC–of dried flower cannabis products is covered by the LP, while only 10% of the remaining cost of cannabis oil is covered by the LP.


Feature Requests

Ref. Key


Release Notes

End Point


Reclaim Bottles Migration Script

Created a migrations script for bottles reclaimed prior to 5.2.0.



Reclaimed Bottles Report and List

Added a new Reclaimed Bottles Report for users to pull a list of all bottles reclaimed within a given timeframe. This report will be accessible through the Inventory report types tab in the Reports module. Additionally, added the ability for users to generate a list of bottles reclaimed from a given Packaging Run or Received Inventory. A reclaimed bottles list is accessible through the Inventory tab in a SKU's Profile, and the button will only appear if the selected run or inventory has reclaimed bottles. Finally, added a "Bottle Reclaimed" column to the Forensics Report to identify whether or not a given bottle or EA unit has been reclaimed.



Create backend Reclaim Bottles service

Added a new endpoint to accommodate the mass bottle reclamation process through the SKU's Profile.



Add pagination to Discount Types

Added pagination to the new Discount Types index in the Discounts module.



Control discount type settings

Added the ability for LP users to add and edit discount types. This allows the user to differentiate between different types of Compassionate Pricing, Manual, Or Shipping discounts when generating reports. This update involves the addition of a new Discount Types tab in the Discounts module.



Update Bulk Lot "Migrated ID"

Added the ability to edit a Bulk Lot's Migrated ID field from the lot's Overview tab.



Reclaim bottles (webapp)

Added the ability to reclaim bottles in a Packaging Run or Received Inventory en masse from the Inventory tab in the SKU's Profile. A user is able to select a range or quantity of bottles to reclaim from a given run or inventory. Any bottles that are unavailable (purchased, destroyed, cased, etc.) cannot be reclaimed and will not be listed on the Reclaim Bottles modal.


Miscellaneous Updates

Ref. Key


Release Notes

End Point


Wholesale Cannabis orders in BC are not subject to PST

Bug Fix: Wholesale orders shipped to vendors in BC are no longer subject to PST.



Skunk Haze 5.2 - Products - Combo Sku - Available for Purchase inventory on Combo SKU does not display inventory >9000 units

Bug Fix: A Combo SKU's available inventory is no longer capped at 9000 units.



Ensure that "packaged weight" is current, not cumulative

Bug Fix: The "Packaged Weight" columns on the Bulk Inventory Report, Historical Bulk Inventory Report, Productions Index, and Production Profile now represent the current packaged weight in the inventory, rather than the cumulative amount packaged over time.



Potency Threshold Defaults - Enable all defaults and adjust names

Updated the field tags on the Lab Report Thresholds page to be consistent with the units of measure they represent on the Lab Report page. Additionally, potency defaults are now enabled in lab reports of all Bulk Lot types, and the blue callout has been removed from all lab report pages.



Show Sample Discrete Units on Lab Report listing if applicable

Added a "Sample Discrete Units" column on the Lab Reports tab. This column will only appear in Bulk Lots that use discrete units.



Adjust Work Orders tab listing for Discrete Units for Bulk Lot transfers

The tables on the Work Orders tab in a Bulk Lot Profile now include columns to track the number of discrete units taken or received from each Work Order. These columns only appear in Bulk Lots that use discrete units as a unit of measure.



Fix Total Harvests value shown on Bulk Lot Overview on MPR tab

Bug Fix: The Total Harvests field on the Mass Packaging Runs tab in a Bulk Lot Profile now populates properly. If the Bulk Lot has no harvests, the field will display as a dash (-).



Edibles-Non-Solids - Enable reporting thresholds and potency default settings

Enabled the reporting threshold fields for mg/g potencies in lab reports in Edibles-Non-Solids (non-discrete) Bulk Lots. Enabled the reporting threshold fields for mg/unit potencies in lab reports in Edibles-Non-Solids (discrete) Bulk Lots.



Edibles-Solids - Enable reporting thresholds and potency default settings

Enabled the reporting threshold fields for mg/g potencies in lab reports in Edibles-Solids (non-discrete) Bulk Lots. Enabled the reporting threshold fields for mg/unit potencies in lab reports in Edibles-Solids (discrete) Bulk Lots.



