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Release Notes 6.3.0
Release Notes 6.3.0
Andrew Day avatar
Written by Andrew Day
Updated over a year ago

This page contains the technical release notes for version 6.3.0. For a summary of changes introduced by this release.

Follow the links below to jump to notes on specific features.


Accessory Adjustment Updates

JIRA Reference


Story Description


Accessory adjustment reason code Settings

LPs can now add an Accessory Adjustment Reason Code from the Settings tab in the Products module.


Specifying a Reason code when adjusting the inventory count of Accessories

When adjusting the inventory count of accessories, LPs can now specify a reason for the adjustment using the Accessory Adjustment Reason Code.


Adjustment Log modal changes

Reason column has been added to the Adjustment Log modal, and the CSV file has been updated to include the Adjustment Reason column.

Product Pricing

JIRA Reference


Story Description


Add start and end dates to Sale Price

LPs can now configure a Start Date and End Date when configuring a Sale Price in the SKU’s Client Sales Setup.

The following reports are set to display the SKU retail price at the time of placing the order.

  • Sales Report

  • Sales Report v2


Exempt a patient from sale prices if they belong to a specific Sales Channel

LPs can now manage who is eligible for sales pricing by excluding selected Sales Channels

SeeGuide in Appendix


Product Price Import tool

Added the ability to update Product Pricing in bulk.

A new permission called "product_price_import" has been added to support this functionality. This permission is automatically added to users with Admin security role.


Historical Product Price Report

A new report is created, which is a snapshot of product/SKU prices, for any Selected Historical Date, so LPs can validate pricing.


JIRA Reference


Story Description


Allow archiving of expired Discount Types

Allows the LP to archive Discount Types that are no longer in use. Archiving a Discount Type does not automatically archive Discounts associated with it.

When a Discount Type is associated with an active Discount, the system will prevent archiving of the Discount Type.


Add start dates to Discounts

LP can now set a Start Date on discounts so they can pre-configure discounts.

Patients will not be able to use discounts outside of the period assigned.


Prevent Shipping discounts from over-applying

Fixed a bug in the application where applying multiple shipping discounts, or a shipping discount with policy coverage, exceeds the cost of shipping charged to the patient.


Add Shipping Discount to Sales Reports

Adds a column in the Sales Report and Sales Report v2 to indicate the amount of discount applied to Shipping.


Apply discount restrictions to specific products

Added the ability to apply discounts to a specific selection of products so that LPs can limit the discount to only those items.


Enforce validation on checkout codes

Previously, clients could enter a Checkout Code in the Portal and apply it without restrictions.

Now, once a patient enters the Discount Code, the system validates against the Discount Configuration before applying the discount to the order.


Update Usage Notes of Discounts

The Usage Notes in the Discount module has been updated to include new updates.

Declared mg of THC

JIRA Reference


Story Description


Record Declared mg of THC of Received Inventories – Packaged

The Declared mg of THC for Packaged Received Inventories will now be displayed in the SKU > Inventory tab.

This value will be displayed for all Cannabis products that are required for CRA reporting, which excludes Dried.

The calculation of values will depend on if the SKU is set to use potencies on the lab report, Client Sales Setup, or declared mg. This value will reconcile as bottles are sold, destroyed, reverted, cased, reclaimed, or returned, etc.

AMP-165, AMP-281

Record Declared mg of THC of Packaging Runs

The Declared mg of THC for Packaging Runs will now be displayed in the SKU > Inventory tab.

This value will be displayed for all Cannabis products that are required for CRA reporting, which excludes Dried.

The calculation of values will depend on if the SKU is set to use potencies on the lab report, Client Sales Setup, or declared mg. This value will reconcile as bottles are sold, destroyed, reverted, cased, reclaimed, or returned, etc.

See Known Gap below – CRA reporting


Manually edit/set Declared mg of THC

LPs can now modify the Declared mg of THC of both Packaging Runs and Received Inventories.

To facilitate the feature above, new permissions were created:

  • packaging_run_declare_thc

  • received_inventory_declare_thc

These new permissions are automatically assigned to anyone with an Admin security role.

Once Declared mg of THC is modified, the value will not change regardless if LP changes the Potency Setting Selection of the SKU. The only way to update the value is to modify it again.

Client Registration Updates

JIRA Reference


Story Description


Change the default option for Gender

The default option for Gender has been changed to Undisclosed.


Native Status ID

When the Native Status flag is selected in a client registration, LPs now can provide the Native Status ID. The client will also be exempt from all taxes.

The Order Receipt has also been updated to display the Native Status ID.


Overlapping Renewal and Amendment Requests

This change ensures that a client will not have Amendment and Renewal active on the same registration, which will prevent issues when filling out the forms in the Portal.


  1. If a client’s registration is Pending Amendment, LPs will not be able to request for Renewal.

  2. If a client’s registration is Pending Amendment, LPs will be able to create Renewal. Registration in Pending Amendment status will remain Active.

  3. If a client’s registration is Pending Renewal, when CSR requests for Amendment, a warning modal will be displayed saying the Amendment will replace the Renewal request. This assumes that the CSR will request an Amendment on the active Registration and not the Registration in Pending Renewal status.

  4. If a client’s registration is Pending Renewal, LPs will be able to create an Amendment. A new registration with the status Amendment Verification should be created and set as Active.

Policy Receipt Updates

JIRA Reference


Story Description


Change Date of Order to the date the order is Placed

The Policy Receipt will now display the date the order was Placed rather than the date the order was Created in the Date of Order field.


Use Order Placed date as the basis of Prescription Periods

When enabled, the Prescription Period can use the Order Purchased On date as the basis instead of the Anticipated Delivery Date.

The First Date of Sale field will also use this logic, in the following documents:

  • Order Confirmation

  • Shipping Receipt

  • Policy Receipt

Shipping Updates

JIRA Reference


Story Description

AMP-554, AMP-526

Show Order info in the shipment batch

The Order ID, Carrier, and Shipped on Date will now be displayed when orders are added to a shipment batch.


Prevent shipment batches from allowing multiple carriers

Shipment batch is now limited to only one carrier.


JIRA Reference


Story Description


Prescription Tracker

The Verified On column, which displayed the date and time in UTC, will now display the date and time based on the system’s time zone.


Unshipped Orders

LPs can now use the Start Date and End Date parameters to filter the report. These parameters remain optional.


Product Inventory Breakdown v2

The QA Status column has been added to the report. This column will display the status of the Bulk Lot.


Product Sales

The Price column has been renamed to Retail Price.


Plant Movement

Adjusted the End Date parameter to the end of the day, so that all plants moved on the same date as the End Date will be included in the report.


Accessory Adjustment Report

A new report has been added to the Inventory tab.

This report will list adjustments made on all Accessories SKUs in the period chosen.

Required parameters: Start Date and End Date.


Last Date of Sale Report

Optimized reports to generate faster.

The Last Date of Sale column, which displayed the date and time in UTC, will now display the date and time based on the system’s time zone.

Minor Features/Updates

JIRA Reference


Story Description


Limit reclaiming bottles with Delete option outside of current month

Users will no longer be able to Reclaim or Delete bottles packed outside of the current month to prevent reporting issues.

Users can still do the following:

  1. Simple reclaims outside of current month.

  2. Reclaim or delete bottles packed within current reporting month.


Packaged On date on Inventory > Packaging Runs

Previously, the Packaged On column in the SKU > Inventory tab > Packaging Runs sub-tab would change when the user updated the time zone on their device, causing date discrepancies.

The Packed On column is now converted to date format, instead of date & time format to avoid this issue.

AMP-423, AMP-81

Editing Notes

When editing a note, a new label Last Updated By "User" and "date/time" will now be displayed in the Edit Note modal.


Expose Order Transaction Logs to end users

Order transaction logs will now be displayed in the application to give LPs more visibility.

A Transaction Logs tab will be displayed in the Orders module which will display all transaction logs for all orders.

Within an order, a Transaction Logs tab is also added which will display logs specific to that order.

Note that when searching for logs using Client ID, only new orders placed after deployment will be visible since this is a new column in the database.


Picking List

The Picking List has been revamped to display a more organized summary.


Refill Orders

A new Reorder option is now available in the Order Overview page. This will allow CSRs to place a replica of the previous order, provided that there is stock availability.


Add Received Inventory field in the Shipment Overview

When a shipment case originates from received inventory, the Received Inventory ID number will now be displayed in the Shipment Overview > Line Items section.


Convert wholesale columns used as dates from timestamp to date

A shipment’s Shipped Date and Delivery Date have been changed from date & time format to date format, preventing the dates from shifting due to time zone differences.


Prevent archived and disabled users from logging in Client Portal

Client accounts that have been archived or disabled on the Client Overview page will no longer be able to login the Client Portal.

Note that changing registration to Disabled status does not work the same way.


Sort product terpene profile by potency

The Terpene Profile section in a Product Detail page will now be sorted based on potency, from highest to lowest.

Security and Performance Improvements

JIRA Reference


Story Description

AMP-507, AMP-674, AMP-652

Improve speed of Productions and Bulk Lots index

Cached Packaged Weight and Unpackaged Weight values in a materialized view in the database, to help improve the load time of Production and Bulk Lot Index pages.