Extracts-Ingested - Enable reporting thresholds and potency default settings

Enabled the reporting threshold fields for mg/g potencies in lab reports in Extracts-Ingested (non-discrete) Bulk Lots. Enabled the reporting threshold fields for mg/unit potencies in lab reports in Extracts-Ingested (discrete) Bulk Lots.



Extracts-Inhaled - Enable reporting thresholds and potency default settings (mg/g)

Enabled the reporting threshold fields for mg/g potencies in lab reports for Extracts-Ingested Bulk Lots (both discrete and non-discrete). Additionally, adjusted the mg/ml field labels in Settings > Core Default Settings > Lab Report Threshold Defaults to use mg as a unit of measurement.



Sales Report 2 - Add UPC and GTIN

Added two new columns to the Sales Report V2: UPC & GTIN. The report pulls this data from each SKU's settings.



Inventory Balance Report - Add UPC and GTIN

Added two new columns to the Inventory Balance Report: UPC & GTIN. The report pulls this data from each SKU's settings.



Sales Report 2 - Use SKU data from order

Bug Fix: Adjusted the Sales Report V2 to pull data per line item based on order data, rather than using the SKU's current settings. this affects the Product name, SKU Name, Retail Price, and UPC columns.



Adjust Dropdown item for Restock Cases when disabled

Bug Fix: If a user does not have the casing_run_restock permission, or if a casing run was migrated from a case Packaging Run created before version 5.0.0, the "Restock Cases" button on the dropdown menu no longer appears as a blank space. Instead, help text will appear to inform the user why restocking the cases is not possible.



Client Portal - Product pricing display changes

On the Client Portal, product prices as displayed on the product listing and individual product pages now properly display the retail price per gram or per package, depending on the product's cannabis subclass and discrete unit setting.



Fix harvest index response for date opened and date closed keys

The harvest index response has been updated to include keys for date_opened and date_closed. Columns have been added to the harvest list view to display these data points. Additionally, the Harvest tab's Created At column will now populate properly.



Fix dispensing record date time format

Updated the Date Added column on the Dispensing Record tab in the Order Profile to display dates in a human-readable date format.



Mass packaging runs - volume field adjustments

When performing a Mass Packaging Run to package bottles into an Extracts SKU with no value in the "Net Volume" field, fields related to volume will no longer appear on the Mass Packaging Run page.



Skunk Haze 5.1 Hot Fix - Productions - Mass Packaging Runs - Unable to create a mass packaging run into a SKU with no 'Net Volume' populated

Bug Fix: A user can now successfully create a Mass Packaging Run into an Extracts-Inhaled or Extracts-Other SKU when the Net Volume is blank. This accommodates extracts products that aren't measured by volume.



Fix complaints pertains to membership navigation links

Bug Fix: Repaired the links in a complaint's Pertains To section, so a user can successfully navigate to an associated product or Bulk Lot.



Fix Retained Samples List view table rows

In Bulk Lots that do not use volume or discrete units as units of measure, the Retained Samples table will display blank values in the Volume and Discrete Units columns.



Remove volume validations for extracts-inhaled, extracts-other, pure intermediates (discrete and non)

Removed volume validations from Extracts-Inhaled, Extracts-Other, and Pure Intermediates Bulk Lots, and from Extracts-Inhaled and Extracts-Other products. Cannabis in these forms is not always measured in volume, so it is no longer mandatory to track the volume of these Bulk Lot types and product subclasses.



Destruction Lots marked as 'Destroyed' in S2S are displayed in the 'Destruction' module on gun app

Bug Fix: Destruction Lots that have been "destroyed" will no longer appear in the Destruction Lot index on the Gun App.



Skunk Haze v5.1 - Capsule Migration - Product SKU - # of discrete units per EA did not get migrated

When migrating capsule products from the OG Kush version (4.0.0) to the Skunk Haze version (5.0.0), the "Capsules per Bottle" value now migrates to the new "Discrete Unit per EA Unit" field.



Skunk Haze - Capsule Migration - Extracts-Ingested Bulk Lot discrepancies

Bug Fix: Capsule migrations now function as expected.



Post Production - OG Kush - BC Vape Tax - VAC not deducting from 20% vapour tax

Bug Fix: The VAC policy discount now applies to British Columbia's increased 20% PST vape tax the same way it does to regular PST.