Improve speed of bulk lot selection on Wholesale

Improved the speed of displaying Bulk Lots when receiving inventory and creating an Unpackaged Sales Order.


Reduce Sales Order data being pulled when editing a Vendor

When editing a Vendor, the data being pulled for Incomplete Sales Order has been reduced to minimum, to help improve the load time.


Security - Use of components with known vulnerabilities

The moment.js library has been updated and is now being installed via NPM rather than Bower.

The main dashboard has been slightly redesigned to accommodate the replacement of Highcharts with Chart.js.


Security – Fix SQL injections in sort/order parameters

Removed all remaining instances of completely invalidated string interpolation when ordering database results in controllers.

Bug Fixes

JIRA Reference


Story Description


Fix duplicate destruction entry when concurrent requests are made

System now locks the bottles that are in process of destruction to avoid duplicates.


Fix Sales by Line Item report duplicating amount on GST column

Fixed issue where if the shipment is fulfilled from different bulk lots, the GST column will display the same amount on each Bulk Lot row.

The GST column is now divided into Bulk Lot rows.


Add migration to reserialize Easypost shipment trackers

Upon executing the new migration, orders and shipments created in a version of Ample older than 6.1 should appear correctly in the Weekly Shipping tab.


Remove extra Retained Sample Weight column in Bulk Lot Weight Transfer modal

Removed an extra cell being displayed when viewing a list of destination bulk lots in the weight transfer dialog causing the columns to shift.

Assumptions, Risks, Dependencies & References

Appendix: Assumptions





Base SKU Sale Price

When a Sale Price is previously configured on a SKU, the SKU will remain on Sale until Sale Price Start and End Date is configured.


Historical Product Price report

Since this is a snapshot report, the report cannot be generated on the day the new version is deployed on the LP’s environment. The report will be available the next day.

Appendix: Known Gaps


JIRA Reference




CRA report – Declared mg of THC

The CRA report is yet to be updated to include the Declared mg of THC of the non-Dried products.

Guide – Sale Price exemption of a Sales Channel

You can now configure and prevent customers belonging to a specific Sales Channel from viewing the Sale Price of a product in the S2S app. Listed below are possible scenarios that you will come across and their expected results.

The green arrow means the customer can see the product sale price and the red arrow means the customer cannot see the product sale price.


VAC Sales Channel - Exempt from Sale Price

General Sales Channel - not Exempt from Sale Price

Scenario 1:

VAC C is in VAC Sales Channel

General C is in General Sales Channel

Product A & B in both Sales Channel

Expected Result:

VAC C should NOT be able to see Sale Price of Product A & B

General C should be able to see Sale Price of Product A & B


Scenario 2:

VAC C and General C in both Sales Channel

Product A is in VAC Sales Channel

Product B is in General Sales Channel

Expected Result:

Both VAC C and General C should NOT be able to see Sale Price of Product A

Both VAC C and General C should be able to see Sale Price of Product B


Scenario 3:

VAC C and General C in both Sales Channel

Product A & B in both Sales Channel

Expected Result:

Both VAC C and General C should NOT be able to see Sale Price of Product A & B


Scenario 4:

VAC C is in VAC Sales Channel

General C is in General Sales Channel

Product A is in VAC Sales Channel

Product B is in General Sales Channel

Expected Result:

VAC C should NOT be able to see Sale Price of Product A

VAC C should NOT be able to see Product B (diff Sales Channel)

General C should be able to see Sale Price of Product B

General C should NOT be able to see Product A (diff Sales Channel)


Guide – Record Declared mg of THC

The table below shows the formula used in calculating the Declared mg of THC based on the Potency Setting selected in the Client Sales Setup of the SKU and the unit of measurement.

Product Type

Potency Setting



Extracts – Ingested

Lab Report


Formula: Total THC * EA Net Weight * EA Units

Sample Computation:

Total THC: 13 mg/g

EA Net Weight: 18g

EA Units: 15

Total THC on SKU Inventory: 3510 mg

Extracts – Ingested

Lab Report


Formula: Total THC * EA Net Volume * EA Units

Sample Computation:

Total THC: 10 mg/ml

EA Net Volume: 20ml

EA Units: 15

Total THC on SKU Inventory: 3000mg

Extracts – Ingested

SKU Default


Formula: THC Total mg/g * EA Net Weight * EA units

Sample Computation:

Total THC: 12 mg/g

EA Net Weight: 30g

EA Units: 15

Total THC on SKU Inventory: 5400 mg

Extracts – Ingested

SKU Default


Formula: THC Total mg/ml * EA Net Volume * EA units

Sample Computation:

Total THC: 12 mg/g

EA Net Weight: 30g

EA Units: 15

Total THC on SKU Inventory: 5400 mg

Extracts – Ingested Discrete

Lab Report


Formula: Total THC * Discrete unit per EA unit * EA Units

Sample Computation:

Total THC: 10 mg

Discrete unit per EA unit: 10

EA Units: 15

Total THC on SKU Inventory: 1500mg

Extracts – Ingested Discrete

SKU Default


Formula: Total mg per Discrete unit * Discrete unit per EA unit * EA Units

Sample Computation:

Total THC: 15 mg

Discrete unit per EA unit: 10

EA Units: 15

Total THC on SKU Inventory: 2250mg

Extracts – Inhaled

Lab Report


Formula: Total THC * EA Net Weight * EA Units

Sample Computation:

Total THC: 14.897 mg/g

EA Net Weight: 20g

EA Units: 15

Total THC on SKU Inventory: 4469.1 mg

Extracts – Inhaled

SKU Default


Formula: THC Total mg/g * EA Net Weight * EA units

Sample Computation:

Total THC: 3.466 mg/g

EA Net Weight: 10.123g

EA Units: 15

Total THC on SKU Inventory: 526.295 mg

Extracts – Inhaled Discrete

Lab Report


Formula: Total THC * EA Net Weight * EA Units

Sample Computation:

Total THC: 14.275 mg/g

EA Net Weight: 10g

EA Units: 15

Total THC on SKU Inventory: 2141.25 mg

Extracts – Inhaled Discrete

SKU Default


Formula: THC Total mg/g * EA Net Weight * EA units

Sample Computation:

Total THC: 2.674 mg/g

EA Net Weight: 10.129g

EA Units: 15

Total THC on SKU Inventory: 406.274 mg

Extracts – Other

SKU Default


Formula: THC Total mg/g * EA Net Weight * EA units

Sample Computation:

Total THC: 10 mg/g

EA Net Weight: 20g

EA Units: 15

Total THC on SKU Inventory: 3000 mg

Extracts – Other Discrete

SKU Default


Formula: THC Total mg/unit * Discrete unit per EA unit * EA units

Sample Computation:

Total THC: 10 mg/unit

Discrete unit per EA unit: 5

EA Units: 15

Total THC on SKU Inventory: 750mg


Lab Report


Formula: Total THC * EA Net Weight * EA Units

Sample Computation:

Total THC: 89.9765 mg/g

EA Net Weight: 50g

EA Units: 15

Total THC on SKU Inventory: 67482.375 mg


SKU Default


Formula: THC Total mg * EA units

Sample Computation:

Total THC: 9 mg

EA Units: 15

Total THC on SKU Inventory: 135 mg


SKU Default


Formula: THC Total mg/g * EA Net Weight * EA units

Sample Computation:

Total THC: 9 mg

EA Units: 15

Total THC on SKU Inventory: 135 mg

Topicals Discrete

SKU Default


Formula: THC Total mg/unit * Discrete unit per EA unit * EA Units

Sample Computation:

Total THC: 1.5 mg/unit

Discrete unit per EA unit: 5

EA Units: 15

Total THC on SKU Inventory: 112.5mg

Topicals Discrete

SKU Default


Formula: THC Total mg/g/unit * SKU Net weight per discrete unit * Discrete unit per EA unit * EA Units

Sample Computation:

Total THC: 1.5 mg/g/unit

EA Net Weight per Discrete unit: 1g

Discrete unit per EA unit: 10

EA Units: 15

Total THC on SKU Inventory: 225mg

Edibles Non-Solids

SKU Default


Formula: THC Total mg * EA units

Sample Computation:

Total THC: 10 mg

EA Units: 10

Total THC on SKU Inventory: 20mg

Edibles Non-Solids Discrete

SKU Default


Formula: Total THC per EA unit * EA units

Sample Computation:

Total THC: 2 mg

EA Units: 2

Total THC on SKU Inventory: 4mg

Edibles Solids

SKU Default


Formula: THC Total mg * EA units

Sample Computation:

Total THC: 7 mg

EA Units: 15

Total THC on SKU Inventory: 105mg

Edibles Solids Discrete

SKU Default


Formula: Total THC per EA unit * EA units

Sample Computation:

Total THC: 100 mg

EA Units: 15

Total THC on SKU Inventory: 1500mg


  • When the Potency setting is changed, if a Packaging Run or Received Inventory’s Total THC is not manually edited, then the value will change based on the selection. If the value has been manually edited previously, then the value will not change regardless of the potency setting selected.

  • Received Inventory will follow the same rules/calculations as Packaging Runs.

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