Capsules Migration

Created a migration function to convert a client's existing capsule products from the outdated Capsules subclass (used in the OG Kush version) to the new Extracts-Ingested (discrete) product subclass (Used in version 5.1.0). This involves converting each capsules product and SKU to the appropriate product subclass, migrating the value in the "Capsules per Bottle" field to the "Discrete Units per EA Unit" field, converting each Bulk Lot with a packaging run associated to a capsule SKU to a new Extracts-Ingested (discrete) Bulk Lot, and updating the affected Bulk Lots' lab report potencies and retained sample attributes to consider discrete units.



Productions - Print Available EA units for Packaging Run and Received Inventory prints all bottles

Bug Fix: When printing EA units for a Packaging Run or Received Inventory, the Print All Available EA Units option will now exclude any units in the range that have been purchased, cased, reclaimed, or made otherwise unavailable. The "Total" field will reflect the accurate quantity of labels that will be printed using this option.



Expired Users Client Overview still shows "Can Place Order Status"

Bug Fix: When a patient's prescription expires, the “CAN PLACE ORDERS” heading in patient’s Overview page now updates to “CANNOT PLACE ORDERS", and the tab turns from green to yellow.



UAT OG Kush - Orders - Order Confirmation Receipt does not deduct After-Tax discount to Total Paid

Bug Fix: The Order Confirmation receipt now deducts any after-tax discounts from the total price, so the "Total Paid" field displays accurately.



UAT OG Kush - Orders - Total Price is not being reflected of any discounts

Renamed the "Total Cost" column in the Orders index to "Total Due". Additionally, the column now considers discounts and displays the accurate total amount due.



Registration Document does not accurately indicate what it is based on

Bug Fix: If the “Production for Own Purposes” information under the client’s registration is completed, the statement on the registration document now indicates that “Registration is based on a registration certificate”; If the "Production for Own Purposes" section is not filled out, this text defaults to “Registration is based on a medical document”



Add "Destruction Lot ID" on plant and batch destruction reports

Added the following columns to the Plant Destruction and Batch Destruction Reports: Destruction Lot ID, Destruction Lot Name, Destruction Sublot ID, Destruction Sublot Name.



Productions - Archived cannabis forms appearing in the list

Bug Fix: Archived cannabis forms no longer appear in drop-down lists throughout the Seed-to-Sale software.



Skunk Haze v5.1 - Reports - Sales Report v2 - Release Lot # column is being converted to Scientific Notation when opened in Excel

Bug Fix: Bulk Lot names now display properly in the Release Lot # column on the Sales Report v2. Bulk Lots with numbered named of 12+ digits are no longer converted to scientific notation, and Bulk Lots with string names are no longer converted to integers and displayed as "0".



Skunk Haze 5.1 - Products - Intermittent error when changing price from Consistent to Regional Pricing vv

Bug Fix: Users are now able to switch between consistent and regional pricing without eliciting an error.



UAT Phase - HUM - Productions - Lab Reports - Ability to edit lab report potencies once the Lab report has been set Active and Released

Bug Fix: A user can no longer update potency results on lab reports if the report is set to "Active" and the Bulk Lot is released.



HUM - Products - Casing Runs - Casing Records no longer displayed after the associated packaging run is deleted

Bug Fix: When cases are restocked and bottles are returned to a source Packaging Run, and then that Packaging Run is deleted, the case records no longer disappear from the Casing Run Report PDF.



HUM - Products - Product Profile Overview - 'SKUs' list caching issue

Bug Fix: Fixed a caching issue that prevented newly added SKUs from showing up in the SKUs index if a user navigated out of and back to the Overview tab after creating the SKU.



HUM - Product - Casing Run - User can access restock cases flow despite not having any case IDs

Bug Fix: Users are no longer able to access the Restock Cases workflow if the selected Casing Run has no inventory to restock. Instead, attempting to restock an empty Casing Run will elicit an error modal.



HUM - DESIGN - Casing Runs - Casing Record - Columns require more padding

Bug Fix: Added more padding to the Net Weight (g) and Packaging Run ID columns on the Casing Record PDF.



HUM - Bulk Lot - Lab Reports - Hover highlight to be highlighted through entire row

Bug Fix: Hovering over an entry on the Lab Reports tab now highlights the entire table row, rather than everything up to the last column.



HUM - Productions - Productions Overview - Unable to sort header

A user can now sort the Productions index by any column header.


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